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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 510x494, KanyeWestBretEastonEllis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7390039 No.7390039 [Reply] [Original]

>runs a weekly podcasts for years just to whine about millenials

Are his books like this, too?

>> No.7390487

Nah his books were mostly written before he became mostly irrelevant. I like his podcast a lot though even if he is an egomaniacal douche. Yes right about PC culture for the most part.

>> No.7390493

>be millenial
>know not to use twitter to contact coke dealer
there's nothing wrong with being a millenial

>> No.7390520

...gotta admit tho, millennials are pretty unbearable. So far we've given the world SJWs, shitty vines, pewdiepie, and tao lin.

>> No.7390523

those dank memes tho

>> No.7390625

>I mean I should backtrack and just say I'm living with a millenial currently.
>my 28 year old boyfriend is a millenial and the other day we got in an embarrassing fight on twitter because he thinks David Foster Wallace, a castrated man, a lonely man, a complicated, tormented piece of shit writer, had any discernible talent
>we were in bed on our phones on twitter having this fight with each other and I just lost my erection
>I said to my 28 year old boyfriend who is a millenial, I said, DFW is sOoOoOoOOooo overrated! You don't know fuck all! I was born in the right time! You were born in the wrong time. I didn't write Less Than Zero and sum up the ills of the generation (of the niche of rich drug addicted prep school kids in a specific neighborhood of LA) to be told about who does or does not have discernible talent!!!
>So I was at this party in LA, doing a bit of blowcaine, had on my armani suit and brown leather Brookes Brothers suede shoes with cool, soft leather interior, and--

>> No.7390638

...how the fuck does Ellis have this much money? He wrote a few piece of literary fiction that got traction decades ago and I guess a few scripts that got made into movies almost no one cares about.

Am I just underestimating how much literary authors make or is he still living of a giant trust fund or something?

>> No.7390641

millennialism is a spook anyway. its the easier over over generalize because of how easy it is to be vocal on the internet

>> No.7390645

>pick random episode of his podcast
>it has a feminist on it who starts by telling a story how she made someone stop saying the word ''slut'' and complains about the gender wage gap
>BEE just rolls with it
And I had semi-high expectations.

>> No.7390651

He's a hack. A nonentity.

>> No.7390653

Less than Zero was a pretty popular and widely reviewed novel in the 80's, not because it was that earth shattering but because he was so young when he wrote it.
And then American Psycho was so intense in its shock value it basically caught the attention of the entire book world, it basically sold because of its outrage, like any other banned book. Also the film adaptation was pretty popular and is still a cult film. He capitalized on shock value, which is something I don't think can really be done anymore by this year.

>> No.7390657

parental money sure gave him the initial boost, and raised by moneyed parents, he knows how to handle money, knows how to talk to the people he needs to talk to, etc. I like BEE but there is no doubt that if he had wanted to succeed in any other line of work, he would have succeeded there too, because of money/experience/connections. white male privilege tbqh family

>> No.7390658

for all his pro-free speech shilling I guess he's full of shit

>> No.7390660

Ephemeral even.

>> No.7390661

Right I wasn't doubting his worth as an author and I personally like his work. I was just wondering how he even has the cash to appear to live this LA party scumbag lifestyle.

>> No.7390681

Under capitalism, for centuries, middle class & upper middle class people have a tendency to live or flaunt lifestyle that are beyond their means. Women have LV/Versace purses, people wear $300 pairs of sunglasses as if that was really a worthwhile purchase, they spend fucktons of money on nice clothes, etc. It's for the appearance of wealth and status. I do not doubt he has connections and goes to socialite parties with writers and artists and fame hungry wannabes of all kinds but talking about this stuff and telling people you do cocaine is part of what I'm talking about

>> No.7392475

More podcasts like BEEs?

>> No.7392482

No I'm not

>> No.7392484

yea you are :)

>> No.7392490

at last estimate, he only had $200k net worth

>> No.7392502

Ayyyyyy lmao

>> No.7392852
File: 122 KB, 540x668, thus of ould.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you born in the wrong generation, by any chance?

>> No.7393183

Calling him a hack is a bit much, even if you don't like his books.
I feel like you're coming at him from the point of view that he hasn't been particularly big on the scene for a while, having not published anything big for a while.
Great author imo.

>> No.7393186
File: 34 KB, 332x396, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...gotta admit tho, millennials are pretty unbearable. So far we've given the world SJWs, shitty vines, pewdiepie, and tao lin.

>> No.7394260

>makes a literary career out of shitting on gen x
>shits on millenials in "Where Are They Now?"-tier podcast

Is just a misanthrope? What generation lives up to the BEE standard?

>> No.7394310

just BEE yourself

>> No.7394333

>whine about millenials
but 4chan does this all the time

>> No.7394340

Wow, he actually had Kanye on his shitty podcast?

>> No.7394344


The key to understanding BEE is knowing that he is a narcissist.

>> No.7394457
File: 479 KB, 387x500, IMG_0118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was one of the shittier episodes desu.
At least 4chan (for the most part) is self-aware and of that generation. Most of you lads aren't shitposting because you're no longer slightly famous.

>> No.7394479
File: 77 KB, 530x353, using+mac+products.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>52-year-old Tao Lin publishes his first novel in 12 years
>it's nothing but a weak late period garbage and shitting on kids born in the 2010s
>universal acclaim, sells millions
>every middle aged hipster now pretends taipei is this century's gatsby

Get ready for the future, boys.

>> No.7394546

someone should pull a pasolini on him

>> No.7394555

>every middle aged hipster now pretends taipei is this century's gatsby
...that's literally gonna happen, isn't it?

Weird watching history get made. Weird and also very revealing of how dumb the hero worship over arts figures actually is.

>> No.7394727
File: 41 KB, 467x467, 79c5074200f737f8241b83468ab16bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could totally happen, but will alt lit really age so well? I'm a connoisseur of incoherent garbage and I can't even vibe with this crap.

>> No.7394733

No, his books are him whining about yuppies mostly.

>> No.7394734


I think he'll be regarded as this century's BEE.

I've been saying for years, Tao Lin is just BEE with a different prose style and even that shares strong similarities. The subject matter, tone, all of it's the fucking same. And eventually some top memester will blow Lin out of the water and Lin's work is going to age like milk.

If anything I'm more worried about what Franzen's legacy is going to be.

>> No.7394735

Don't hate on Franzen mate. He's not great, he's not even dfw-tier. He is a good writer though with solid work.

>> No.7395880

>this century's BEE
Tao Lin isn't even remotely as well known as a literary/cultural figure as BEE ever was and still is.

>> No.7395990


Different times. Tao is by far the most well known literary figure of this generation.


Ehhhh. The Corrections was alright but I threw out Freedom once it became painfully obvious Walter was going to fuck Lailha (which was the second she was introduced) and the entire novel was going to revolve around his penis envy w/r/t Dave and how he probably got keked by him. Literally threw that shit against the wall.

>> No.7396015

Tao Lin is irrelevant at this point. Unless he sharpens his skills with the follow-up to Taipei, his art will be seen as nothing more than a millenial curio.

>> No.7396019


Who's more important?

Sam Pink? Gonzalez? I even kind of like roggenbuck but he's not that notable, and Noah Cicero just plain sucks. I'm not saying he's good or has any staying power, I'm saying he's the biggest name in a shitshow of mediocre hacks. Which is exactly what BEE was. You're not going to sit there and tell me Less Than Zero or AP was any better than just ok are you?

>> No.7396180

>Different times. Tao is by far the most well known literary figure of this generation.
I honestly think you're overestimating the reach of what you call 'this generation'. Tao Lin is welll known in a tiny part of popular culture, but that's it.

That said I live in Europe so I might be wrong completely. Either way, BEE is still pretty big and well known over here.

>> No.7396205

what's his best episodes?
Wasn't there one where he shit talked DFW for a good 20 minutes at the start?

>> No.7396360

millennials are trash, but so are gen xers, boomers, etc. to be honest.

>> No.7396372

>Wasn't there one where he shit talked DFW for a good 20 minutes at the start?
Yeah it's this one http://podcastone.com/pg/jsp/program/episode.jsp?programID=592&pid=539863
From what I've heard so far he always does this autistic rambling at the start of his podcast, pretty entertaining.

>> No.7396383

They were more than okay.

>> No.7396386


His podcasts are pretty good.


He doesn't shit talk David Foster Wallace, he actually calls him a genius and says he doesn't like Infinite Jest personally.

It's more about the people that bumlick DFW's persona instead of him as a fucking human being.

What is happening to /lit/? We used to love BEE.

>> No.7396391


how about ben lerner or andrew durbin?

>> No.7396406

>$300 pair of sunglasses being expensive

how is it that i can tell you live in flyover land

>> No.7396602

I still love him. He's melodramatic and a total narcissist with an inflated sense of self worth, but the caustic anti PC/millennial sentiments need to be said.

>> No.7397297
File: 36 KB, 400x567, s7lO2Sl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. I was born in the wrong generation. Why couldn't it be the 70's where racism was rampant and legionares wiped out hundreds

>> No.7397360

Just because the past was shitty doesn't mean we can't point out shitty things today.

>> No.7397370

It was genuinely a better time than now. Unfortunately, the progressives who destroyed Western society (your ilk) will never be able to pick up on this, they are too narcissistic and sanctimonious to ever acknowledge their errors

>> No.7397377

/pol/ pls go

>> No.7397389

As opposed to what, living with the smog and minority-driven crime of modern American cities? I would pick flyover country over unfiltered capitalist failure every time, no questions asked.

I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397392

None of them are millenials.

>> No.7397394
File: 322 KB, 546x700, 1448400677475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7397396

All are part of millennial culture.

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397398
File: 584 KB, 1000x767, 1415818655883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7397400 [DELETED] 

I have no idea what you're talking about. I am completely sincere. Kids these days don't know what it means to ascend your planar form and become one with the god consciousness. Do you even Spirit Science bro?


Learn about how we had the planetary consciousness of a twelve year old girl and get back to me fuckin scrub

>> No.7397405

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397408
File: 80 KB, 357x309, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you're just baiting me to get the contents of my 'go away' folder desu

>> No.7397409
File: 53 KB, 508x508, MY CHAKRAS ARE BLITZING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about. I am completely sincere. Kids these days don't know what it means to ascend your planar form and become one with the god consciousness. Do you even Spirit Science bro?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSY6on-M9Vw [Embed]

Learn about how we had the planetary consciousness of a twelve year old girl and get back to me fuckin scrub lmao

>> No.7397410

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397414

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397420

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397429

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397439

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397450

How is it millennial culture if it is run by a non-millennial majority? Your logic is strange..

>> No.7397452

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397455

Why not change that anon?

The internet is our zeitegiest, we have more agency than ever to see the world we want to see.

Stand up as an icon for the generational hero you yourself idealize.

>> No.7397459

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397461

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397464

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397471

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397475

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397478

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397481

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397482

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397485

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397486

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397488

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397489

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397492

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397494

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397496

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397505

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to /pol/ if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397506

>I'm not only more educated and intelligent than you but I've also been on /lit/ longer than you. You can return to tumblr if my objective facts are making you upset

>> No.7397538

You're assuming I'm your progressive boogeyman when my only contribution to the conversation has been to agree that millenials are annoying. Must be pretty lonely in that weird paranoid /pol/ cave you've built for yourself.

>> No.7397546

I bet your parents are ashamed of person you grew to be.

>> No.7397576

Excuse you I do weed

>> No.7399556

This thread devolved quickly. 4chan demonstrates the potential of the internet and why human nature will always get in the way. Even on the supposedly less retarded boards.

>> No.7400301

>he is a narcissist.
just like 99% of the rest of people in the social media age.
You do realize that almost everyone who has facebook IS narcissist, right? And unless you actively are aware of the self-aggrandizing streets and alley that occupy the whole map of social media and choose to not use it you are actively participating in a narcissist culture, right?

>> No.7401652


This place is mostly people who are younger than millenials whining about millenials

>> No.7402836

You've done a weed? Did you have a snack about it?

>> No.7402890

I don't get why people complain about this generation. Things have really taken a turn for the better. Globalization and world trade have elevated Quality of life pretty much everywhere. Technology and popular culture have become innovative and exciting in ways we could not conceive of previously, While Issues like feminism and LGBT rights are finally being taken seriously, and we are actually having a public conversation about race. All in all, I think I was born in the right generation.

>> No.7403037

A lot of boomer projection.

We're "entitled" because we have the internet, smartphones and the greater convenience and access to learning, instant gratification and information of all sorts that comes with them.

While economic policy has consistently favored boomers at all stages and we now groan under the decades-cumulative fallout of such policy and the now unsustainable weight of social security, medicare, etc balooned well beyond any reasonably intended scope, as well as the wars they chose and want us to pay for - the real entitlement.

>But no, my cognitive dissonance can't be due to the crass entitlement *I* have, it's those darn kids browsing a literature forum on their phones next to me on the bus

SJWs are an excellent point. Do you know who created the modern SJW phenomenon? Do you know who forced critical theory and postmodernism into the mainstream? Three guesses.

>> No.7403300

You're a good writer

>> No.7403402

Millennials consume and propagate it mostly. It is the culture they know. Same reason early American architectural culture was Greek inspired but, by virtue of being practiced by America, American culture.