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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 678 KB, 3192x2124, hello reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7410643 No.7410643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who are some essential reddit authors?

>> No.7410646

/r/ ban

>> No.7410647


>> No.7410655

Chuck Palahniuk, David Mitchell, Cormac McCarthy, the list could go on...

>> No.7410656


George Eliot
Henry James
Andy Weir

>> No.7410686

Kurt Vonnegut is the most Reddit author of all time.

>> No.7410694

You'd be lucky to find a redditor who recognizes these names, let alone having read them

GRRM, Neil Gaiman, John Green, George Orwell, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, JK Rowling, the guy who wrote The Martian, the guy who wrote Ready Player One

>> No.7410700

Actually it's Douglas Adams

>> No.7410706

>missing Terry Pratchett

>> No.7410713
File: 46 KB, 244x662, Ngeagbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to post an excerpt from my diary
>Gril always talking about how she loves Vonnegut and reading in general
>At some point we're talking about types of ice in one of my classes
>Prof asks of anyone knows Vonnegut
>This woman obviously raises her hand
>Prof asks "you know ice 9?"
>She responds in the negative
The point is from this one girl I can generalize that girls can't into books, Vonnegut fans are all phonies, and I'm objectively better than both of them.

>> No.7410715

That guy's really happy about picking mushrooms

>> No.7410717
File: 710 KB, 3264x2448, classy bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally reddit: the bookshelf

>> No.7410720

You'd be lucky to find a redditor who recognizes these names, let alone having read them

Reddit reads the same fucking books /lit/ does lol, there's like 75% overlap.

>> No.7410726

Bullshit. Take it from a redditor, 99% of them would stare at you blankly if you mentioned Pynchon, DFW, Henry James, Beckett, etc., and 99.99% have never read any of the authors in that list outside of high school.

>> No.7410727


>> No.7410742

any translation

>> No.7410748


Very generally, reddit would take Nietzsche's 'God is dead' at face value and would cling to Dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor as a manifesto, having no clue about its context in the book and his later writing.

>> No.7410754

Those are some pretty good authors to be honest.

>> No.7410755


Everything in that image, right down to the wall color, is a calumny against those rather sweet bookcases.

>> No.7410756

Just look at the overlap between r/books' top list and the /lit/ meme lists, it's significant.

And r/literature reads stuff that never gets discussed here. If anything reddit is more well-read than the pretentious pseuds on /lit/ who like to meme about /reddit/ lel

>> No.7410762

ITT: People beginning to realize that "reddit", like "c.uck", has become a bastardized insult, losing specific meaning because of its overusage.

>> No.7410765

c.uck actually started out as a nonsense word and then only years later did people turn it into an insult

>> No.7410768

/lit/'s top list is pretty good, and no one posts on /r/literature

>> No.7410773
File: 96 KB, 502x417, 1362452311552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly genre-shit
>some actual literature in gaudy binding to make the reader appear intelligent
>gas mask in chain mail
>portal gun
>replica of an anime sword
How do these people live with themselves?

>> No.7410795
File: 649 KB, 2448x3264, IMAG0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, you should post the close-ups as well.

>> No.7410800
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>> No.7410802

He's about to chop them up, throw them in a tea bag, and get fucked up. Who wouldn't be happy about that???

>> No.7410808
File: 632 KB, 2032x2709, IMAG0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7410817

I'm looking through /r/literature and all of the threads that get more than a couple posts are about authors and topics that /lit/ talks about all the time

>> No.7410818
File: 54 KB, 496x567, 1448303255812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a handful of 'classic' books amongst all the genreshit to prove his intelligence
>spending all that money on those le classy editions just so he can show them off

>> No.7410820

>only Hamlet
>having that old an edition of Gray's

>> No.7410827
File: 300 KB, 2048x1536, ataris the noble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the proud owner, naturally a brony and radical atheist.

>> No.7410830


>all those leather bound copies of le literature to make the reader look classy and intelligent
>not a single cracked spine
look closer
>leather bound Douglas Adams
>leather bound Neil Gaiman 'American Gods'
>leather bound Stephen King

how does this guy look at himself in the mirror holy shit

I'm triggered

>> No.7410832

lets just admit we all have reddit accounts

>> No.7410838

>Vinyl Scratch
>liking background ponies
What a pleb.

>> No.7410840

>Genre fiction
>Can't be that bad
>GRRM shit
>King shit
>Fucking Paolini shit
This man needs Jesus in his life.

>> No.7410841

I have one, but I only made/use it for the Bernie Sanders subreddit

>> No.7410846

I'm willing to admit I've browsed Reddit from time to time but hoo boy. An account? Woo-wee, that's

that's something else.

>> No.7410858

forgot the thread with the comments.

>> No.7410860


Wait a sec are you faggots serious? You actually browse reddit at all for any reason? It's the current year, what could you possibly gain from doing that?

>> No.7410866

Bernie Sanders guy here. It's an easy way to get news about Bernie Sanders and to talk about Bernie Sanders with other people who like Bernie Sanders. That's all I use it for, though.

>> No.7410869

they have good porn and top notch discussion on the smaller subreddits

>> No.7410874

I submit funny screenshots from this board and /v/ and /tv/ to r/4chan to see how much karma (upvote points) I can get

>> No.7410875


Using reddit for porn seems fine I suppose. But
>muh small subreddits
seems like apologetics at first glance. What is it about the small subreddits that gets around all the pitfalls of memery and groupthink? Fascist mods?

>> No.7410877
File: 41 KB, 1275x621, 1448785693084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit account

>> No.7410878

In all seriousness there are small subreddits, such as those for specific programming languages, that allow for discussion that is just not possible on 4chan simply due to its design

>> No.7410884

Take my example of programming languages. You could not have a good discussion on doing tests for confidence with R on /g/ or /sci/.

>> No.7410886

Reddit has a lower floor but a higher ceiling. Most of the time it is a cesspool because of the vote system making people fetishize the populism of their contribution rather than the actual worth it has, but in certain niche subreddits the vote system allows serious conversation to not be derailed by memeing and shitposting as might happen even in a very good thread here.

>> No.7410890
File: 176 KB, 800x1200, XDgeJmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah their history/anthropology/science subreddits are top notch and they're run but fascist mods I dont really go to any other subreddits besides


and that one with pictures of girls with sun shining thru their dresses

>> No.7410894

>He fell for the anti reddit meme

>> No.7410898

I guess history and science are the only things you'd expect reddit to be "good" for

>> No.7410899

I'm sure some site from Stack Exchange would be better for stuff like that.

>> No.7410903


I think you have that exactly backwards, m8

>> No.7410907

>liking bernie sanders
what a kek
are you also on /r/blm and/r/kekoldry?

>> No.7410912

No, I specifically said I only use reddit for the Bernie Sanders subreddit. Learn to read.

>> No.7410919
File: 218 KB, 1151x394, Lolclinton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernie Sanders
Not even /pol/ and I am laffin.
You realize this demagogue hack doesn't stand a chance against Hillary, right?

>> No.7410923

I think he has a really good chance, and he's not a demagogue. He's probably the only major candidate who is totally sincere in his positions

>> No.7410924


Choose one

>> No.7410945

no trump is better. bernie's just a hack who doesn't know how to pay for his dumb ideas and who supports sjws

>> No.7410958

It's not nice to make fun of people. They are your friends and neighbors on this planet and can only be raised up by your love and kindness, not your ridicule.

>> No.7410980

Trump is the ultimate demagogue, and Bernie has plenty of plans to pay for stuff, all of which major economists agree with (check out feelthebern.org for details). I'm willing to put up with his likely support of obnoxious sjws b/c that's pretty trivial and I'm not a single-issue voter

>> No.7410995

Mods ban these disgusting redditurds! I've never seen someone out themselves so quickly before

>> No.7411231

Every author you have ever liked, or read.

>> No.7411410


>> No.7411449

OP, but also everybody in this thread.

>> No.7411546

Why the fuck would someone choose Greys Anatomy as reading material?

It's a reference book for medical professionals

>> No.7411552

None of those spines are creased

>> No.7411564

I have one from when I used to browse fatpeoplehate


>> No.7411572

This. If you like Bernie Sanders, then it logically follows that you enjoy watching another man fucking your wife.

>> No.7411574

>not browsing /r/watchniggersdie


>> No.7411577

What if I am the wife?

>> No.7411582



>> No.7411583

As a republican I'm registering democrat just to vote for Hillary in the primaries :^)

>> No.7411588

I wouldn't enjoy watching another man fuck my wife, but I would enjoy having another man fuck me while my wife watches, if that's close enough

>> No.7411590

He might be sincere about his ideas (probably not, as I only hear empty rhetoric coming from his mouth), but they are still bad ideas.

>> No.7411592

That's a good strategy to earn a Republican win actually

>> No.7411595



>> No.7411608

They seem like good ideas to me, as well as plenty of informed/educated people. I won't deny that he tunes his rhetoric/phrasing so it sounds appealing and understandable to people in general, but he doesn't lie about shit.

Actually I just like to be humiliated

>> No.7411609

Sincere doesn't equal right

>> No.7411614

True, e.g., Ron Paul.

>> No.7411623

Don't. I would rather Trump win than Hillary and I have the feeling the establishment will do whatever they can to assure Hillary's victory.

>> No.7411624

Lol, why are right-wingers so hysterical? You're just as bad as SJWs

>> No.7411626

Ron Paul>Bernie>Trump

>> No.7411631

Obviously the Democratic Party wants Hillary to win, but there's also a Republican establishment that would prefer a Trump win

>> No.7411635

I think the oligarchy of interest groups and corporations would much rather Hillary than Trump.

>> No.7411640

>go to my partisan website to learn why you should support my positions
>every major economist

Daily reminder that the average Sanders voter doesn't know the difference between a social democracy and democratic socialism.

Hillary offers social democracy which is objectively the superior system.

>> No.7411642


>> No.7411648

>jingoistic bitch

>> No.7411656

>go to my partisan website to learn why you should support my positions
Pretty much. The information there is good.

>Daily reminder that the average Sanders voter doesn't know the difference between a social democracy and democratic socialism.
>Hillary offers social democracy which is objectively the superior system.
If that's your reason for preferring Hillary then I'm afraid you don't know any more than the people you're talking about.

>> No.7411662

I don't understand. Does this mean they're bad?

>> No.7411666

Yes.. all of those authors are bad, and if you've read any of them, then you're a huge pleb.

>> No.7411671

>not understanding obvious jokes

It's like Sanders supporters can't understand anything that isn't written in meme form

>> No.7411672

That post was written in meme form, though.

>> No.7411677

It's post-post-post-irony. :)

>> No.7411678

I'm definitely too autistic to understand humor but that's just why I should be getting more free shit from the government.

>> No.7411683

We're talking about politics you faggots, shut up

>> No.7411684


This is the decision:
Trump=Waifus are real
Sanders=NEET lifestyle for ever and more autismbux

>> No.7411685

So it's level-4 irony, which is indistinguishable from sincerity...explains why I had some trouble with it. Thanks.

>> No.7411688

Yeah. I'm voting for Sanders just so I can get more free money to live off of so I can fap to futas all day.

>> No.7411689
File: 20 KB, 347x344, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

We're supposed to be making fun of reddit guys

>> No.7411696

Smart man. Because my waifu's a pony, I doubt Trump will make mine come to life so it's an easy decision for me.

>> No.7411709

I can't tell if you're joking

>> No.7411765

I can tell if I'm joking...maybe you're just not trying hard enough.

>> No.7411789

6 year club maboi
didn't browse for about 3 of those though

>> No.7411802

I've been on 4chan for 11 years

>> No.7411815


>> No.7411938
File: 11 KB, 200x262, bushythumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7411941

Who here /voting in the elections and then moving away right after/?

>> No.7411963

>implying American elections don't affect the whole world.

>> No.7411972

This is a good point. The American political system would only be fair if everyone in the world got to vote.

>> No.7412010

Nah most foreigners are really fucking stupid desu

>> No.7412024

You find me a dumb foreigner, I find you a million dumber Americans

>> No.7412036


>> No.7412119

A million dumber? Oh my goodness, that's a lot!

>> No.7412136

Is this how illegal immigrants voting will be justified in a few years?

>> No.7412147

>Americans quaking in their crocs.
>implying voting actually does anything

>> No.7412334

this is a scary thing to say because the left might actually use it in the future

>> No.7412337

Whoever wrote Ready Player One and that zombie book.

>> No.7412495

The_Unofficial 58 points 8 hours ago
People of our generation do memorize poetry. Just of a different kind. Music! From rap to country to rock. Every time you go to a Brad Paisley concert or the club and see the crowds screaming the lyrics to Flicka da Wrist or Jordan Belfort you are witnessing people recite memorized poetry. Can you really blame people for not wanting to memorize jargon from more than five hundred years ago? The biggest issue I have with contemporary high school and college introduction to literature classes is they start in the past rather than the present.

[–]zamzam73 34 points 5 hours ago
People do this with everything. They complain about the lack of high culture these days because they defined it as classical music, theatre, opera, classical novels, etc, while ignoring new forms of culture that emerged and treating them as axiomatically inferior.


>> No.7412626

>the vote system allows serious conversation to not be derailed by memeing and shitposting as might happen even in a very good thread here.

>> No.7412678

That wouldn't even make sense mathematically

Typical idiot foreigner

>> No.7412720


>> No.7412726

daily reminder psilocybin is destroyed at 180F

>> No.7412734

They're Barnes and Noble editions that can sometimes run cheap on sale. Barnes and Noble usually only puts their self-published material on big sales.

>> No.7412769

Music is poetry tho la familia. Though I guess it slipped his mind that the only reason he claims music can be poetry is that he studied, to some extent, old poetry and its rules, thus giving value to poetry. Also it's inherently not axiomatically.

>> No.7412811

>all these half finished books
the actual fuck

>> No.7412852
