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/lit/ - Literature

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7408882 No.7408882 [Reply] [Original]

Is that magic time again, boys and girls! :)

>> No.7408886

I bought that Bioshock prequel book too; I thought it was dece, you?

>> No.7408888


>> No.7408896

go back to reddit, so to speak, to be quite honest

>> No.7408932

>stop liking what i dont like!

>> No.7408971
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Take a look at this poor kek

>> No.7408975

Any richfags with an in home library?

>> No.7408982

That's a weird title for a book desu senpai

>> No.7408990

>world war z
>dan brown
>perks of being a wallflower
>hunger games trilogy
>le blade runner book
>brave new world
>the stand
>into the wild
>song of ice and fire
>atlas shrugged
>catcher in the rye

all thats missing is the martian and this is literally reddit: the bookshelf

>> No.7408994

>Jodi Picoult
>Danielle Steele

I'm being trolled, aren't I?

>> No.7409008
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>those shirts
That's some ugly ass fashion you got going on.

>> No.7409135 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7409142
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>> No.7409146
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>> No.7409149
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>> No.7409151 [DELETED] 


>> No.7409152
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>> No.7409153
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>> No.7409154
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>> No.7409155
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>> No.7409157
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>> No.7409158 [DELETED] 


>> No.7409160
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>> No.7409163
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>> No.7409164
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>> No.7409170
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>> No.7409195

disgusting taste in fashion desu

the books are shit too

>> No.7409341


Sexy desu

>> No.7409342


Come out of the closet Garry.

>> No.7409379

>bad taste in clothing
>Danielle Steel
At least you're in the closet. Stay there.

>> No.7409421
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>> No.7409471

Why the fuck are your books in your wardrobe?

>> No.7409475


>> No.7409514
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Holy shit where's the fedora and meme tshirt?


Your shelves on the other hand are quite nice.

>> No.7409538
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>> No.7410345


>> No.7410407

Atlas Shrugged? Really? What are you? A fucking 16 year old?

>> No.7410414

They all look new. Which ones have you actually read?

>> No.7410500


Is your gf the one reading Kant?

>> No.7410666

I take good care of my books. Might be easier to list which I -haven't- read:

Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra (kek)
Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
Pictor's Metamorphoses
Palm-of-the-hand Stories
Joseph and His Brothers
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
Flann O'Brien Novels
In the First Circle
Zeno's Conscience
The Handmaid's Tale
Solar Lottery
The Good Man Jesus and His Scoundrel Christ
On the Beach
Sword and Citadel
The Day of the Triffids(currently reading)

By my count that's 65 read and 17 unread; the poetry is excluded since I've only read a handful of them cover to cover but they're more for reference and reading excerpts for now and then.

I have other shelves across the country with...IDK probably a couple hundred? books that are I'd guess 85-90% read.

>> No.7410676
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>> No.7410679
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>> No.7410685


Did you fell grandpa?

>> No.7410689
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>> No.7411004

this is a nice setup a decent usage of space.
i think you could squeeze another mini shelf at chest level there too

>> No.7411067
File: 2.90 MB, 4128x2322, 20151201_194418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my shelf mates

>> No.7411073

I'm afraid not, she's reading Game of Thrones. For philosophy, she's reading John Stuart Mill on feminism. It's a start.

>> No.7411098

tacky Buddha

>> No.7411109

patrician shit like soul mountain and moby dick

then ayn rand

can't discern any other titles

senpai it's 2015 get a non shit camera/phone pls

>> No.7411131
File: 2.90 MB, 4128x2322, 20151201_195848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit that's the first time I see someone who knows Gao Xingjian and appreciates superior Chinese contemporary literature.

that's my weaboo corner btw (sorry for the low quality as you can see I live in a third world shithole)

>> No.7411210

all i can tell is there's two copies of an ayn rand

>> No.7411411
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>> No.7412443

Gao Xingjiang is legit.

Kazuo Ishiguro isn't a weeaboo though, the only thing Japanese about him is his name. Belongs with the Brit lit section not the Weeb lit section desu.

>> No.7412505
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>> No.7412521

>those awful fucking clothes
But why?

>> No.7412528

How should I organize my books? I was thinking by publisher? But I have some books by authors that are under different publishers... What is the most aesthetically pleasing??

>> No.7412534

/tg/ but nice.

>> No.7412555

Alphabetically. By author. Fuck publishers. Did FSG execs write 2666?

>> No.7412556
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Titles should be legible if you use Chrome's ResolutionMultiplier extension to enhance the photo.

>> No.7412562

I bet you're fun at parties {|:~l]

>> No.7412598

>Ayn Rand

>> No.7412618
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Here's mine. I have a lot more books but they're all in boxes downstairs. Most of the ones I'm reading are in my room.

>> No.7412672

never read a book where the author's name takes up more space on the cover/spine than the title

>> No.7412684

I've never read a post where the anon's bullshit takes up more space than the amount of word's in the post itself.

>> No.7412689

Holy shit are you fourteen

>> No.7412724

you're a fucking autist

>> No.7412729

how come you kant find reason on your own

>> No.7412788

nice calvino

>> No.7412816

>enhance the photo

Are you taking the piss, m8?

>> No.7412823

If you were truly punctilious, you would know that Kant was notorious bad speller and that his name was–and this is going to blow your mind because I believe he shares your name–Cunt.

>> No.7413135

Kafka and Sailor Moon on the same shelf...........

>> No.7413145

oh, I get it. You're hiding all the good books so you wont be threatening to normies and plebs. Very Clever. Now show us your real bookshelf.

>> No.7413174

Kafka was the original magical girl

>> No.7413238 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 2617x3063, 70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post an updated version of this in a couple of weeks maybe, got a new shelf on the way.

not that anyone will care

>> No.7413736
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How rude.

>> No.7413956

thanks for sharing that tidbit morcel of info o grail of knowledge

>> No.7415237

>Meninos da Rua Paulo

damn, I had forgotten about that, loved it when I was in 5th-6th grade

>> No.7415253


I like it.

>> No.7415257
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>The Koran
>Palestine Inside out

>> No.7415273


What's the implication? I'm not a big fan of Dawkins but I bought a few of his books when I was younger.

>> No.7415287

>figure skating for dummies

>> No.7415293



>> No.7415314

>those clothes

>> No.7415329

Who /library/ here?

>tfw Collected Plays of Neil Simon book is long over due.

>> No.7415330

>Neil Simon

Total garbage.

>> No.7415332

my local library is absolute garbage
I requested Canterbury Tales
and I got
Cantonoille Ghost

what the fuck?

>> No.7415334

Only Spike Lee is comparable as creating New York as a living breathing character.

Get bent.

>> No.7415339

shit this might be a little late, how is napoleon symphony? i was thinking about picking it up the other day.

>> No.7415368
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>> No.7415376

what is the kant book, my kin?

>> No.7415382

Hey man, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was a good book.

>> No.7415386

any particular reason why you have two versions of the critique of pure reason?

>> No.7415387


>> No.7415394

I know you are but what the fuck am I? you snot-nosed bitch's bitch.

>> No.7415395

why are you bullying me, anon?

>> No.7415399

i hate your interest and taste and prob you

>> No.7415403

probably all the murakami, marcus aurelius, world war z and mechanics textbooks

nice haul for what its worth

>> No.7415409

not all of the books there are books I like. Terry Pratchett and "How to be well informed" were gifts from my parents two years ago and I have yet to read them. The Neil Gaiman was loaned to me by a friend who insisted I read it, and I thought it was pretty mediocre. "I know what you did last supper" is a meme book my brother bought me as a joke.

I'm sorry if I upset you though.

>> No.7415416

if you like ulysses (sirens in particular) you'll like him. burgess was definitely going for something similar here. i hesitate to say it was completely successful but i think it was a really fun read as soon as you catch on to what he's doing. it really helps if you know either beethoven's 3rd really well (musically) or if you know napoleonic history really well. he's very obtuse with his names and characters and as someone who was good with the music but bad with the history i had to do a bit of googling and wiking to get my plot/context straight.

if you're not a fan of experimental writing/prose then maybe skip it.

trying to get my hands on a copy of mozart and the wolf gang, which i understand does somethign similar with mozart's 40th symphony. afaik out of print so i'll have to hunt down a used copy somewhere.

>> No.7415429

>OCR textbook

>> No.7415432

Yes. lots of us on /lit/

>> No.7415459

ok thank you

>> No.7415469

cheers. let me know what you think if you do end up reading it, definitely not a book that gets talked about as much here.

actually surprising how little burgess is discussed here when considering the giant boner we all have for joyce/ulysses. probably because all most people know burgess for is a clockwork meme?

>> No.7415571

you did. your marakami collection particularly urked me