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7394676 No.7394676 [Reply] [Original]

can you suggest me good far-right essays? I'm not very fond in politics and I need to know!

>> No.7394789

What do you currently consider as "far right"?

>> No.7394802

You're probably a really dumb meme conservative and probably just upset about girls or something, so it's probably for the best you stick to the other libertarian neo-nazi meme catholics on /pol/ until you forget what you were upset about in the first place.

>> No.7394804

tmi dude. didn't ask for your life story.

>> No.7394805
File: 19 KB, 225x346, What is to be done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one. It's very practical.

>> No.7394806

wtf this board is annoying.

>> No.7394809


>> No.7394812

I used to post a lot on /pol/ myself, but I left due to the obvious lack of coherent thought and general anti-intellectual air of the user base.

>> No.7394814

It's autism central. And funny because of that. But posting there is like teasing the slow kids in class.

>> No.7394820

>meme conservative
>me post trying to call others meme


>> No.7394821

You would do well to stop projecting your pathetic experiences onto other more well-adjusted people with healthy curiosities instead of mental problems.

>> No.7394833

If you want a productive discussion on far "right" politics, you're better off posing your question different from the other mouth-breathing /pol/ transplants we get every day. Try asking about specific concepts or ideological questions you've been struggling with instead of just asking us to dump a primer on traditionalism on you.

>> No.7394841
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>more well-adjusted people with healthy curiosities instead of mental problems.
>no mental problems

>> No.7394849

Religious, or secular?

>> No.7394859

Learn to read.

Not even OP. But there's nothing more pathetic than watching what is clearly self-hate aggressively acted out against others. I was never a /pol/-tard, and I can be proud of that. Take your shame somewhere else.

>> No.7394860

Laura Pennie's blog is pretty good for this

>> No.7394879

>I used to post a lot on /pol/ myself
and now you've switched to aggressively engaging conservatives on /lit/

>> No.7394963
File: 1.96 MB, 4000x3549, 1427987415748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dugin is fun if you are interested in Orthodox Christianity

I finally found a copy of 4th Political Theory online

I read European New Right stuff mostly, you can find good essays from Dugin, de Benoist, O'Meara, McDonald, Tunislav from Counter-Currents, Occidental Observer and NewEuropeanConservatice.com. Also the Folkscamy collection at Archive.com

>> No.7395986
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