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7388785 No.7388785 [Reply] [Original]

Top Three
>Henry IV
>Midsummer Night's

>> No.7388793

Antony and Cleopatra
Much Ado About Nothing
Romeo and Juliet

>> No.7389368



>> No.7389371


How many have you read? I've only read Othello, Hamlet and Macbeth. If Henry IV and A Midsummer Night's Dream beat both Othello and Macbeth, I'm going to have to look into those as the next ones. Othello in particular I would have thought among the very best.

>> No.7389381

>Much Ado

>> No.7389409

>Storm of Swords
>Breakfast at Tiffanies


>> No.7389415

Fuck Hamlet.

>> No.7389430
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This is now a kill/fuck/marry thread.

>Kill Macbeth
>Fuck Hamlet
>Marry a Midsummer Night's

>> No.7389554

I hate Hamlet with a passion.

>> No.7389560

a midsummer night's dream
measure for measure
romeo and juliet

>> No.7389586


>> No.7389596

The edgy tragedy trilogy is my fav

>King Lear

>> No.7391212

Much Ado About Nothing

>> No.7391252

Not that guy, but we had to analyse it for fucking months back in high school. The play has much merit to it (although I was one of the only ones in my class that liked it), but we just spent waaay too much time on it. We went over every act, every scene. I think we spent about two weeks' worth of classes on the soliloquy alone. Picture it: every metaphor, every archaic word, every 16-17th century nuance that the teacher felt we wouldn't get. I can ramble off parts of it to this day.
If his English teacher was anything like mine, that's why.

Mine would be
>Titus Andronicus
>Timon of Athens
>Romeo and Juliet (fuck off it's great)

>> No.7391259


Macbeth just barely edged out.

>> No.7391269
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>Picture it: every metaphor, every archaic word, every 16-17th century nuance that the teacher felt we wouldn't get. I can ramble off parts of it to this day.

Getting a boner just thinking about it.

>> No.7391280

all's well that ends well
merchant of venice
midsummer night's dream

>> No.7391285
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Be honest now, is there anyone in this thread who has read +7 of his plays?

>> No.7391288


has anyone acted in one of his plays? real question im curious to hear

i was puck in a midsummer night's dream

>> No.7391299

Shakespeare is definitely my most read writer. I'll list what I've read from him:
All's Well That Ends Well
As You Like It
Measure for Measure
Merchant of Venice
Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado about Nothing
Taming of the Shrew
Twelfth Night
Henry IV, Part I
Henry IV, Part II
Henry V
Henry VI, Part I
Henry VI, Part II
Henry VI, Part III
Henry VIII
King John
Richard II
Richard III
Antony and Cleopatra
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Romeo and Juliet
Titus Andronicus

I love Hamlet the most.

>> No.7391301

I was banquo in a children's production of Macbeth

>> No.7391304

I also was Puck for Midsummer Night's Dream for a school thing and I was Hamlet for our in-class reading of it.

>> No.7391322

Why 7? That's not that many. I've read probably 15+, and seen the same amount performed, but still haven't read some of his most famous plays. I have never read Othello, for example, or either of the Richards. Seven just seems arbitrary.

>> No.7391359


Interesting. Which ones would take place 2 and 3 according to you?

>> No.7391362

Titus would be 2 and Lear 3. Macbeth and Othello thereafter.

>> No.7391363

if you're gonna comment please tell us how many you've read

i find it difficult to believe some of these rankings unless they're by people who are very underexposed to shakespeare

>> No.7391465
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Read the Henriads and the usual undergrad stuff.

Richard III

>> No.7391533

I've read:
King Lear
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Romeo and Juliet
The Tempest
The Merchant of Venice

I have watched all of them on YT afterwards. I have only seen The Tempest at Stratford (David Farr)

>> No.7391549

Oh and I'd rank them so:
1. King Lear
2. A Midsummer Night's Dream
3. The Tempest
4. Macbeth
5. Othello
6. Romeo and Juliet
7. Hamlet
8. The Merchant of Venice

>> No.7391554

My most recent work is my favourite, I believe it truly sums up everything my previous works were going for. It is life. It is art. It is the two inextricably linked

>> No.7391887
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Read 5 completely right now...
>Romeo and Juliet
>A Midsummer Night's Dream
>The Taming of the Shrew
>The Tempest
>parts of Julius Caesar but will return later
Currently reading Hamlet right now, and hoping to read Shakespeare's complete works before I die.

>tfw too little time to read all of Shakespeare and see all of his plays performed.

>> No.7391943

The fuck, nigga?
Shakey wrote plays and poems, you can easily read all of them in your lifetime.
If you want to see the plays which aren't preformed in any nearby theaters you can get movies and recordings.

>> No.7391967

king lear, hamlet, macbeth, othello, antony and cleopatra, twelfth night, julius caesar, henry iv part I and II, richard ii, measure for measure much ado about nothing.

i would have read richard the 3rd but i got bored.

>> No.7392495

I was Macbeth in high school.

>> No.7392516

I was Francis Flute in Midsummer Night's Dream in my freshman year

>> No.7394343

I played Hamlet as a 12 year old for a school play. I insisted on doing unabridged versions of all the soliloquies. One mother was in tears.

My favourite is Lear.

>> No.7394362

e d g y
also edgy
no taste
no taste
fine, a bit tryhard
no taste

>> No.7394388

I'm OP. I've read all of his work, including his sonnets.

>> No.7394393

why midsummer over something like tempest or as you lik eit?

>> No.7394584

>"reading" Shakespeare


>> No.7394593

>antony and cleopatra

>> No.7394672

I'll have a go.
Hamlet and King Lear are the ones that attract by far the most critical material and are seen as the most philosophically intense and serious. With good reason. I'll add The Tempest to that list because it's Shakespeare's last sole-authored play, compresses most of his major themes into one play, and has some really fantastic, virtuosic language.

This shit has changed a lot over time. Titus Andronicus was never on lists like this until the past three decades and especially after Jonathan Bate's groundbreaking Arden edition that makes a fantastic case for the literary qualities of the play.

Shakespeare specialist here, so AMA while I'm killing time and digesting turkey.

>> No.7394679

I've taught every single one of them. Ask me weird-ass questions about the Henry VI plays, or about The Two Noble Kinsmen, or the fucked-up erotic response to Ovid in Venus and Adonis.

>> No.7394687

i want to study shakespeare. i'm getting my undergrad soon. what should i get a masters in? i'm mainly interested in 19th century/20th century fiction but i fear if I try to go deeper into shakespeare in my way up academia I'll have to start seriously studying the rest of the 16th century playwrights etc.

>> No.7394696

Why would you read Shakespeare when you can watch him?

>> No.7394698

Not quite as retarded as reading Death of a Salesman

>> No.7394704
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>not good / 10

I liked Titus and its good compared to some plays, but its lowtier Shakespeare imo.

Top 3 for me:
>Romeo and Juliet

The last mostly for its prestige. Macbeth because I've seen some great interpretations of it, and I love the level of foreboding and bloodiness, and Othello because -edgy or not- I like Iago a hell of a lot, and some of my favorite lines of Shakespeare of all time are in it.

>> No.7394708

Don't decide your MA interests until at least two years into a BA. Your tastes and interests will change; you can't plan that far ahead. If you're wanting to study literature seriously, it's a good idea to get to know Shakespeare's main plays pretty well, especially since so many other authors expect a fair amount of familiarity with Shakespeare (e.g. you can't understand T.S. Eliot if you don't get Shakespeare).

Pic a field that you're passionate about. That's the most important. Then deal with the job and practical consequences afterwards. That's how everyone I know has done it successfully in academia.

Don't worry about getting too deep into the drama of Shakespeare's contemporaries. There's no harm done at all if you read a bunch of plays by Kyd, Marlowe, Jonson, Middleton, and Webster (and those ones are the main authors to know). My top four would be Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, Webster's The Duchess of Malfi, and Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy.

Because most film adaptations include about a third of the lines Shakespeare wrote and replace other stuff with visual material. Means that you're not getting the whole play -- only a short summary of it. Do both! Read the original, then see what a film director does with it in adaptation. Then compare to what another film director has done (since every Shakespeare play has been filmed at least twice).

>> No.7394709

I was in a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream when I was a kid. I was a fairy king or something. Haven't read it since. I should tho

>> No.7394713

I didn't mean watch a film, I meant watch the play, or at least a video of the play

>> No.7394725

Ahhh... I get it now. Weirdly, people usually say that they "see a play" or "go to a play" and usually use "watch" for films. I'm strongly behind seeing Shakespeare in performance (all of it works on stage) and also reading the plays as literary works (I'm persuaded by much of the argument in Lukas Erne's influential book Shakespeare as Literary Dramatist).

>> No.7394873

You haven't read Coriolanus? It's excellent

>> No.7394889

I live in a city where, as far as I know, only three Shakespeare plays are preformed at the moment (and one them is a radical modernization while an another one is shit).

I'll read Shakey, sorry.

>> No.7394927


I've read 12.

My top 3:

Henry IV

Lear just missed the cut

Bottom three:
Twelfth Night
Taming of the Shrew

>> No.7394930 [DELETED] 

shakespeare makes me wet desu. whoever sends me the best edit of him naked gets my nudes. 07852772220 ;)

>> No.7394941

FFS are you 12??

>> No.7394971

Haven't read much Shakespeare, but my 3 favourites:

Richard II
The Tempest
Romeo & Juliet

>> No.7394987

you must have been puck

>> No.7394991

Oberon is the fairy king in that play. Puck is merely a sprite or a Robin Goodfellow.

>> No.7395018


>> No.7395022

This is what English classes should be.

>> No.7395027

Antony and Cleopatra
Julius caesar