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/lit/ - Literature

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7411909 No.7411909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw contemporary rap is more literary than contemporary poetry

Lil Ugly Mane is the poet of our times

Billy Woods namedrops Daniil Kharms.

Prove me wrong, or post some good hip-hop poesy.

>> No.7411914
File: 35 KB, 500x498, uglygl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLOWNS AND BROWNS: http://www.activeabuse.com/clown.pdf

Ugly writes short stories too ^^

>> No.7411926

Hip hop threads tend to get murked here.

I don't agree with it, but there ya go.


>> No.7411932

>/mu/ claims to be patrician
>unironically listens to meme rap

Top kek lads

>> No.7411942

If memerap = bars like this, I'll take it:

All these critics try to tell me my music is a shitty gimmick
Shit, I'm just spitting for the fucking spitting
I ain't worried about some idiots that caught up in the analytics
Never liked the limelight, never was compatible
Only press you getting outta Ugly is the lateral
People too concerned with strictly adding up their capital
But dollars are collapsible, so y'all ain't even rational
But just to keep my motives in the open, never wanted no exposure
Never needed to be noticed, never bothered with promotion, kept the photo out of focus
The mental state was humble though the rhymes was brag-a-docious
Wandered with my hoody up down narcissistic avenues
Vastly captivated turned rapping into stacking loot
But why pursue that gratitude if nothing is an absolute
The aptitude is too acute to navigate my attributes

But I'm way too impatient to wait for stupid vacant disgraces to wake
This the human race and y'all standing in place it's a waste
It's the age of information and all the truth and all the lies
Are just there for the taking
The temporary and ancient, face it, you're basic
Safe and complacent, you’ll never escape it
Totally okay with being under surveillance

This is not praising the foil hats
Y'all are obvious monkeys, go crawl back to your bunkers
And boil rats for your lunches
Shit is too far out of your clutches
Your protests and disruptions just confuse all the dunces
Anyone with brain function already deduced all your hunches
The sky's blue bitch, give me newer assumptions

>> No.7411943

Rap isn't real music and it's DEFINITELY not real poetry

>> No.7411947

>real music
Arbitrary categorization. It doesn't have tone in time?

>real poetry
It isn't verse in meter performed orally?

>> No.7411948

the lazyness of this bait bothers me far more than its content

>> No.7411953


ugly mane goes hard. but i can't listen to him. because i know he's lying.

i need authenticity; i need a certain demonic energy to carry on with my current life, and i find that liars tend to make my dick soft.

if its gonna be rap, i'd rather something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uSn98gkT1Y

>> No.7411960


>still entertaining the pleb/patrician dicho

You're just as /mu/ as he is you memekid.

>> No.7411961


>> No.7411974


>If memerap = bars like this, I'll take it:

I listen to rap and like it, but if you seriously think this is so impressive from a literary standpoint that it deserves posting and showing anon then you clearly don't read much.

>> No.7411982


"One is the most innovative writer of the 20th century, the other is James Joyce. Can you distinguish between sentences written by the Irish novelist and the lyrics of surrealist rapper Kool Keith? "

>> No.7411988


>You scored 9 out of 10!

not too bad sennnnnpai

>> No.7411993


Wow. That's actually fucking fire.

But fuck that energy man. Not healthy.

>> No.7411995

Same, got 'em all except this one:

>"Ba-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum, ambulance, lightsbright paramedics fetish your legs with eggs chicken hatch."

>> No.7411999

I got that one right because ambulances didn't exist in Joyce's day.

>> No.7412000

The only rappers with lyrics with any amount of complexity are MF Doom, Kool Keith, and Aesop Rock.

>> No.7412005
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never heard that track before

stan stay grinding yes he do

>> No.7412016

>Aesop Rock

>> No.7412020

>/lit/: the rapper hasn't been mentioned yet in all his name-dropping glory


>> No.7412026


>In 1905 the City of Dublin Ambulance Division was formed, the first unit open to members of the public for membership.

>> No.7412029

ok puss, but
I need that energy

dr. octagon used to be my shit freshman year high school hahaha.

it seems so goofy now though..
aesop rock is corny and so is MF Doom. madvillainy was decent, i guess. and he looks like an idiot with that mask. wtf is he supposed to be, black russell crowe?

>> No.7412034


i feel like milo, busdriver and aesop etc and what dull reddit types listen to when they want to feel "intellectual". it's mostly boring shit 2bh.

>> No.7412035


He's not really /lit/ though. Literally all he does is name drop, there's no substance to any of it

>> No.7412048


that spinoza line was so hamfisted and corny.

>> No.7412049

There are people who listen to Rap Music in order to feel "intellectual'???????????????????????

>> No.7412055

Americans think a hamburger is a real dinner, and then they say raps are real poetry. What a country.

>> No.7412057

Lotta people give him shit, but a lot of his lyrics are killer.
>wtf is he supposed to be, black russell crowe?
He's the hero rap needs.
This is accurate, but you still have to give the rappers respect for not churning out the same shit as everyone else. I mean, it takes a large amount of bravery to introduce even the smallest, vaguest amount of intellectualism to so abhorrent a type of music.

>> No.7412060

it sounds like he is saying shit he doesn't understand to sound deep and thoughtful. Arthur Schopenhauer? What? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7412062

>Literally all he does is name drop, there's no substance to any of it

So /lit/?

>> No.7412064


haha, alright ace..

>that pic
good to see one of the old folks still around

>> No.7412066
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>> No.7412069

Pop music is for children.

>> No.7412071


Yes. They are pseudos who don't read that much so they draw on popular music for their main source of intellectualism. You see it all the time. Like militant Kendrick fans who say that people who hate just aren't "smart" enough for his music because he makes music only for smart people. I'm a fan of his personally but seeing lol tier pseudo posts like those always make me laugh.

>> No.7412072

Hmm... sure sounds like some Joyce fans to me... ;)

>> No.7412073

It's intellectually harmful to children like Harry Potter. The minds are deadened by cliches.

>> No.7412075

shabazz palaces = based

>> No.7412079


>he says as he shitposts on 4chan

lol go get em, killer

>> No.7412083


>preferring one set of noises over another set means you're a braindead pleb!!!
real patricians listen to mozart, amirite?

>> No.7412084

Maybe I will. I'll kill everyone who listens to pop music.

>> No.7412085

Fuck Kendrick fans so much. I was once told by one of them with no hint of irony that Kendrick is better than Franz Kafka.

>> No.7412088

Actually, they play Mozart. Just listening is the plebbest thing to do

>> No.7412091

No, real patricians listen to Wagner, pleb.

>> No.7412092


I'd believe it.

You sound bitter and boring enough to take everyone down with you.

>> No.7412095

Nice fallacy.

>> No.7412100

i can't stand lyrical rappers anymore to be honest, especially when they have a 'message'


das it mane

>> No.7412103

what fallacy, you pseudo-intellectual nigger?

>> No.7412109
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I like Kendrick Lamar. GKMC is one of my favorite albums. I do think he rivals Kafka in his storytelling abilities.

But... that being said, rap music is 99% non-intellectual trash, and even the most pleb of authors (Stephen King) is galaxies better than someone like Gucci Mane or Young Thug.

>> No.7412110


>> No.7412113
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>unironically disliking guwop
>whining about rap being 'non-intellectual'
>liking kendrick

>> No.7412120

Just so we're clear, rock music and all related genres are just as revolting and aesthetically/intellectually worthless as rap

>> No.7412124

When he first got big, maybe. But he is by no means the best ever.

>> No.7412156

>white people actually think the point of rap is the lyrics
Dude they're musicians well before they're lyricists. Just listen to the music; the words are basically just jibberish they use to bring the music out of the sounds of the language using rhythm and shit. It doesn't make it "non-intellectual trash" unless you mistakenly put it in the category Stephen King belongs to, instead of rightfully putting them down as percussionsists who use words as a drum.

>> No.7412173

Then I'll listen to EDM if that's the only appeal of rap music, thank you.

Also, using "white people" as a pejorative term is yet another instance of people like you decaying society from the inside out.

>> No.7412179

OP here, really just wanted to see if y'all would read CLOWNS AND BROWNS.

I think it's p good.

>> No.7412184

> but i can't listen to him because i know he's lying.
all artists are liars. art=lies

>> No.7412186
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uh I'm pretty sure you're confusing 'simple' with 'bad'.

wanting to fuck hot bitches and trash talking your rivals is strait out of The Iliad. Getting money is biblical. Taking drugs as an antidote to pain is modernist as fuck. Rivalries are Shakespearean. Gucci and Young Thug are expressing timeless tropes at an extremely talented distilled level that resonates.

In an interview someone asked Gucci about his new record he just laughed and said something like 'you already know, i just rap about 2 or 3 things'.

These are the blues men of out times. they are like haiku masters

>> No.7412188

Tha'ts not what the word "trope" means.

>> No.7412193


You are exactly the kind of milquetoast Reddit tier listener that shouldn't even be bothering with rap. You are too dull for it.

There is a reason why Andre 3000 named Young Thug as one of his favorite rappers. He is a genius with melody. But you are too busy trying to intellectualize everything with your anemic schoolboy routine to see it.

>> No.7412199
File: 1.06 MB, 420x192, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In January of 2011, Gucci Mane approached Diana Graham at the South DeKalb Mall in Georgia, and invited her to breakfast. After she refused to accompany the Gooch back to his hotel, he opened the passenger door and pushed her out while the vehicle was in motion. Damn, that’s cold, even coming from the Ice Cream Man himself. Graham successfully sued Gucci for $58,161.24 in punitive damages.

Are you some sort of pussy?

>> No.7412200

RIP Young Pappy

chicago/drill is like if 90s westcoast 'gangsta' rap actually had real criminals

>> No.7412203

>music is intellectual
learn something new every day

>> No.7412204

>real music
doesn't exist.

>> No.7412208


jesus fucking christ grandma...Blaming music for a generation of intellectual cripples is entirely misguided. People remain ignorant because they make no efforts to educate themselves, to read.. whether they did so by choice or whether they were condemned to a meat-sack existence by birth makes no difference.
Music plays on our emotive aspects predominantly; not on intellect. I use music, as I said before, for the energy that it gives me. i'll listen to some drill, or behemoth's newest album, for example, in the morning and dominate everyone and everywhere I go for the rest of the day. Granted, this is primarily a function of who I am, rather than what I listen to, but I find that it helps.
and i take no conclusory stance on nature vs. nurture debate; i find that to be also misguided, but
these horders of weak, testosterone drained, unter-males would actually get a hormone boost if they started listening to more violent music. but then again some of you will always take the perspective of the victim, rather than the aggressor, which is why you don't like violence to begin with. anyhow, the point here is not about violence per se.
we are losing our true nature, this much is true, and the faggots are mobilizing

>> No.7412210

>implying the human voice isn't a uniquely appealing instrument and that EDM isn't built around it

...I didn't wtf

>> No.7412211

Some good Kendrick lines? He's been garbage for a while. TPAB is Yeezus-level hyped up nothing. GKMC is a 3/5. Section 80 was good. Even so, he's not very memorable.

Funny how he namechecks Marcus Garvey all the time, but his retarded fanbase doesn't know what Garvey stood for.

>> No.7412212

Rock has actually produced a few worthwhile works, considering its had more time and not impeded with ghetto culture.

>> No.7412218

wat, I thought Tupac was a criminal though?

>> No.7412222

Man I hate this GKMC panning. It's such a first listen rating.
I will agree that his latest album was fucking trash and agree again with you on Section .80.

>> No.7412223

ebin bait

>> No.7412227

There's a few great albums in every genre. Y'all genre stans weird me out. Cultish nonsense.

I've heard it many times. WOAH CONCEPT ALBUM!! lmao

>> No.7412230


then you're just another fraud. the most successful fiction writers are also the most honest ones.
art is an extension of self.
no one likes an impostor,

>> No.7412234

Percussion is cancer.

Please, come back when you're not illiterate.

Now, go back to /mu/

>> No.7412235

>the most successful fiction writers are the ones that have convinced me that they're the most honest

Fixed that.

>> No.7412237

>we are losing our true nature, this much is true, and the faggots are mobilizing
this 2bh, you can always tell a feminized kekboi by their dislike of violent and hard music.

>> No.7412241

>art is an extension of self.
This so much.

>> No.7412242

i think he was more of a drama class kid in highschool kinda thing

>> No.7412244

So I'm either not cultured enough or "interesting" enough to enjoy the non-intellectual melodic "genius" (a word typically used for Mozart) of Young Thug, is what you're saying.

>> No.7412245

>no one has mentioned lean yet

>> No.7412250

>or post some good hip-hop poesy

Here ya go

Joe Metro, Still Got Love, North by Northwest, Loyalty are my favorites on this album, but they're all brilliant. All of their albums are terrific, too. I especially like Cinemetropolis, a concept album built around the common tendency to be more absorbed in media than real life, the world around you.

>> No.7412253

not him but you're too far gone if you can't appreciate the melody of something like

>> No.7412256


>> No.7412257
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Forgot pic

>> No.7412260


Pretty sure he still committed crimes, black people in the 80s were just hella fruity.

>> No.7412262


>> No.7412264


Well, technically, Tupac was a dancer turned gangster only after he started rapping about it. His reactions against the system are more tied to his black panther upbringing, than to any real criminal gene.

Having said that, Tupac was honest. And he was fucking fearless.

The reason he got shot those initial five times is because he refused to let himself get robbed. at fucking gunpoint. I believe it was something like "shoot me you pussy".

>> No.7412269
File: 56 KB, 323x480, quit-playin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start a thread about LUM and CLOWNS AND BROWNS
>People enter polemics re: Young Thug and Kendrick


>> No.7412278

>The reason he got shot those initial five times is because he refused to let himself get robbed. at fucking gunpoint. I believe it was something like "shoot me you pussy"
Damn, son.
I thought Tupac only got shot when he got killed, he mentioned getting 5 shots in his songs but I always assumed that was just boasting.

>> No.7412282


you're only telling me about yourself with these posts. nothing less. nothing more.

>> No.7412289

trash. these autotune rappers are Tiny Tim bad.

>> No.7412298
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>Listening to american rappers

>> No.7412302


>melodic "genius" (a word typically used for Mozart)

What, and it can't be used for Young Thug? Why is that again? Because he doesn't fit neatly within this hilariously boring facade of cultivated intellectualism that you've fashioned for yourself?

Fuck off, you lame ass cunt.

>> No.7412303

>implying there are better rappers from other countries

UK rap, for example, is cancer.

>> No.7412304

I like how at about 1:45 he clearly just runs out of shit to say.

"I like fish in water. i'm a bear."
best. rap. lyrics. ever.

Still love that song, but that part is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7412311

Yeah that part always seemed a bit off to me whenever I listen to the song as well.

>> No.7412312

Alot of the good shit comes out of eastern europe.

>> No.7412345

desu I think he might be high most of the time. He's also like ... barely educated gang member from the ghetto in the south. I bet he's almost been homeless at times.

He's a great musician but I bet his mind is really scrambled. You can even heard it when he talks; muddled words and whatnot.

>> No.7412358

got any examples, senpai?

>> No.7412363

You think you're so progressive and unique because you oppose academia and cultivated intellect by listening to bottom-of-the-barrel rap music. Well, you're not. You're just as much of a fraud as anyone else.

But keep buying into the little rebellious snowflake hipster archetype you've fallen into; you'll grow out of it someday.

>> No.7412364

Rap is for milquetoast children trying to look cool.

Andre 3000 is just as awful as Young Thug.
There's nothing to appreciate.

>> No.7412367

dat evolution:


>> No.7412368

>hasn't heard of Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip
>hasn't heard of MC Solaar
and so on, and so on

>> No.7412379

Music is about melodies and arrangements, it's not about using it to keep up your facade of a squeaky clean intellectual.

>> No.7412384

>the musically illiterate believe this

>> No.7412386

>Music is about melodies and arrangements
There are a lot more elements to music and music theory than just melody, anon.

>> No.7412388


believe it or not, those two videos are pretty consistent with each other hahaha

>> No.7412390


>> No.7412392
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>p-pls guise, I'm a cultured individual, just look at my carefully constructed music taste! I hate rap it's SO uncouth and juvenile!

>> No.7412400


>> No.7412402

Weren't you the one who was arguing I wasn't cultured earlier because I think 99% of rap music is shit?

>> No.7412407


you might be fooling these kids, but you're not fooling me

i know what you are

you are milkiest of fucking toasts, boy, stop posting hahaha.

your aversion, and failure to assimilate into popular culture stems from your own inefficiencies as a man. godspeed

>> No.7412408


>> No.7412412

Only know mostly romanian rap (because i am romanian).

>> No.7412413

Stop shitposting for attention.

>> No.7412414


ok babygirl,

but search your heart...you know what I'm saying is true

>> No.7412416

aight, thanks.

>> No.7412433 [DELETED] 


ayy eastern european bro,

check this out albanian shit out, aint too bad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcS2gX4Nv3I

>> No.7412435

ayy eastern european bro,

check this albanian shit out, aint too bad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcS2gX4Nv3I [Embed]

>> No.7412447


I don't oppose academia and cultivated intellect. I spend a lot of time with high art and I understand the value of investing oneself into work that makes serious demands. But I don't let that bleed over into every aspect of my life and disposition because I'm not a pretentious ass faggot like you are.

Some of these replies literally read like parodies of pretentious people:
>Young Thug? A talent for melody? Pshaw, he's no Mozart!

Many savant blues and jazz artists were barely educated, some were even functionally illiterate, yet you will see pretentious asses like this anon esteem them and hate modern "ignorant" rappers at the same time. They can't veer from the typified pastiche of what is intellectually approved because they think that you're a "hipster" or a "fraud" if you do. If I were to say that the pathos in modern rap is just as interesting as that of old blues artists they would still choose confirmation bias and disregard it whilst calling others fake who don't. It's all a joke.

>> No.7412468

To be fair, though, as a whole, jazz is infinitely more complex than rap.

>> No.7412473


amidst this noxious cesspool of confusion, this was a refreshing post

>> No.7412490

>Many savant blues and jazz artists were barely educated
Both are awful. All popular music is awful.
>yet you will see pretentious asses like this anon
>i cant argue so u sukk

Please, go back to /mu/
Stop circlejerking yourself.
Jazz isn't complex, or even art.

>> No.7412492

shoutouts to billy woods
also hating on rick ross is a meme

>> No.7412493
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>> No.7412494


Since when is "complexity" an established standard to be applied across musical genres?

What are you even talking about?

>> No.7412509
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except that that wasn't me you nuttless fucking rabbit,

>> No.7412511

>fishscale = high quality cocaine
>bears eat a lot of fish
>thugger does a lot of cocaine

>> No.7412518


>> No.7412537

>Jazz isn't complex, or even art.
You should've said this first: I could've discarded your opinion there.
I apologize; I was unclear. What I meant to get at is the fact that, while some jazz artists are kind of dumb, they still make music that normally requires a great amount of technical and creative talent, which isn't really necessitated by rap. I don't mean that as a claim of value towards or against either, by the way.

>> No.7412546


Never thought I'd see Pap on /lit/. You probably know about this, but check out this track by young pappy's brother aimed at Pap's killers : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LH2ZApp9Fk&feature=iv&src_vid=0uSn98gkT1Y&annotation_id=annotation_3091264215

His rage is almost tangible. I get chills.

>> No.7412549

if complacency was a genre it'd be hiphop. I can't wait to see what new fresh sound bite the hib hobbers will furbish their slick beat with for their next song, I bet it's really poppin
if you don't listen to hip hop exclusively you're a cultural tourist. "let's listen to the dumb black people be animals and get some of that primal energy so I can cope with my non-violent and non-stupid life"

>> No.7412554

your all white fucking losers talking about niggers rapping fucking hood children books for retarded masses

your all fucking ugly hipsters who get your music taste from a bald white connecticut fat ass manlet who has zero(0) qualifications about music

your all awful people and listen to awful music and have awful opinions of music. and books. jesus your all pathetic. i hate each and every single person is this thread.

have a nice day.

>> No.7412560

I love you too, anon <3.

>> No.7412569

any more like this family?

i like this evil tribal warfare shit

>> No.7412574


Pace your shitposting.
Don't get too excitable now.

>> No.7412582

Yo senpai I got what you need


>> No.7412600

spotted the 18 year old. jesus your pathetic. go back to Noisy Music and Complex News.

not shitposting im serious. it's embarrassing to read this thread.

>> No.7412604

this genre of music is bad because it is

t. music expert

>> No.7412606


lol calm down faggot, you're not convincing anyone

>> No.7412608

it's not bad. thats subjective. but it's also subjective that I look at anyone who likes hip hop music as buffoon who thinks Weed is epic and memes are funny

>> No.7412611

Stop liking what I don't like!

I will continue posting until you stop liking it!

>> No.7412613

>on /lit/
>repeatedly your instead of you're
>cares enough about grammar to write out "it's"

your not fooling anyone bud

>> No.7412619


aw man thats my shit.


i can dig it

>> No.7412620

>You should've said this first: I could've discarded your opinion there.
What a hilarious excuse for an argument.
>You should've said this first: I could've discarded your opinion there.
Only the musically illiterate even give note to that garbage. It's the equivalent to period blood on a canvas.

>> No.7412623


>It's the equivalent to period blood on a canvas.

Amusing analogy coming from a complete fucking estrogen queen like yourself.

>> No.7412630

pseudo inttellectuals noted

thanks. i think im going to add this retarded character that resembles you dumbtwits into my next novel. and btw, I'm writing probably the most important and reactionary novel of the 21st century. and guess what. when they search the archives for my post they will find this. and guess what? they will laugh at your shit taste and ever trying to talk down to one of the greats. hahahha. your family blood line will be ashamed. you shit whole. i hate you.

>> No.7412634

Another non-post.

>> No.7412637

I've seen you say this about Jazz a couple of times, why isn't it art?

>> No.7412638



>> No.7412640

this is next-level poopyposting

>> No.7412649

Because it's masturbation.

>> No.7412656

As a genre no. Hell, I'd say that Rap is almost a different medium of music. Music doesn't often entail the level of depth and quality that a GOOD rap song can have.

But what anon posted is shit-tier gansta rap that can be objectively trashed based on how fucking bad his rhymes are. If all you can speak about his how badass you are and your drugs despite not even being famous, chances are you're a shitty rapper.

Good instrumentals though.

>> No.7412657

Can you elaborate for a music illiterate/someone who doesn't listen to jazz?

>> No.7412664

What do you have against Danny Brown then?

>> No.7412670



#ambalamps pick his ass upp

i think that study overextended its conclusion. i would hesitate to apply it to violent, aggressive music.
entirely different mood, energy, generation of emotion, entirely different effect.

>> No.7412679

you should look at trap/drill like nigger punk music in order to appreciate it more. it isn't meant to be skilful and eloquent and deep, it's more about raw energy.

>> No.7412690

r u srs

>> No.7412692

You're delusional. As expected of a poptimist.

There is no depth, quality, or complexity to any popular music.
It's complete self-indulgence, often around a single idea, and is never fully developed. In addition, the baser idea is definitely of a poor quality due to never being reflected upon.

It's literally just poor musicians stroking their ego(s).
There's nothing to appreciate.

>> No.7412694
File: 60 KB, 776x776, 1372137763750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scanning through this thread and seeing how nebbish some these rap haters are i now believe every green text story posted here about you faggots struggling to be fun at parties

what happened to the libertine /lit/ of the past? now we have a bunch of mopey ivory tower faggots with zero balls to them.

>> No.7412708

Weed is pretty epic and memes can be funny


>> No.7412709

You're probably not a musician if you actually think the complexity of a piece of music is something that has anything to do with genres.

Also, complexity doesn't have any worth in itself, but the complexity of your language is the breadth of your capacity for expression. Simplicity isn't bad but there's only so much you can say when you limit the number of things you can say.

>> No.7412710

Aw. The manchild is being fallacious because he got his coal-burning ass handed to him.

Parties are for teenagers, by the way.

>> No.7412711
File: 36 KB, 512x512, wewladtoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more vapid than fucking carly rae jepsen.

Literally. Repetitive shit tier ganstra rap about how dangerous he is and nigganigganiggabitch blapblap, etc, etc.

Why eat up this fucking pig slop when you should be expecting more. Anyone that actually fucking put in even A DAY of effort could come up with a proper rhyme scheme that told some type of story.

You could make the entire rap a bunch of vulgarities and insults, if you actually formed the architecture to set up each in a coherent manner it'd be

Like. It hardly even fucking rhymes. How the fuck is this considered good rap? If you just want angry violence then go to metal, they actually have some impressive fucking instrumentals.

>> No.7412715

no dude, everyone parties, you just don't get invited

>> No.7412717


Top kek, /lit/ has always been a left-leaning mangina feminist circle jerk.

The perfect example of "read yourself stupid".

>> No.7412719


>i can't identify with having rhythm
>being aggressive
>having sex
>liking women
>pouring out your entire soul onto something

lmao sheltered middle class virgin can't hang. what the fuck else is new?

pull all the plugs

>> No.7412725

Why isn't masturbartion art?

Its the aesthetic act par excellence, no?
Maybe I'm just especially sexy

>> No.7412728

See: >>7412710

Please learn to argue, or refrain from wasting my time. I've had enough of 9th and 10th graders when I did some tutoring--I don't feel like enabling them online.

>> No.7412731

>It's complete self-indulgence, often around a single idea, and is never fully developed
That's just bullshit. It's definitely true that improvisational music isn't gonna be as tightly developed as composed music like western classical, but the way they use melody and development and whatnot in loose, open style is kinda why it's so enjoyable.

>> No.7412733

Art cannot be egocentric.

>> No.7412735
File: 44 KB, 536x400, f91dbd9c1658b92cd077038358c7db80.536x400x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i dont need any more white men appropriating black culture

he will never know the pain of slavery

block parties with dj equipment plugged into light poles dj mc bboy graffiti beatbox

>> No.7412739

Yo dude you're already posting on 4chan, I cannot imagine that your time is that valuable in the first place

>> No.7412741

Says you, my art is egocentric as fuck

>> No.7412742

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Art cannot be egocentric.

>> No.7412746
File: 128 KB, 859x353, Welcometofit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I listen to shit ranging from Death Grips, to South African Jazz, to Classical, to Bjork, to Japanese Math Rock, to Norwegian Deathmetal, to greek flamenco.

Because there is actually merit to good rappers. If you're supporting gansta rap because of its "energy" that's fine.

Like what you want, and enjoy the aesthetic of it, that's the appeal of Metal and Pop (to opposite ends of a spectrum), but don't pretend like its any sort of work of genius.

>imb4 pleb faggot
I think that one of the greatest short rap "songs" is Suicidal Thoughts. Fucking great flow, great lyrics, great story that it tells, and its done in a understated and well executed manner.

If you're going to Rap, you should be doing it with the intention of story telling or of technical prowess. Otherwise there's essentially no differentiation from traditional verse/chorus/formula. There are plenty of pop songs or country songs that have rhyme schemes that are as bare-bones as shit-tier rap.

I might look into it, that's part of the reason why I can tolerate Death Grips. The intention behind their aesthetic and instrumentals is compelling and the energy itself is maniacal. Even gangster rap can be good in the right setting and state of mind, but its not artsy or impressive.

That's all I'll argue.

>> No.7412747

>There is no depth, quality, or complexity to any popular music.
>It's literally just poor musicians stroking their ego(s).
It's like you are so overtly retarded to a degree that not even the average person, who has no knowledge of music or music theory, can achieve...like, for a reason that is beyond me, you are being insincere. Hmmmmm.

>> No.7412749

hahahah wat? Even in college (and I went to a borderline party school, even tho highly ranked), people stop going to parties almost by the time they can drink legally. People are still social and going to bars with a friend group is common but parties are relegated to adolescence.

>> No.7412751


You're either in the deepest throes of delusion and self-deception, or you're slyly pulling our dicks into a kind of weird, unnatural courtship ritual.

>> No.7412760

>or you're slyly pulling our dicks into a kind of weird, unnatural courtship ritual.
sounds sexy

>> No.7412762

Reminder that poor apologetics are not arguments: "i dun did it on porpoise" is a poor excuse for being a lazy amateur.
See: >>7412710
Read my post over again. Perhaps in a year you'll catch on.
You make no art, you make your own pornography.
liek OMG so le es-center rick!
You listen to garbage because you are garbage, you damned cultural usurper.
>Because there is actually merit to good rappers.
Projecting does you no good. Please stop.

>> No.7412764

Oh right it's not a party it's a gathering

>> No.7412767


All of this "learn to argue" shtick when he is making no points himself gives it away. He's just stringing along (You)'s out of boredom.

>> No.7412771

imagine a society in which rap was considered the highest form of art
imagine the technology, architecture, philosophy and scientific work that would be done in such a society
it would be a nightmare

>> No.7412773

...oh come on, 4 friends going to a bar is not what anyone thinks of when the refer to partying.

>> No.7412780

See: >>7412710

You and your friends when you stop it with your 'U HAVE NO BALLS LMFAO HUAHUAHUU' 9th-grader bullcrap.

>> No.7412783

>Projecting does you no good. Please stop.
Afraid that the veil of your ruse, so meticulously crafted and peppered with the most deliciously absurd comments, will be lifted? No worries, b; I got you.

Nooo stop you can't have opinions that i don't like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

>> No.7412785

>i cant argue so ur le trell HUAHUAHUU NO BALLS

>> No.7412791

That couldn't even happen tho. Rap, as it actually exists and not in some abstract sense where it's simply music, is inextricable from being the anti-dominant culture. It's gutter music, meaning it needs something to compare itself to by which it becomes the gutter (and people prolly wouldn't like it nearly as much without that element). If rap become the dominant culture then it'd be as boring as when rich white kids try rapping.

>> No.7412793
File: 51 KB, 500x375, 1370847169673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>i can't identify with having rhythm

lol this is one of the main reasons for all the rage ITT right here

>> No.7412794

>Perhaps in a year you'll catch on.

leave to it to the lonely marginalized hermit to romanticize posting on /lit/ ahahahaha

fuck the fuck off with you already ahahaha sweet jesus, woman, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.7412796

I'm not going to argue with your bait, my friend: your hook does not tempt me, not its gleam, not its tasty worm.

>> No.7412801

Exactly. It's contrarian garbage listened to by special snowflake hipsters or actual idiots who think the lyrics are good.

(See >>7412363 for more details.)

>> No.7412808

Please learn to formulate a coherent argument
See: >>7412710
It's my post sweetie. Now drop the trip you attention whore, and stop being a coalburner.
See? You children are incapable of thought.

>> No.7412815


Here's your (You).


>> No.7412822

yea well, that's what we call slave culture. no will to power, no imagination or vision beyond the bare necessities. ultimately it's cultural complacency

>> No.7412825


And here's another one. I'm off to sleep now, its been real hahaha

>> No.7412828
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1437703248805s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See? You children are incapable of thought.
6/10. I quite like when you called me a child, but the overall edginess ruins any hope of being believed. My tip: a picture speaks a thousand words: post a picture and let it do some of the talking.

>> No.7412835

Circejerking isn't an argument.
See: >>7412710

>> No.7412848
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, 1381012961869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>special snowflake

normies listen to it too. you are the one trying hard to be the bitter snowflake here, princess.

>> No.7412850

Haha! Quite funny, quite funny. Though, it does lead me to believe that you have run out of the witty banter I so enjoyed.

>> No.7412861

'normies' are snowflakes.
Are you just baiting at this point?

>> No.7412866

I also said "idiots who think the lyrics are good." The general populace would fall under that category.

>> No.7412876
File: 19 KB, 333x439, 1440565588563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you just baiting at this point?
Are we both doing a dangerous dance of bait? Has the baiter become the baitee? Interesting possibilities, but would a baiter post so wonderful an image?

>> No.7412887


Reminisce somewhere else nigger.
Rap is ours now.

>> No.7412912


>The general populace would fall under that category.

haha tell me more about these special snowflakes that you are clearly the total opposite of

fukken dweeb

>> No.7412917


U just got trelled nigga
