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7410054 No.7410054 [Reply] [Original]

Who here uses ritalin or similar uppers while writing? Is it worth the addiction

>> No.7410055

I've taken Ritalin at least a dozen times over the last year and never felt an addiction

>> No.7410059

Watch out we have a baddass over here. A dozen times doesn't exactly a novel make, does it?

>> No.7410066

I literally take it everyday. Have been since I was six.
ADHD sucks ass.

Some fun side effects:
>increased libido
>inability to sleep for 12 hours after taking it
>Mild sexual dysfunction (SUPER FUN with the first one) (kill me)
>Wakefulness (I never need caffeine. Coffee makes me uncomfortably stimulated)

I've read that some of these only effect a small percentage of regular users.

If I don't take it, it's even more fun:
>Inability to stay awake (I can counteract this by taking caffeine)
>Inability to focus (duh)
>Being a fucking moron

I think the dose I'm on is too high.

>> No.7410068

Addiction only takes one dose

When did I mention writing? What's wrong with you?

>> No.7410072

You sound like a little bitch.

>> No.7410073

How much are you on? The thing is I don't actually have ADHD so they just make me get high.

Writing is the whole point of the thread, in case you didn't notice.

>> No.7410075

I took adderall with the intention of working and ended up masturbating in pure ecstacy for 6 hours straight.

Too powerful

>> No.7410076

I'm a firm believer that uppers are good for everything in moderation. It's easy for me to moderate though since I never have had a direct line on them (except when I was 17 and had a prescription for about 6 months. tl;dr, it made me mildly psychotic and I've seen the same thing happen to a friend).

>> No.7410248


>Addiction only takes one dose

Top lel

>> No.7410260

>Addiction only takes one dose

look who doesn't know what he's talking about.
addiction is a habituation and therefore you can't get addicted your first time

>> No.7410412

I take it recreationally but I think I'm going to try and get a script because I cannot fucking focus enough to read or watch movies or work efficiently.
>tfw used to read for hours on end
>constantly dropping books and not coming back

>> No.7410468

ITT: some genuinely ADHD people, but mostly people with no self discipline.

>> No.7410529

>increased libido
what? my dick shrinks gangbusters when i'm on it.
>mild sexual dysfunction
oh wait, yeah. i can't say if my wife is horny from it (it's actually her medication, not mine) but the sex is better
>being a fucking moron
god, the days that i don't take speed, it's a struggle to keep up with my kid, my work, etc. i can't begin to imagine how you've been on it since you were a kid—i've been (illegally) taking it for less than a year, and it'd take a lot of willpower to stop now.

addiction is real. however, it can make you super-productive/creative. no such thing as a free lunch.

>> No.7410588

Stimulants flatten emotional response and make it hard for me to do my best work, though I can do a lot of mediocre work. Writing always just sounds autistic when I've taken adderall, so I prefer to indulge in it for studying in my STEM major classes.

>> No.7410596

stims for cramming and school

good ol reefer for writing

>> No.7410888


Stimulant addiction isn't particularly common, even in regular users. It has to be heavy-duty dopaminergic stimulants before it really has that much of a reinforcing aspect, i.e. meth.

I can't speak for others, but my writing on uppers tends to get autistic as fuck. Microdosing psychedelics, especially LSD or mescaline, is much better.

If you're going to do stims for writing, using an extremely low dose is key.

>> No.7410904

I meet the diagnostic criteria for ADD and have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist. But I can't take the medication, because the increased libido is so intense I'll literally do nothing but gawk at porn and try to masturbate for hours (I've tried many different ADD meds maybe a few dozen times over the years).

It's pretty ridiculous, how this one side effect makes what would otherwise be an effective treatment useless.

>> No.7410914


ADHD is literally an incoherent bundle of symptoms which are mostly self-reported.

Stims are next-level drugs that would boost the performance of anybody (ADHD or otherwise) who takes them.

Most psychiatrists are aware of this. The push and pull is between the very real success stories of certain treated persons and the very incoherent "mental illness" presented in the DSMV. There is an additional factor of society preferring non-drugged brains to drugged brains in an axiomatic and moralistic sense.

>> No.7410940

same man. i've been drinking ten cups of coffee a day for the last year and i'm still not addicted

>> No.7411014

>ADHD is literally an incoherent bundle of symptoms
Not true.
ADHD is very much real, but over diagnosed in America. Most of the cases could be treated with behavioural therapy.

>> No.7411018



>> No.7411049

>the atlantic
>medical journal
i like the atlantic desu, but i wouldn't trust their broad strokes with something as nascent and complex as the problems with modern neuropsychiatry.

>> No.7411059

Okay, ADHD is still real, and mental illness is still a thing. Democracy deciding that certain things are differently defined doesn't change that. Greenberg, who here is as we know selling a book, says, "I guarantee you that in the course of our conversation a doctor is telling a patient, 'you have a chemical imbalance -- that's why you're depressed. Take Prozac.' the fact that every doctor who knows anything knows that there is no biochemical imbalance that causes depression"

This statement is quite manipulative, in that it doesn't account for the nuance involved in these diagnoses of mental illness. Stating that there is "no biochemical imbalance that causes depression" is a misinterpretation of the elements that have been researched and gathered as leading contributing factors as absolute properties.

>> No.7411075


If you had just said "I disagree cuz" your post would have been more honest. Nice rambling though.

(You have to read the article before you can criticize it, baby)

>> No.7411087

Yes, this is true. Psychiatry is very much a new science and everybody in the field is doing whatever they can to keep up the illusion that they know what they're talking about when, of course, they don't. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of this stuff can tell how ludicrously imprecise, unweildly and largely ineffective the current treatment methods are.

>> No.7411104

Oh, and the idea that psychological problems can and should be overcome with drugs instead of with CBT, exercise, trying to improve your life instead of just your mood, &c, is exactly the kind of thinking that leads to drug addiction, whether it's "I have ADHD so I need Ritalin to feel normal" or "I'm a shitty person and I need heroin to feel okay."

>> No.7411121

Poor damage control. You just can't get over the fact that this is just another guy selling a book and your only argument is a link. Guy sounds like a social science bro bitter he never went to med school to me.

Again, ignoring the fact that mental health is complex and full of nuance, and that what may be ineffective for one person might save the life of another. Also, you assume every doctor has the same idea of treatment and that they all think CBT is a farce when in reality doctors that know what they're doing (with whom I have experience) will make sure things like CBT are a large part of the treatment and remove unnecessary medication. It's an imperfect department of service just the same as any others are, and that's partially a product of its youth but even more so, human fallacy.

>> No.7411144


I'm retired from 4chan arguments, have a good day.

>> No.7411160

how do I get self-discipline? I've been course-less since I started writing my grad research paper and every day I start looking into a part/subject of my research and there's so much stuff to think about and arrange that my mind just wanders away from work and into the easy things like 4chan and games.

>> No.7411188

CBT has worked wonders for me. Identify the non-useful thoughts that are causing your attention to wane and step in to correct them every time they happen. You might feel like a crazy person arguing with themselves and it may seem ineffective at first, but like a parent that chastises a child enough times about the same thing, it eventually works.
Also, habits are extraordinarily important. Aim to do certain things every day no matter what, and don't stop until you've tallied up at least 30 days. You can make a little spreadsheet so you can tick things off as you do them. If you've done something every day for the past month, doing it again is incredibly easy.
Also meditation and exercise, which you can bundle with the habit spreadsheet thing.

>> No.7411659

ritalin is actually not that addictive at all

>> No.7411691

They actually have quite an immense amount of scientific understanding in comparison to other illnesses taken much more seriously (bipolar disorder, depression, etc).


Video is of Dr Barkley, a leading ADHD specialist. I understand why people reject it, though, its understandable to think that "being lazy" is not a medical concern. Many years ago people would've thought the same thing about "being a sad loser".

>> No.7411725

jesus, not even him, but youre a huge faggot

>> No.7411744


I "have ADD" and sympathize with the difficulty created by having this bundle of symptoms. I've had a lot of things taken from me, so to speak, because of them. I recognize medication can be a useful tool alongside various therapy techniques for "treating" these.

I also think it's absurd to suggest that the bundle of symptoms, as listed in the DMV, has some kind of essential and necessary connection to physiological phenomena. There are correlations, relationships and associated patterns. It's not a black and white thing, although everyone wants it to be, as if ADHD is either totally fraudulent or an absolute medical condition with physical tests that can diagnose it. Neither of these is true. It is a bundle of symptoms drafted over the years in a theoretical and political process. It is not a medical condition discovered by observing physiological phenomena. It's easy to see this: the bundle of symptoms was listed first, and the work in trying to find physiological phenomena associated with it has come later. Doesn't this strike you as backwards?

>> No.7411753

Can attest to microdosing LSD. Some of the best writing I've ever done.

>> No.7411788

>the bundle of symptoms was listed first, and the work in trying to find physiological phenomena associated with it has come later. Doesn't this strike you as backwards?

N-no, it does not. The reason i write the stutter maymey is because it is quite the ridiculous thing you just said. So they saw the problem, then found out the physiological causes? Seems pretty much how its supposed to go. You dont study a man's brain looking for abnormalities then discover schizophrenia, you have patients with schizophrenia because of it's debilitating symptoms (DSM criteria), then proceed to look deeper into it. Just like all other illnesses, it's how ADHD originated. A doctor of some kind studied hyperactive kids with little ability to concentrate.

>> No.7411818


You're correct in noticing that my problem with ADHD is really a problem with the DSM in general.

>> No.7411842

no, its a problem with every illness ever in general and its retarded.

>doctor! i have the plague!
>Nonsense, we'll call you if we discover it.

Unless you want to pull the "well theyre not the same" in which not only are you fundamentally wrong, but also you're just saying it because the issue isnt as viewable, rather it is based on experience, which is inherent to the field, and if you think that is cause enough to render it vague and then not very serious then you are denying the validity of mental illness.

>> No.7411872
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>microdosing perfectly good LSD
break the threshold dose you mong

>> No.7411883


They are not the same. Plague is evident due to the obvious (PHYSIOLOGICAL) presence of boils, fever etc. Then someone discovers the virus later on, thus establishing a link between physiological symptoms and their (physiological) causes.

When a child comes in who is babbling, or not paying attention, or acting violently, we have behavioral symptoms. The search then begins for a physiological explanation. There's nothing wrong with this process. But it can be problematic to design a system of diagnosis and (physiological) treatment before the physiological explanation is discovered. The folks who write the DSM aren't crazy or foolish. They have created bundles that seem to describe real problems and I think probably do have essential physiological problems. Some of the bundles are more convincing than others: Schizophrenia more so than ADHD, for example.

I don't mean to say the whole project is wrong or useless or stupid. It's useful, does much good and has been informed by a great deal of study and expertise. But the general sentiment that an essential relationship exists between specific DSM disorders and specific physiological causes (ex: Depression must be the result of seratonin deficiency) is false and misleading.

I think people are really trying to find medicalized justificaitons for the ethical decision to take drugs. I mean not say that such decisions cannot be ethical. As a society we should rethink the implicit conclusion that tampering with brain chemistry is only ethical in the case of a medical disorder.

>> No.7411887

I already have wizard eyes thankyouverymuch

>> No.7411889

They have created bundles that seem to describe real problems and I think perhaps some of them have essential relationships with physiological phenomena that will be worked out in the future (but I expect the diagnostic criteria to be adjusted alongside these discoveries)**

>> No.7411896

Says the mong who has clearly never microdosed LSD. the typical understanding of LSD "Threshold dose" is actually a lot higher than what you would feel. You will feel sub-threshold doses. 15ug gets you noticably high. 7.5 is noticeable too. Both typically said to be below threshold.

>> No.7411955

If this were the title of a book, I'd defiantly read it. Bonus points if your remove the capitalisation and punctuation

>> No.7412398

>a dozen times
Try taking it every day hot shot

>> No.7412450

Whenever I take the prescribed dose of Vyvanse (60 mg) I get into a state of mad anxiety and arousal. I've masturbated for 6-8 hours straight some days. What gets me though is that there seems to be an anxiety that drives it, and the only cure is masturbation. I MUST masturbate, nothing else really matters in life when I get into that craze. It's weird. I finally realized that if I take small doses (20-30 mg), it goes much smoother.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.7412499

I used to take Vyvanse at night, fall asleep, then wake up at 3 am and masturbate vigorously until it was time to go to class.
Shit was intense.

>> No.7412504

is adderall worth it or all those kind of drugs? Are they easy to get in canada? I really think I could use a little bit or at least try it out to see if it helps. I'm not really autistic or adhd but I do have trouble focusing on work at home if the deadline is not in like 12 hours.

>> No.7412516

>I do have trouble focusing on work at home if the deadline is not in like 12 hours
you may have ADHD

>> No.7412523

goddamn I just read the actual description
>frequently switch from one activity to another
>Be easily distracted
>Have difficulty maintaining focus on one task
>Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something enjoyable
>Be constantly in motion

I'm literally always on the computer unless I'm shitting, making food or away from home. When I'm talking with my mom/gf I just can't sit down, I always have to walk around unless I'm eating or whatever.

I'll make an appointment I guess. Anything to watch out for/side effects to know beforehand?

>> No.7412539

If you're put on a stimulant it'll be hard for you to eat. Just remind yourself every now and then to eat some food and you'll be good.
You also might have trouble sleeping in which case your doc might prescribe you a sleeping aid.
In my case I had limp dick all the time even though I was always horny.
It's a curse really. Good luck.

>> No.7412567

would you say the advantages balances the side effects? I wouldn't worry about this if it wasn't for getting work done.

>> No.7412587

I use DXM when writing, almost always mostly jibberish, but I feel like it's better than anything I would write while sober.

>> No.7412797


>> No.7414003
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i cant keep myself reading, i either get tired, or just skim through text without understanding getting a panic attack because of my failure in the end.
should i take adderal? ive been trying to become an effective reader for 3 years without success
plz help

>> No.7414264

Try to keep your mind away from the internet and memes.

Next step is to really try to focus your mind for a few minutes on a text. Take some rest. Than try to read for even longer.

After a while you will be able to keep reading hours on end with minimal rest.

>> No.7414914

if something genuinely interests you then you'll pay attention. stop reading things you don't care for.

>> No.7414932

>>Inability to stay awake (I can counteract this by taking caffeine)
>>Inability to focus (duh)
>>Being a fucking moron

So you become like everyone else?

>> No.7415239


There's no such thing as ADHD. The guy that cane up with it even admitted it was fictitous right before died.

>> No.7415294

well you've done all the research it looks like.

what i like to do is run up and down the street really fast then come back and smoke a bowl and drink tea with cacao