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/lit/ - Literature

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7414243 No.7414243 [Reply] [Original]

>qt muslim girl where I work comes over a lot to speak to my colleague
>sees pic related on my desk
>"Can I borrow that when you're done with it? I'm looking for something to read"
>she just finished The Fault in Our Stars
>"S-sure. I'm on the last couple of pages so you can have it at the end of the week"
>Give it to her
>Start fretting about whether its an appropriate book to lend to a non-literary stranger
>Go home and remember it has loads of "nigger" in it etc
>monday say to her "it's a bit chauvinistic and remember its from a old time etc" she says don't worry about it
>by Wednesday she has finished
>find the book on my desk with a chocolate bar and a note saying Thank you x
>she probably doesn't like me but isn't it pretty to think so?

>> No.7414251

I liked that book, just read it a couple of weeks ago. I don't remember anything about 'niggers' in it though, there was more jew bashing as I recall.

>> No.7414254


This is like a better Brownbear post.

>> No.7414262

>monday say to her "it's a bit chauvinistic and remember its from a old time etc" she says don't worry about it

Holy shit you fucked up.

>> No.7414263

There's a pretty decent section where he's on the fishing trip talking about a good nigger boxer

>> No.7414273

I will have to look it up... I remember the fishing trip though. It seemed like a moment of calm before the happenings of the fiesta.

>> No.7414304

Sweet story op, hope things work out between you and the qt

>> No.7414305

try and fuck her anyways
i can tell you from experience that most muslim girls are pretty easy

>> No.7414311


>> No.7414321

Thank Allah for sexual repression, eh?

>> No.7414328


>> No.7414330

She probably thinks your a beta kaffir after the chauvinist thing; you fucked up big time

>> No.7414366

Avoiding a racist calamity at work; fucked up big time?

Yes you probably need to be a little wary when a work colleague asks to borrow a book and its Less than Zero or Lolita or something.

>> No.7414373

A woman who appreciates Hemingway is a rare thing. You should definitely pursue this.

>> No.7414375


>> No.7414377

Where is it implied that she has enjoyed the book?

>> No.7414390

There's a sizable Muslim population in my community, and most of them are afraid to date outside the faith for fear of being ostracized. I have a fried whose parents stopped talking to him once he started dating a Christian girl. On the bright side their wedding was open bar since there were no religious Muslims to object.

>> No.7414392

She's probably smart enough to pick up on the chauvinism and is probably aware that it's from "a old time". You patronized her, you kek.

>> No.7414394

>isn't it pretty to think so?


>> No.7414395
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I wouldn't lend my things to a dirty fucking Muslim anyway.

>> No.7414396
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>> No.7414402 [DELETED] 

nice blog


>> No.7414432

>monday say to her "it's a bit chauvinistic and remember its from a old time etc" she says don't worry about it

Jesus Christ OP.

Grow a pair. People don't need your white saviour complex.

>> No.7414443

Knowing that I'd probably say something like OP did because I'm rubbish at talking to people I like these threads because I can learn from it.

Pursue her, OP. Not literally, just in the figurative sense. As somebody else said, girls that enjoy Hemingway (assuming she did) are not common.

>> No.7414449


>> No.7414455

This is /lit/ faggot, not /r9k/.

>> No.7414462

Then talk about literature and not how to bag some girl like a bunch of degenerate chads.

>> No.7414473

I responded to OP.

What you should've said is, why does OP think /lit/ is his blog?

>> No.7414505


>> No.7414514


>> No.7414517

>she gifted you a chocolate bar
how's kindergarten working out?

>> No.7414524

Tiny details are cute to be honest

>> No.7414525

>it's a bit chauvinistic
the only acceptable role for women in many Muslim societies is head-scarfed housewife. Those countries also have 70-90% rates of domestic abuse and threats against women.
I don't think Hemmingway's chauvinism would be anything to be alarmed about

>> No.7414530


>> No.7414532

>find the book on my desk with a chocolate bar and a note saying Thank you x

what bar f.am

>> No.7414534
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>girls that enjoy Hemingway are not common
ya, no girls enjoy Bukowski or John Green, either

>> No.7414547


What website is this supposed to be? I clicked on the link and there was nothing there.

>> No.7414549

OK so you have never gave to your gf/bf little details like this?

>> No.7414552

d.a.m.n d.a.w.g

>> No.7414558 [DELETED] 


>> No.7414561


>> No.7414564

>>find the book on my desk with a chocolate bar and a note saying Thank you x


>> No.7414576
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>>"S-sure. I'm on the last couple of pages so you can have it at the end of the week"
>>Give it to her
>>Start fretting about whether its an appropriate book to lend to a non-literary stranger
>>Go home and remember it has loads of "nigger" in it etc
>>monday say to her "it's a bit chauvinistic and remember its from a old time etc" she says don't worry about it

>> No.7414594

If you're older than sixteen, OP, and you're actually that fucking insecure in your tastes and general being, you should probably consider seeing a therapist. For an adult you're fucking neurotic, and there's absolutely no way you will ever live a normal life without seeing a mental health specialist or having some cataclysmic event make you really look at yourself for the first time in your pathetic life.

>> No.7414608

I find your views to be a bit chauvinistic and from an old time

>> No.7414737

Seriously? I'm 25 and just don't want to offend anybody

>> No.7414805

You're fucking pathetic. Get help.

>> No.7414831

but that was from FWTBT, not TSAR so OP's clever little turn of phrase was actually a candid admission that he regularly browses r/books and reddit in general.

>> No.7414836
File: 44 KB, 641x480, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ».jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre baiting op youre doing a great job. If not, go drink some bleach

>> No.7414839

>I'm 25

Sancte Liebowitz, ora pro nobis...

>> No.7414841

Don't listen to him, mate. Remember, we're all on 4chan for some reason.

>> No.7414842

>ora pro nobis

is that speak for us? My latins a bit rusty f a m

>> No.7414858

My latin is worse, but technically it translates to "pray for us"

It could say "speak" if translated literally, I think

>> No.7414863

It's the last sentence of TSAR, mate.

>> No.7414865

>Everyone on 4chan is a loser, r-right? it's f-fine to be a pathetic manchild incapable of justifying his own likes and dislikes even to himself because e-everyone on 4chan is j-just as pathetic as me... t-the only possible reason anyone w-would ever be on this website is because they're pathetic and they use it for e-escapism, r-right?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, friend.

OP, if you get some time you should probably ask your parents where they stored your spine after they had the obstetrician surgically remove it.

>> No.7414870

Its from TSAR, buddy. What a silly post you've just made.

>> No.7414876

>associating with Muslims

>> No.7414880

idk why u felt like you had to explain urself op...you didn't write the book

and there's nothing chauvinist in it, b. ashley is totally liberated

>> No.7414882


>> No.7414885

>she will never be a litchat regular

>> No.7414886 [DELETED] 


>> No.7414888 [SPOILER] 
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>litchat regulars

>> No.7414889

>talking about human interaction is /soc/
feel free to share dick pics anon

>> No.7414891

This isn't /r9k/. /lit/ is literally the most normie board on 4chan. Fuck off you pathetic excuse for a human being.

>> No.7414900

>/lit/ is literally the most normie board on 4chan.
no it isn't wtf are you talking about

>> No.7414901

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.
/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

>> No.7414906

so why dont u contribute?

look, here i am trying to discuss literature >>7414880

>> No.7414907

That'd be /fit/

I'm not a racist anon, I just don't associate with people who hold a child fucker as a representative of the divine

>> No.7414911

Yes it is

>> No.7414916


>> No.7414917

no /sp/ is you idiot

>> No.7414926

Yo man dont get offended by anons on internet mate; the thing is you probably have a good shot at that muslim poonani and you should beat the iron while it's hot (it doesnt translate really well from the french expression haha)

Just give her the D man why are you even caring, worst case scenario she gets offended and you take her for a coffee to talk about it

>> No.7414936

what do u think of lady ashley?

>> No.7414937

>like this stunningly intelligent and beautiful Italian-German girl
>known her nearly all your life
>hear that her ex-boyfriend recently committed suicide
>she tells this to you privately, overlooking the beach in the wind
>don't know why, but you decide to giver her your copy of The Crying of Lot 49 which you had just finished
>tell her - the beautiful girl with the dead boyfriend and the sad saucerpan eyes - that she might relate to it

Did I fuck up? I just wanted her to know that insanity is so often fed into. I also wanted her to know a lot more, but that wouldn't be right to tell her there.

>> No.7414942

It's very odd I wrote this in second-person.

>> No.7414943
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>> No.7414946

i think (just me) that you didn't fuck up but that you also didn't make a very strong impression. i havent read the book.

>> No.7414963

Strike while the iron is hot is a common saying in English as well

>> No.7414966

I'm a /fit/ regular and most people seem well adjusted

/r9k/ types get told to grow up or get out and most people don't watch anime which is a huge accomplishment for 4chan.

>> No.7414968

That's an awful lot of projection there, my friend. I think you're blowing things out of proportion, but then again, it seems your regular way of perceiving things. Regardless, if you feel the need to abrasively point out people's ''social flaws'' with malicious rhetoric on a European (the moon, not the continent) ice sculpture sticker board, you probably aren't a happy person. You can spin this any way you want, but a confident happy person wouldn't be doing what you're doing.

Consider that, and good night.

>> No.7414973
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ok kid

>> No.7414979


>> No.7414983
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It's never too late to change, Anon. You too can be saved.

>> No.7414985


>> No.7414988

You're actually so fucking stupid.

>> No.7414991

Quality thread goys

>> No.7414995

Would your family and friends be surprised if you were to show them your posts? Would you feel ashamed?

>> No.7415000
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Why are you even trying to get with some self-entitled hoe who's had fuccbois like you wait on her on hand and foot throughout her whole life?

Especially with a fucking meme book, what are you thinking?

>> No.7415002


>> No.7415006

Get a grip you clown. I'm completely right.

>> No.7415008


>> No.7415009
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Oh look it's one of these newfags.
You realise /lit/ before /his/ had discussions like this all the time? This board went to shit when these fuccbois started flooding in and started to decide what belonged on here and what didn't.

>> No.7415021

Don't respond to the b& /lit/

>> No.7415024

>>find the book on my desk with a chocolate bar and a note saying Thank you x
>note saying Thank you x
>Thank you x
I think she likes you.

>> No.7415027

wtf is a fuccboi?

>> No.7415030


>> No.7415032

o thnks

>> No.7415033

nah cuz, one "x" is polite -- "xx" and she's gagging for it.

>> No.7415036


>> No.7415040

what does xxx mean?

>> No.7415041

Goddamnit, all these social subtleties are too much.

>> No.7415050


>> No.7415052

Exaggeration, either actual gratitude or slut.

>> No.7415056

You know most writers knew how to fuck women right?

>> No.7415070

u mad bro?

itll be ok.

>> No.7415091

any 12 year old who's been through sex ed knows how to fuck women, it really isn't that hard

>> No.7415104

take her to poundtown fucin' beta.

>> No.7415105

>be fucking weird
>read a lot
>people think you're handsome
>be smart enough to come across as aloof
>fuck girls
>stay weird

You're probably missing step 3. It's okay.

>> No.7415107

That's because step 3 is the only one that matters no matter how much you delude yourself that worthless hoes fuck you based on your 'personality' and 'aloofness'

>> No.7415118

Sure. It is the only one that matters.

Lucky me.

>> No.7415133

Money matters too

>> No.7415144

If anything she probably enjoyed the kike-bashing in it too.
Fuck off, faggot memefrog posting aspie.
Back to your containment site >>>/wizchan/

>> No.7415150

only as far as you trust some slimy harpy to handle your hard-earned money.

>> No.7415157


>> No.7415181

Fuck off, retard; go take your pills.
>This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.7415366

Have you really been doing this all day?

>> No.7415379

lol what

>> No.7415500
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She didnt want him to think it was serious. Otherwise it would have been skittles.

>> No.7415521

She might actually be interested - there's a good chance she only read it because she likes you

don't sweat the racism - any well-read person almost expects racism from old lit
she won't think you're racist, she'll think you're cultured for reading something that's somewhat antiquated
there's also a good chance she only read part of it, or skimmed it, because she likes you

now invite her out to something, but avoid the word "date", even if it's obvious that's what it is

seem less invested in her than she is in you, but DON'T be a dick

be open about your interests and passions, and don't second guess yourself - be forward

be playful too

>> No.7415523

So many beta losers on the Internet hoping someone (anyone!) with tits notices them. It's shocking, really.

>> No.7415528
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Nice touch at the end, it was only a little corny.

>> No.7415536

>It's shocking, really
no, it's not
sites like this are dominated by males in their late teens and early 20s
young men are extremely concerned with sexual/romantic success, and at that age they're trying to figure out how to be successful
with that struggle to learn and succeed comes a lot of emotional pain and angst
why do you think teenagers are so into the anguished love songs of expressive genres like grunge, emo, goth, hardcore punk, etc.? Even in the past they gravitated toward music like blues and folk

>> No.7415557

>>>/r9k/ dumb frogposter

>> No.7415794

>work with an alcoholic guy
>he likes to read philosophy
>ask him if he'd read "Symposium" by Plato
>he says no, what's it about?
>gloss over it, saying it's about love, but very homoerotic
>make eye contact
>leave immediately
>drink until I'm asleep

>> No.7415995

>>find the book on my desk with a chocolate bar and a note saying Thank you x
>she probably doesn't like me


>> No.7416026

That's not that bad. It depends on the brand. Full Hershies = good, fun size candy, Twix, etc. = bad.

>> No.7416037
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you should have left a note on her desk saying

>unlike the protagonist I have a fully-functioning set of genitals ;^)

>> No.7416226
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>Hershey's = good

>> No.7416787

Good was the wrong term. Obviously, it's not sexy but I could see her being in to him. That said, he still sounds like a loser.

>> No.7416909

You know Hershey's used to have to use spoiled milk because they were so shit at making chocolate?

And you know when they figured out a way to stop that, Americans didn't like the new taste so they had to artificially create the spoilt milk taste?

That's how shit Hershey's chocolate is.

>> No.7416922


>monday say to her "it's a bit chauvinistic and remember its from a old time etc" she says don't worry about it

Yeah you lost whatever chance you had by being a kekold and apologizing for history and a writer's personality. That's an extremely timid(read kekold) thing to do and I don't feel bad for since you called Hemingway chauvinistic.

>> No.7416935

>gotta drive my point home... need to go big... "cataclysmic"... that'll really get him steamed...

>> No.7416936

Not every minority is scared of words.