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/lit/ - Literature

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7410782 No.7410782 [Reply] [Original]

Let us pledge to read a book by Dostoevsky by Christmas (if you have time). Make it one you haven't read, and then make a thread about it when you finish (or join one already up).


Also, Dostoevsky general.

>> No.7410794

What is a good entry-level book by this man?

>> No.7410834

Notes from Underground, due to its brevity and because it doesn't require familiarity with Orthodox Christianity to appreciate.

>> No.7410842


I think all of his work is fairly complex. One could probably start with Notes from the Underground as it's short (but it's also pretty densely packed).

>> No.7410847

Not gonna read anything by that hack

>> No.7410879

What's wrong with Dostoevsky? I've only read Crime and Punishment, but his description of the mindset and psychology of a murderer is unparalleled, it's like if James M. Cain were a Christian and a literary genius. His time in prison obviously paid.

>> No.7411038


>> No.7411077

Gonna read Brothers for this, already read C&P and The Idiot.

Anyone else think The Idiot is hilarious?

>> No.7411124

He's fairly reddit, but he has his redeeming qualities.

>> No.7411161

Haven't read the Idiot, but everything of his that I've read has a lot of tragic humor in it.

How is he reddit?

>> No.7411711
File: 80 KB, 699x466, 1446489106782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit means different things every time I see it used.

Sometimes I see it used to describe exclusively leftist material, other times to describe stealing works from others. Other times people use reddit to describe armchair philosophy in general, or "fedora"-level atheism, or the illiterate masquerading as intelligent.

honestly it's not even demeaning anymore to be called reddit it's just confusing

Please stop using it

>> No.7411720


rofl your life must be hell

>> No.7411747

why do you insist on using phrases that can only be understood within the context of a website you don't even seem to like? Is it that hard for you to express yourself ?

>> No.7411784

Squanch you later, friend-o ;)

>> No.7411787


>> No.7411791

>implying my memes were from a website

you pleb. see


>> No.7411795

Jesus Christ, you were waiting for that.

>> No.7412448

I'm thinking about reading the Idiot for this. All I have is the Garnett translation though. I have heard mixed reviews of her translations, anybody have any opinions of her The Idiot translation or suggestions for a better version (I hate P&V).

>> No.7412525

There's nothing wrong with the Garnett ones.
I've read the Garnett and P/V versions of TBK and there was no difference other than very minor stuff.

>> No.7412629

McDuff is a scholarly translation, you might like him.

>> No.7412650

The problem isn't that it's nuanced, it's that there isn't any rationality to the nuance. reddit is just a highly subjective neologism for any unacceptable material, for whatever category of people you find yourself at odds with. You might as well just say "I don't like it and I pity you" because you aren't saying much else.

>> No.7412669
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Dostoevsky is the embodiment of pretty much the exact opposite of the mainstream values and taste of Redditt. The opposite of /pol/ as well, interestingly enough.

>> No.7412700

Is the garnett translation of white nights any good? Is there a better alternative?

>> No.7412721

I don't know, it's been a while since I've read it, and I can't recall the translation. I can only remember than the protagonist was probably the only person you could apply the term "beta" to without being a fedora.

>> No.7412952

The House of the Dead is a great read, absolutely recommended to people working on character development.

>> No.7413373


>> No.7413377

tfw i can't find bro's karamazov in one book

>> No.7413378

I was reading Brothers Karamazov, but something else cought my eye so I stopped around the middle. It's been sitting on my desk for so long now and I always read something else instead. I loved it so far, and I plan to finish it now trough the holidays.

>> No.7413531

So far I've read C&P, The Idiot and The Gambler. What should I read next, Notes from Underground?

>> No.7413536

I've already read all of his major and some minor works.
So I'll be reading some other Russian literature, currently Bulgakov and after that some Tolstoy.
Will go back to Dostoevsky some time next year.

>> No.7413644



You sound like such a toxic human being.

>> No.7413645

The Eternal Husband

>> No.7413646
File: 84 KB, 490x520, Dsch30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste in music OP :)

I'd go through C&P but I'm going to have under a week after I'm finished exams. Maybe i'll start it though.

>> No.7413678


The Double is good. It was an early work and isn't very long. Notes from the House of the Dead is another good one from his shorter works. Notes from Underground is fine, but it gets attention that could be spread to his other works.