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/lit/ - Literature

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7390823 No.7390823 [Reply] [Original]

What is the second most patrician religion, after Catholicism?

>> No.7390827

Catholicism is second, after Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.7390836

Neo-Platonic Dionysian Mystery Worship is the most patrician

>> No.7390837
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>> No.7390848

Catholicism is completely shit tier. And I'm an atheist

Fucking predestination Protestantism is better than Catholicism, due to the sheer virtue in fostering one to be a sovereign individual and not neo-paganist faux communal hypocrite.

And don't even get my started on the vileness and moral baseness of the Jesuits.

>> No.7390854

religion isn't patrician

>> No.7390855
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>And I'm an atheist

Your opinion is irrelevant you pleb

>> No.7390859


>> No.7390864

It doesn't count as patrician if you go to novus ordo masses OP

>> No.7390867

Holy fuck guys! He just called them Reddit! Lol they just got blown the fuck out! Lol. Fucking brutal.

>> No.7390869


>> No.7390879

Orthodox Christians are Catholics, dummy.

>> No.7390885


>> No.7390886

This. A better question would be "what is the least pleb religion?"

The answer to that question is Jainism.

>> No.7390891


>> No.7390900

But religion is literally for plebs.

>> No.7390907
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If that was the case, you'd be religious.
Hint: you're wrong.

>> No.7390910


>> No.7390911

babyraper please go

>> No.7390922

I am religious, but I'm a pleb. Intellectuals and people with "good taste" can fuck off. Book are supposed to be fun, not some pretentious dwaddle.

>> No.7391008

>Book are supposed to be fun

Fuck no.

>> No.7391017
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Your religion has nothing to do with you being patrician. If you are religious, then you need to read books from your tradition. If you aren't, then do so if you have an academic interest or don't if you do not.

This board is for literature, not to discuss your delusional illusions of grandeur and how to attain "patricianhood" as if life were one of your video games.


>> No.7391020
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the shit you plebs write is truly saddening

>> No.7391030

>religion is literally for plebs

Have you read the comments section on a George Carlin video lately? Plebeian atheist cancer all around.

>> No.7391045

all religious people are plebs, but not all atheists are patrician.

>> No.7391058


>> No.7391066

just plebby things

Other way around.

>> No.7391072

Was T.S Eliot a pleb then?

>> No.7391087

Zen Buddhism #1

Like who cares.

>> No.7391097
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Greek Orthodoxy

I can smell your fedora and BO through my computer screen. Dante, Milton, Spenser, Vergil, Shakespeare, Donne, Augustine, Aquinas, Kyd, Chaucer, Sidney, Cervantes, and pretty much every other famous writer in history are plebs?

>> No.7391099
File: 1.02 MB, 1388x1600, JohnCalvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvinism is the only form of Christianity that isn't too pussy to admit that yes, God meant you to go to hell from the start.

Other sects are filled with silly liberal apologetics about how the Lord is a really really nice leftist.

>> No.7391100


Fuck off. If you don't read and don't want to discuss literature, leave this board.

>> No.7391112
File: 456 KB, 350x440, ib1nmPH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys ever heard those black guys that preach hate and slavery on the street corners?


I tried to figure out what these guys were about when they told me I'm going to be a slave for a 1,000 years.

So apparently the real Hebrews were the blacks (kek). Jews were converts from Russia. Whites took the truth from the blacks when they won in global influence and changed everything, then went and confused everyone of the truth by creating Catholicism.

Time is cyclical. There is no hell. We are living the lives of the past (reincarnation). Because we're reincarnated, our nationality (tribe) is reliant on your father. You hold culpability for the crimes of your father's past, so we're all slavers. Apparently those who enslaved the tribe members of Judah (the blacks) are condemned to 1,000 years of slavery or some shit.

Basically, white people (Edomites) and Asians are not members of the 12 tribes. There is no salvation. The preacher told me I get a lifetime of sinning before I'm tormented in the afterlife, since there's nothing I can do anyways.

When they assemble 12,000 members of each of the 12 Tribes of Israel, the apocalypse begins.

They had scripture to all back this up. Of course some of it was loose and reliant upon interpretation, but I was impressed they managed to make this whole clusterfuck out of what's written in the Old and New Testament.

Only thing they couldn't answer was 1) why was one of them wearing linens alongside his wool jacket (forbidden in Deuteronomy) and 2) how could they possibly know I, or anybody else, was an Edomite, since my great-great-great-great grandfather could have been from the 12 tribes and thus my bloodline is "salvation material" despite my skin color being white.

Are blacks the master race, lit? Did we dun' guf?

>> No.7391115


>> No.7391117

A calvinist universe would be a truly miserable place to live. I am not saying that means we certainly dont live in a calvinist universe, but if god works the way calvinists think he does, i would refuse to worship him out of principle for being such a cunt.

>> No.7391129

Do your part to sage, hide and report christposters.

>> No.7391149



>> No.7391151


Is making a thread like this the kind of behavior befitting a true Christian?

>> No.7391153

>Stop posting on /lit/.

>> No.7391154

Your worship or non worship would be completely irelevant. You know, predestination and everything. Really no reason to try to better yourself or pray or anything.

>> No.7391163

>tells others to stop posting
>doesn't know how to greentext

leave forever

>> No.7391169


>> No.7391171

>Responded to a post with green text he doesn't know how to green text.

>> No.7391175

Correct. Which is why i would never want to subject myself to a calvinist god. It would be irrelevant either way to him, but i would, of course, care.

>> No.7391177

kek, ur shit m8

>> No.7391181

Kek, I know. I know. :-3

>> No.7391221
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>m..my secret club is growing out of atheism!

>> No.7391248


Judaism is by far the most patrician of religions.

Buddhism is the only one that isn't pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.7391257


But pretentious dwaddle is what constitutes fun anon.

>> No.7391268

Nothing quite says patrician like pedophilia

>> No.7391278
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Salafi Islam. is more patrician than catholicism
>He hasn't converted to islam

>> No.7391286

Regardless of your religion or lack thereof, proselytizing shouldn't be allowed here.

Discuss religious texts, but don't engage in dishonest and superficial polemics.

>> No.7391319
File: 54 KB, 597x511, TipsReddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proselytizing shouldn't be allowed here
>don't engage in dishonest and superficial polemics
This is so reddit it hurts

>> No.7391321

I am a Christian(something made us, maybe not God but a being more powerful than us) and this thread is just pure shitposting.

>> No.7391325

This. Fuck off fedoras.

>> No.7391329


You know it's true.

Other branches of Islam are trash, of course.

>> No.7391333

discordianism and church of subgenius
bob dobbs be praised XD

>> No.7391335
