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/lit/ - Literature

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738510 No.738510 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, how's that novel coming?

>> No.738515

Well it's only in the planning stages so far, but I'm really happy with the plot outline.

>> No.738524
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I've already written and had it published, I'm world famous.

>> No.738822

eh, still researching.

>> No.738829

See: >>738659

>> No.738832
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Oh, not this one again.

>> No.738838

Planning stages, still. Few months ago I was in the generic "yay, let's write an epic fantasy!!!1" stage . . . however then my mind went over-9000 and gave me an idea for a historical novel.

If there are spelling mistakes and other stuff, than I blame it on it being past midnight and only coffee keeping me awake.

>> No.738845

i'm writing a play instead. novels are so pre-post-modern

>> No.738859
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>a historical novel
oh shit...are you putting alot of research into getting the deatils right? because the other day(last friday) I got an idea for a historical novel and I though I knew quite a bit about the time period but these last few days I've found out that I don't know nearly as much as I thought... so I think its going to take me a while to have enough information to move on and actually start writing.

>> No.739165

not so good, feels bad man.

>> No.739228

Written three already. Working on a rewrite of the best one this summer to actually publish.

>> No.739244

Much better than expected. Still doing skeleton work, though.

>> No.739262


Massive research on 15 & 16th century to be done during the summer. :)

>> No.739263
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>> No.739572

whats it about?

>> No.739651

i want to write a couple and be like hemingway, but ill never actually do it.

feels bad man

>> No.739672

Fleshed out an *actual* ending to it last night. Although for it to work, I need to revamp 2D background characters into 3D characters with prominent roles.

Feels good man :)

>> No.739690

Written. Editing. Applied for a writer's workshop. If I get in this thing will get some rough lovin' but should emerge publishable.

>> No.739699

Been planning out 4-5 different novel ideas over the course of about 4 years. I keep thinking up new and interesting shit, and subsequently changing everything at the same time. Shit sucks.

My newest idea is something to do with space colonization, with a magic-realism touch to it.

>> No.739712

How do you just apply for a writer's workshop? I didn't know you could do that shit lol.

>> No.739816

They hold them all the time. You just need to find one you're interested in and send out whatever material is required for the application. This one wanted the first 8,000 words, a synopsis and a cover letter. Pretty simple.

>> No.739836

I'm not so self-centered as to think I have anything really worth saying.

In fact, I might not even post this message.
Let's see how I feel about it after I come back from taking a shit.......

>> No.740437

this, feels real bad man.

>> No.740471

I've been working on a book. About three chapters into the rough draft. Morale high.

>> No.740601


Hey, it happens to all of us. The faster you learn and the more entertaining your mind is, the more you'll look back on your old work and slap yourself - "Damn, I should've done this! This guy should've been able to do this, she should've had that happen to her before the story started," ad infinitum.

It's the curse of progress, and just means you're talented.

>> No.740949

meh, Im thinking about giving up :(

>> No.740958

They're plays actually. And they're going quite well, as I'm already receiving money for them.

>> No.740963
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Oh no you won't! Get back to work!

>> No.740964

Researching at the moment.

It's actually a lot of fun, I have these big pieces of paper tacked on my walls with all sorts of information that I can relate to my novel, as well as little ideas, character bio's and maps n' shit.

It's a long process but really awesome.

>> No.740968

I must be literally the only man left alive who actually enjoys writing short stories and has no current plans for a novel.

>> No.740980

That does sound like fun. Good luck!

It's funny looking back on how some of my story ideas came to be--and how much they have grown. So random and spontaneous, god damn!

>> No.740982

We're in the same boat, my friend.

>> No.740988


You two have any tips on writing a good short story? I seem to always have trouble to end it which eventually doesn't make it a short story anymore.

>> No.741102

good just finished the first section of my first draft. taking a break for a bit. then I'll start up the second section.

thanks for asking Ernest!

>> No.741109



>> No.741200

>>740982Yeah, it's short stories for now. A novel might come later.

>> No.741211

I wrote two novels and a play a while back. I won't be doing it again until I learn a hell of a lot more about English and life in general.

I'll write short-stories every now and then though; there's no harm in that for me.

>> No.741218

300 pages in. Will probably be 450 on the first draft. Will edit it down significantly during revision.

Feels good, man.

>> No.741224


Congratulations. Don't let the editing wear you down, though.

>> No.741239

Almost done!

>> No.741255
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Check out this which I wrote yesterday:

"He's late", Jean said to herself anxiously for the fifteenth time as her shivering frame paced the street, the prickled white hairs on her sleeveless arms hopelessly snatching at the air for pockets of warmth.

Her boyfriend, Paul, had forsaken her to the barren streets of outer-Chicago. She had finished her first day as a working secretary there and the wait for her lover and his chariot was extending into it's second hour. How she pined for that chariot to liberate her from the harsh, oppressive winds whipping at her soft teenaged skin; to deliver her to the sticky passionate heat of the bed sheets under which she had surrendered her flesh to Paul countless times over the last year.

Paul had recently been abandoned to the swamps of the unemployed which now plagued The States. The two had been mourning their losses in a Chicago bar the week earlier when a handsome man, who Jean doubted had yet to breach his forties, had fortuitously overheard their sullen conversation and almost immediately, with a keen alchohol-tempered sense, proposed Jean with a generous employment offer. Jean had delightedly accepted and was quizzing her unexpected drinking-partner on the terms of her employment as Paul sat silent begrudgingly, displaying his disapproval but wisely withdrawing protest in the shadow of the precarious economic position the couple had been condemned to. Jean, to show her gratitude and confidence in her new employer, treated him to many an avid glance at her charming, slender legs. The couple left the bar that night with one of them seeming taller(and perhaps the other and shrunk slightly too). ...

>> No.741257
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...The grace of the employer and his lascivious stares had left Jean shaking with titillation, she begged at Paul's body as soon as they entered the apartment but Paul, with a stern face that furiously avoided hers, cast away her advances and retired to sleeping on the couch (where he had slept for the last week). This left Jean alone in her bed to masturbate silently, her head thrust back biting her pillow to contain the moans of her ecstasy.

The two had not spoken about the incident until the totalitarianism of necessity had left them but no other choice. It was the morning of Jean's First-Day when Jean, not without hesitation, had informed Paul that she would need to be picked up at 8 o' clock. The tension that Paul had contained for five agonizing days slimed it's viscid way up through Paul's throat and out into the apartment's air in the form of scathing, venomous words. Jean had anticipated this; knowing how inadequate he felt not being able fulfill his masculine role of home-supporter; how desperately, desperately insecure he felt at the prospect of not being able to hold onto his darling beauty almost a decade his junior; how corrosively envious of her knightly employer he was. The sight of her revealing attire -- her short grey skirt and white sleeveless shirt which left her cleavage winking through it's "V" -- only lent itself to the explosion of his anger. Between the scarlet waves of his frothing tirades she threw appeasements at him, told him how he loved and was loyal to him, how her dress was simply a conventional necessity for a secretary and nothing more. Relinquishing herself from her honest pleas she thundered her way through the apartment door, the long locks of her scarlet hair streaking elegantly behind her were as the embers of Paul's rage that extinguished as they vanished from his sight.

>> No.741259
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"Paul it's over, i'm calling a taxi and going straight back to the apartment to pick up my stuff. Don't you dare be there Paul."

She left the message on his phone which had refused to answer her calls a dozen times over the last two hours.

This is what i've written so far. If I get round to finishing it i'm planning on giving it a non-sequitur ending to troll /new/ with.

>> No.741273

I'm working on a short story at the moment. It's essentially about a guy who falls in love with a girl he meets in a dream, and his real life starts going to hell as he becomes obsessed with her and his dreams. I find the dream scenes to be much easier to write.

>> No.741278

i am not writing a novel because i am not a faggot

>> No.741603

I'll get to it eventually.

>> No.741619


>> No.741643

I'm not either of the people you asked, but I might have a suggestion for you. I find that it really REALLY helps to outline before you start writing. If you know where and how it's going to end before you get too far in, it's much easier to control the length of the story and make sure it stays within the word count range you're looking for.

>> No.743707
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>i am not a faggot

>> No.743726
File: 132 KB, 471x644, Chapt1-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. I just finished chapter 1.

A little feedback?

>> No.743727

Written 3 already. They're crap, but they were fun to write, at least. Reading through them will give me a laugh every time, if not a cringe.

>> No.743729
File: 71 KB, 475x385, Chapt1-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.743730

Writing a book of poetry.


>> No.743734

Working on it.

I have my protagonists, antagonists, scene, setting, conflict, plots, subplots, and goals all aligned.

Now I just have to write. And edit. I'm not even going to tackle editing until I've finished the story. If I edited as I went along, I'd never finish.

>> No.744134

Wait what? I got lost staring deeply into his turtle neck.
One day, I aspire to being cool enough to wear a wool turtleneck.

>> No.744154

Only have about 15k words to go. I'm heavily editing an 85-page (43k words) fragment right now. Whole thing should be done in a few weeks.

Feels very good to set a goal of this magnitude and see it to the end. The hardest part is keeping it around the 120k word maximum. =/ I want to write moar dammit!

>> No.744176

I'm sorry, but my first impression of this is it sounds like RP you would find on Yahoo or some forum.

First paragraph is a very awkward run on sentence. Break it up, but keep the flow. Also, you need to get rid of contradictory vocabulary and statements.

>a growl of pleasure lodged in his throat
How can a sound get 'lodged'?

>what they desired
Who is they?

>responding urgently
Urgently needs to be substituted with a word like passionately.

>massaging his skull
lolwat? Massaging a bone? Scalp would be a better substitute.

Ellipses is not necessary or correct.

>> No.744179

Writing it out, 10 chapters so far; but when it's finished, I'll have to read and revise them all over again.

>> No.744181

>nearly groaning
Either he did or didn't.

>hurried as far from the blonde
He ran as far as he could would be a better substitute.

Hope this helped.

>> No.744212

Working on the rough draft. Six chapters in, 40 pages, around 40,000 words. The writing is... okay. When I read it all I see is shittiness.

Are all rough drafts terrible?

>> No.744228

If you want to get published, be prepared to rewrite it again and again and again.

>> No.744237

I'm a terrible writer, but that doesn't really stop me from scrapping out the occasional short story.

>> No.744243 [SPOILER] 
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i cant write

>> No.744246

I won't pretend anyone can write anything valuable in their 20's. That's just silly.

So I just scribble stuff and won't start any serious literary endeavour until several years.