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7391931 No.7391931 [Reply] [Original]

>he texts with perfect grammar and punctuation

>> No.7391937

ebin thread my man

>> No.7391944

bleed much?

>> No.7391945

that actually legitimately bothers me. some people pull it off naturally but with most assholes the affectation is palpable.

same thing w caps

>> No.7391964

me 2 grill (^::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

>> No.7392056

Phones these days automatically capitalise the first letter of your sentences, and if the first letter of your sentence is capitalised, then you have no choice but to end with a full stop. You can't just go half way.

>> No.7392086

the only grammatical 'error' that I consistently make is that I don't use a trailing period. feels like this is pretty common.

>> No.7392399
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>not having his own perfectly curated post-ironic text syntax with just enough errors to be authentic and just enough structure to be intelligent and just enough weirdness to call attention to the absurdity of having put so much effort into a text syntax

>> No.7392422

>not knowing how to meme arrow

>> No.7392425

>being a narcissistic tryhard

>> No.7392429

>being a narcissistic capitalist who knows nothing about politics

>> No.7392438


the only means of production i own is ur mums puccy

>> No.7392489


>> No.7392543

Well, I noticed something odd on that subject. I was told since college that texting had to be much more efficient and less punctuated in a business environment and I was a bit anxious because I always perfectly—I tried to, at least—wrote up all my communications, both emails and texts and I did want to give it up. Now I have been working for three months for one of the “Big Four” audit and tax consulting firms and barely nobody neglect the typographical rules, albeit the syntax is much more straightforward. I'm not sure my experience is relevant but I'm pretty convinced the original poster doesn't know what he is talking about. At all.

>> No.7392550

lmao what a meme

>> No.7392555

>the affectation is palpable

I've always figured it was the other way around, that you guys who don't punctuate were affecting a sort of apathetic attitude. I'm glad to be able to say I've developed good typing and texting habits, so if I punctuate and don't abbreviate much it's because I'm not overthinking about how I'm coming off to the person I'm talking to. That's just how I type.

>> No.7392560


>> No.7392571

Modern smart phones (both Android and iOS) auto cap, auto correct, and auto period if you hit space bar twice.

u hav 2 go out of ur way 2 typ lyk dis 2 show how little fucks you give yolo xDDD

And that's the real affectation.

>> No.7392578

>being enough in 2015

>> No.7392579


>> No.7392585
File: 74 KB, 533x800, 1422251221583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh the old people rambling about technology

language changes because language becomes whatever people do with it.

>> No.7392602

Language in centuries, not in a couple of years. You're mistaking singular, unrelated errors with the subtle evolution under the usage, and indeed evolving because of this usage absolutely doesn't mean whatever you write is essentially right.

>> No.7393045

but technological developments can speed up the change of language

>> No.7393051

on internet at least, the amount of correct grammar used is a form of art. it's a kind of a signal of how invested you are in your post, though sometimes you read very insightful and well thought out stuff with horrendous grammar and the contrast makes it even better

>> No.7393055


>> No.7393070

My mum did research into txtspk when I first got a phone then was astonished when both me and my sister wrote our texts in grammatically correct English. Good feel.

>> No.7393092

I do that
Also I never use emoticons
I've had people (specifically girls) complain to me about that, as apparently my lack of emoticons meant to them that I "hated" them
Still don't use them твн

>> No.7393100
File: 96 KB, 792x558, 1447866393090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither.

I use all of these things A LOT here on 4chan when I pretend to be a shitskin or roastie though.

>> No.7393109


>> No.7393674

Emoticons are gay

But perfect punctuation is kinda too much, looks very try-hard. At least based on the guys i have talked to who used it, they always felt like the "im an intellectual" type.

This said, someone can use perfect punctuation without being a dipshit. Is just that i never met one of them.

>> No.7393693

i send an average of one text message per month

>> No.7393696

you're such an embarrassing person

>> No.7393697

I don't have any friends either. :<

>> No.7393702

Moore's law (with relative accuracy) has held up well for technology, so who's to say literature isn't also changing at an exponential pace? Soon we'll go from one hot meme to another in a single day--oh wait!

>> No.7393704

>that you guys who don't punctuate were affecting a sort of apathetic attitude

that's funny. in my mind punctuaters come off as fake because they're pretending the medium they're using is much more formal than it actually is by hanging on to outdated and unnecessary conventions from print. this day, imo, at least in internet-y places punctuation functions more like a tone marker than as structural guidance for readers i.e ending a text with a period adds some kind of 'gravitas' or finality to your text that otherwise would not be understood, or conveying the tone of a question by choosing whether to leave out the question mark or not

>> No.7393710

I do it when I'm writing on English, when I'm writing on French or Spanish fuck that. Too much effort for nothing.

>> No.7393722

I tend to assume that the people who go out of their way to avoid using punctuation are teenagers.

>> No.7393742

Same. My girlfriend remarked that I never send her kisses so I force myself to do it sometimes now. I even feel weird writing "Lol" even though everyone does it.

>> No.7393745

Writing on 4chan without caps always knocks off a few IQ points from how people perceive you

>> No.7393753

To me it's actually you who comes across as a try-hard with your affected shorthand.

>> No.7393755

>they're pretending the medium they're using is much more formal than it actually is by hanging on to outdated and unnecessary conventions from print.
Wait, you think punctuation is there for ''print''? Are you an idiot? It's so that there remains as little ambiguity to the meaning of your words as possible. or r ure msgs so vpd dt u dnt evn need it becuz bea know whatyu sayin always evn without no dot n comma n stuff?

>> No.7393767

>Writing on 4chan without caps always knocks off a few IQ points from how people perceive you

it's worth the effort it saves me from having to reach the shift key

>> No.7393778

You sound really cool bro

>> No.7393781

that's ok

>Wait, you think punctuation is there for ''print''?

no, sorry, they clearly come from speech. how do they pronounce ; in your region?

>or r ure msgs so vpd dt u dnt evn need it becuz bea know whatyu sayin always evn without no dot n comma n stuff?

if punctuation is the only thing preventing your readers from misunderstanding you, you're a shit writer anyway, no big loss if your message is lost.

>> No.7393782

I've realized I mostly do emoticons when I'm being ironic so I've stopped doing them entirely. my texts reads like world war telegrams

>Sounds great
>I'll meet you there
>Remember to bring the cables

>> No.7393783

Do people even use the shift key for caps? I really only use it for question marks, etc. For caps I always just rapid tap caps lock and press the letter in between.

>> No.7393786

u too, wanna play mario kart and fondle each other?

>> No.7393788

when i use caps i use the shift key for efficiency's sake, it's usually one letter and my pinky can hold it without disturbing the rest of my fingers. caps lock requires two taps.

>> No.7393790

>no, sorry, they clearly come from speech. how do they pronounce ; in your region?
Yes, they actually do come from speech. a comma sounds like a quick stop mid sentence, a period sounds like a pause at the end of a sentence, a question mark sounds like a higher pitched end to the last word of your question, an exclamation mark sounds like a word said loud or with a lot of emphasis. Even ''quotation marks'' usually carry a specific sound with them, a change of tone.

>if punctuation is the only thing preventing your readers from misunderstanding you
>talking about texts
>''your readers''
>''shit writer''
Who's taking it too serious again?

>> No.7393799

This ironic nocaps style that has become popular in the last couple of years reeks of tumblr desu

>> No.7393817

>Yes, they actually do come from speech.


you realize that is factually not the case right

>> No.7393835

This is trolling of the best kind. I love you.

>> No.7393838

You're making it seem like people are choosing to capitalise. They're not: most people write for work, and so capitalisation becomes ingrained in muscle memory when they type. From our perspective, you're having to deliberately suppress your urge just to come off as "lol, I read e.e.cummings, ain't I kewl".

Might be different if the majority of your posts are on internet forums, though :)

>> No.7393841

actual retard detected

>> No.7393860
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>mfw I wasn't trolling

>> No.7393862


being ironic and distanced helps me cope with social ladder mind games. everyone is trying to one-up each other and being proper and respectful is just another way to convince people of your societal compatibility

>> No.7393863

that's a good point anon. maybe it's a cross-demographic thing and no one really means anything by it.

>> No.7393871

I do the same...

>> No.7393875

bitches love smileys

>> No.7393881

me too desu

>> No.7393884
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>> No.7393887

People who don't take the extra two seconds to write in complete sentences are shitty little faggot retards who I would murder and then fuck if I could get my hands on them and my dick in them. I would bloody their assholes with my thick meaty cock and then they would be sorry they didn't make the effort to express themselves in a more thoughtful manner.

>> No.7393899


it's 'whom' fαm

>> No.7393908

I spilled Mountain Dew on my keyboard and it makes the 'm' key sticky sometimes.

>> No.7393917

I use full punctuation and grammar, most of the time, mate.
or else i type like this, the whole way through m8

I add emotes either way. You bitches need more autism, seriously. D:

>> No.7393925

phones auto-capitalize and sometimes i go out of my way to type in lowercase if i think the tone of the message demands it

>> No.7393938
File: 4 KB, 125x118, fedoratip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mountain Dew

>> No.7393941

This. Even if the person in question writes a really intelligent post, I always assume he's more or less an idiot.

>> No.7393943

This says more about you than the person who wrote the comment. Why would you share that?

>> No.7393946

I wanted people to know.

>> No.7393953

What the fuck? It'd be affected for me if I didn't use correct punctuation and spelling. Now I'll have to type like a pleb else people will think I'm "weird". Fuck this thread

>> No.7393958


Legitimately never gave it much thought.

Sincerity > faggotry

>> No.7394455

i bet all of you insolent plebs still use contractions

>> No.7394504

I don't think so. Language changes by slowly and definitely evolving in each individual own mind who will then makes its children reproduce the same patterns and it doesn't change anything that technology grow faster or increase the rate and volume of our communications since we still learn, speak, fuck or live as we used to in the past. Sure we have a lot of “memes” and other weird slangs but each era had and it didn't change a lot the outcome. Thousands of words were created, used by a lot of people and died without being in the dictionary or significantly changing the language. Unless we manage to do some kind of linguistical regression, I don't think we're objective enough to see what will remain and count as a language evolution.

>> No.7394533

Here is how I perceive a neglected message. The writer is either intentionally or sincerely doing it. If he is doing it intentionally, I've no interest in talking with an attention-seeker and they are rarely intelligent or educated—too busy pretending to read books to actually read them—by experience. If he is sincere, he's either unaware of these rules, and I don't want to talk with someone that ignorant—and surely stupid considering where we are—or don't want to use them and in that case I don't feel like talking with someone which vision of literature doesn't embody the very basis of punctuation.

>> No.7394547

OK? Why are you replying to me? Find someone else to bother with uninvited exposition of your inner life.

>> No.7394559

this to be honest

>> No.7394588
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i bet you end single sentence texts with a period