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/lit/ - Literature

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7393714 No.7393714 [Reply] [Original]

>be in university
>enjoy /lit/ discussion
>come to /lit/ every day
>get to grad school
>finally start to reach levels of real expertise and higher understanding in the humanities
>knowledge of literature, philosophy, and history finally starts to get reasonably comprehensive
>suddenly realize all the conversation on this board is uniformly plebeian third year undergrad tier
>suddenly realize not a single thread's level of discourse ever rises above "vaguely familiar with the topic at hand"
>suddenly realize this entire board is just catharsis for undergraduates who can't be too pretentious at university because they'll get slapped down by more knowledgeable people so they have to do it here
>suddenly realize this is an entire board filled with dabblers who are sorta earnestly interested in talking about stuff like literary postmodernism, but too lazy to put the time in and actually go read about it

>> No.7393727

a) duhhhhhh

b) is the intention of this post to make us mock for taking five years to figure that out

c) how does it make u feel to realize that

>> No.7393731
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Second prize is a set of steak knives

>> No.7393740

And it took you how many years to figure this out, big boy?

>> No.7393744

i like sticking dildos in my asshole too :3

>> No.7393750

>knowledge of literature, philosophy, and history finally starts to get reasonably comprehensive
Biggest implication I've heard in a while, family.

>> No.7393763

Weird, I watched that the other day

>> No.7393785

>>suddenly realize all the conversation on this board is uniformly plebeian third year undergrad tier

It took you a grad school education to realize this?

>> No.7393794

>he came on lit for any reason other than for the memes

>> No.7393832


>> No.7393843

I'm pretty sure <50& of posts on this board are sincere.

>> No.7393843,1 [INTERNAL] 

just found this board yesterday. doesn't seem too shit

>> No.7393849

>not coming to /lit/ for memes and funposting

baka desu

>> No.7393851

Pretty accurate. /lit/ is best board, but it is still full of bumbling idiots.

>> No.7393868

discussing literature and ideas on the internet is very important to me

>> No.7393922

i think you saved my life

>> No.7393954

That's 100% what I come here for. Discussing literature with professors and other students is much superior to this board, but I'm became too used to memes being a part of it.

>> No.7393965


>dropped 150 grand on an education you could have gotten from a day and a half lurking


>> No.7394007

look at the url. this board is on

>> No.7394008

/lit/ may be shit but it's the best the internet has to offer

>> No.7394010

isn't that depressing though

>> No.7394166
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cant believe this

>> No.7394192

I'm not proud that you're so much better than those worthless college kids online, son. You're still a kissless virgin.
t. your father

>> No.7394267

this is why is nessesary the offline intrapersonal talking >>7393714

>> No.7394290

>irl people knowing shit about literature
Everything else is spot on though. This is a hobby board after all.

>> No.7394291

4chan is the best the internet has to offer.

/lit/ is great, but she's not my only board.

>> No.7394293


it took you until after fucking grad school to figure that out?

>> No.7394451
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>finally start to reach levels of real expertise and higher understanding in the humanities
>knowledge of literature, philosophy, and history finally starts to get reasonably comprehensive

why you lyin' nigga?

>> No.7394750

This thought makes me nearly suicidal.
Lit PhD here. The absolute best conversations you'll have will be in classrooms and in colloquia with visiting specialists. If you care about this material, do everything you can to get into a really competitive grad program (and, unfortunately, the Princeton Review rankings are relatively reliable on this).

>> No.7394774

Yeah but then the negative side is you got a degree in /lit/

>> No.7394780


I can't so unforunately I'm just trying to read a bunch and watch uni lectures online.

Faulkner never went to school either so fuck you

>> No.7394830

For me it is the opposite. My classroom discussions are shallow. Here too the conversation is shallow, but there is at least no pretense.

Just because the critique most often takes the form of memeing, it doesn't make it any less valid.

I also have severe social anxiety in a classroom setting. I prefer to be at home on my computer.

>> No.7395230

I'm gay :^)

>> No.7395239

>>knowledge of literature, philosophy, and history finally starts to get reasonably comprehensive
>grad school
fucking hell america

>> No.7395338

4chan is a great place to get low to mid-level knowledge of various subjects. your taste peaks at the advance intermediate level and then your enjoyment falls of quicly.

Once youve been regularly visintg a board for a year or two, you find that everyone on the board either has different taste than you (fuck them), has the same taste as you (one can only circlejerk so long) or are beneath you (and are thus newfags, and to be ignored).

most of the people that visit the board are only amateurs, and thus don't really know how to properly express their opinions. So, when you make a thread about slightly-obscure-thing-i-like, you get like 3-4 responses calling you a fag or telling you that they agree with you. Meanwhile the same argument over pulp fiction, madvillainy, cowboy bebop, stan smiths, gravitys rainbow or whatever board meme, has 250 replies because everybody can talk about that.

The whole reason we visit this site is because once in a while, some anon lays down some real shit for us, and we feel smarter and better becasue of it. But the more knowledgeable you get,, the more rare these events are. So you end up arguing over the same stuff, or shitposting to pass the time until a "real thread" comes around.

anybody who actually knows what they're talking about usually leave because it's such a parasitic relationship, always makign charts, recs, or explaining the thing to plebs and getting essentially nothing in return. There remain some anons who enjoy the "giving back" aspect enough to stay and teach people all the time (shouts out to jazz thread guy,) but there are not many for each board.

so yes OP, 4chan users don't really know shit, but this sites the best we got, and at least there are lots of borads to waste time on.

>> No.7395348


You forgot about the memes though.

>> No.7395351

>he hasn't reached the level where you argue with yourself
I think I've already told myself to go to >>>/his/ twice this week. Step up your game, man.

>> No.7395357

>suddenly realize

there's your problem OP

>> No.7395367


truth bombs

well said, both you guys.

im a professional programmer with 10 years of full time work experience. /g/ knows nothing. i imagine the rest of the boards are the same (but i don't know enough about literature to be able to easily see that here)

>> No.7395404

Next-level samefag

>> No.7395411

Stop pretending we're not both butters.

>> No.7395450

Fuck off samefag

>> No.7395464

if you're not here for the memes and lit banter, then you fucked up.

>> No.7395508

this is pure ideology
enjoy reproducing capitalism your parasite

>> No.7395516

>get into a really competitive grad program

I like literature but there's no fucking way I'm going to study it for +6 years just to get in an environment where I can have a decent discussion about it

/lit/ will have to do

>> No.7395589

How did no one notice this post?

>> No.7395697

Wow. Nice.

>> No.7395821



>> No.7396136

even though /lit/ is a rather slow board, this is quite impressive

>> No.7396140

Is this /lit/ suicide?

>> No.7396297

got em

>> No.7396500


>> No.7397417


>> No.7399366
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>> No.7399377

Top literary banter
with the lads

>> No.7399476
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Well of course. You should remind yourself of where you are every so often.

>> No.7399482

will I still be able to masturbate everyday?

>> No.7399484
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>The whole reason we visit this site is because once in a while, some anon lays down some real shit for us, and we feel smarter and better becasue of it. But the more knowledgeable you get,, the more rare these events are. So you end up arguing over the same stuff, or shitposting to pass the time until a "real thread" comes around.


>> No.7399547

>get to grad school
>finally start to reach levels of real expertise and higher understanding in the humanities
I want to believe this because I've seen it expressed so much, but the undergrad/postgrad dichotomy eludes me. Can postgrads elaborate?
I 2nd year in 3 year UK uni hone my skills continuously, but I find it hard to believe this conception that there is some switch that flips as soon as you get your UG diploma and move to PG work wherein you have fully de-plebbed your methods and discourse, which is what people seem to suggest when they talk about how a certain belief is "undergrad tier".

As far as I am aware, postgrad work is just moving on to more focused research and dissertation-based writing.

>> No.7399584

Fuck off samefag

>> No.7399586

>there is some switch that flips as soon as you get your UG diploma and move to PG work
>moving on to more focused research and dissertation-based writing
Typical undergrad answering his own questions without knowing it

>> No.7399693

As far as I am aware most undergrad English programs finish with something like this though. At mine at least, part of your final assessment is an 8,000 word dissertation on a subject of your choice. Does it just come down to length? Obviously in postgrad word you are going to be writing a dissertation on the scale of hundred(s) of pages.

>> No.7399724

I found this to be true with /fit/ aswell. I used to go to that board daily. Now I've reached beyond the 1k lbs club and I feel that there is little of value to be learned on the board. It's merely shitposting and memes which can be fun from time to time but not something to engage a large chunk of your time on as I used to do when I was a beginner.

I recon many boards are similair in the way that once you get towards an 'advanced' level on whatever that is which the board you browse focuses on, the least you will get out of it and the more likely you are to lurk less.

4chan really is the best we got though.

>> No.7399775

Faulkner wrote from the first person perspective of a literal retard.

>> No.7401216

and there's something really sad and banal about that

>> No.7401243

Wait so according to her there is no difference between highbrow and lowbrow

>> No.7401413

the highbrow and lowbrow both share a sincere appreciation of something. A lowbrow person might earnestly love Stephen King and Harry Potter and genre fiction as they read the next sci-fi trilogy they feel that some piece of them was left behind and that now they're the better off for it, in the same way a highbrow person feels reading through ____ obscure/difficult work. The middlebrow person attempts to follow in the highbrow person's footsteps, but for reasons that allude even themselves: they think "this will make me a more interesting person" and so begrudgingly trudge through media in the hopes that they'll experience something, but their own in-authenticity has already precluded them from feeling anything of the sort: these are the type of people who read Joyce one day and genre fiction the next, and they'll say they read the simpler work "for fun", with the obvious implication that to them Joyce isn't fun, Joyce is some hurdle on their way to patriciandom, they don't think any of the challenging works they read are funny or entertaining and might admit that they find them pretentious and that only a pretentious person would find them funny and they read it because they feel reading it is something that an intelligent person would do and that's the image they want to present

>> No.7402409

Fuck, at least it boards like these that inspire us to get to that level of knowledge.

That's something right?


>> No.7403646

>be 21~ year old white middle class or upper middle class beta male
>have mild depression at not being more popular and charismatic in spite of my overinflated sense of self-worth and just slightly above average intelligence
>compensate for it by devoting my life to criticizing people on the safe haven of the internet, where they can't effortlessly disregard me as a low status social reject
>gradually evolve from youtube comments and atheist blogs to criticizing other internet social critics, on literature forums and in my circle of spergin friends
>go into humanities degree that has the perfect mix of an easy curriculum and the nebulous, vague pretense of cultural sophistication
>lie to myself that postgraduate studies are my ultimate goal despite having no real plan B after attaining my worthless undergraduate degree (that my prole pleb family and social peers still fail to respect or care about)
>spend free time lurking literature enthusiasts' forums and websites that i claim to detest, 99% of whose users have non-academic jobs and active social lives, so that i can glean evidence of their dilettantism and report back to my fellow spergers, whereupon we will sup on their uninformed opinions and interests like manna from heaven
>marry a heifer in my late 20s or early 30s and imperceptibly forget about my stunted manchild dreams of academic auctoritas
>struggle to find authenticity in the life of an unambitious intellectual civilian, never quite realizing my reactionary superego fully encompassed my ego long ago
>spend the rest of my existence only dimly, unconsciously aware of the still living ember of narcissistic compensatory delusion, submerged in my soul like a red hot coal at the bottom of a lake, but still burning
>always burning

>> No.7403775 [DELETED] 
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If that post were a book, what would the title be?

>> No.7403778

I literally can't imagine having sex with someone. It seems rude to penetrate somebody else. The fact girls desire to be penetrated is just scary to me, and also pretty offputting. In February 2014 I made out with a girl for the first time ever but I just didn't understand the subtleties of that sort of thing. I tried to eat her out right away but she got kind of uncomfortable about that. When we eventually tried having sex I started sweating and soaked her sheets with sweat before leaving at 4am.

>> No.7403900
