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7396726 No.7396726 [Reply] [Original]

>Told friends that Harry Potter is a kids franchise
>They get all pissed and say "But it is intended for adults, since like adults like it too"
>I reply "Adults are idiots as well"
>*public enemy number one*

Am I wrong?

>> No.7396728

you sound autistic

>> No.7396733

Why are you picking a fight you can't win?

>> No.7396736

should add, I just slipped it in when the subject of Harry Potter was already at hand

>> No.7396740

Yes because you haven't established yourself as knowledgeable on the subject and your friends dismissed you as the idiot you are.

HP is certainly for kids, but it morphs to YA towards the end. We both know your friends are idiots, but haha they think you're an idiot too.

>> No.7396746
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Find new friends and send this image to your old ones

>> No.7396749

Tip: get better friends.

>> No.7396757

Just imagine all the idiocy you've unknowingly embraced from these troglodytes

>> No.7396780

No, ur friends r retarted
Probly becas they rly liked Harry Poitter when they r kids
Get new friends or deal w/ "L O L Anon doesnt unconditionlly love Harry Poitter >:^)"

>> No.7396787
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>mfw almost all of them couldn't even read half of Doctor Glas and thought it was bad, but manages to read through entire genre cancer series like Eragon and Harry Potter

>> No.7396800
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You are totally right. Ten points, good job OP.

>> No.7396812

I hope to never care about my friends opinions on harry potter

>> No.7396839

I see two versions here, OP.
First: You are pretentious/ autistic/ whatever. In short, it's your fault and you deserve to be punished.
Second: You're friends really are idiots and they deserve to be denounced. If this is the case search new friends.

Either way it's debatable if HP is for children only. It certainly is nothing for /lit/izens though.

>> No.7396842

>getting points for fighting your friends


>> No.7396861

The reality of the internet is shaped by the mode of isolation. Of course fighting your friends will be rewarded by people. Actually people on the internet don't want you to have friends. They want everyone to be as isolated as they are.

>> No.7396912

While I agree that it's aimed at young people, I don't think you have to be an idiot to enjoy them.

Liking Eragon is another story.

>> No.7396939

Don't get me wrong here senpai! I was more of arguing from the standpoint that when people still is obsessed with it, like all the 18-20something girls who are also obsessed with hunger games and divergent, it becomes kind of a problem.

I mean it is fine to like it, altough it is a kids franchise just like star wars, it is a really good one at that

>> No.7396975

I agree with you completely, but the way you said it heavily implied that you think adults who like Harry Potter are idiots. That's probably why your friends got so upset.

At least your they stand up for what they like. I barely talk about books with my friends anymore because they all just go quiet and look hurt if you mention that you don't like what they read.

>> No.7397030

It's a kid's franchise that has the somewhat unique property of having the characters grow up with the readerbase; by the time it ends, it's pretty much young adult literature, since Harry et al really are young adults by then. If adults like it, it's either because it's palatable and easy to get into, or it's because it takes them back to a sort of juvenile wonder they may have had when they were that age; it's still intended for kids, and as someone who grew up reading/watching most of the books and films, I think only a kid could get the full experience of it, since only a kid will grow with the characters and relate to them properly.

I do have some nostalgia for it, but it's basically a gateway series for kids; something that's just there to get kids into literature, something that they may not have done without it. That said, the way you put it was rather tactless and inarticulate; your friends don't sound like the brightest buttons in the box, but you don't sound like you're the most pleasant person to deal with, either. You're not wrong, but you might want to get a little softer with your touch. It's not like these people are going full retard and saying fucking Eragon has the same appeal to adults as it has to children (which was minimal, in my case).

>> No.7397085

It is for kids, but as fans of it have grown older they've remained attached to it - I assume through childhood nostalgia. They're oversensitive about still reading kids' stuff, though, so they react badly when anyone points out the obvious.

>> No.7397252
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Eh, fuck it. Children's books can be awesome.

>> No.7397262

Same :^(

>> No.7397294


What is it that gets Harry Potter fans so defensive about their shitty little series? Even if you bring up actual good points on criticism they are still too stubborn to admit it is crap.