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File: 96 KB, 906x318, more you look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7404388 No.7404388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

...More can exist than what you see...

>> No.7404400

>"Oh my God, look at that FACE!"

Why did she say face instead of personality or intelligence or personal philosophy? What can we infer from this lyric?

>> No.7404409
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The better you look

>> No.7404415
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The more you'll see

>> No.7404420

>think big

>> No.7404427
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>> No.7404465
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Is there enough love in your vision ?

>> No.7404500
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What are the main ingredients of a narrative ?

>The secret ingredient is love

>> No.7404512
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Keep It Sweet, Sugar

>> No.7404522
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Credendo Vides

>> No.7404530
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Lovely Doubles

By believing,

One sees

>> No.7404538

what the fuck

>> No.7404548

Why does everyone think she's so pretty?
Overrated cunt teebeeheh.

>> No.7404556

this happens every 5-10 years in america, they get a new blonde who isn't really that special and they call her 10/10

>> No.7404627
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Do stars communicate with each other ?

>> No.7404642

There is no way this girl is not a lesbian.

>> No.7404643
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>> No.7404650
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...nonconformist message of the novel...

>> No.7404673

Whatever happened to Lorde?

>> No.7404693

Does anyone feel bad for cute girls?

It's like trying to make friends and be a human being, while you have a mystical aura that makes anyone who associates with you 200% richer. Everyone's gonna want to be """"friends"""" with you and praise everything you do, all the time. It's impossible to discern genuine appreciation from disingenuous, if genuine appreciation is even possible. Even people who THINK they are genuinely appreciative of you will be unconsciously lying to themselves, because who doesn't want to be near the magic money aura person?

They will never have a genuine interaction with people or with the world. Every single thing they do is ensconced in a forcefield of penises that erode the challenges and vacuums that are necessary for finding authenticity. You need to be thrown in a wilderness with nothing but your own existence, so that you are encouraged to find essence. But women are just surrounded by a hypersphere of cock that fills everything with phony praise, phony affirmation, constantly patronising them.

When I see girls on Instagram taking thousands of pictures of every inane thing they do, I just try to think: What level of mental sickness would it take to make a man do the same thing? Like, THAT level of self-importance, that level of intuitive assumption that the ephemera of your daily life as a nobody girl are important and worth sharing. The last time humanity created a male that self-important it was because he thought he was god-king of Egypt.

>> No.7404715

>They will never have a genuine interaction with people or with the world.

neither will anyone else tho

the closest you'll get is anonymity on the internet but even you're unwillingly confined and led by your demographic

authentic human interaction is an oxymoron

>> No.7404722
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>be a human being

>> No.7404767
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>genuine appreciation

No one should take themselves so seriously

>> No.7404784

>not literally any ceasar

>> No.7404810

>The last time humanity created a male that self-important

He was in the gym lifting every day to get girls that post shit on instagram

>> No.7404815
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Do you even lift ?

>> No.7404833


Love You Bring

>> No.7404856
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Cute dubs you brought

>> No.7404922
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That's a good summary. What I find more interesting is how the opposite is the case for most men, essentially a just-world fallacy.

The reality of modern dating can't be the way that it is, because if it did, that means manipulative assholes who think women are inferior are getting laid. And any self-professed nice guy who complains about having woman problems must not really be nice and must actually be a manipulative and entitled ass. Because if he were actually nice, it means that genuinely nice guys aren't getting laid.

So we see this veil of arguments: PUA doesn't work -- it's all made up lies and stories by losers on the internet. In the few cases it does work, those women are damaged, but it doesn't work on real, normal women. And in the few cases it does, it's all through lies and deception and manipulation and trickery. And in any other cases, it's all through rape.

And any time any guy complains that he had woman problems when he tried things the normal, conventional, friendly, nice guy way, it's because he's unwashed and hideous and unrealistically expects to succeed without taking the time to look good and learn basic social skills. But if he's not like that, then it's because he's only approaching super-models instead of realistic average women. But if it's not that, then it's because he's actually desperate and sending out invisible desperation signals and turning women off. But if it's not that, it's because he's actually an entitled misogynist and is sending out invisible entitlement signals and turning women off. But if it's not that, he's probably raping people.

>> No.7404948

Do you ever feel like this whole thing is just a natural result of any culture that is deferential toward women because of their sexual power?

Women are just fundamentally irrational, permanent children. They are reflexively capable of this kind of doublethink, of wanting to be worshiped for existing but also wanting respect for being ambitious, of making completely contradictory statements about their preferences for male behaviour that all boil down to "any man I don't want to fuck is doing SOMETHING wrong."

Their consciousness is constitutively fucking irrational. That kind of ability to live in permanent equivocation and to see truth as arising out of whatever is expedient in a given moment, but still being eternal "for that moment," is incompatible with civilisation.

Reminds me of that Paglia quote that Greek civilisation was great insofar as it was misogynistic. The more women are excluded, the more masculine the society is, the more rational it is, the more of a "civilisation" it is.

>> No.7404953


It really is sad.

Being challenged is the best part of life. Having everything handed to you with no obstacles or incentive to improve yourself or the world around you is, in a very real sense, your own personal Hell. In a lot of ways, ugly guys have it a lot better than pretty girls; they get to actually live life the way it was meant to be lived: Difficult, intimidating and lonely.

>> No.7404966



>inherently good

Every philosopher or artist worth his salt has found something beautiful and intoxicating about irrationality and primordial emotional chaos.

>> No.7404998

Maybe what you're missing is that genuine interaction is always about the love of sex and power, and that these "inauthentic" experiences are actually the idealized human experiences.

>> No.7405009
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>Maybe what you're missing is that genuine interaction is always about the love of sex and power

>> No.7405012


>> No.7405025

Replace irrationality in your assertion with the word women and your statement would be just as acceptable.

>> No.7405065
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>Oscar Wilde is now a memelord

>> No.7405115

I think its a cyclical thing. Basic bitches breed more basic bitches that don't contribute anything meaningful to life, and instead are absorbed in their own bullshit.
I don't think this applies to all women, just the majority.

>> No.7405135
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>> No.7405143
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>> No.7405148

What the fuck is this thread even supposed to be about?

>> No.7405149
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>> No.7405156

Schizophrenia I think.

>> No.7405212
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create their own societies

Stargirl Societies

>> No.7405213

It's already in Hegel, OP.

>> No.7405236
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...language of the birds...

>> No.7405261
File: 42 KB, 429x640, The Sunflower Club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The Sunflower Club"

...perform one nice act per day for someone else...

>> No.7405262
File: 27 KB, 363x400, IMG_0220d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7405283
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Your love will take me higher and higher

>Stargirl Societies

>> No.7405310
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...it is entirely plausible that experiences imprint certain secondary tendancies within us. A prime example of this is music, music evokes emotions, colours, textures, perhaps even memories of people, places and events. The point I wish to make here is that we carry a lot of unconscious pattern recognition software with us that help us "see" what others may be able to see...

>> No.7405324
File: 374 KB, 600x803, Literary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dear Watson...

...my generation..
...people connect with...
...overpowering, encompassing love...
...important and special...

"I like books that aren't just lovely but that have memories in themselves. Just like playing a song, picking up a book again that has memories can take you back to another place or another time" - Emma

>> No.7405325
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>> No.7405342
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Lift up carry the love...

>> No.7405347

ITT: Justification for the eradication of white "people".

>> No.7405348
File: 34 KB, 256x528, Crazy Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plato, in his dialogue Phaedrus (sections 246a–254e)...

...to explain his view of the human soul. He does this in the dialogue through the character of Socrates, who uses it in a discussion of the merit of Love as "divine madness"

>> No.7405351
File: 49 KB, 476x596, Enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...overpowering, encompassing love...
>...important and special...

So feel the love and let it in


>> No.7405355
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Along with loving themselves, and each other, they are in love with the very idea of love and what it pertains to

...Take my heart in your hands

>> No.7405575

fick u tay tay is a godess bless her soul

>> No.7405580

Sony, offering premier quality in electronics and entertainment. From high definition televisions, to state of the art gaming systems, to programming that appeals to audiences all over the world, Sony has it all. How do you Sony?

>> No.7405840
File: 115 KB, 479x600, She Brings So Much Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Optogenetics (from Greek optikós, meaning "seen, visible")


>> No.7405872
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People with neurotic behaviors can be stabilized by falling in love

>> No.7405879
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Hold it steady with you by my side

>> No.7405889
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Plato paints the picture of a Charioteer (Greek: ἡνίοχος) driving a chariot pulled by two winged horses

The Charioteer directs the entire chariot/soul, trying to stop the horses from going different ways, and to proceed towards enlightenment.

>> No.7405890
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Plato describes a "great circuit" which souls make as they follow the gods in the path of enlightenment

...Love you nomader what...

>> No.7405950

take the piss all you want, apparently she is making a decent impression on the lit world of popular style and themes.


>> No.7406153

So how do we reconcile this just world hypothesis with our desires?

I am caught in a wheel built by advertisers and movies teaching me to seek experience and act according to a role that does not fulfil me and leaves me feeling as empty as before. All experience falls under this. Eating in a restaurant. Sleeping with a woman. Nothing is as frustrating but rewarding as the chase. Nothing is as empty as the act.

[Spoiler]please help [/spoiler]

>> No.7406344
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The "inside" doesn't matter. Even after you admitted your feelings, there is no catharsis; no end to your punishment, and you've gained no deeper knowledge of yourself. Your confession has meant nothing.

Reflection is useless, the world is senseless. Evil is its only permanence. God is not alive. Love cannot be trusted. Surface, surface, surface was all that anyone found meaning in... this is civilization as I see it.

>> No.7406370
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>there is no catharsis
nigga u serious