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7414345 No.7414345 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books functioning as polemic against the superficiality of society, specifically referencing social media or modernity?
I want to find something to justify the literal nausea and disgust for the ongoing exhibitionist popularity contest of humanity.
Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.7414348

also asking for the best books on media you've ever read, I've read the medium is the message which was amazing and timeless tbqh but I'd still like something more recent since it's changed so much in the last 50 years

>> No.7414349

the circle by dave eggers, but it's a really bad book written terribly.

>> No.7414355

You're only bothered by this because it threatens your ability to feel special without having to work for it. People do that shit because they're aware that they're worth so little that they need to bolster their status among people around them by dancing around like a trained animal. You're worth just as little as them.

>> No.7414369

you really sold me

>> No.7414380

i mean it is point for point what the description in the OP looked for so i might as well bring it up. I personally hated it but it is pretty popular and someone else could feel differently.

Personally I think it raised important/intresting questions, but failed because it addressed them in a very superficial and heavyhanded way, and it was clearly from the perspective of someone who's a relative NORMIE REEEEE compared to people who regularly browse 4chan in terms of exposure to internet and new media.

>> No.7414381


Why aren't you superficial yet, anon?

This is the goal of all humans. Make money, get bitches. It's how we progress and make our society better. All of life is a popularity contest. Watch animals fight for mates. The tallest tree in a forest gets the most sun because it's the biggest and the best.

Grow up. Be superficial. All your favorite writers were.

Life is popularity.

>> No.7414388

>You're only bothered by this because it threatens your ability to feel special without having to work for it
Basically the opposite is true, nice try tho. I'm bothered by OTHER people feeling special without having to work for it. The 'special snowflake' syndrome that has turned western civilization into a society of narcissists thinking their opinions lives are relevant on a global scale.
>People do that shit because they're aware that they're worth so little that they need to bolster their status among people around them by dancing around like a trained animal
I don't think so, I think there's a high degree of cognitive dissonance and people genuinely believe they are worth something, likes/hearts/gold stars translate into a sort of currency of genuine self-esteem. Attractive people who have accomplished literally nothing except existing as 'wannabe models' have the belief they are valuable because they have 000's of "friends"/stalkers/orbiters

>You're worth just as little as them
not something I would dispute. However I acknowledge my tiny role in the universe and actively work every day to try and make more of an impact rather than naively broadcasting myself and my worthless life

>> No.7414401

>'special snowflake' syndrome
spoken like a true intellectual

>> No.7414406

>Attractive people who have accomplished literally nothing except existing as 'wannabe models' have the belief they are valuable because they have 000's of "friends"/stalkers/orbiters
Sentences like that reveal the emotions motivating this desu. People like what they like and people reward others when they give them what they want. If what gets you status is posting vapid masturbatory crap on twitter or vine then that's all there is to the matter.

>> No.7414407


Why are you trying to bring everyone else down to your worthless level? Like you're the only one who sees that everything everyone does is meaningless?

Jesus, this board is younger than I thought.

>> No.7414416

>Why aren't you superficial yet, anon?
I have plenty of non-virtuous, degenerate qualities (I'm selfish, etc) but for some reason I just have this gut reaction to narcissism on social media as the grossest thing in the world, I'm abhorred at people collecting social currency as if it's the most important thing in life on some level.

>Make money, get bitches
certainly something to aspire to in life but this is not what I'm talking about

>All of life is a popularity contest
When you are a human of quality though, you don't need to publicly grovel for admiration. It speaks for itself. You walk into a room and people notice your energy. People remember stirring, intelligent, conversations with you. I think this is making a real impact (insofar as whatever can actually be "real") on the lives of others.
While I think everyone is superficial to an extent, via major social media sites of today people take it to new, unseen, deeply odious heights

>> No.7414418

>this is what Starbucks customers actually believe

>> No.7414421

It's probably bait. I'd ignore.

>> No.7414438

Manufacturing consent by chomsky

It's not about how superficial media, but how media especially media is an extension of the propaganda machine for the rich and powerful

Sorry if thats not what you're looking for. I don't have any other recommendations that come to mind

>> No.7414447


Not bait at all. You people are actual, real life retards.

>When you are a human of quality though, you don't need to publicly grovel for admiration. It speaks for itself. You walk into a room and people notice your energy. People remember stirring, intelligent, conversations with you. I think this is making a real impact (insofar as whatever can actually be "real") on the lives of others.

This is what actual, real life, autistic retard neckbeards actually believe. You realize you just described a popular person, right? No one remembers the conversation they had with some actual, real life, autist retard neckbeard. They remember the conversation with the "human of quality" they met.

I've now nicknamed this thread after Eliot Rodger. OP and the other replier will from now on be called Eliot Rodger.

>> No.7414451

I am autistic. :3

>> No.7414452

>muh settin strawmen aflame post

It is emotionally motivated, insofar that disgust is an emotion
>People like what they like and people reward others when they give them what they want
I'm assigning a value judgement here that there is nothing good to be found in this mode of society and is deserving of ridicule

>> No.7414456


We know, Elliot. We know.

>> No.7414458

My name's not Elliot though. :|

>> No.7414464

>All of life is a popularity contest
Nice unjustifiable generalization

Just because you remember more conversations with popular people doesnt mean these conversations were of substance. Substance is what drives things forward. Not popularity.

>> No.7414465

>This is what actual, real life, autistic retard neckbeards actually believe. You realize you just described a popular person, right? No one remembers the conversation they had with some actual, real life, autist retard neckbeard. They remember the conversation with the "human of quality" they met.
literally incomprehensible. try again without contradicting yourself

>> No.7414472

>with popular people
Jesus, what are you talking about? People of quality and "popular" people are not necessarily the same thing.
>doesn't mean these conversations weren't of substance
says you
You are trying to disagree with me but you are implicitly agreeing with everything I said. take a break, dude

>> No.7414475


>Substance is what drives things forward. Not popularity.

You don't get popular without having substance.

Yes, even the vapid "models" you so desperately wish you were, offer something to the people that are interested in that. Offer something that others find interesting (substance), you'll get popular.

It's not. that. hard.

>> No.7414484

Shallow argument by a shallow person. Superficial people make poor thinkers

>> No.7414485

Sounds great, I'll definitely check it out. Still looking for something oughties though

>> No.7414487

No, that anon was right. You think because these people see substance in their opinions, it's disgusting narcissism? Who are you to judge?

>> No.7414493

You're still agreeing with me. I guess it's just fun to keep your post in the flavor profile of contrarianism?

>> No.7414495
File: 38 KB, 620x400, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq is who you're looking for

>> No.7414502
File: 312 KB, 1594x2578, 1444639459460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7414506

>Yes, even the vapid "models" you so desperately wish you were
That poster is not myself (op) and it weakens your argument to assume baseless things.
>offer something to the people that are interested in that
people without anything valuable in their head
>Offer something that others find interesting (substance), you'll get popular
I'm not saying I'm not "popular", although I think that term is loaded and kind of idiotic. I'm not saying I desire popularity or have nothing to offer. I'm saying the mass broadcast of consumption of surface level triteness is odious. Hopefully I won't have to keep explaining what was an obvious point and prying it apart from all this

>> No.7414507

the act of remembering is only substantial as far as memory goes. models only offer something because of how they're marketed, to create profit.

interest is nothing but fascination unless prompted by something more than 'ooh, look, they're famous'

>> No.7414508

what book specifically should I go for?

>> No.7414511

Platform or The Elementary Particles

>> No.7414516

What's your problem with superficial society op did chad fuck your crush or something? Quit fucking projecting quit being a fucking reactionary and gather up an original thought. You're the one taking the easy road with 'muh oppression depression'

>> No.7414518

lol u mad bro? xD

>> No.7414519

I can't find the synchronized English subs anywhere, for the love of fuck.

>> No.7414521

Any, to be honest. I've read every single one, and apart from his essay on Lovecraft and Soumission, they all fit your description.

>> No.7414533




Call us when you can buy a pack of cigarettes, OP.

>> No.7414538

>I'm saying the mass broadcast of consumption of surface level triteness is odious.
Why? Why even bother bringing value judgements into this? It just is what it is. Why not just be contented with your own little psychological corner instead of throwing rocks into the psychological space that others occupy?

>people without anything valuable in their head
Why does that matter? Life isn't purely composed of thought. There's other dimensions to life and other people enjoy having the needs in those other dimensions stimulated. What's the problem here?

>> No.7414542
File: 841 KB, 2060x1236, Michel-Houellebecq-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mmm. oh yeah. idolize him. this is what you're looking for, OP. it's who you are.

>> No.7414544
File: 58 KB, 330x329, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did chad fuck your crush or something?
>Quit fucking projecting
>did [baseless thing] happen
>quit projecting

>> No.7414548

>Call us when you can buy a pack of cigarettes, OP.
Ya this. OP by the time you're an adult, "popularity" doesn't fucking matter at all. Money matters and 2bh only because money is what determines who can get away with what.

>> No.7414550
File: 405 KB, 1200x843, houellebecq3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm. Houellebecq is love. Houellebecq is life.

So dreamy. I want to idolize him.

>> No.7414556

Most biting satires in history, nonfiction and fiction, are filled with rock-throwing. What's wrong with rock throwing?

>> No.7414559

he looks like Voldemort took some rogaine

>> No.7414562
File: 436 KB, 2048x1536, Michel-Houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sweet. My lovely. Houellebecq. Mmmm.

>> No.7414569
File: 173 KB, 1368x1026, Houellebecq-afp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is my soul. He speaks through me. It is like we are one and the same.

>> No.7414570

He looks like a gargoyle with the hair of a troll doll.

>> No.7414586


He is who OP wants to be and more. He is his heart. He is his body. He is his soul. He is inspiration for OP. If he works hard, he may one day be Houellebecq.

>> No.7414590

haven't read him yet so I can't say. I'm not gonna assume he has an ugly soul because he's an ugly person

>> No.7414600

>implying OP possesses the qualities of said satirists