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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 139 KB, 1231x703, avrg girl reading kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423523 No.7423523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>people still post on the inferior politically correct, heavily moderated chan

What's a good book about people who are retarded and stuck in their ways?

>> No.7423551

there are precious few people here as it is, o c t o c h i n /lit/ board is even emptier

>> No.7423553

Sorry senpai, I don't post on websites as slow as their constituents

>> No.7423558
File: 248 KB, 1750x2500, adult-pig-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not browsing the infinitely superior PigChan
Pynchon would be very, very disappointed.

>> No.7423562

your diary, tb,h

>> No.7423563

the bible

>> No.7423575
File: 86 KB, 560x720, 1388019043380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the superior hate chan is slow

that's cuz we're busy actually reading books, with attention and focus, instead of spamming forums with stupid pictures

get on my level, or in fact don't, stay here and wallow in this filth

>> No.7423577

mein kampf

>> No.7423580

>When he's reading a book his face is liek a troll double-checking bones to see if there's any meat left!

lmao I love this guy

>> No.7423584
File: 85 KB, 555x730, 1449304823798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:the face of a patrician.

>> No.7423587
File: 56 KB, 640x480, shittyrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet here you are. ironic isn't it?

>> No.7423591


>here you are

even Zarathustra came down from the mountain now and then to see how the plebs were doing

>> No.7423611

that site is genuinely worse than reddit.

>> No.7423614

>4chan /lit/ is genuinely worse or equal to reddit.


>> No.7423615

ok. i guess you have no reason to be here then.

>> No.7423631
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I'm here to help the sick find the light.

>> No.7423668
File: 9 KB, 250x246, 1415855650265s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is /lit/ politically correct or heavily moderated? This is basically /pol/ for undergraduates.

Do you actually know anything about /lit/ or are you just spamming your new chan site?

>> No.7423677
File: 40 KB, 497x273, Cuck Lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is /lit/ politically correct or heavily moderated?

what a joke.

>This is basically /pol/ for undergraduates.

you mean /leftypol/

>> No.7423681

Anyone who thinks /lit/ is politically correct has to be on roughly the same level of delusion as an unironic /pol/tard, so it's not a matter of 'not knowing' anything about /lit/ it's a matter of having a warped worldview where anything that isn't Mein Kampf is perceived Jewish Tumblr

>> No.7423682

>le funny kuck meme xD
Just go, your shitty chan will die like the millions before and you'll come back here, fag

>> No.7423686

/lit/ denies the biological reality of race
/lit/ denies the biological reality of IQ
/lit/ denies the biological reality of sex
/lit/ dislikes alain de benoist, pentti linkola, julius evola and traditionalist thinkers
/lit/ isn't even redpilled

if this place ain't tumblr it's close enough

>> No.7423689

absalom absalom

>> No.7423692


This may come as a shock to a board culture spewing dumb fuck like you but /lit/ isn't a homogeneous entity.

>> No.7423694

/lit/ isn't one person.
>red pill
oh that explains a lot.

>> No.7423703

>/lit/ doesn't understand the concept of averages or tendencies
no wonder you fail at thinking objectively about race or IQ

>> No.7423705

go on /sci/ and tell them that race is tied to IQ. do it and link the thread so I can watch you get btfo in real time.

>> No.7423706

If /lit/ is so shit why are you begging people to come to your shitty chan?
Just fuck off, you don't like us, we don't like you.

>> No.7423707


No, anon just refuses to placate you in these spectrum antics of yours.

You are too obsessed with board culture.

>> No.7423708

>implying I'm OP

>> No.7423711


>implying that makes you any less sad

>> No.7423712

So you also think /lit/ is a kuck board with dumb posters.
Leave as well then, stick to the smarter board called /pol/

>> No.7423713

I've seen a number of threads about feminism here, and none of them were remotely politically correct.

>if you aren't a racist, then you're a PC crybabby!
Well, fuck.

>> No.7423714
File: 3.01 MB, 294x238, laughing american.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must be thinking of what /lit/ was 5 or 6 years ago

now it's a heavily moderated PC shit zone, no fun or honest discussion allowed if it ever becomes politically or racially sensitive.

Last time I was here was 6 months ago, I made a simple thread about Joseph Goebbels, his essays and literary views (totally mild) and it got deleted almost instantly. I made a thread asking "Who your favorite ancient African Philosopher was" and it got deleted after a few people "loled" at the idea, because it was perceived as a troll-thread....

In a thread disputing Jared Taylor's apologetics I noticed 1/3 of the posts in the thread were deleted that were making arguments that weren't PC (regarding race and IQ) and backing them up with literary and scientific citations.

/lit/ has been a shit hole for years, to-be-honest- f-a-m

>> No.7423715

No, I'm implying you're wrong about me being OP

>> No.7423716


And yet your spectrum subsists.

>> No.7423718


>> No.7423722

What a coincidence, last time you were here was 6 months ago and now you're here telling us how terrible /lit/ has become
There's always one of you that pops up, the ''I'm never here but I am now and will tell you why I never come here anymore''
Check the archives about the swedish feminism thread which got hundreds of posts, it's not like the mods are on all the time.
Plus you can discuss your Goebbels shit on /pol/.

>> No.7423723

No, see, there's at least one /pol/tard on the board, so that proves there is no bias towards leftist views on /lit/. It's all in your imagination.

>> No.7423726

>Check the archives about the swedish feminism thread which got hundreds of posts

im not gonna check shit, i've had enough experience with kek chan

im just here for the lols and to spam my thoughts a bit, it might improve some ppls lives if they migrate

>> No.7423727
File: 99 KB, 800x526, IQ_by_race_by_SES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would they do that

>> No.7423734


This whole thread is hilarious. It's /pol/ getting btfo over and over.

>> No.7423735

>/pol/tard on the board

no one from the real /pol/ visits 4chan or it's shitty /lit/

the pol on this forum was killed a long time ago, which initiated the second mass-migration.

>> No.7423741


you should read that thread again after you improve your reading comprehension

>> No.7423742

there is no consensus on race and IQ on /sci/ like you're trying to imply. we have those threads on a weekly/daily basis and they can go both ways depending on who happens to be awake and posting at the time.

>> No.7423743

Where do they get BTFO? Some dude is just claiming high IQ isn't necessarily a good thing. I don't see how that contradicts the claim of race being tied to IQ.

>> No.7423744

Ah so you're not concerned with what is actually true, just to spam your autism chan which will die in less than a year.

>> No.7423747


>im not gonna check shit

lol this guy

fuck off already you clown

>> No.7423760


I'm just going to assume nothing on /lit/ has changed in the past 6 months. The board rules are nearly the same and the moderation is as strict (or stricter) than before.

Filling out this fucken c-u-c-k captcha is aggravating, how do you c-u-c-ks do this daily?

>> No.7423762
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 1441561844933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking of what /lit/ was 5 or 6 years ago

You mean in the magical antediluvian age before moot even made the board?

>> No.7423768


>/lit/ wasn't around in 2010

I was surfing it just fine.

>> No.7423786


>endless maymays from the /pol/ memekid

go get 'em, killer

>> No.7423819

/pol/ is analytic philosophy which is objective. It deals with cold hard facts.

/lit/ is full of english majors who are taught continental philosophy. They learn that everything is just a social construct and therefore an opinion.

>> No.7423823

>/pol/ is analytic philosophy which is objective. It deals with cold hard facts.

I hope you mean eight chan /pol/? ya.
cuz the /pol/ here is retarded as fuck and 99% of the threads have no actual subject or news or political relevance.