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/lit/ - Literature

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7399444 No.7399444 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ blown the fuck out

>> No.7399452

Translation: im vapid and unintelligent

>> No.7399455


>> No.7399458


>> No.7399468

Politics and pop culture are things people get into to prop up their favored ideology without developing of further.. Having dick-measuring contests between static ideologies is pretty vapid and unintelligent.

>> No.7399472

What's wrong with liking my coffee black?
It tastes good and doesn't make you fat.

>> No.7399479

Can't make you fat if you already are.

>> No.7399490

>It tastes good

People who say that are lying though.

>> No.7399491

Black coffee is associated with people who think black coffee is somehow culturally superior than sugared coffee, so they pretend to like it or whatever, or so i hear.

No idea why people would give a shit about what kind of coffee they drink.

>> No.7399504

a good filter coffee tastes dank black. anything else ruins it

>> No.7399508

Hello coffedora!

>> No.7399516

As an American, I used to feel the same way until I tasted a Norwegian family's coffee. It's hard to believe that people enjoy black coffee if the only coffee you drink is, like mine, industrial swill. For black coffee to taste good, it has to be good coffee; otherwise, you're better off covering the taste with sugar and milk.

>> No.7399519

What's wrong with being a Whiskey Connoisseur at the age of 21?

>> No.7399523

why would you drink coffee if you dont like the taste of coffee

>> No.7399528

Being interested in popular music/movies/etc is more about connecting with other people. You also need to know that person in depth before making broad assertions like they're vapid and unintelligent. Who are you to know that?

>> No.7399544
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There's nothing wrong with engaging in pop culture and knowing a modicum of whats going on in the "now". Though those who constantly fill their lives with that meaningless stuff ARE vapid. Just as vapid as anyone who tries to profess their "intelligence" by being "interested" in more esoteric things.

I'm more than happy to geek out about the upcoming star wars, and on the other hand if you mention books I'll sperg out over Bolano.

>> No.7399546

and your point is?

>> No.7399565

Why is filling your life with pop culture vapid and with old books not

>> No.7399569

Because I hate myself and want to die :(((

>> No.7399572

what's a pissbaby?

>> No.7399575


>> No.7399576
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>I'm more than happy to geek out about the upcoming star wars, and on the other hand if you mention books I'll sperg out over Bolano.

>> No.7399583

Old books are better. The story of literary history since Shakespeare is one of continuous decline.

>> No.7399591


>> No.7399593


>> No.7399597

define better

>> No.7399607

Most pop culture is the literal definition of "vapid" ie not challenging or stimulating in any meaningful way. That's not to say that those who read classics as an affectation aren't just as bad, but I've noticed a larger trend of educated people who consume almost only pop culture and deride "high culture" because they have become so averse to anything that challenges their sensibilities in any way (see: poptimism)

>> No.7399611

why is challenging yourself better than enjoying yourself and why is challenging yourself vapid and enjoying yourself not

>> No.7399612

>(see: poptimism)
The musical tastes that poptimism is reacting against, rockism, isn't any better. It's not like Pink Floyd are the successors of Bach.

>> No.7399613

Yeah, everything except for the cigarettes. But that's something I would actually say without alot of caveats. Pop culture isn't necessarily in and of itself bad, it's just the empty approach to life so many who sustain themselves on it partake in.
Coffee is just fine black. I don't wants over one hundred calories in every god damn drink I consume and I've never been a fan of sweet things anyway.

For variety of reasons. Everything is above all temporal. Built into to most of these things is the rot so that something else can soon take it's place and keep the stream of content coming. Also, something designed the be enjoyed by as many people as possible isn't the best way to create emotionally and intellectually rewarding art for people. I could go on.

I don't really care that people like things other than myself, but this fucking cancerous mentality that if one isn't content with the great river of commercial content (or doesn't like caramel mochas every time) they are just pretending is pretty frustrating. Idiotic and baseless condescension seems to be the mode of operation for people like this.

>> No.7399618

wouldn't actually say*

>> No.7399621
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>> No.7399622

this does not even approach a good reason as to why one is vapid and the other is not

>> No.7399624
File: 25 KB, 680x380, caffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with liking my coffee black?
It's an american meme.
Pic related is a normal coffee in Italy EU

>> No.7399627

Literature is pop culture.

>> No.7399632

nice brown sludge

>> No.7399639

I prefer tea and have never done drugs, especially cigarettes. I'm not alone, I'm married.

It seems like that's talking about teenagers, not /lit/.

>> No.7399643

You misunderstand what I'm saying.

Pop culture is just as vapid as constantly consuming older tomes. While they have their differences, people who profess to like one or the other tend to be just as pretentious and caught up in the same sort of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.7399651
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I like my tea black with a half a spoonful of sugar. I don't smoke and Bertrand Russell is the best.
and I have a gf

>> No.7399652

So, what are you saying because apparently reading what you said literally is a misreading?

>> No.7399658

But I listen to pop music, watch popular comedy television shows and only smoke when I'm drunk.

>> No.7399665
File: 16 KB, 400x449, 1432316074053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to only consume art that's fun and popular
>get called a pleb
>try to have more standards and consume art that's intellectually engaging
>get called a snob

there's no way to win, is there?

>> No.7399667

Is this a carles comic

>> No.7399669

stop talking about what you consume

>> No.7399673

stop being a fuccboi who does what they do in order to get a reaction. that might work

>> No.7399674

>vapid- offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging

It is a product literally made to appeal to the largest number of people and most people are literally dumb. Maybe for you pop culture isn't vapid and you are intellectually and emotionally satisfied with it. For the rest of us, though, we are trying for something more and looking for deeper things.

>> No.7399678

>validate me!

pathetic desu

>> No.7399680

Just do what you like. Life is short and people are stupid and petty.

>> No.7399683

>literally dumb
I don't think you know what that means.

>> No.7399686


I'm sorry I'm someone who's not okay with being totally alone and hated by others and for realizing that pleasant social interaction is one of the most important things in living a happy fulfilling life, and that having agreeable tastes is one of the main keys to that.

>> No.7399690

I'm using a provisional definition. The point at which I don't even respect their humanhood.

>> No.7399696

special snowflake alert. everyone's a sheep and you're the sole hero who sees through it amirite..!

>> No.7399694
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>> No.7399695

>caring about what people think or say
that might have been useful when we were hunter-gatherers and being socially ostracised would lead to death but, in civilization it doesn't work that way so these feelings should be immediately discarded.

>> No.7399697
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>people will only like me if i like what they like

>> No.7399704




>> No.7399706

Are they really any different? Rock is pop and pop is pop, and both movements basically assert that 'x is more authentic than y and thus should be praised, screw that stuffy old music nobody really likes that'
You are trying to construct a false dichotomy between things that are challenging and things that are "enjoyable". You can challenge yourself and enjoy it at the same time. In challenging your own understandings you can broaden your own understanding of art or of the world around you through exposure to new ideas, new form etc. Challenging yourself and understanding new things is a fluid process and arguably leads to greater satisfaction, simply consuming material you enjoy that doesn't challenge might keep you sated but I don't think it is as satisfying.

>> No.7399707

and everyone knows, to the point that it's a platitude, that having a meaningful social life with strong bonds involves developing what you really like and finding others who enjoy it with you rather than being some fuccboi who goes with the flow and does it with an agenda.

>> No.7399708
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>F-fuck you, I NEED to depend on people unlike you lonely plebs

>> No.7399715

>elitism is bad but democracy is good
lol what a gay

>> No.7399718

>by a meaningless insult with no actual reasoning

>> No.7399719
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>intellectual elitism


Also, what does how someone takes their coffee have to do with how good they are? I guess if you put a bunch of shit in it you're worse in terms of health, but that's it.

>> No.7399727

>I bet you don't even know Fryderyk Niecki
this made my life

>> No.7399728

I always get horrible diarrhea when I drink coffee

>> No.7399739

no, you made that up. I didn't say challenging things can't be enjoyable.
I asked a question about things which can be categorised as 'enjoyable' and things which can be categorised 'challenging'. You decided (wrongly) for me that they couldn't involve the other.
Having said this, there are certainly things which are not challenging and enjoyable and vice versa, so why, the concepts as whole, is one better than the other?

Plenty of people enjoy their lives watching sports going out with friends and that's what dominates their lives. It's up to you to prove that they are living wrong/less well

>> No.7399741

What is the deal with this kind of excessive anti-elitism, /lit/? It seems pretty self-evident that not all cultural forms are equally intelligent, and it's hardly a stretch to say that someone who spends their time watching dumb shit on TV is generally going to be less intellectually stimulated than someone who spends it reading Plato.

>> No.7399743

>i am right to enjoy lowest-common-denominator art
this is le dumb

>> No.7399749

Elites want the populace placated and stupid. Follow the trails and that's always what it leads to.

>> No.7399757

But I am the e-lites. I just want to be left alone.

>> No.7399758

>he said, on 4chan

>> No.7399764

yeh exactly, the elites created that tweet.

>> No.7399771

I think anon means the elites who actually hold power and wealth.

>> No.7399772

And? For all of its faults most of the boards here are more intellectual than popular social media.

>> No.7399778

This is what I mean, also.

>> No.7399779
File: 1.12 MB, 931x1084, 2015-11-16 00.22.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be sad, anon

>> No.7399782


>> No.7399783


People will take any reason to help themselves believe they're better than others, and one of those reasons is saying to yourself, "[Trashy YA series] is so great, and I'm great for realizing that. Everyone who disagrees is just being a snob. See, I know how to have fun with easily digestible entertainment, so that makes me better."

>> No.7399785

But browsing still achieves the same things as social media, no matter how 'intellectual' it is.
It keeps you placated and addicted, why do you think there's so many posts about wanting to leave but they can't?

>> No.7399786

Go away Kurt.

>> No.7399787

The problem with his statement ist hat "the populace" is by definition placated and stupid. We don't have to do anything.

>> No.7399794

It's a deliberate quip at armchair philosophers and Nietzsche-on-my-nightstand millennial hipsters.

I'm down with Nietzsche, but these people aren't talking about us. I know these people and they like to read 2 stanzas of babby's first philosophy so they can sleep warm after furiously masturbating to thoughts about their hipster Qt3.14 ex.

>> No.7399799
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Do you, anon. And if anyone criticizes your tastes, just remind yourself: it's only music/movies/food

>> No.7399805

I would say that millennial hipsters are post-nietzschean. They think they're so above this shit. And by this shit I mean everything.

They are too good to exist.

>> No.7399817

Hiroyuki doesn't understand western culture.

>> No.7399823

What did he do now?

>> No.7399833

All of my friends, coworkers, and family think I just read classics and philosophy to be an elitist cunt. When they ask what Im reading and I say like "War and Peace" I see they are think, "what a faggot try hard". I really don't try to be I just really enjoy higher level literature. I started reading exclusively on e readers in public cause Im embarrassed people with think this if Im reading The Republic in a coffee shop or on the train or something

>> No.7399841

Why would you ever be in a coffee shop?

>> No.7399847

He ruined this board.

>> No.7399848

there's this little place by my place that has really good coffee for really cheap and it's a quite place to read because nobody respects my reading time at my house

>> No.7399852

it's probably a symptom of a bigger problem. i.e. you are an unlikeable faggot and this just compounds it. If you're a good, genuinely liked guy who happens to like to read, you're fine, free from insults and poor judgement. sorry m8

>> No.7399859


>> No.7399861
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>STILL caring about what people think
they can't actually do anything to you m8, tear the issue out by the root instead of pussyfooting around it by avoiding confronting it.

>> No.7399864

ya I wouldn't be surprised if everybody secreted hated me. I pretty much only have 2 friends I really like. The rest I secretly despise (but for good reason)

>> No.7399893
File: 551 KB, 1700x1133, 1444691854073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most if not all pseudo intellectuals would say "being interested in pop culture makes you vapid and unintelligent"

But most intellectuals in general would have justifiable criticism.

But I think the smartest people accept that there is much to be learned from what becomes popular. If for no other reason than to analyze social trends and marketing.

>> No.7399909

Tumblr memeword used by the kind of people who say "mansplaining" unironically.

>> No.7399910
File: 105 KB, 1500x1125, TeaCeremony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you plebs /levelup/ and move on to the patrician literati's drink?

>> No.7399925

>patrician literati's drink
>not water
>not absinthe
>not child tears

>> No.7399927

>teapots with tiny spouts
Not even once.

>> No.7399935

Angel Olsen has massive tits

>> No.7399950

Why do you drink alcohol

>> No.7399955

The reason everyone drinks coffee; for its caffeine content? Are you stupid?

>> No.7399957
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>101 replies

>> No.7399958


>Defining yourself through consumption

>> No.7399962



Just do caffeine pills instead if you hate it so much.

>> No.7400207

Who the fuck cares? People can like whatever they want to like. Both sides of the argument are equally retarded. Judging people and defining yourself solely on interests is idiotic.

>> No.7400225

Ye because adding a few drops of milk will make you fat you stupid americunt.

>> No.7400240

"Forming" Jesse Moynihan
It's a webcomic
It's excellent

>> No.7400275

Rock music is also pop you dip.
Fallacy: The Comic

>> No.7400294

There are even spills in the picture.

>> No.7400341

Well my sister is only interested in pop culture and is vapid and unintelligent

>> No.7400373

Have you fucked her yet?

>> No.7400375

At least she's interested in some kind of culture.

My sisters don't do anything but breed and sleep off drug/fuck comas. They don't have any interests except their next feeding.

>> No.7400391


I watch TV shows and mainstream movies with friends because it's a nice getaway. I'm not interested in it beyond that, most heavy readers aren't. But it's healthy to do more than read Shakespeare all day.

But yes, people mostly or entirely interested in pop culture are generally uninteresting people. They're still people, though


boiled urine?

>> No.7400420

I wish I was like you

Easily amused

>> No.7400423
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>> No.7400444

This is true except for wine, the Greeks diluted it.

>> No.7400453

Take caffeine pills you fucking retard, coffee is shit as a caffeine source since after a week your tolerance matches your daily intake.

>> No.7400454

Water doesn't really change the taste, it just makes it weaker.

>> No.7400458

I thought they drank it hot

>> No.7400463

Being called a snob is a compliment

>> No.7400467

This, also I'm lactose intolerant so I'd have to shit constantly if I took my coffee with milk or cream.
Without cream why would I have sugar?

>> No.7400477

That's the point, you drink for the taste, not to inebriate yourself

>> No.7400482

This is autistic.

Apparently I don't like the taste of meat by spicing it with at least some salt.

This post is literally saying 'Only ME, no one else, likes coffee because muh sugar' I swear to god Americans sure as hell are autistic about coffee.

>> No.7400515

Post discarded

>> No.7400537

Stopped reading there.

>> No.7400597

Post discarded

>> No.7400637

>don't smoke
>don't like coffee
>I've read Nietzsche, but would never ask a kid immersed in pop culture about him
>I'm not alone

/lit/ not blown the fuck out. This little photo sort of proves the idiocy of the creator.

>> No.7400897

I do too but only if it's Starbucks, it's probably all the sugar and cream and shit they put in

>> No.7400917

literal niggers

>> No.7400929
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which is a worse situation
>trying to sound like you don't know pop culture references IRL
>trying to sound like you don't know memes IRL

>> No.7400931
File: 40 KB, 634x471, article-2602528-1D06B2D200000578-424_634x471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm so alone

>> No.7401055
File: 448 KB, 640x480, 1444605939992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting milk in your coffee

>> No.7401104

>Apparently I don't like the taste of meat by spicing it with at least some salt.
Salt enhances the flavor of the meat. Pouring sugar and milk into coffee/tea dilutes and sweetens the coffee/tea. Two very different things.
>This post is literally saying 'Only ME, no one else, likes coffee because muh sugar'
>Only ME, no one else
I didn't know only one person in the world doesn't take their coffee/tea without cream and sugar.
>I swear to god Americans sure as hell are autistic about coffee.
There are clearly at least two different camps. Those that don't put cream and sugar and those that do. That's the whole argument. What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.7401278

I think what the guy was saying isn't that you don't like the taste of meat for salting it. He is saying that if you salt the meat every single time you eat it, you like the taste of salted meat, not meat. Of course, if you eat meat plain, or with black pepper, or bar-b-que sauce, or ketchup, it gets more intricate as we follow the web of seasons that you enjoy using on your meats. It is semantics, and is truthful only for the purpose of saying "Ahh-haa, I see you enjoy coffee-mixed-with-sugar-and-cream, I am more of a coffee guy myself."

>> No.7401292

>"It's like hentai, anon! Haha! Do you know what hentai is?"

>> No.7401294

i don't smoke but i do take my coffee black and talk about nietzsche to anyone who will listen, shit

>> No.7401689

>People who have different tastes than me are always lying, only the things i like can truly be enjoyable.

>> No.7401698

>I only drink instant coffee

>> No.7401724

Camel crushes are anything but cheap

>> No.7401737

you sound like the kind of person who would refuse to see a movie because it's "weird"

>> No.7401812


>> No.7401819

Whoever took the time to make this seems kinda vapid and unintelligent