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/lit/ - Literature

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7391708 No.7391708 [Reply] [Original]

Are you living the literary life yet?

>> No.7391712


i wish i werent

>> No.7391716

I spend most of my time trying, and failing, to read.

>> No.7391719

>try to act like intellectual
>finish reading a book every 2 months
>write about a paragraph a month

I think I'm good

>> No.7391721

On the path. Keep struggling.
How to live the literary life:
Read every day that you can. Perhaps write if you wish to do so.

>> No.7391724
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My friend is...

>> No.7391739

Is everyone on this board just a NEET in WoW withdrawl trying to power through the western canon or something marone

>> No.7391750

I'm not

>> No.7391770

This picture is cool

>> No.7391806

I'm not, but I'm going to be a NEET soon. I do play MMOs obsessively, but it's more accurate to say that I just tend to latch upon hobbies obsessively, e.g. I'll spend a while doing nothing but reading a single author and then get tired of it and then spend a while doing nothing but playing a particular MMO.

>> No.7391813

Do you have ADD? Curious, not intended to be rude.

>> No.7391867

ive never played wow. i just come here to judge others

>> No.7391876

Can't look away from the filthy pillows and AC unit.

>> No.7391883
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reminder that if you are not participating in homosexual intercourse you are NOT living the literary life.

>> No.7391888

of course

im the envy of everyone who doesn't know me

>> No.7391897

Yeah man. Just finished my first essay. I wrote it for myself by myself. It is truly a genius work of art...

>> No.7391898
File: 2.24 MB, 2682x3000, 84976213516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>publisher of a literary journal
You may have heard of Ideology already but if not, it's a new quarterly literary journal that publishes in January, April, July, and October. Check out our powerful first issue, #000 Genesis: www.ideologylit.com/genesis

>> No.7391935

>pic related

oh great, another "sex is demonic" philosophy

>> No.7391957

WoW was fun, anyone who didn't play vanilla seriously missed out on one of the best most hard core MMO's out there.

>> No.7391965
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Well, I can't say for sure, because I've never seen a psychiatrist / therapist, and I don't really think I can accurately self-diagnose. But it definitely seems like a possibility, esp. in how I seem to "hyperfocus" on things that catch my interest and have a really hard time

I like the idea of living a life at home where I'm free to focus on my own pursuits -- see image attached -- and I absolutely hate every form of work I've tried, ranging from teaching to research / lab work for various reasons. I know that I'll be living off the dime of my family, and that it's not "fair" for me to do that, but... I can't see any other option. Like, what am I supposed to do? Become a wagekek for some shitty company and spend well over half of the remaining time I have left alive doing something that I don't really enjoy, surrounded by people who I don't really like, and being continually prevented from actually doing things that I enjoy (superficial and hedonistic as they may be)? That doesn't sound like something that's even worth considering.

I guess I can always kill myself.

>> No.7391991

>I guess I can always kill myself.
Weak fuck.

Something I have come to realize is that work isn't bad. Work CAN be bad, and is detrimental to most workers out there, but that's simply because they are idiots and too frivolous with their spendings.

Think of every purchase you make in terms of time spent earning the money, not the total amount of the purchase. Time is money after all.

Money can literally buy happiness, if spent correctly.

>> No.7392014

Sure, but as far as discretionary purchases go literally all I want to buy is a video game every now and then along with periodically restocking my supplies of tea leaves. And I suppose computer hardware upgrades, but those are infrequent despite the high cost.

I'll gladly agree that most people could be much happier if they were less "frivolous" with their spending. But the things I want out of life are pretty simple, and I don't really see how working -- at least for me -- would improve my life or make me happier.

All I know is that it's what I'm "expected" and "supposed" to do, but I've never really been one to care much about that.

>Weak fuck.
Yeah, no kidding. I'm pretty damn weak.

>> No.7392026

I only like girly boys. Is this literary enough?

>> No.7392046

>Sure, but as far as discretionary purchases go literally all I want to buy is a video game every now and then along with periodically restocking my supplies of tea leaves. And I suppose computer hardware upgrades, but those are infrequent despite the high cost.
You need food water shelter, etc. Parents provide that for now, so it seems like you don't want it, but you literally need it.

>All I know is that it's what I'm "expected" and "supposed" to do, but I've never really been one to care much about that.
This simply doesn't exist, it's all in your head.

All I can say is, I am where you are, I have been here for as long as I can remember. Without anything changing things are looking up, simply by changing the way I look at things.

If you really feel the way you say you do, I mean really, (a lot of people think they do, but when push comes to shove they fold on their ideals) read Walden and follow in Thoreau. Seems outlandish, but something you need to understand (maybe you do) life is awesome, life doesn't 'suck', I would give anything to exist again. What sucks is the systems put in place by the first world, which can be ditched and avoided. You just have to REALLY want to. That sounds pretentious, but I lived in a shack off a beach for 3 months, working out how to go back for a few years, it was exactly what I needed.

Just don't kill yourself, I've been there, right now simply living so my parents don't see my dead body, they know as I told them, was pretty brutal.

Things get better, trust.

>> No.7392050

Sure. Being a pervert is very literary.

>> No.7392059

i just want to be able to make around $20,000 a year and in return work as little as possible. i just want a small place to live, an internet connection and money for books, which are super cheap anyway. but how can i do this? there are jobs that can pay you 20k for a lot of hours, and jobs that pay you a lot more for a lot of hours. but there's no real option to make an income like that with a small amount of work. a job that pays 60k a year won't just let you work 1/3 the time for 20k or something.

>> No.7392077

>You need food water shelter, etc. Parents provide that for now, so it seems like you don't want it, but you literally need it.
Well, yeah. That's why I said "discretionary".

>If you really feel the way you say you do, I mean really, (a lot of people think they do, but when push comes to shove they fold on their ideals) read Walden and follow in Thoreau.
No way. I find it really, really fulfilling to interact with people online in various specific settings (examples: this thread, the conversation we're having right now) and I'd probably go mad if I followed in Thoreau's footsteps.

I want to profit personally from the systems of the first world. I want a somewhat reasonably comfortable place to live -- as in, clean and effective at protecting me from the elements -- and I want a working Internet connection. And I want to take from the state and my family! Yes, I will admit this much. I will go right out and say it: I want to be a leech on the world, because it lets me sustain a lifestyle which makes me happy, because I don't see any other "reasonable" choice, i.e. a choice that lets me be mostly happy without suffering too much.

That was kind of incoherent. Sorry. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to express right now.

I have no fucking clue.

I don't think I could mentally handle full-time employment for more than, say, a couple months to a year -- at some point I'd probably just end up walking out and never going back again. It's what I've done to various part-time jobs and research assistant positions I held, and I certainly excelled at them while I held them, but there was a certain feeling of frustration and just utter hatred for being obligated to spend my time in ways that made me less happy than I could otherwise be.

>> No.7392078




Just depends on how good you are. If you want it enough, everything is there.

>> No.7392092

>No way. I find it really, really fulfilling to interact with people online in various specific settings (examples: this thread, the conversation we're having right now) and I'd probably go mad if I followed in Thoreau's footsteps.

While he was isolated, he had a lot of human interaction, he also shunned it. There are sections in Walden detailing his neighbours and travellers. Hell he went to market and the people on the trains knew him. I couldn't go a week on the beach without meeting 2-3 new people who came up to me to talk.

>I want to be a leech on the world, because it lets me sustain a lifestyle which makes me happy, because I don't see any other "reasonable" choice, i.e. a choice that lets me be mostly happy without suffering too much.

Where do you live? If you are truly incapable of working due to depression/anxiety reasons go see a psych. I am about to be on benefits.

>That was kind of incoherent. Sorry. I'm not really sure what I'm trying to express right now.
Made some sense to me.

Also think about being a taxi driver, or some sort of driver. It's really the ideal job for someone who hates people. Turn music on and don't talk.

>> No.7392098

>$20,000 a year and in return work as little as possible. i just want a small place to live, an internet connection and money for books, which are super cheap anyway. but how can i do this? there are jobs that can pay you 20k for a lot of hours, and jobs that pay you a lot more for a lot of hours. but there's no real option to make an income like that with a small amount of work. a job that pays 60k a year won't just let you work 1/3 the time for 20k or something.

>literally why I hate my life.

>> No.7392108

>Where do you live? If you are truly incapable of working due to depression/anxiety reasons go see a psych. I am about to be on benefits.
I have depression, it's not clinically diagnosed and I hesitate to self-diagnose like I explained above but I'm pretty damn sure about it at this point. It's hard for me to get out of bed, it's hard for me to feel happy unless I hyperfocus on something really really enjoyable and fun (reading, writing, thinking about various things, playing MMOs), and I have persistent and recurring thoughts about killing myself. But I come from an ethnic background which is "not very" accepting, so to speak, about mental illness, so... it's hard. I don't even know how to bring it up. Hell, sometimes I entertain thoughts of staging a suicide attempt 'cause I'm not sure my family members could take me seriously otherwise. But that's stupid, and I'm not a stupid person, I just entertain stupid thoughts every now and then. Like suicide, which I'll never actually carry out, but like to fantasize about sometimes.

And I do feel anxious around people, literally I went to a large family dinner some weeks ago and had a severe panic attack because all the loud voices just felt so DAMN INTRUSIVE, and I was sitting in the corner after dinner just TRYING so hard to read (it was some book on my e-reader about a particular type of religious movements in Europe, the term for which escapes me at the moment), and it just felt like those voices were piercing me and just making it absolutely impossible for me to focus, and I started hyperventilating and just feeling very oddly anxious. Later I related this to a friend and they told me it was a panic attack.

(continued in a later post)

>> No.7392110

Of course, since I'm a richfag I can write all day, the best life, but I also consider myself an underachiever

>> No.7392116

>>7392108 continued
>While he was isolated, he had a lot of human interaction, he also shunned it. There are sections in Walden detailing his neighbours and travellers. Hell he went to market and the people on the trains knew him. I couldn't go a week on the beach without meeting 2-3 new people who came up to me to talk.
Yes, but I don't like interacting with the vast majority of people and in the vast majority of contexts. The Internet is useful, because it allows me to isolate myself to particular small communities like /lit/ where I'm relatively more likely to encounter people I'll enjoy talking to in a context that I'm fine with interacting in. But that wouldn't be the case for just randomly meeting people here and there, although I'm sure it'd happen, I'm looking for a particular type of social interaction and not just social interaction in general.

>Where do you live?
Forgot to answer this. I'm an American citizen living in the USA.

>Also think about being a taxi driver, or some sort of driver. It's really the ideal job for someone who hates people. Turn music on and don't talk.
I guess I could just, like, be an Uber driver. Fuck. I guess I really could.

>> No.7392144

Get a diagnosis and get on benefits, I am not sure about the US medical system but most of the first world is getting a lot better with mental health. Doctors are VERY helpful, at least mine was. I had panic attacks when I went into claim because I thought they would think I was taking them for a ride, the girl on the counter probably did, but that's besides the point. Again, not sure about the US, but my GP was able to write me a document which just short listed me to get payments, as I am prone to panic attacks when around people/cramped spaces.

>Yes, but I don't like interacting with the vast majority of people and in the vast majority of contexts. The Internet is useful, because it allows me to isolate myself to particular small communities like /lit/ where I'm relatively more likely to encounter people I'll enjoy talking to in a context that I'm fine with interacting in. But that wouldn't be the case for just randomly meeting people here and there, although I'm sure it'd happen, I'm looking for a particular type of social interaction and not just social interaction in general.

I get this, but trust me when I tell you how detrimental that really is.

>I guess I could just, like, be an Uber driver. Fuck. I guess I really could.

Just be a cunt, people don't really care about talking to taxi drivers anymore.

>> No.7392167

>Get a diagnosis and get on benefits
I guess. I suppose I can ask /jp/ about this. I dunno. I'm so strongly conditioned to care about what people think about me that I'm forced to ask myself, "What will people in the family think about me? Won't I just become a black sheep to everyone? Is it possible my family will think I'm just making shit up to get benefits? That's what they'll think, right?" And this is even though I don't really, truly care about what they think about me -- I mean, I suppose it's almost certain that I do, at some level, but at least intellectually (theoretically? abstractly?) I know that I should prioritize my own life and happiness over my family members having a good opinion of me.

I guess it's good I live in a fairly liberal state, but still... it's difficult.

>I get this, but trust me when I tell you how detrimental that really is.
I know, trust me, I know. Fuck my life.

>> No.7392187

Also, I'm sorry for turning this thread into my blog thread, I guess I'll sage this post.

>> No.7392234

lucky bastard

>> No.7392248
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I've been on the dole for three years now, best lifestyle choice I ever made.

The beauty about being unemployed is, the longer you're unemployed the more unemployable you get. So every day I go to bed feeling like I've made yet another step in the right direction by drinking cans of cheap lager and reading books.

>> No.7392266

not so much, is like this
but reassured by having a resolved future, everyone has his blessings and his curses

>> No.7392483

It's never too late to change anon, and change can lead to happiness.

You can't change when you are dead though.

>> No.7392505
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Just found the recipe for Hemingway's hamburgers, so yes. Shit is tasty

>> No.7392508

Your life sounds nearly identical to mine. What need have we for material wealth when we're busy cultivating rich inner lives?

>> No.7392522
File: 139 KB, 998x743, G__K__Chesterton_at_work-998x743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Chesterton's "On the Wit of Whistler," in which the Literary Life gets thoroughly BTFO.

>> No.7392537

please die

>> No.7392570
File: 558 KB, 750x1000, coffee-morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After several snooze/wake-up moments sit up in bed, light a fag and look at the slag that I porked whilst contemplating life.
>Take a line of cocaine from the Kartell Ghost Buster bedstand.
>Walk nakedly towards kitchen, admire form in every mirror that I pass.
>Put 80's British music on the antiquated B&O Beocenter 8000
>Open a new bag of beans from the local roaster down the street, grind them up in the Mazzer Robur before pulling a shot on my La Marzocco GS3, admire face in reflection of said overpriced coffeedevice.
>Put on the robe I stole from Plaza Athénée,
>Drink several cups of espresso and smoke several fags on the balcony overlooking the people walking their dogs in the park and the cars in the streets going by and contemplate life.
>Go to library to sit on my Corbusier LC4
>Have a nice tug thinking about the fit gash that I plastered last night.
>Have maid make breakfast for said clunge.
>Go to shower.
>Piss in shower.
>Apply products, Aesop and Clinique mostly.
>Stare at wardrobe in the walk-in-closet for 30min. contemplating different fits but always going for the full SLP uniform every time.
>Go outside, step in the red Porsche 930 Turbo my dad left me and drive to restaurant 400m away.
>Order brunch, don't eat anything, just drink wine, whilst starring intensely at other people till they look away and contemplate life.
>Drive back home.
>Browse /fa/

Such is life, I need to do something constructive with it though.

>> No.7392582

>self improvement
Fuckin' lol

>> No.7392589

Honestly I'm thinking of just getting government-supplied benefits due to being diagnosed with tourettes syndrome (very minor form, but I could exagerate it).

I don't think I can hold a job. I get bored much too quickly, and thus succumb into an abyss of depression. I'd rather spend my days writing, reading, and developing things.

>> No.7392672
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Lit reveals those things that act upon you and shows the circumstances in which humans act. Unfortunately it also reveals the emptiness of one action after another, and soon one is scrubbed clean of any emotion linked to action.

Now I'm like... Hey look. I'm free.. But what is worth doing? Nothing.. And I'm jealous of those that chase desires.. And at the same time groan at their naivety. The chase is the exciting part about being human. But I can't go back to chasing my tail.

I see the perennial human function, procreation. And honestly I would rather commit suicide.

>> No.7392689


Pretty patrician desu senpai.

>> No.7392692

hook us up m8

>> No.7392693

Surprisingly apt description of me, except I use the fact that I haven't read through the canon as an excuse to not get a job or attempt to socialize.

>> No.7392835

how do you not get bored?

>> No.7392987

Resorting to cliched namecalling has no effect on the contemporary NEET. We are economic auto-didacts, self-taught philosophers and gifted visionaries. While others waste their life labouring under the orders of those who see only material cost in life, we pursue leisure above all else, knowing as we do that leisure and time to oneself is the basis of genius. Despite many people disliking the culture and society they help maintain through their work, and despite understanding now that we have only a single life on earth and that any meaning we attribute to it as the result of self-willed or socially-inculcated ideologies, they continue to wake early and trudge to their jobs for one single reason: Guilt. Throughout time religions have taken advantage of Man's guilt, a guilt experienced for no logical reason except that he unlike other animals is a self-aware being whose abstract thoughts conflict with the apparently practical, rational reality he finds himself a part of. We post-guilt NEETs will not bow to internal or external pressures encouraging us to sacrifice our contentment and sensitive dispositions for the sake of attaining money, or womenfolk. We alone stand proudly, detached from but keenly observant of the slave masses who yell at us for not being as unhappy as they are. We alone, we band of true men, defend our right to live a dignified life against those wishing to deprive of us of it. Yes you can mock, you can criticize, you can echo the demands your masters make upon you. But who is likely to regret their lives more? The noble and dignified NEETs who spend their truly precious time reading, pondering, philosophizing and engaging in critical, urgent debate online? Or the miserable, resentful masses, their eyes bloated and sagged by excess folds of skin, their hair falling out and their gums bleeding from stress, their bowels destroyed by a sedentary lifestyle spent at their desks clicking endlessly while their boss breaths down their necks? This is reality. This is 2015. We are the future.

>> No.7393012

why bother

>> No.7393065


Monotony brings a calm, it cleanses the mind. I'm not really there.

>> No.7393067

very bad imitation of BEE

>> No.7393110

stopped reading there

>> No.7393111


A perfect imitation of BEE would still be bad.

>> No.7393115

There are books, and there a books.

What are some good (fiction) books that will make me a better writer?

>> No.7393116


>> No.7393163

I like this post. A true patrician NEET.

Capped for future wagekek provocation.

>> No.7393164

I used to play wow for years, but this year quit because wanted use my time in better things like reading.

>> No.7393167

By day i work a minimum wage job, writing and reading by the hours in between. On my weekend i write and edit and watch arthouse cinema.

I doing good.

>> No.7393170

I read arthouse as amorous.

Don't reply to this post.

>> No.7393174

go to bed

>> No.7393176

>drug addiction
>no gf
>don't actually read

I think I'm doing pretty good

>> No.7393188

>addicted to drugs and alcohol
>no job
>foreign country
>girlfriend pushes age of consent laws
>occasionally have sex with men even though im not gay
Pretty decently.

>> No.7393207

Sounds cool
Where do you live?

Also I don't think "I have sex with men but I'm not gay" is how it works

>> No.7393214

Fuck off being so accurate you cunt.
Although not a NEET, third year English Literature student.
Still, get fucked.

>> No.7393217


Sure it does. Ever heard of men who have sex with men (MSM)?

Not gay unless balls touch.

>> No.7393222

>Ever heard of men who have sex with men

yes those are commonly referred to as homosexuals

>> No.7393225


It's a sociological term. There's a pretty large group of men who bang men but don't consider themselves gay at all.

>> No.7393228

It's not gay if you don't make eye contact and don't cum m8.

>> No.7393235

>Piss in shower.

Now this can't stand.

>> No.7393241

>not urinating the shower

Move aside everyone, Princess Sissy is in town!

>> No.7393263

Fuck gaming desu

>> No.7393499

BEE aint got nothing on me.

>Not enjoying that perfectly sterile product of your kidney's that was heated to sheer perfection stream past your thigh.

>> No.7393531

I'm in love with someone whose name I don't even know and I spend a considerable amount of time writing about it. I think that's pathetic enough to count

>> No.7393543

Well, I was recently committed to a mental ward and because of the total isolation from the outside world and technology was allowed a brief moment to rekindle my distanced relationship with writing.

I wrote this unfortunately true story while inside
fucking spam filter

>> No.7393549

Are you kidding?

I'm curious, are you foriceably medicated if you live in a mental ward?

Can you live there voluntarily without taking medication?

>> No.7393562

i chuckled. thanks for sharing.

>> No.7393563

I'm not joking.

Taking medication is voluntary, though I did note something of interest - I found that I had been led by media portrayals of mental hospitals to believe that there were tons of patients having medications forced on them against there will. The reality is that inside, the patients are in sufficient physical and emotional pain that they are practically begging to receive any medication they can whenever possible.

You can voluntarily commit yourself to the ward if you want, though you'll find that nearly everybody there is under court order - or threat thereof.

>> No.7393569

jesus christ, how did I fuck that up? their*

>> No.7393577
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this is my first time on /lit/ is this what you all look like?

>> No.7394529

Is collecting welfare, reading, drinking and walking around the literary life?

>> No.7394644

Sounds like the life of a patrician to me.

>> No.7394905
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Every other day I feel like I'm going to go insane with alienation. Otherwise I feel like everything that exists is filled infinite life, and there are unending dots for me to connect. I want to be close to people, but communication is so damn difficult, and I don't wanna be a burden. Now I am blogging, but then again this is what this thread is about. Also, every time I give some of my stuff to people, I get praised, despite the fact I've barely read/written anything in my whole twenny-something years on the planet (so I might be a genius, or they might be all plebs though, even my uni teachers). Right now I'm just expecting for my life to go to shit, frankly.

You tell me.

>Not seeking eternal, monogamic, transcendental Love.
Too mainstream, φαμ.

>> No.7394915

I've been having homosexual daydreams since I started listening to Morrissey again. The actual act of gay sex would probably repulse me, but the fetishistic literary aspect holds some appeal.

A-Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.7394921
File: 58 KB, 255x255, 1448514744098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, love taking dicks in the ass anon.

>> No.7394947


>> No.7395517

It's all pipes, anon

>> No.7395566


hello kentuckybro. are you that gas station attendant?

>> No.7395568

>The actual act of ______ would probably repulse me, but the fetishistic literary aspect holds some appeal.

This is how I feel about most types of forbidden love. Except, oddly enough, homosexuality. It just doesn't do anything for me.

>> No.7395570

Got that covered.

>> No.7395573

I fall in deep platonic love with people I meet over the Internet but I don't really have any interest in physically connecting with them.

>> No.7395574
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That pic

>> No.7396008
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is the lit life mistreating your physical health while reading books?

>> No.7396011


>> No.7396340

It only takes average intelligence to find reasons why you should kill yourself in this world.

It takes bravery and genius to ever fully convince yourself why you shouldn't.

>> No.7396345

I used to have an amazing hot girlfreind but I broke up with her for Fallout 4 and the new Bloodborne DLC. I have an interview for Oxford and I've just been trying to nail the mechanics of the Moonlight Greatsword.

>> No.7396354

My Irish father taught me four things in life:

-You can bite your toenails off with your teeth
-It's always okay to fart loudly
-Never drink beer from a glass that hasn't been left in the freezer for at least ten minutes
-And finally, if you don't piss in the feking shower, then you've got baby dick.

>> No.7396356

I find that thinking "profoundly" is about equivalent practise to writing "profoundly", albeit your work's quality will be more varied and undisciplined.

>> No.7396358

Holy shit this made me feel.

I just quit wow after a relapse playing the nostalrius vanilla private server for 6 months. I do work, but I played it over 5 hours a day. Now that I am used to playing wow grinding on a vanilla server, reading seems like less of a chore than I thought it was and I'm able to read a lot each day.

>> No.7396364

Thanks Auntie Tumblr.

>> No.7396377

If that means excessive alcohol and drug use, then yes.

>> No.7396392

>it's a beautiful day outside
>spend free time re-reading the same chapter of a philosophy book over and over again

>> No.7396419
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>> No.7396441


>> No.7396466

Fine then, try and hide your own depression with humour. The best way to guarantee you'll never be happy is to convince yourself it's out of your reach.

>> No.7396492
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>> No.7396498

please take your meme images back to reddit

>> No.7396507
File: 55 KB, 500x370, HM3meOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take your reaction images out of my imageboard!!!

>> No.7396514

>SLP uniform

Qu'est-ce que c'est

>> No.7396532

>Not seeking eternal, monogamic, transcendental Love.
I use this as an excuse for being a virgin at the age of 20+
though of course the real reason is that nobody in the world would find me attractive or interesting

>> No.7396536

I'm shocked he wasn't happy with it.

>> No.7396635
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Anybody else having sex with girls and is apparently good looking but can't love himself?

>> No.7396665

Enjoy the dichotomy bro.

>> No.7396764

Hedi Slimane, go to /fa/ and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

What do you think I do?

>> No.7396774

I managed the first one once, the second at sixteen and the last has been an easy struggle since then.

>> No.7396778

>all these replies
It's time for a 4chan hiatus

>> No.7396782

Most are no.

My dad got me into PC games though, used to play Civ with him.

>> No.7396984

it takes bravery and genius to fully convince yourself to do it****

tumblr go

>> No.7397013

>waw i'm not depressed so i browse tumblr

Do you realize how pathetic you sound? Suicide is cowardice, literally giving up. Bravery is creating your own internal values and having the courage to go on past whatever fears and loathing you hold for yourself.

Why do you think so many teenage "thinkers" are edgy nihilists, but there has not been a single significant philosopher (aside form arguably Socrates, who really allowed himself to die out of principle rather than a way out of an unhappy life) that has actually taken his own life? Because the seemingly hard answers of life can be worked from, and meaning and hope can always be found if you want to look for it.

But, you people obviously don't- it's why you get so upset when someone tells you could have the slightest chance of happiness; because you've given up totally on the idea - you'd rather convince yourself you have no way out of a whole you've dug yourself into, than struggle to grab a reaching hand and risk anything again.

Go kill yourself then, if you think there's no point or way out to your despair. It will always be your decision.

>> No.7397300

>suicide is a coward's act
please let this meme die

>> No.7397304

>Suicide is cowardice

pure ideology: the post

>> No.7397312

Suicide is ironic.

>> No.7397316

Suicide is murder of the symbolic self that exists beyond you in the memories of other people.

>> No.7397317

You can't let it, it refuses to die on its own.

>> No.7397767

Ah so your a parasite.

>> No.7397774

If that's the future then I pray for ww3.

>> No.7397783
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Dunno about transcendental, but I'm a former compulsive puss-slayer who hasn't had sex in a year because I only want a wife now. You're not crazy.

Yes. I remember when sex brought me comfort but that's long gone.

>> No.7397792

>nihilism means you want to die
Fuck you. Discarding religion and other ideology saved my life. Seeing the world as just what it is and hesitating to add anything on top of what you see is incredibly freeing.

>> No.7398093

Sure. Did you have anything useful to contribute aside from juvenile name-calling?

>> No.7398183

What would Stirner think about the literary life?

>> No.7398249

He lived it. He taught lolis (who all loved him) and lived from debt to debt after that.

>> No.7398267

I have a girl that's about got me, but mostly cos I've been too lazy to get with anyone else
She is very sweet to me though
Used to have three

>> No.7398274

Well, only the best sex

>> No.7398287

Would Stirner approve of me being a NEET, in that case, and collecting autismbux for my mental illness?

>> No.7398290

Waiting tables in a decent place, 2bh. If you're getting too many hours tell your manager you're not available certain days a few weeks in advance for some bs reason like classes or court mandated shit, whatever, lie.

>> No.7398314

If that's what you want he certainly wouldn't hold it against you.

Good on you for playing the plebs, m8.

>> No.7398316

I want it only in the sense that everything else I might conceivably want is even more distasteful to me.

How am I "playing the plebs"?

>> No.7398346

By having them support your existence, innit?

>> No.7398350

Yes, I suppose that's true.

>> No.7398355

I mean, I certainly don't feel even remotely guilty at the abstract idea of "leeching from the taxpayers" or whatever.

>> No.7398360

how doable is this to do in Canada (if there are any canadafags in here)

my public paid psychiatrist once suggested going on disability. now i work in a grocery store for 11.25/hr and feel sad.

>> No.7398366

I'd be curious in knowing how possible this is in America for the same reasons.

>> No.7398382

move to europe

>> No.7398384

doubt i can realistically get welfare in europe if im not a citizen.

more likely to move to a zen monetary if i cant do welfare in canada

>> No.7398388

I have social anxiety and depression and you want me to transplant myself to a different continent altogether? And like someone already pointed out, I wouldn't be a citizen.

>> No.7398411

>I want it only in the sense that everything else I might conceivably want is even more distasteful to me.
What else is it that you want that's so distasteful anon?

>> No.7398426

There's the option of leeching completely off my family instead of leeching partially off my family and partially off the taxpayer base. I would feel pretty guilty for doing the former when I can do the latter.

And there's the option of getting a job, which I can can confidently say, based on past experiences, will make me an unhappy, stressed wreck and intensify my suicidal ideations. So that's pretty distasteful too.

Of course they're not things that I "want" as you suggest. Like I said, they're things I "conceivably [could] want".

>> No.7398442
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Completely understand you here, I feel listening to the Smiths and loving Mozza as much as I do (or did) made me much more open to gayness. Nearly all my porn consumption is hetero (though lots of dick focus - gangbangs, deepthroating etc) with only the occasional ladyboys and even more infrequent outright gay porn, but the erotic stories threads posted on /hm/ and on the "Gifs that make you wanna suck cock etc" threads on /gif/ are awfully titillating.

Never felt this way in youth/teen years, never experimented with guys, now I'm pretty open to being with men (not as keenly as the thought of women) and I can blame Morrissey 100%

>> No.7398839
File: 1.65 MB, 3072x1728, Making Bread 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What I lack in depression I make up for in alcoholism and unsolicited rage.

>> No.7398856


I've been listening to the Smiths a lot lately, and just two days ago I was at a convenience store and was struck by the cashier youths very beautiful face.

Shit man.

>> No.7398874


Rage is so much better than depression.

>> No.7399046

What am I looking at?

>> No.7399125

These three words

>> No.7399524

>on my second non consecutive year as an expat
>speak 3 languages with reasonable fluency
>still don't have a highschool diploma, almost entirely self taught
>used to binge drink and chain smoke every day but I'm too broke for even a pack of cheap cigarettes
>wanna take a certain girl here home with me and just live out my life in comfortable semi-poverty and obscurity but she hates me for being a shameless cheater and I don't have money for it anyways
>I should go to university but all the universities I wanna go to probably wouldn't touch me

Lately I've been reading like a book a week though. I'd like to write something someday but I'm lazy and have nothing to say

>> No.7399578

writing, getting feedback on your work, then revising will make you a better writer

>> No.7400059

>I'm not a citizen
So... what?

>> No.7400062

What kind of bread is that?