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/lit/ - Literature

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7403960 No.7403960 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I was wondering if there are any books out there you guys recommend on self improvement and how to manage your money? Anything would be great thanks again guys!

>> No.7403988

We don't look kindly on most 'Self-help' books; mainly as they are watered-down sites written by tossers.

Try these:

De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things) - Lucretius

Mindfulness in Plain English - Gunaratana

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.7403997



Apology of Socrates - Plato

Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) - Lao Tzu

The Saga of the Volsungs

>> No.7403998

Thank you Anon! I really appreciate it

>> No.7404016
File: 82 KB, 450x680, Capital_in_the_Twenty-First_Century_(front_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to manage your money

>> No.7404029

to counter this, there ARE decent self-help books, but they are the minority
Models by Mark Manson comes to mind since it was pretty good in it's recomendations and well referenced for a self help book, however you should always try to these books with a grain of salt

Also, in my opinion, the self improving attitude is something difficult to attain and mantain, and most books (be it philosophical or more watered down) will give you hints to what you should strive considering their own worldview, so they might come at odds with your own values, ideas and familiarity. In the end your own experience and situation is what matters most, always look at things in different perspectives, be critical of both yourself and what you read. Finally, for the love of god don't try to become yet another fake 'alpha male'

Good luck

>> No.7404093
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I know there are good ones, I just wanted to prepare him for /lit/posters posting things like '>Self-help' and in effect stop them from derailing the thread. I agree with you on the Self-help views, hence I gave him a mix of philosophies. And yeah OP, don't try to be 'alpha' -- strive to be Kenshiro if you want to be manly.

No problems my man, you could try reading some literature as well, or biographies of people who inspire you, or basically any literature that you feel you could learn from. For example if you are inspired by Caesar, you could read Plutarch's biography of him, and his Commentaries on the Gallic War. That was a bit of ramble, so allow me to repeat myself abit:

Reading literature in general will help you 'improve' yourself and/or change your perceptions on things. You could read books such as the Iliad, and find yourself viewing war and the ideal-man in a different light; you could read Euthyphro and find yourself viewing what people say in a more analytic manner; you could read about Benjamin Franklin's daily routine, and try incorporating his structure into your own. Of course, not everything you read will have much of an effect on you as a person (that is not the sole intent of reading, there's a lot more you can get out of it than just 'self-improvement'), but there is likely to be a good few works out there that will resonate with you on a personal level.

TL;DR: Read fella; it's great.

Also, read the Greeks; they're great.

>> No.7404101

Does that book touches the subject of personal finance? I thought it was about income inequality, in a macro level.

>> No.7405474

Rich dad poor dad. I'm not joking. It's actually useful.