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File: 7 KB, 1600x1000, sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7420224 No.7420224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Every 16-year-old in Sweden to receive copy of We Should All Be Feminists

>The essay, adapted from Adichie’s award-winning TED talk of the same name, is being distributed in Swedish to high-school students by the Swedish Women’s Lobby and publisher Albert Bonniers. Launching the project at Norra Real high school in Stockholm this week, they said they hoped the book would “work as a stepping stone for a discussion about gender equality and feminism”.


What do you think /lit/?

>> No.7420226

>The essay, adapted from Adichie’s award-winning TED talk
this is really the worst part
TED talks really rob me the wrong way for some reason

>> No.7420231

So Sweden really is being force-fed socially liberal politics? It's not just a /pol/ meme?

>> No.7420232
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>Norra Real
Jävla rockadenfjortisar.

>> No.7420233

swede here. chuckling at the fact that people on this board still believe feminism is about anything other than equality between sexes.

yes, there are some cases in which women enjoy privileges, but these are far fewer than the privileges men enjoy

you shitlords are simply afraid to lose your privileges to a sex that for centuries has been regarded as inferior. therefore it is intimidating to you to even consider the thought that women are capable of being just as intelligent and hard-working as you are

>> No.7420235

they're 16 year olds. simone de beauvoir can wait. the important thing is to catch their interest

>> No.7420236

Please state such privileges.

>> No.7420237


Because they lack sincerity

>> No.7420238

i'll start easy by listing these: higher average wage, higher representation in decision-making positions, generally viewed as more intelligent and reliable, NOT being considered as bad political leaders due to the possible combination of menstruation and nuclear weapons (yes, this actually happens)

>> No.7420241

But lad, all of these things you posted are reasonable, justifiable assertions

>> No.7420245

justify them, then

>> No.7420246

This reminds me of a funny conversations I overheard when I was in gymnasiet.

Guy: They want to take away all the advantages for men but they don't want to take away the advantages for women!

Different guy: What advantages do women have?

The first guy: I don't know!

>> No.7420249

Can't wait until Sharia Law is established in Sweden. Whites obviously can't control their women.

>> No.7420253

“It's a fact that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.

>> No.7420255

Whites are inherently deranged and degenerate. What do you expect from them?

>> No.7420256

yes because controlling 50% of your population for no specific reason at all is clearly a necessary and understandable thing to do

>> No.7420260

what are you trying to say? are you mad because women have the liberty of having sex "whenever they want"?

>> No.7420264

that's definitely it

>> No.7420265

This is like that stupid physicist. "Boohoo no woman is being forced to marry me, I have it so bad, why are you complaining about being raped?"

>> No.7420268

When do you guys think feminists will realize they're just being patted on the head and told "aww of course you're smart"? Deep down we all know its a kind of saving of appearances.

>> No.7420270

The reason is clear: look at the mess Sweden has become since women took over. In a few generations when the Muslim vote is stronger than the kaffir vote, Sweden will be cleansed.

>> No.7420272


>> No.7420274

when did women take over? still haven't seen a swedish government nor house of representatives which consisted of a majority of women

>> No.7420280

>higher average wage
Not when you compare similar jobs with each other
>higher representation in decision-making positions
That's because men tend to be more career focused, while women are more family focused, guess which is an advantage when you're going for a division making position
>generally viewed as more intelligent and reliable
And women are viewed as kinder and more responsible
> NOT being considered as bad political leaders due to the possible combination of menstruation and nuclear weapons
I hear plenty of people backing women candidates simply because they are a women, retards on both sides there.

>> No.7420281

The fact that Swedish women so overwhelming vote in favour of Muslim immigration is just proof that they long for a strong hand to control them. European men have forgotten what it means to be men, this is why European women choose careers over family and your birthrate plummets.

>> No.7420283


It's a speech full of impractical, naive bullshit about male and female behavior. She wants men to not try and fit the "hard man" role, completely ignoring the fact that women will only ever desire powerful men.

So yes, this is gonna further emasculate Swedish young men.

>> No.7420285

In the next American election, I guarantee there will be more people voting for Hillary because of sex than voting against her because of her sex.

>> No.7420288

No doubt

>> No.7420291

Nothing is more pathetic than the typical male Internet undergrad who posts "truths" about gender

>> No.7420293

1. show me one statistic that backs up this fact, while also refuting the argument that men retaining jobs with higher average wage does not give them more social capital and therefore more privileges. women don't even get the high-paying jobs cause they are regarded as inferior. but as i said, please back this statement up, i dare you
2. women are literally forced to be family focused because of centuries of "evolutionarily justified" family structures that really don't have any value anymore.
3. fair point, and most likely true, but being kind and responsible gets you nowhere in a harsh capitalistic environment. in the end, none of this will contribute to equality but only further enforce the separation of sexes
4. because we need diversity. there are far more female candidates being shut down because of being female (check out american televised media's view on hillary clinton, for instance)

>> No.7420295

But this post >>7420283 is accurate. You're naive if you disagree.

>> No.7420297

>because we need diversity
absolutely spooked

>> No.7420298


Yeah, you're right, women don't like powerful men.... lol....

You can go back to r/books whenever.

>> No.7420301


feminism doesn't say the powerful men aren't allowed to exist: it says you shouldn't HAVE to be powerful to be considered sexually.

it literally stands behind /lit/'s NEET backs

>> No.7420303
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Great thread.

>> No.7420305

ITT: White people debating among themselves about how they can save their civilization before its utter perdition.

It's very adorable, honestly.

>> No.7420308

Okay then it's up to them to change their desires I guess.

>> No.7420310


>implying white civilization isn't the foundation of basically all modern culture and societal systems, and that the failure of western society wouldn't ruin the entire world

>> No.7420311

> show me one statistic that backs up this fact
Here you go, want to give me a side by side comparison of male and female wages? (same profession/experience of course.)
>women are literally forced to be family focused because of centuries of "evolutionarily justified" family structures that really don't have any value anymore.
Or maybe women just like to be mothers more, insane thought but give it a chance. Do you believe the women around you are forced to like being family focused or do you think they're smart enough to think for themselves, and prefer being a mother?
>but being kind and responsible gets you nowhere in a harsh capitalistic environment.
You say that as if everyone's goal is career focused, those traits are more useful when you're more socially focused, which is in no way less important than the first.
>none of this will contribute to equality but only further enforce the separation of sexes
Accept that both sexes are different, they're not the same and don't need to be.
>because we need diversity
>there are far more female candidates being shut down because of being female
Wrong, I haven't seen such a thing happen in The Netherlands ever, and there are plenty of reasons to hate Hillary.

>> No.7420314

just stop hanging out with stupid girls. us feminists loathe them too

>> No.7420315

Every empire and civilization falls. Yours is inevitably next and it's very soon.

>> No.7420316

>it says you shouldn't HAVE to be powerful to be considered sexually.
Who the fuck are you to decide that?
Women simply like powerful men more than the weak beta, it's just how it is.

>> No.7420319

i'm not deciding it, i'm literally just telling you what feminist literature is saying. it wants to break down norms for ALL sexes

>> No.7420320

>discussion about Sweden
>quotes statistics about the US
>the citation is a youtube video

Why don't you live up to you're gender norm and kill yourself.

>> No.7420321


>> No.7420323

Obvious PR stunt. The publisher is claiming that they'll send 100,000 copies to all second-year high school kids, but the only direct handing out of the book is at this launch event at Norra Real (a school). I predict that after the news blitz about this dies down, most of the copies will get "lost in the mail" and no one will really remember to ask about it.

This isn't the country Sweden handing out the book, it's just a marketing ploy by a corporation enabling a political group for profit. They need to sell the Swedish translation, and the feminist angle is their best shot if they're going to sell the memoir of a black Nigerian woman writing about America to a bunch of white Scandinavian kids who probably don't read anyway.

>> No.7420324

Top kek, you didn't even watch the video right?
Why would the US not have a gender wage gap and Sweden would? Makes literally no sense.
And the video quotes plenty of sources, they're in the description box, you limp wristed fag

>> No.7420325

and they still fuck the powerful dudes
as they should

>> No.7420326

It's a futile task. Even feminists can't help but find traditionally manly men more attractive than feminine men.

>> No.7420327


I dunno, I sense an engineered revitalization ahead, at the expense of the muslim world.

>> No.7420328

And that's a terrible idea. Weak men need to be encouraged to change. If not they do not deserve anyone.

>> No.7420334

> youtube sorce
first comment on the video refutes your argument http://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat39.pdf.. also,
>citing someone who wrote a book about "manliness". even joyce was tired of the burly male ideal 100 years ago.
>Or maybe women just like to be mothers more, insane thought but give it a chance
all for this. but they should also have a choice, which they generally don't
>Accept that both sexes are different, they're not the same and don't need to be.
every feminist accepts this. but what if you don't confirm to the male or female norm, should you still be categorized as such?
siq m8
>considering the netherlands as a model where you base university applications on IQ tests

>> No.7420339

This has to be a troll. I mean, there are some feminists these days who care about completely unimportant things, (though not as large a percentage as people want to think), but no feminist care about ugly neets not getting laid. Unless you count self proclaimed male feminists.

>> No.7420340


>> No.7420346
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>> No.7420347

me again. realizing i'm wasting my time, so while i'd love to continue this discussion i've got better things to do (reading, for instance)


no, i'm not a troll. of course a political ideology wouldn't care about you getting laid. it cares about changing patriarchal structures that regard alpha males as the epitome of humanity

>> No.7420350

>first comment on the video refutes your argument
And the very first reply debunks yours.
Your statistic doesn't take in account experience or the amount of hours worked, garbage link you posted my friend.
>citing someone who wrote a book about "manliness". even joyce was tired of the burly male ideal 100 years ago.
Completely irrelevant to the point but thanks for your opinion on his book you haven't read.
>all for this. but they should also have a choice, which they generally don't
Yes they do, who is stopping them?
>but what if you don't confirm to the male or female norm, should you still be categorized as such?
yes you should.
>me again. realizing i'm wasting my time, so while i'd love to continue this discussion i've got better things to do (reading, for instance)
Good, you're done her anyway.

>> No.7420352
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>it cares about changing patriarchal structures that regard alpha males as the epitome of humanity
But this is neither wrong nor something that should be changed.

>> No.7420354

>it cares about changing patriarchal structures that regard alpha males as the epitome of humanity
Yes, but this doesn't imply caring about pathetic neckbeards whit no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.7420355

He's saying that unrestricted sexuality is equivalent to unrestricted capitalism. In both cases there are groups of people that are unfairly oppressed.
Just like wrongful dismissal should not be prohibited, sexual promiscuity should not be prohibited.

>> No.7420358

>it cares about changing patriarchal structures that regard alpha males as the epitome of humanity

In other words it seeks to drag everyone down to the lowest common denominator because living up to traditional masculine ideals is too difficult. Feminism debases men when it should be elevating women.

>> No.7420359

alpha males are the epitome of humanity though

>> No.7420362

...pretty sure that's not even true tho. The most attractive people probably have more sex than ever, but the less attractive people hugely benefit from liberalization.

...srsly. .. basically everyone other than the truly unappealing, r9k-ish types get laid, at least occassionally, because of liberalization. It's only in countries where sex is still tied to marriage and money, like japan, where you see large populations of lifelong virgins.

>> No.7420364


>> No.7420366
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I hope am not intruding,but Y'all inbred albino potato niggers are posting in a b8 bread.

It could have been wise if you used this enthusiasm into something useful and productive such as slinging dopes to minors and stabbing millennial whores with your albino micro penises in order to empower them in the face of such oppression.


>> No.7420368

>more men single now than ever before
>marriage rates plummeting
>birth rates plummeting
>male suicide rising
>culture of promiscuity and acceptance of non-monogamous relationships

>> No.7420369
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>> No.7420370


>> No.7420372
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>> No.7420373


It's a contemporary story involving literature being applied to the guidance of the society we live in.

If you think it's a b8 thread, you're probably very new to the world of reading, in which case you may take your meme images and return to your lovecraft thread or whatever, and post them in peace there.

>> No.7420374

The Swedish people have a deep hatred for themselves. The kuck meme isn't a meme

>> No.7420375

I'm just explaining what the other guy said. The quote is from extension du domaine de la lutte by houellebecq.

>> No.7420376

So what? It's prolly regrettable for some reasons, but I was talking about sex.

>> No.7420378
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who here /doesn't care either way/?

>> No.7420381

So you understand that it isn't oppression to not get to nut in a qt?

>> No.7420383
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>I'm a weak sub-male that can't keep a woman, achieve what I want and I'm sad
>clearly this is society's fault and we need the great government God to force women to love me!
I don't disagree that there's a worrying culture of promiscuity and so on, but if you're too weak to lead and control your woman, you deserve to have her fuck negroes behind your back.

>> No.7420384


>> No.7420386
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>contemporary story involving literature being applied to the guidance of the society we live in.

Pic related

>> No.7420387

Only true patricians can smell out a shitty bait thread.

>> No.7420388

I wasn't posting about myself lad.

>> No.7420390

surprised this hadn't happened sooner tbqh
reading the article the essay itself sounds like the most wishy washy feel good inoffensive egalitarian feminism ever conceived anyway

>> No.7420411


Bait harder m8

>> No.7420428
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...and here we can see a cúck in its natural habitat..

>> No.7420433

There is absolutely nothing wrong with c.uckoldry. It's an acceptable and very satiating fetish.

>> No.7420440

I agree as an American. Read Simone de Beauvoir and Judith Butler everyone.

>> No.7420451

You're not helping the case that feminism is unnecessary.
Absolutely not. Even on 4chan and reddit, most people love Bill Clinton and hate Hillary Clinton despite the fact that if you stop and think about it logically, these are two people who make decisions together. I hear a lot more people complain that people are voting for Hillary because she's a woman than I hear people say they're voting for Hillary because she's a woman, which in itself should show that most men don't believe there is a valid reason to vote for a woman other than the fact that she is a woman. Even the delirious support that white men have for Bernie Sanders comes from the fact that he doesn't do much to upset the power status quo, since it has become clear that when any movement, be it feminism or civil rights, challenges the hegemony, even people who claim to be progressive are suddenly complaining about feminazis or the uppity negro.

>> No.7420458

>I can look into other peoples head: the post

>> No.7420459

>women don't vote for Hillary because she's a woman guise
>dumb white guys vote for Bernie guise
well keked, friend

>> No.7420461

Haven't read the thread, and not sure what to make of the book being distributed.

In my personal life, feminists seem to be living in a somewhat distorted reality, where the differences between men and women are seen as an injustice.

In my view, men get paid more because they ask for raises and cannot take such a long time off for childbirth. Men in society are seen as stronger and more dominant, and this has a lot of advantages, but it's not all sunshine. Men are held accountable for their actions more, and don't receive the same social support. My cousins both have duis and are generally considered failures who need to get their act together by my family. If they were women, they would long me going through counseling.

So when I hear about feminists and read their positions, I can't help but think, "with gender equal laws, you've already created a society that is every one for themselves, and now you are asking for what amounts to sympathy. The only woman who will get my sympathy, a rare commodity, is my girlfriend/wife."

Because my girlfriend/wife is the only woman I've found who cares for me, and actually wants to have children, go to church, and quit drinking.

>> No.7420462

Not /lit/

>> No.7420465

>women vote for Hillary because she's a woman
>you don't know my motives!
Pick one

>> No.7420466

>the book

>> No.7420468

>go to church
*tips bible*

>> No.7420469

Not post me some videos where people say they won't vote for hillary because she's a woman.

>> No.7420474

>take such a long time off for childbirth.
Yeah, stupid women, taking care of children. Why don't they just leave the child at home and go back to work.

>> No.7420475

All books aren't literature and no one seems to be discussing the book.

>> No.7420478
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>> No.7420484

More please.

Also try dumping some pics of meconium. :)

>> No.7420489

Kek to be replaced by what? The Middle East and Africa can't into unifying well enough to create a meaningful force, and the Asians seem to have no ambition to be the dominant culture. As soon as they get money they try to westernize.

>> No.7420490

>which in itself should show that most men don't believe there is a valid reason to vote for a woman other than the fact that she is a woman

It doesn't show that because there is literally no good reason to vote for Hillary. She is a a fucking joke. Literally the only reasons she's in the race is because she has the support of the establishment and she's a woman.

>> No.7420491

>she has the support of the establishment
And that's why she'll win.

>> No.7420503

Something will emerge. The West is on its last legs like Ancient Egyptian Late Period and the Fall of the Roman Empire. Next comes an interim period where it will disintegrate and be ravaged by barbarians.

>> No.7420512

Yeah, I think of all the candidates she best appeals to the lowest common denominator*, which is what it comes down to in the end.

*that is, the lowest common denominator who will actually bother to vote

>> No.7420514

>Next comes an interim period where it will disintegrate and be ravaged by barbarians.

We are already in this part

>> No.7420525


You say patted on the head but if you did STEM at uni and then youd see constant emails advertising women only schemes.

>> No.7420526

>The West is on its last legs
2bh 'the west' was already on its last legs by 1918 and dead and buried by 1945.

>> No.7420529

people think it's a meme?

>> No.7420533

Can you get in on those positive discrimination bucks if you claim to be genderfluid or some shit? I have no self-respect and I'm willing to act like a faggot to get ahead.

>> No.7420540

I'm willing to act like a faggot to get head too

>> No.7420546
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Back to the shed Sven.

>> No.7420551

A feature of /lit/ feminism discussion is that nobody ever reads the article or the book. Inevitably, you get a load of teenagers arguing against some imagined evil SJW ideology.

Youtube talking heads don't count as academic sources chumps

>> No.7420553

True, these are just death spasms.

>> No.7420565

I love how you stare yourself blind on it being a youtube video when he uses plenty of credible sources throughout the video.

>> No.7420583
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>> No.7420585

It would be hilarious if any of the youtube shitstains tried to write a book.

Maybe some exposure to genuine academic discourse will make everyone realise how fucking dumb they all are

>> No.7420587
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>> No.7420588

But he was completely right about the wage gap, agreed?

>> No.7420602


>> No.7420604

>What advantages do women have?

Being an attractive woman is the greatest advantage anyone can have and even unattractive women are rarely held responsible for their mistakes.

>> No.7420605

I'm voting for her because her economic ideas are sensible and align with academic economic research, unlike Sanders', her social policies are liberal, and she supports increasing legal immigration, unlike Sanders' shrill "they took our jobs" populist nativism. Additionally, she has a deeper and more realistic understanding of what the role of President entails, since she was First Lady and Secretary of State as well as Senator, and has a much better understanding of foreign policy than Sanders
I never want to hear that there's no valid reason to vote for Clinton again. Her support for H1b visas alone makes Sanders a no-go for anyone opposed to xenophobia.

>> No.7420606
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>academic economic research

>> No.7420607

Is this your PhD thesis?

You fucking dunce lmao

>> No.7420608

>I'm voting for an imperialist murderer.

>> No.7420613

There are two YouTube videos posted in this thread, guess which one I'm talking about

>> No.7420615

She's a jingoistic, imperialist bitch.

>> No.7420620
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I know this is an earth-shattering revelation for you, but truth is not relegated to PhDs.

>> No.7420621

My undergraduate degree was in Economics from UChicago. I can't support a candidate opposed to free trade who doesn't understand why interest rates are higher on loans without collateral, who doesn't understand why economists support immigration, who doesn't understand why increasing the minimum wage to $15 will cause widespread unemployment outside of major cities, and who doesn't understand why taxing financial transactions will not have the effect of allowing him to trace where the money goes, but will instead decrease the volume of financial transactions.

>> No.7420624

Surely not more jingoistic than the candidate who promises to end skilled immigration because he believes immigrants steal American jobs? That's right, Bernie Sanders is a nativist populist. He's no more a socialist than Donald Trump.

>> No.7420625

I'm not going to find it in the impotent ramblings of some kid online though

>> No.7420629

so vote Trump

>> No.7420631

>Vote for imperialist murders.

>> No.7420638

Trump is also a protectionist, and his social policies are not what I want. If you're against institutional racism and in favor of improving the station of the global poor, Clinton and O'Malley are the only sensible options.

>> No.7420642

who did he invade and kill?

>> No.7420646
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>opposed to globalist trade agreements
>imperialist murderer

>> No.7420648

Well shilled.

Do you honestly believe that attractive women are disadvantaged?

>> No.7420649
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>> No.7420651

I hate all the candidates for different reasons.

>> No.7420652

She embodies everything wrong with modern politics. Barefaced lying and pandering, chasing power for power's sake, holding corporate interests dearer than those of the general citizenry and basically behaving like a gangster. She's a real piece of shit. She deserves to be in prison, not in the White House.

>> No.7420654

For being attractive? No.

For being a woman? Yes

>> No.7420656
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>> No.7420659

She supports immigration because her corporate cronies tell her to. Yes, it's bad for native workers when foreigners undercut them and render them surplus.

>> No.7420662
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>> No.7420664


>> No.7420667

>killing innocents
>killing families of people who haven't attacked the US
>self defense

>> No.7420670

There are no innocent Wahhabis. They should be genocided.

>> No.7420673
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Not that you would know, but people bend over backward to accommodate the whims of hot girls.

If you are a qt grill, the world is your oyster full of willing slaves.

Even white men have to work.

>> No.7420675

>oh Afghanistan was self-defense!
>oh Iraq was self-defense!
>oh Pakistan was self-defense!
>oh Libya was self-defense!
>oh Bahrain was self-defense!
>oh Yemen was self-defense!
>oh Syria was self-defense!

>> No.7420678
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Pls go kekshill, its almost embarrassing to see someone that's so bent over by ideology that they become a sycophant to a movement that fundamentally care about them.

its not wonder that there are so many articles out there about feminists avoiding male-feminists, or about how many male-feminists are literal keks or "polyamorous".

>believing feminism is anything other than equality between sexes.
Except that -depending on where you live- there is OUTRIGHT undermining of discussion of this exact topic. Want to talk about male suicide rates? Protested ,banned. Want to talk about alimony laws? Protested, banned. Want to TALK about feminism but you're sex-negative or republican? Protested, banned.

Feminism -especially on universities- appears to be like any other ideology: a means to collectivize people to exploit their absence of meaningful direction in life, and to utilize it to erect the misguided power pursuits of a vocal minority. They're a last bastion of censorship of western thought thus far.

>Yes there are cases in which women enjoy privileges, but these are far fewer than the privileges men enjoy.
Citation fucking needed. There are no legal rights that women lack, and all "biases" that i conceive of have biological or evolutionary hypotheses. I'll trust a naturalistic and empirical explanation ANY day over vague post-structuralist marxist theory.

>Afraid to lose privilege.
Typical, you're unable to even conceive that your opponents sincerely hold their beliefs, no, we have to be conspiratorial boogie-men that are working to disenfranchising women as a "class".

When I write our speak on these issues i hedge my words, I know there are people that have drank the cool-aide, I know there are people that think the way you do. I think they're wrong, but i'm not going to be stupid enough to propose that they're part of a conspiracy to do away with men altogether.

>> No.7420681

I don't care about his or your shit, but please tell me this is copypasta.

>> No.7420683
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Donald Trump considers, at least last I checked all of these to have been mistakes.

>> No.7420684
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>> No.7420687

Not every terrorist is Salafist and most Salafis don't support those actions and are innocent of their crimes. I hate Salafism and its spread, but killing innocent people is what terrorists do.

>> No.7420693

I don't care about Donald Trump. You were using self-defense as a justification for killing innocents, which is what was used in those interventions.

I don't know much about Trump's foreign policy ideas other than he didn't like Iraq, he believes plundering is alright, he's against illegal immigration, and he wants to stop being "ripped off" by China, Japan, and Russia.

>> No.7420695
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>> No.7420696
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>> No.7420698
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The point is that the man is in no way an imperialist murderer, regardless of what you think about his nationalist policies.

I'm not even American but at least I stay somewhat updated on these things.

>> No.7420700

I don't get this reply. Are you implying that both those comments are mine? Because they aren't.

>> No.7420705

Good for you. I didn't say he was an imperialist murderer though I strongly detest his statements regarding "taking the oil".

You claimed that killing innocent family members of terrorists was justified because of self-defense. I mocked that position. I'm not the original guy who posted that quote.

>> No.7420709
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I'm assuming that was in the context of domestic islamic terrorism. I haven't seen the quote in question so I can't exactly analyze his meaning but he's not exactly known for avoiding hyperbole.

I'm just a bit tired of reading opposition to his candidacy when it's usually not based on his actual policies positions and boils down to;
>he cares more about actual americans than Paco and his family of 10? what an evil nazi!

>> No.7420716
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>actual americans

>> No.7420717
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>most popular thread on /lit/
>it's not about literature

Even DFW shitposting is better than this shite.

>> No.7420720
File: 169 KB, 1080x1350, 12338996_1622424158020393_1915028909_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn it into qt thread?

>> No.7420721

I found this

It seems it's not domestic terrorism, but rather has to do with foreign intervention. Sounds like jingoistic, imperialist rhetoric.

Even if it were domestic, then there's something called rule of law and presumption of innocence.

>> No.7420723

ayy lmao

>> No.7420730
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Let's do this, family.

>> No.7420731
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can you imagine the sort of person that believes the American political system can be saved or is even worth saving and supports Hillary Clinton?

>> No.7420732
File: 116 KB, 1200x1385, AJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.7420733

I like that you included the reaction pic I was gonna post in your own post.

>> No.7420734
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>> No.7420738
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>> No.7420741

There was no American political system to be saved in the first place. It was ruined since day one and it has just been getting more and more horrid.

>> No.7420742

Well, this is in the context of fighting ISIS, seems what he's really saying is that he would not be opposed to total war in order to wipe them out. This is rather extreme, I agree.

However, there is no imperialist sentiment here, as far as I know his plans do include the elimination of ISIS, which is a domestic threat as well, but no other action in the middle eastern territories.

>> No.7420746

incredible how a sentence or group of words can turn a thread into a shitstorm. It's the closest thing 4chan has to magic.

>> No.7420755
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>> No.7420758
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>> No.7420759

She looks terrible

>> No.7420766

To wipe their _families_ out.

It certainly is jingoistic and coupled with establishment policies and his statement about plundering, I don't see why his administration wouldn't lead to more imperialist ventures in that region of the world through supporting proxies, destabilizing governments, sanctions, etc..

>> No.7420767
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>> No.7420768

>not letting your child grow up in a Sony (tm) turbo Happy Children growingup Pod
>not harvesting your blood to pay for the electricity bill
>not getting yourself liquidised at the end of your life's work to be poured down the tubes of the dark underground factories into the maws of artificial orphans who will be the slaveforce of our new Empire (tm, all rights reserved 2020)

>> No.7420777
File: 182 KB, 960x1280, Mega babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas yourself.

>> No.7420783

I'd love to fuck a fake looking woman like this to be honest. It's so ridiculously vulgar and superficial that it becomes attractive. Any remnant of a personality is completely sublimated by the appearance and she becomes entirely a masturbatory tool in the best sense.

>> No.7420786
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Very good goy.

>> No.7420793
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fucking Civ

>> No.7420794

Which is why need Trump or even Sanders to put it out of its misery
Anyone but Hillary

>> No.7420806

Whatever replaces it would be worse. This is the best possible system and Clinton is the best available candidate.

>> No.7420816
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>not having a bimbofetish

This poster get's it.

>> No.7420822


Don't worry, I hate myself for that.

>> No.7420823

Is any part of you still a person

>> No.7420824
File: 70 KB, 700x480, 6a00d83451b84369e201901d572ca2970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the best possible system

>> No.7420830


the idea is that modern patriarchal structures stem from hunting and gathering culture during which men were the most apt to hunt, while women were better sorted to staying at home caring for the children (nursing, etc.). these naturalistic explanations were perfectly valid reasons to have such structures back then, but the norms which developed from those societies are still around today, and unrightfully so. no longer are we limited to a structure in which one part of the family gathers food while the other raises children: instead, we can both earn money with which we can purchase food and other necessities. this is why women, who can perform equally well at an absolute majority of jobs available today, should 1. receive equal pay for equal amounts of work 2. not (by expectations of society and family) be forced into caring for children when they do not need to do so

>> No.7420831

I feel sorry for the males in Sweden.

>> No.7420844

also, government-owned source for women not receiving equal pay in sweden: http://www.scb.se/statistik/AM/AM9902/2004A01/AM9902_2004A01_BR_AM78ST0402.pdf.. scroll to page 16, on which average monthly wage is calculated from average hourly wage

>> No.7420845
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>> No.7420851

I actually am in support of women doing that Dingus. But it's not free.

>> No.7420856

>It's good but they should be punished for it.

>> No.7420857

>be forced into caring for children when they do not need to do so

Who will take care of the children?

>> No.7420860


>> No.7420861

I've seen more men struggle with norms than any woman has put up with. That is, any man who wasn't "strong" or "cool" got reduced to nothing at the "gymnasiet". That group of men, who are outcasts socially, who don't get "invited" to the parties, is like one of the biggest things there is. You never see large groups of women who are outcasts, and you'll never see a film like Taxi Driver about women.

So ironically, feminism is needed in more ways than one. The struggle with living up to the norm of a big alpha man is bigger than anything femlae related, at least in a social context. But how many feminists do you think care about that? Not many.

>> No.7420863
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>> No.7420866

probs immigrants

>> No.7420870

They brought it upon themselves

>> No.7420873
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>> No.7420874
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>> No.7420881

don't trigger me, asshole

>> No.7420891

>he cares more about actual americans than Paco and his family of 10? what an evil nazi!

so the life of an american is worth more than the life of a paki? weren't you the guys shilling for globalization and human rights idk, a year ago?

>> No.7420892
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>> No.7420904
File: 224 KB, 1354x1004, hitler toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao look at this

>> No.7420907

>not being alpha

I'd just kill myself desu

failed men are of no value to anyone

>> No.7420909
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>> No.7420911

shut up weev