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7403790 No.7403790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You mean you just read lots of books as a hobby .... that's cool... I guess *teehees and not very subtle groping noises in the background*

>> No.7403797

Half of these people look identical. I honestly cannot tell if it's a photoshop.

>> No.7403802

White people tbhl

>> No.7403803
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i am also a obscure japanese video game collector and a crossdress connoisseur.

>> No.7403807

burn the rich

>> No.7403808

This. White people all look the same.

>> No.7403816

Why are like half of them wearing the same clothes? Is this some kind of swim team?

>> No.7403821

stay resentful mr. smallmoney

>> No.7403825

I look uniquely ugly. Is it any better?

>> No.7403831

>You mean you just post dumb shit on an internet forum as a hobby .... that's cool... I guess *teehees and not very subtle groping noises in the background*

>> No.7403832

b-but I am white...

>> No.7403833

Why are you guys here so racist towards white people?

>> No.7403841

Authentic experience, bro.

>> No.7403848

w-whats that on the nose?

>> No.7403852

>Hollister employees making fun of anyone

They're retail workers, dumbass. Christ, it's like how Ta Nehisi-Coates thinks white people are all carefree Parisian millionaires.

>> No.7403854

I wish bro

>> No.7403859

If the situation OP described happens to you you're going to the wrong parties. Yesterday I went to a party with film and literature students, talked about Infinite Jest and made out with a bunch of girls.

>> No.7403865

It is a bit of a stretch to call models who model for Hollister retail workers.

>> No.7403871

This. Git gud at life if you're actually rubbing shoulders with boring people all the time.

>> No.7403872


Yeah, those hollister girls are so superficial, fake, bitchy, and so on... The 6/10s in your english class definitely aren't lapping up the beta male attention...

Jesus m8, you're like a Conference player comparing himself to the Premier League.

>> No.7403876

Still, not rich. Models have to pretty much be a household name to make real money.

>> No.7403878

>models for Hollister
it all makes sense now.

>> No.7403896

Not that guy, but I went to a top-20 U.S. university and there were absurdly hot girls who didn't model because they were too smart/rich for that kind of work. In a cruel twist of fate for everyone else, looks, smarts and money tend to come as a package deal at the top of society.

>> No.7403920

What an inauthentic buncha people.

>> No.7403926

Shut up Holden.

>> No.7403937

>Fuck you fucking phonies.
>My feet hurt.
>I wish Allie was here.
>Phoebe's such a kid.

>> No.7403944

How do normal people have so many friends? It seems like you would never have time to do anything else at all even to keep up an average social life.

Not making excuses for myself, I'm just a straight up loser, but I still don't understand.

>> No.7403949
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>> No.7403965

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances and I spend most of my time alone.

>> No.7403973

That doesn't make any sense though. How do you have friends if you never see them?

>> No.7403974
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>groping noises

>> No.7403975
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You don't need to manage everyone directly to keep them within your network.

>> No.7404009
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>cross dressing connoisseur
L-links please?

>> No.7404019

lol woody allen hasnt aged a day

>> No.7404036

Because true friendship doesn't wear out with the pass of time, and minor relationships do not actually require a lot of time to be maintained.
Add social media and messaging applications to the equation as well.

>> No.7404047

I just make it obvious I'm an introvert. People find me pretty funny, and quite relaxed, so when I call them up once in a week or so, they're normally happy to do something or accommodate me in their plans.

>> No.7404048

I think you're just more likable. I feel like I have to constantly remind people I even exist to maintain any kind of relationship. So I usually just give up.

>> No.7404050


>> No.7404099

>looks, smarts and money tend to come as a package deal at the top of society.

it's called good genes, nature ain't politically correct, deal with it, grotesquelings

>> No.7404109


>> No.7404113

I honestly think a lot of the campus activism shit is kids with top 1% genes and upbringing failing to grasp how fucking retarded the bottom like 60% of society is.

>> No.7404120
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>said anon on 4chan
violence is god anyway, those looks,smarts and money can't protect you from a bullet or a blade.

>> No.7404121
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>good genes

>> No.7404123

Seconded. Went to a similarly ranked school and desu no where else have I been around people who were so consistently attractive, intelligent, moneyed, hard working and optimistic.

Of course, they often had extremely bland personalities and almost no intellectual curiosity apart what was ancillary to their efforts to succeed in society (by the most conventional standards imaginable). Also, there was a large population of ugly nerds - mostly asians tho so they don't count.

>> No.7404129

>people who were so consistently attractive, intelligent, moneyed, hard working and optimistic.
people like that feel uncanny, like they're wearing suits of human skin pretending to be happy.

>> No.7404130

Lol is this meant to 'hit a nerve' OP?
Get better friends

>> No.7404131


>implying money isn't an indirect cause of most of the advantages that accrue in the top of society

>> No.7404138

no, but private security and a big ass gate can, have fun struggling to not be killed by a fellow ghetto trash

>> No.7404151

this is the joy of not being a resentful lil bitch, something most of you will never experience in life, stay mad edgelords lmao

>> No.7404152
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Islamic feminist creationist here.

get on my level

>> No.7404162

Don't you know? Being wealthy means being moral and gifted by God! It's what my Calvinist capitalist ethics tell me to justify my existence and explain away the suffering of the less fortunate!

>> No.7404167

that was my experience as a proletarian pleb who clawed his way up to peti-bourgeois society by a mix of will and raw intelligence...they don't realize most poor people are just awful bottom feeders that can barely think and have no drive to better themselves, don't waste time on them, put civilization's resources behind the most productive people instead, thank god for capitalism!

>> No.7404173

Tell that to all the Kings,Leaders and Great men who were assassinated.

Don't forget who those big gates and private security protect you from because it's not other rich keks.

>> No.7404176

Yes. It was honestly really disturbing. Even worse is how claustrophobic it is - all that success is the direct result of extreme social pressure. Some people adapt by simply going all "stiff upper lip" and building a shell around their humanity, but tbeh I got the impression that a shockingly large number of them didn't even have a personality that needed to be repressed In their defense, it isn't that surprising, seeing as a lot of them were little more than the imprint of the suffocating ambition of their well-to-do parents (you need time and intellectual freedom to develop a personalty and they were never afforded it).

At any rate, I found it incredibly alienating. They were literally the sorta people who would look at you funny for wanting to talk about lit for fun, but who would talk about test grades at fucking parties. Yuck.

>> No.7404177

just keep having another five kids like the pope wants and blame their poverty on the jews like a good catholic bum

>> No.7404181


>> No.7404188

learn about history you uncultured garbage, most revolutions are by the bourgeois demanding more power, and most assassinations are by the intelligence services of states controlled by the bourgeois

>> No.7404198

>I look down on my parents.
edge, don't cut yourself, teenager, etc

>> No.7404210
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Alright friendo, if that's what lets you sleep at night.


>> No.7404214

You live in the south? I got the same feeling in all the upper level schools and courses. Everyone was smart, witty, and attractive, yet there was something so misplaced about all of them. Maybe we're projecting, assuming, and being special snowflakes, but everything about their lives were so conventional and ordered I don't feel a connection to them beyond a few laughs.

>> No.7404218

>Smart man does something clever and gets rich
>picks hot wives because he can
>has, on average, good looking and smart offspring with the financial backing to take risks and access to resources they need to thrive
Repeat ad-infinitum. Saying "money did it," is kinda like asserting vehemently that either the egg or chicken came first.

Life is hard and you only get run-through with no tutorial mode. Lots of people fuck up and wind up in situations that a smart, rich young person would have to actively sabotage themselves to reach. This is unpleasant because it implies a lot of personal things about the kid's privilege and is just a sort or "red of tooth and nail" image that nobody loves to dwell on. To avoid dwelling on it and facing up to the challenging responsibilities that come with their station in society, bright rich kids often choose to treat anyone who's clearly "beneath" them as a non-agent, subject to the "system" around them at every juncture. They then make a show of fighting mightily for them, at a safe distance, of course.

Taking the lead in society and acting with compassion to everyone is much harder than trying to wash your hands of the whole setup.

Not once you get to know them.

>implying you stand a chance of rolling up on a hoplophile rich guy's country house
Bored gun owners fap all day long to fantasies about shooting people like you.

>> No.7404223

you seem pretty entry level at life, losers always lose and winners always win, or masters always mast and slaves always slave, read some nietzsche or stay a bitch, your choice

>> No.7404230

what are you talking about m8? why the fuck would I want to read some ill german kek who didn't practise what he preached?
all man are created equal because of the existence of violence, unless you like to stay holed up and afraid in a safe place, you'll have to go outside at some point where anything can happen.

>> No.7404232

>be exactly like your parents or you'll go to hell
Stay complacent

Not that guy. Went to an elite New England school and didn't have that experience with my classmates, but the driven southerners I know come off creepy to me as well. Makes me worry that I give off the same vibe.

>> No.7404242

>>be exactly like your parents or you'll go to hell
>Stay complacent

>implying that's what he meant
looking down on a class you were born into and your ancestors were likely born into just because you happened to gain a little more paper is a bit sad 2bh.

>> No.7404244

lmao you sound like you live in intense fear, are you by chance that angry scottish loser from the tinychat that no one likes? why not just kill yourself?

>> No.7404247

not only are the working class stupid and lazy, they're fucking proud of it! get a load of this dweeb, hahaha

>> No.7404249

Nah, CA

>Maybe we're projecting, assuming, and being special snowflakes
Here's the thing about schools: their front door is a stringent filter. Especially with high ranking schools in this century; there are so many hoops that needed to be jumped through in order to get in you pmuch need a personality built from jumping through them. It would be surprising if the student body WEREN'T uniform. Tho obviously this is just supposition.

Anecdotal aside: I dated a girl who went to a liberal arts college that was expensive af but basically let anyone in if they had the money. The rigorous culture of the school meant that it attracted rich private school kids who were bound for grad school. The impression I got in getting to know the student body made me think that the kids who are smart and rich but unconventional just don't go to the mainstream high ranking schools.

>> No.7404252

>lmao you sound like you live in intense fear,
what gives you that impression? If I'm here on 4chan I'm likely to not be living in 'intense fear'.
>angry scottish loser
no, I'm literally the opposite of scottish
>why not just kill yourself?
wish I could 2bh

>> No.7404257

I promise most of his ancestors would have preferred to be wealthier and would be proud that someone in their line made good.

>> No.7404263

>The impression I got in getting to know the student body made me think that the kids who are smart and rich but unconventional just don't go to the mainstream high ranking schools.

Competing for a top five school is for Asians, WASPs would rather go to an obscure New England college than battle a hoard of boring chinks.

>> No.7404268

>wish I could 2bh

i know, the stench of fear and resentment is all over your posts

>> No.7404282

Like I said, please tell what gives off that impression.
I answered a simple question, my suicidal thoughts are very much not related to 'fear and resentment'.

>> No.7404285

If you think the way capitalism is a meritocracy in the way it sorts out the successful from the unsuccessful you live in a randian comic book (err ... a comic book). You have any idea how much dumb luck is involved in just determining who is gonna meet who during any person's life? That alone probably has a bigger effect on an individual's outcome than their ability to "do something clever".

>> No.7404291

What is the opposite of Scottish? My money is on Indian.

>> No.7404303

yes, yes, the rich are just lucky...blessed by god you could say!

>> No.7404306

I wasn't going to reply because that was a spot-on guess.

>> No.7404309

I can't imagine an Indian guy being that much of a whiney bitch

>> No.7404314

that's why donald trump is my president :)

>> No.7404318

It's an imperfect meritocracy, but the data is out and money, looks and intelligence all correlate to one another pretty clearly. I don't have to be a booster for American-style capitalism to read that.

>> No.7404319

>You have any idea how much dumb luck is involved in just determining who is gonna meet who during any person's life? That alone probably has a bigger effect on an individual's outcome than their ability to "do something clever".

successful people know this and plan according, in other words they look for any opportunity to network with other successful people

>> No.7404321

Have you read "Shakespeare, Einstein, and the Bottom line"? It's a bad title, but it makes pretty similar arguments to yours. Homogenization and turning college into a teleological job training is actually a pretty widespread, and apparently good, thing. Adult life is becoming more on how to pay the bills and feed the kids and keep the insurance and less on how not to kill yourself when you're 30 or finding an enriching inner life.
I've visited Harvard, Yale, and MIT during high-school (mostly out of family, didn't care enough about academia to apply) and it's generally a different vibe than the south. Mostly everyone I met outside the classroom was drunk, sardonic, or single-minded about their field. I imagined in class and studying they're excellent students, but in their off-time they seemed like the average college student.

>> No.7404331

his dick absorbs youth

>> No.7404336

you mean rich people talk to rich people? whoah

>> No.7404338

I think part of why Yankee high achievers seem so normal is that their culture actually encourages that kind of achievement. I love the south, but it can be pretty uncomfortable here when you start talking about wanting to do anything but take over your dad's business, go to an (in-state) medical school, or join the military.

I honestly envy secular Jewish kids who grew up with encouraging and open-minded parents in clean suburbs of global cities. Probably romanticizing that, but it seems so much nicer than the backwater I grew up in.

>> No.7404370

well maybe you'll meet someone with venture capital to fund your next startup at D&D night at the local comicbook store in West Bumfuck, but successful people do what they can to improve their odds

>> No.7404460

Schooling and teachers play a part too. From experience, southern AP/IB/Upper level courses are defined by grades and preparing you for the "rigors of college", a myth that is completely inconsistent, and less about intellect or introspection. Thus, for most southern students, a successful life is having social accomplishments and sufficient wealth rather than achieving self-improvement.
Connections are harder too, unless you go to a private school, class sizes are so big the only way a teacher knows you is through your grades. I remember trying to stop being a schizoid and get rid of suicidal idealization by connecting with teachers, but most were so busy doing other work I was a nuance. Even if I did open up most of them told me to either grow up, get involved, or stop taking books so seriously.

>> No.7404686



hbr.org=harvard business review

>Perhaps the most sweeping indictment of the idea that CEOs’ careers are shaped by skill comes from a 2014 paper by Markus Fitza at Texas A&M. He argues that even that 2% to 22% of firm performance that studies have attributed to CEOs could be largely the product of luck.

>CEOs matter, just less than many people think. Instead, luck, and yes, bias, play a far larger role in determining who ends up leading companies

>Even though CEOs weren’t at the very top of the spectrum in intelligence, when the researchers combined cognitive ability, interview results, and height into one score, they found that CEOs of large Swedish firms were in fact in the top 5%. Becoming CEO doesn’t necessarily hinge on being the best and brightest, though that helps. It’s also important that society thinks you look the part.


Chad is your boss not because he's worth a damn, but because normies demand leaders that look like Chad.

>> No.7404694


fucking snow bunnies need to go back to the caucus mountains were they come from and stop making movies casting themselves as egyptians... Lame ass crackers smdh

>> No.7404697


>> No.7404702 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7404713

>Even if I did open up most of them told me to either grow up, get involved, or stop taking books so seriously.

This is sage advice tho

>> No.7404714

Pretty sure the point of that paper is that company execs overestimate the value of other execs. The thing about personal bias in CEO selection is just unavoidable. There's not foolproof way to discover who will best lead your company, and faced with numerous highly qualified candidates, what do you expect the search committee to do?

>implying that any significant percentage of wealthy people are Fortune 500 CEOs
CEO is a job, not an award for being "the bestest capitalist.

>> No.7404717

it's a lifeguard frat, anon. you're so sheltered.

>> No.7404721

Blacks were pharaohs at one point.

>> No.7404732

everyone knows most CEOs are fucking retards, company the average CEO to someone like Thomas Watson or Andy Grove or Steve Jobs to the fucking jokers running Microsft, HP or any other decadent American enterprise...it's just no one accept a brash "founder" is going to have the balls to say most business schools grads are trash

>> No.7404751

You know you have to have been successful in a corporate environment before you can enter any respected business school, right? Not saying they're all geniuses, but I actually know a guy going to HBS next year who was a brilliant classmate in our undergrad program and is a minor legend at the software firm he works at currently. I have a hard time believing all his classmates will just be dime a dozen tards.

>> No.7404753

for one short lived dynasty after a period of decadence and internal turmoil ("second intermediate period" i believe), but the jews had a dynasty that lasted just as long or longer (the hyksos, which scholars believe corresponds with the "joseph in egypt" tale in the jewish bible) and the greeks had a dynasty that lasted longer than both, so who gives a shit? negroids btfo as usual

>> No.7404765

The length of a dynasty does not invalidate its existence, but I forget that white devils don't have logic.

>> No.7404772

>You know you have to have been successful in a corporate environment before you can enter any respected business school, right?

being "successful in a corporate environment" is not the same as being a founder of a business or a successful executive, and moreover, tons of rich shits go straight into top tier business schools after they finish their top tier undegrad after they finished their top tier private school...only plebby poors have to "prove themselves" in business before being accepted

>> No.7404774
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>> No.7404777

well if blacks are going to claim that egyptian civilization was black based on one second rate dynasty then really it should be considered jewish since the jewish dynasty lasted longer and was more successful

>> No.7404778

this tbqh family smfh

>> No.7404779

I think a more salient point is that the negro dynasty didn't build any of the stuff people admire ancient Egypt for and basically just sorts occupied the office until they got booted.

>> No.7404782

all these triggered white folks

lmao xD

>> No.7404791


But that's not the point is it? It's literally changing goalposts.
The Black dynasty were KINGS of Egypt so the 'we wuz kings' shit is retarded seeing as they actually were kings.

>> No.7404796

Don't know about second-rate MBA programs, but at HBS absolutely nobody gets in less than 2 years after they finish undergrad and the average is closer to 4.

>> No.7404809


>> No.7404811
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>> No.7404813

Considering American slaves were taken from defeated tribes near the far western coast of Africa, it's still a little silly to claim they were related to kings of Egypt.

>> No.7404814

White devils are so clouded by emotion and rage that they will use any of their wily tactics to maintain their supposed superiority crafted in their mind by the exploitative upper classes.

Remove your shackles and lick my black boots, whitey.

>> No.7404820

And yet Europeans and American whites feel solidarity with one another and champion people from their past to whom they have little relation, seeing it as an honor for their race.

Whites are delusional.

>> No.7404821

>that bulletproof tshirt
Whoever sold her that should be investigated. Really scummy false advertising.

>> No.7404822
File: 317 KB, 448x760, Gezo_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade:

"The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery…"

>> No.7404825

It would be delusional if my ancestors were enslaved en masse by other whites from Europe and sold all over the world, but that didn't happen.

>> No.7404828

But you didn't address the points made and just went for a lazy 'f-fuck you, you were slaves!'

>> No.7404830
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>my ancestors never lost any wars
>what is serfdom???
>my ancestors accomplishments are my own


>> No.7404832

That doesn't make any logical sense.

>> No.7404838

>nationalism and ancestral/racial pride are a good thing!
>lol look at those stupid blacks being proud of blacks from the past! don't they just realize they were dumb niggers throughout history and that white people are better?

>> No.7404842


>> No.7404845

There's nothing wrong with ancestral pride or nationalism but then criticizing and making fun of other people doing it as well is just hypocritical.

>> No.7404849

You attempted to link white admiration for other whites to niggers admiring Egyptian kings, but that I explained how that is unfounded since whites have strong links to the leaders of their countries as little as 400 years ago and possibly had ancestors only a generation or two away from those periods which then sailed to America, whereas the ancestors of dindu nuffins were put in extremely brutal conditions by their very race and sold to Arabs, Portuguese, and Western Europeans and now are claiming they have connection to 4,000 year old Semetic people.

>> No.7404851

Why deprive black people of something to be proud of, besides gangs and sports?

Maybe that'll push them into becoming upstanding and productive citizens, which would be great for everyone.

>> No.7404857

I don't see why a nationalist would never mock another nation. It kinda seems like it comes with the territory and its up to the other people to decide if they're proud or not.

>> No.7404862

All the "we wuz kings" meme does is promote resentment towards their current fellows and academic dishonesty. They can do the same with literally any African dynasty, but why does it have to be an empire with absolutely connection other than continental? If Egypt was located just a little more to the right ninogs would realize how retarded they are, but they just assume that Africa is a black mass with iron borders.

>> No.7404865

This. There will never be a separate black nation as long as African-Americans are convinced they must rely on white handouts and infrastructure to live well.

>> No.7404867

They are showing pride for a period of time where the Kushites took power in Egypt because of a common racial bond, not claiming that they have a direct genetic relationship to them--after all, Africans have more genetic variation among one another than with other races--or that it makes them special.

It seems you're implying that though with your statements.

Do you feel insecure when blacks feel proud about anything or when a black person accomplishes something?

>> No.7404872

same goes for neets

>> No.7404873

I'm not the guy who said it, I'm just the guy who pointed out you didn't address the points. The average Roman/Germanic is as alien to a modern day white person as an Ancient Egyptian would be to a modern day black person(There were Nubians who lived in Ancient Egypt and there were black and also enslaved) so I don't really see why people can be proud of having roman/germanic heritage but then people are derided for being proud of Egyptian civilization when both groups(Black and White) most likely had nothing to do with them and are really just celebrating a rich and varied history.

>> No.7404877

It's not mocking another nation. They are mocking the very notion of feeling pride over this itself, which is hypocritical.

>> No.7404878

this is why nationalism is gay as shit, it's every man for himself out there

>> No.7404879

>le fedora basement man meem

>> No.7404882

Go home, whitey. Stop sweating so much. You smell like mayo.

>> No.7404884

relying on handouts to live is fucking gay bro im just letting u know as a friend, regardless of neet or nig, get a fucking job

>> No.7404885

Not him but I agree. The Black man must rise to show his innate superiority over the crafty lesser white devil.

>> No.7404887



>> No.7404891

over the last 5,000 years of recorded history this never happened, i doubt it's going to start now, but we can always give a few affirmative action scholarships and book awards and whatnot and pretend they aren't a failed evolutionary branch, for the sake of a harmonious society

>> No.7404892

>not being born into the idle landed gentry
Your NEET/wageslave dichotomy means nothing

>> No.7404896

>if you're a dude with cash you get a hot wife
>if you're hot 3dpd you get a loaded hubby
atleast you can count on mendelian genetics casting 5-30% of their kids to the lower tiers?

>> No.7404901

That's Sewanee all over, Vanderbilt and Wake Forest and UNC too from what I've heard.

>> No.7404904

>getting handouts from the government and staying in your moms basement due to degenerate autistic gene mutations


kill yoself

>> No.7404905 [DELETED] 
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>get a job
>having to sell time for money
>not living off your sizeable estate

>> No.7404908

Are you serious? Indians are some of the whiniest, most narcissistic people on the planet

>> No.7404910

You triggered whitey? You feel all scared? Need one of your dumbass coward-ass baby-ass safe spaces? Good.

>> No.7404913

But don't you understand that all the great things people admire Egypt for achieving happened literally a millennium before any blacks had power, and were achieved by people of Semetic, non-Jewish decent?

I never implied all white people are worthy, or that a ill-constituted serf is worth more than a sub-Saharan king, I am simply saying that niggers are stupid if they think they can claim relation to the golden age of Egypt following the same logic as whites of French descent who admire Richelieu or Louis XIV, for example.

>> No.7404917

maybe in the UK, in America they're just STEM robots

>> No.7404920
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>> No.7404921

>being a remnant of an obsolete social class

stay decadent doofus

>> No.7404924
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>having to sell time for money
>not living off your sizeable estate

whats up with all the poor people on /lit/

>> No.7404927

Does that matter? You're changing the goal posts.

And once again, they aren't saying they're directly related. They're saying that people with a black skin color with which they identify were kings in Egypt, which is true.

It's following the same logic as whites of Russian descent championing Robespierre.

>> No.7404930
File: 188 KB, 500x500, 1339355448404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when blacks feel proud about anything or when a black person accomplishes something?

>> No.7404931

>not realizing Americans have no respect for the idle rich

why don't you just convert to catholicism

>> No.7404932

Yeah, I knew those in high school but they didn't make it to my university unless their parents were multi-million donors, which did happen but not nearly so often as resentful 4chan dwellers like to think.

>> No.7404934



>> No.7404937

what's wrong whitey? you chicken? xD

>> No.7404940
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>> No.7404941

but white people don't go around saying WE WUZ LOOEY DA FOTEENTH, most white people see monarchy as backward and regressive, but due to the slavish instincts of the negroid he longs for his ancestor's days of toiling on corvee labor projects under the absolute rule of a semitic pharoah

>> No.7404942

Fuck of with your leddit fallashes

>They're saying that people with a black skin color with which they identify were kings in Egypt, which is true.

No that is not what they are doing, they are claiming they built pyramids and lived as pharaohs when really they just ruled a declining empire for short periods of time

>It's following the same logic as whites of Russian descent championing Robespierre.

Who on earth does this for racial reasons?

>> No.7404943
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>caring about what a bunch of inbred colonists think

>thinking decadence is a real thing
>not realizing we made it up to make poor people make us money

>> No.7404949

Have you ever actually read a book? You post the exact same all-caps, poorly spelled nonsense in every racially charged thread.

It's time for some new material. Either respond to the actual argument at hand, come up with a creative and interesting insult, or stop posting (this is what I personally recommend)

>> No.7404951

This. You can be decadent as fuck and keep getting richer after a certain point.

>> No.7404952

You don't think white people ever bring up historical European or Americans for whom they feel pride? Look at all the crusader rping that's been going on the last few months for example.

And once again, it's pride for black kings who ruled Egypt, not for all of Ancient Egypt's history. Egyptians and, to a much lesser extent, some more pan-Arabist Arabs feel pride for that.

>> No.7404955 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 320x720, 1446245882068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, relax, there can't be any black people ITT. because Blacks don't read :^)

>> No.7404956
File: 71 KB, 312x445, bJZrTA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either respond to the actual argument at hand

>pls validate me!!!!

>> No.7404957

Are you scared whitey that you're wrong and that Black people are more accomplished than you think? Ghostfuckers so scared that Stirner's got some spookbusting to do. xD

>> No.7404958

You're gonna a bigger bait for me, "whitey"

>> No.7404963

>oh my god, how can someone having what I don't have be happy?

>I have no power thus those who have it have usurped it from me
Resentment won't help you get anywhere.

Is this from a Debord movie kek

We wuz kings n shit mayn! we rooled heegupt! we invented the wheel and modern edoocashun!

>> No.7404972

We wuz crusaders n shit mayn! we conquered jerusalem! we are gods people!

>> No.7404982

Whiteys so tonguetied cause they got big deformed pig tongues! xD

No wonder you can't speak none of those semitic or asian languages properlike. xD

>> No.7404983


>> No.7404984

I don't why this is so difficult for you. There's nothing wrong with having pride in your history and culture, provided that you can demonstate that you are actually related to said history and culture. American blacks have no evidence to being related to accomplishments of Ancient Egypt, so they probably should instead feel proud about gang violence or crack cocaine or something that's actually representative of their people.

>> No.7404985


We wuz world conquerors mayne
but the evil black man be keeping us down ya feel me ,cletus?

>> No.7404994

>ywn be this desperate for attention from white people
Your world really revolves around our opinions, huh

>> No.7404999

>the evil black man be keeping us down
black people only keep themselves down, tbqh

>> No.7405001

And to this da, the ancient and noble kings of "Heegupt" remain the most criminalized and uneducated human group on this planet, replete with self-contempt, a culture of mediocrity and baseness, while I date a blond-haired girl with blue eyes that doesn't have an enlarged apocrine gland producing simian features in her face and an infamous body odor; while such an ancient and awe-inspiring dynasty of noble kings of african descent constantly produces the scum of mankind, both culturally and socially, I shrug and go back to reading Racine, Shakespeare and Virgil, feeling deeply 'buttblasted' and jealous, that my people was not part of this great dynasty of black kings.

>> No.7405002
File: 10 KB, 224x225, images (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post bait
>gets butthurt when he gets replied to

>> No.7405005

When and where did they claim the black kings accomplished anything?

The Kushites also built pyramids in their capital of Meroe, though, and there are other things other blacks throughout history have accomplished.

You're just being willfully ignorant.

>> No.7405008
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>> No.7405011

Nah you ghostfuckers do a good job at that

fuck yall xD

>> No.7405014

Hey buddy, you seem to be lost,the 19th century is 2 blocks down

>> No.7405018

Someone sounds jealous of black people. :)

>> No.7405026

You guys can run pretty fast, I'll give you that.

>> No.7405027
File: 69 KB, 822x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the current year means you're wrong

>> No.7405029

Only white devils could produce such an idiot.

>> No.7405033

Maybe you should actually read books and gain some reading comprehension, you illliterate mongoloid, otherwise you would have realized that no one fucking talks or writes like>>7405001 anymore.

>> No.7405034


>> No.7405035

>>CEO is a job, not an award for being "the bestest capitalist.

that's just an example that I happened to have a source for at the ready.

you said
>It's an imperfect meritocracy, but the data is out and money, looks and intelligence all correlate to one another pretty clearly. I don't have to be a booster for American-style capitalism to read that.

you say it's an imperfect meritocracy, I'm just saying it's not a meritocracy at all; mental and physical charisma are rewarded due to human nature liking charisma, not because they're objectively ubermenchen. the source is one example that demonstrates this. they had money, looks and intelligence, but succeeded and failed purely by chance. you're not wrong here >>7404714, I just take issue with the use of "meritocracy" in the other post.

>> No.7405037

Correct, there aren't any black Jews.

>> No.7405039

It's a 4chan post written in plain English with ironic emphasis. Are you retarded?

>> No.7405041

>there aren't any black Jews

>> No.7405044

Yo all you little bitch betas talking shit about whitey.. Go back to your 3rd world shithole and stop culturally appropriating my white literature.

>> No.7405045


>> No.7405047

>I am a faithful follower to the twitter accounts of Mira Gonzalez and Steve Roggenbuck and I can honestly inform you that writing with any sense of taste is outdated and oppressive

>> No.7405050

why don't you go back to Europe instead of culturally enriching native american land? Oh wait, you'll get beheaded because white '''''people''''' are kekolds.


>> No.7405051

lol I'm so jealous


so jealous

>> No.7405052


>> No.7405053
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>> No.7405054

Lol ???

I seem to recall someone trading their land for beads and blankets?

Also lol at how you use Europe as an example against whiteness yet imply I will be beheaded by brownies such as yourself. LOL

>> No.7405055

all these butthurt whiteys
literally smdh lmao xD
why you guys so thin-skinned though? need to cry with your ponies and doggies in a safe space, masturbating to chink toons? xD

>> No.7405056


>> No.7405058

i hope this is all roleplaying and there arent actually black people on this board

>> No.7405059

preach it brother

>> No.7405060

ayyyy this white boi be megga-ass hurt
someone get him some fucking OINTMENT for his DESTROYED ANUS.

>> No.7405061

SMDH lol your dumbass everyday niggerspeak has been censored across the entire site because of whites like myself's constant sarcastic belittling of your entire race DESU SENPAI BAKA C U C K

>> No.7405062

Other Jews hold them at arm's length, and there have been bitter fights over letting them into Israel. Mormons say they're the real Israelites, but what do we call them?

>> No.7405063


>> No.7405067

I hope this is all roleplaying and there aren't actually white people on this board.

>> No.7405068

>ayyyyy dis white boi BAKA C U C K

>> No.7405071


>> No.7405073


Those fucking whiteys on pol are dissing us!

>> No.7405074


>> No.7405075

>we wuz the chosen ones and sheit

>> No.7405077

You racist Black Panthers can't even form an identity that isn't based around your hatred and jealousy of white success. Pretty pathetic desu c u c k senpai

>> No.7405078


>> No.7405079


>> No.7405081

Nice. ;)

>> No.7405085


>> No.7405087


>> No.7405089

them white boys asses way too hurt xD

>> No.7405090



>> No.7405103

Does /pol/ get triggered over every little thing?

>> No.7405105

If the top is on average actually better than the rest of society, then that's as much of a meritocracy as has ever existed on a macro-scale.

>> No.7405109

I'm so glad that I have found this place so I can discuss literature.

>> No.7405113

It's a shit thread so bait is necessary to kill it.

>> No.7405131

It is, but I have SPD so activities didn't help me get rid of suicide idealization, only prevented me from thinking about it. I still haven't found a solution

UGA is also turning into that type of environment, even though the school itself is pretty weak.

>> No.7405134


>the top is on average actually better
ok, I get it, you think Ayn Rand is awesome, I think she sucks. agree to disagree.

>> No.7405136

I indeed am a great admirer of the black kings of Heeguhpt, perpetuating their greatness into such a refined dynasty of beautiful black people that we see in what some name the "Black Lives Matter,"and thus do I profess that this Earth has yet to be walked upon by a more successful group of people, united beneath one flag, one idea, --- that of greatness, refinement; in a word, that of mankind at its zenith. Let us consider the whole road by mankind traveled; consider the ages, the kingdoms ascending and those decadent; in the words of Chassignet, let us round off the trace of three thousand years and stroll upon Empires defunct, nations gone, and all that's been achieved by Man; let us consider the face of the earth, and let us think, --- has it ever been graced by something more /full/, more elevated, greater, more refined and developed, than by the passage of the African American upon its Western hemisphere?

Yes, we are jealous; and can we not hear the bitter, too too bitter tears of Augustus, the beating of his clenched fists upon the walls of his mausoleum; the vain screech of despair of five hundred years of Emperors whose dust deserved not even to be tread upon by the kingly feet of this nation of African Americans; do we not hear the scurrilous whispers of the throngs of monarchs who durst not throw themselves on the ground and drown the African American's feet in kisses, and have thus become nothing but dead bones, outlived by the living ones of Jamal; do we not feel the emptiness, the pagan vainglory of all previous human enterprise of thought, exemplified by the vapid ravings of pederasts bearing the likeness of Plato, whose complexion translated naught but sheer mediocrity; do we not gaze upon Raphael's daubs, asking ourselves how such nullity may have stained the sooty greatness of a superior mankind, that of African Americans? Do we not breathe and pump such questions in our very hearts?

Yes, we are jealous of African Americans, the great kings of Heeguhpt.

>> No.7405138
File: 118 KB, 297x413, 1387940364124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask friends for a marijuana contact
>get the name of the dealer
>report the dealer to crime stoppers
>just got a $450 reward check in the mail because he was dealing other drugs as well and was given a 3-year sentence
>act pissed off at friends that they gave me the number to someone being arrested

>> No.7405151

The Great Noontide is amongst and upon us, --- and it is black.

>> No.7405153

Went over there apparently these are more occupied with Russia moving their nuclear warheads into position because Turkey is blocking their navy

It's on CNN

>> No.7405158


>> No.7405159

>he actually spent time writing this drivel

Probably posting their "le habbening" Ron Paul memes.

>> No.7405166
File: 527 KB, 864x510, 1387845043339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is black history:


This is black culture:

Fuck I hate the fact we were slaves
Fuck, i'm gonna put that plate in my face
Fuck, i'm gonna wear only yellow
Fuck, i'm a retard ugly ape, i'm gonna shoot my community up
Fuck, I hate whitey, whitey is so much better so I hate him, damn whitey
Fuck, blacks invented everything n sheeeeit like electricity, computers, toilets, running water, the engine....

Compare that to the thousands of years of European culture and history. When we found the niggers they couldnt
even fucking write. And they were using pointy sticks as weapons when we had fucking guns...
Without whitey colonising Africa, Africans would still be in the fucking dark ages, where animals belong.
Africans are literally wild life.


> Egyptians some of the biggest users of slaves in history
> Niggers: "We were Egyptians tho"

North Africans have always been and will always be NOT black.
How does it feel that the only successful civilisations worth a shit on the African continent were all in
North Africa where the Caucasians were?
Can you wrap your 85 IQ brains around how inferior niggers are? So bad that you have to claim history of other peoples
because you fucking have none of your own.
If I was an ugly nigger I would fucking kill myself.

>> No.7405210

it's the only people against who is ok to be openly rascist, soon it won't be so gotta make as much as you can with what you have.

>> No.7405230

why are you so mad?

>> No.7405242

That photo reminds me of a scene from Man in the High Castle with an Albino black guy and a Nazi hitman.

"You're white, which is good; But you're too white, which is bad. Huh."

>> No.7405248


underrated post

>> No.7405250


>all the young kids who haven't been lurking anywhere near as long as the oldfags try to be as edgy as possible to keep up 4chan "tradition"

bunch of corny little bandwagoners

>> No.7405252

underrated post

>> No.7405255



of course you'd come back just to post in the biggest shit show thread up right now

of course you would

>> No.7405256

Ayn Rand didn't make desirable traits desirable.

>> No.7405286

Hey Tallis, why did you stop posting on /mu/?

>> No.7405387


>> No.7405425

that's a good name for a diablo monster

>> No.7405536

>implying I don't have my genealogy charted back to 14th century archdukes.

What was this thread about again? Oh right literature.

>> No.7405550
File: 26 KB, 192x191, my sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting you're related to inbred german trash

>> No.7405686

It's because they're all the same ethnicity (swedish)

>> No.7405693

Classist scum. I hope your family gets raped and tortured come the revolution.

>> No.7405695

cross skill runewords ruined D2

>> No.7405709
File: 114 KB, 1440x1080, faglord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just hold on to that revolution dream brah

>> No.7405714

>I honestly think a lot of the campus activism shit is kids with top 1% genes
couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.7405723

WeW lad

>> No.7405731

>making reading your main hobby
>not reading during commutes/work

>> No.7405732


>> No.7405784

protip: none of those anons are actually black

>> No.7405796

>dad is STEM
>mother is /lit/
>brother is STEM, taking up dad's job as an engineer
>everyone expects me to go into /lit/ as a job because that's what second sons do if they don't become monks
>little do they know I plan on killing myself

>> No.7405846
File: 133 KB, 600x600, fanisk-noontide-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

race war when?

>> No.7405880

And it's all the preppy sheltered upper-class white kids who in turn lead them.
Traditional intelligence isn't the only thing that counts in this meritocracy, social and aesthetic intelligence counts too.

>> No.7405908

>The Great Noontide is amongst and upon us, --- and it is black.
Only because it is the shortest shadow :)

Dont get distracted by the jester, you dont want to fall.

>> No.7405918

>unsheathing katana noises in the foreground

>> No.7405925

>groping noises
Breasts don't squeak when you squeeze them, anon. At least, I don't imagine they do.

>> No.7406502

‘It’s only the children of the fucking wealthy who turn out to be good looking’

>> No.7406508

Confirmed virgin.

>> No.7406513

dude, come on. have you never watched porn?

>> No.7406540

>check the OP
>check the thread
where did everything go so wrong