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/lit/ - Literature

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7387892 No.7387892 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7387900

Pretty good but needs improvement

>> No.7387902

switch music and literature and you're good

>> No.7387906

lol at the anglocentrism in the music and comic parts

>> No.7387907


>> No.7387908

1/10, way too obvious. Cut back on the bait so people think you're sérieux.

>> No.7387910
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>> No.7387924

>I disagree with something therefore it is bait

>> No.7387929

The film one has to be b8
I haven't looked at the others, but if they're anything like the film one, then this whole thing belongs in the incinerator

>> No.7387934

>count of monte cristo
>don quixote
>agot, catcher, gatsby
okay bait

and if that wasn't obvious enough
>anime even on the list

>> No.7387936

I saw Rainbow Dash in there. Need I remind you of GR15?

>> No.7387945

what's the one second from bottom on the right in the comics column?

>> No.7387960


>> No.7387963
File: 2.30 MB, 2012x1206, 1437564898552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has better books and anime.

>> No.7387969

>How to make this chart

things people agree are good/okay

feel free to lazily mix it a little

>> No.7387973

its not that its bad, its just very plain. you are giving people the easiest intros to each form.

>> No.7387975

>Marilyn Monroe
>Game of Thrones
>Kill la Kill
You're not funny.

>> No.7387976

Does /tv/ really hate Birdman and A Lesbian Film that much?

>> No.7387982

>King Lear better than Hamlet
King Lear isn't even in the top three best Shakespeare plays.

>> No.7387985


Your chart sucks, even as bait

>> No.7387991

how the fuck is anything by warhol considered an "achievement?"

>> No.7387996

You can be picky, but I'd take it over including GoT or Atlas Shrugged. If you really want to pick genre fiction then include Lem, Dick, Le Guin, Tolkien or Wolfe.

>> No.7388004

What are the top3?

>> No.7388012

antony and cleopatra, king lear, and nothing else really comes close. maybe othello. or macbeth. or hamlet. but not really.

>> No.7388014

>the great memesby
>game of memes
>atlas memed
>the catcher in the meme


>> No.7388015

Allow me to share this Youtube review for your edification.


>> No.7388026

Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello

>> No.7388037

>Video Games
>Gone Home
>Garfield & Dilbert
>Kill la Kill and K-On
wew lad

>> No.7388040

The fact that any fuckwit can see that image on a computer monitor and know who's it is makes it significant whether you like the guy or not

>> No.7388072

I thought when the person who created this chart meant achievement they meant something that took hard work and/or a significant amount of time to make i.e. Boyhood or Atlas Shrugged (Regardless of your opinion, these both required a lot of work.) Fame does not equal achievement.

>> No.7388086

The least appealing are the comics section and the comics section.

>> No.7388185

vidya and anime need work.

>> No.7388242

What about the anime here:

>> No.7388257

>count of monte christo
Man you're fucking illiterate aren't you?

>> No.7388262

Comic books could use some Bilal, Moebius, Sandoval and Mignola. If you include manga then Nihei, Inio, Otome, and Masamune.

I think it's obvious what needs to be changed in literature, film desperaely needs european productions. Once Coppola movie is fine btw, it doesn't need more.


Games need total revision. Planescape: Torment, Morrowind, Portal, Zelda, Fallouts, Shadow of the Colossus and Okami. Games that utilize all the elements of the medium, story, visual design and gameplay.

Anime like here: >>7387963
Maybe add some Kon, Dezaki and Ghibli, Kaguya in particular.

>> No.7388270

Vomited. Why would you make/save and repost this image???

>> No.7388277

Where's Akira?

>> No.7388288

Does Akira have any other appeal than visual, does it speak to the heart, mind or both, like the other works on that chart?

>> No.7388298

ha ha the fucking shitstorm on /mu/ from posting this they are the worst board

>> No.7388306

What a shit list bro. Your anime and comics lists are especially horrible. I feel like this is automatically a troll image because Ayn Rand is on it.

>> No.7388319

Obvious b8 image. No one thinks Kill La Kill is that good, and I hope no one on 4chan thinks think GoT is that good.

>> No.7388325

>does it speak to the heart, mind or both, like the other works on that chart?
Definitely. Akira is a landmark work, a great celebration of youth as apathetic, chaotic, destructive, and creative force. And of course the film is absolutely gorgeous, a high achievement in animation film, beautiful and bizarre, if not a perfect capturing of an international zeitgeist. Otomo, as any fan and comics author will tell you, has a firm place in the canon of comics and animation. But possibly more unforgivable than Otomo's absence is Kon's. Then,
>True Detective
>Game of Thrones
>Cloud Atlas
>Godfather not Part 1
>Blue is the Warmest Color
>the Stranger
my god

But I salute you for TAOJJBTCRF, truly a perfect movie and a literal masterpiece.

>> No.7388331

I know absolutely nothing about paintings or sculptures, so I won't comment on those, but dear god your other six lists are fucking awful.

I agree with the placements of The Godfather, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Dark Side of the Moon, and Watchmen.

Literally nothing else across those six lists are supposed to be there.

>> No.7388338

Why do so many people overrate the Great Gatsby?

>> No.7388346

>including cartoons for children

>> No.7388349

DSOTM is good and all but not one of the greatest achievements in music.
That whole list is straight outta the /mu/mind.

>> No.7388350

I didn't put together the tv one. I just commented that the anime and lit were better on that one. I'd put Kon myself. Though I'd have a hard time to pick, to each of his work I have a major complaint and there's something I feel is of great value in them.

As for the tv series the only thing I'd keep would be twin peaks, sopranos and maybe the wire. I'd add The Prisoner, Decalogue and Scenes from a Marriage.

>> No.7388351

>I don't like the great gatsby, it's boring lmao xD!!!
>The Great Gatsby is shit because I read it in high school, I only read REAL NOVELS for REAL MATURE READERS like myself
>The Great Gatsby is a work both simple and beautiful while being of deep symbolic, historical and emotional resonance, making it one of the Great American Novels.

>> No.7388361

While I certainly agree that The Great Gatsby is a beautiful and valid critique of American society, it seems like an overstatement to call it a great American novel as it really pales in comparison to other American works like Gravity's Rainbow, Women and Men, and The Recognitions.

>> No.7388370

>count of monte cristo
>not the greatest
hello reddit, enjoying your stay?

>> No.7388377

Count of Monte cristo is shit and full of fillers. Literraly average tier.

>> No.7388379

I didn't say it wasn't good, just overrated.
Seriously, niggas always saying it's one of the greatest ever, when it's really just top 20 in America.

>> No.7388392

>listing the prince as an artistic achievement

>> No.7388400

you're missing the greatest writer in history, OP.

>> No.7388404

Yeah, no Dostoevsky whatsoever...

>> No.7388456

him too, i was thinking Tolstoy. But brothers karamazov not being on there is a joke.

>> No.7388669

Shakespeare's Plays
Divine Comedy
Don Quixote
War and Peace
Paradise Lost
In Search of Lost Time
The Brothers Karamazov
The Iliad and The Odyssey

Sans Soleil
Au Hasard Balthazar
Last Year at Marienbad
2001: A Space Odyssey
Jeanne Dielman
Late Spring

Angel's Egg
Only Yesterday
Belladonna of Sadness
Tale of Tales
End of Evangelion
Revolutionary Girl Utena

The Sopranos
The Decalogue
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Scenes from a Marriage
Fanny and Alexander
The Prisoner
Mad Men
The Wire

Bach's Art of Fugue
Bach's Mass in B Minor
Bach's Well Tempered Clavier
Bach's St. Matthew's Passion
Bach's Goldberg Variations
Beethoven's 9th Symphony
John Coltrane's Ascension
Morton Feldman's For Philip Guston
Charles Mingus' The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

>> No.7388704

Started in music because that's the easiest way to spot a philistine. Saw 2 beatles albums and the worst pink floyd album and I didn't have to read it anymore. It's either bait or you're completely beyond saving and I'd really like it if you would leave either way thanks

>> No.7388710

>Time is the only metric of effort I can possibly imagine

So if someone spends 2 minutes to solve a maths problem and someone else takes 10, is the latter person smarter?

>> No.7388715

lol Ulysses and the Brothers K are the only ones that are right.

Why does everyone overrate Don Quixote anyway? It's not that great of a book.

>> No.7388720

The Tree of Life articulated the story of Job better than the Book of Job. I can't think of a better piece of religious art this century.

>> No.7388721


Decent taste, but it's a bit lacking. You can tell that you haven't fashioned a real sensibility for yourself yet. Anon is 21-24 years old?

>> No.7388722

Why do you think that anon?

>> No.7388724

la planete sauvage should be added to film or animation

>> No.7388740

Because even though he was irl b& Quentin still can't shut the hell up

>> No.7388759

So I understand that video games are the lowest form of "art" but is there even one game that comes close to being a legitimate work? What would you have to consider?

Considering the story, music, graphics, setting and actual gameplay mechanics I would have to put my vote for Ultima V. There's no other game that comes anywhere near it, and second place would probably be another Ultima game, either IV or VII

>> No.7388765

Morrowind, Planescape: Torment, Fallouts, Portal, Zelda, Shadow of the Colossus, Souls, Pathologic.

>> No.7388771

Dark Souls. It's mechanically more impressive than any RPG of its generation

>> No.7388773
File: 60 KB, 300x300, Codex_colored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima as series has one of the richest stories and actually deals with complex topics. When ever someone says it's impossible for video games to be art, Ultima makes me wonder if they're wrong.

>> No.7388774


*1, 2 and NV

>> No.7388790

>panescape: torment
people really like to name drop this game, and it's good, but there are better games in the same style
yeah >>7388774
can't be bothered to find a reaction image so give yourself a look of derision in the mirror and we'll be good to go
>shadow of the colossus
first thing I actually agree with
how could you even write this

>> No.7388797

I mean, reading about it now it just looks like he took a bunch of bits and pieces from hinduism and westernized/christianized them a bit, it's actually pretty interesting, but I don't know how it compares to real art. I think for a video game it's probably some of the best art you're going to get.

>> No.7388799

you played majora's mask man? masterpiece

>> No.7388803


>> No.7388811

I wish those games weren't so boring, they do look actually interesting

Good video games do not make good art. The only think you said in there that's even remotely art is Shadow of the Colossus.

>> No.7388820

>but there are better games in the same style
Like what?

>> No.7388825

There are several pieces of bait in that image depending on which board you post this on.

>> No.7388828

All of those games have the perfect combination of story, visual design and gameplay. Forgot to add Okami too.

>> No.7388832

Obviously, I don't know any other Fallout games.

>> No.7388836

NV is just a slightly better 3.

>> No.7388838

I really hope you don't actually think this about souls games

I'd concede everything else, really I would but souls games are so completely drab, boring, formulaic and uninspired. The gameplay isn't that good, the story isn't good at all, and the world is just so lifeless

>> No.7388849

Fuck right off. The Souls games do atmosphere better than anything the last generation. The way the mechanics interact make the Fallout series look simplistic

>> No.7388856
File: 124 KB, 590x333, 1430177511395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Age Inquisition
>One of the greatest artistic achievements in video game history

lol wut.

>> No.7388861

>than anything in the last generation

not a hard task

>> No.7388862

I do think it, because I'm not a contrarian. Each part fits together, The world of Dark Souls is brutal, it's on the verge of dying and it's negletful to what you do. The gameplay is the same, it's harsh and tough, when you die it's just the big red letters, you on the ground and your enemies not giving a flying fuck, Yet, you're an undead they don't die, the only way for them to pass away completely is to pass away into apathy and finally lose their mind completely. It's what follows many of the NPCs and what can follow the player too if he gives up because the game is too tough, too dark etc. The story is cryptic and so is the environment. We learn that humans originated from some pygmy entity and it's not only an interesting piece of lore, you actually are a pygmy. You're surrounded by giants, animals and buildings are disproportionatelly large. One of the story elements in Dark Souls are the fires lighten by the souls and it's also a gameplay element. The use of souls of humanity also helps you tie in some of the lore.

It's a very well crafted piece of art.

>> No.7388868

>people really like to name drop this game, and it's good, but there are better games in the same style
Any examples?

>> No.7388871

>muh br00tal hardcore gameplay

dark souls isn't fucking hard, I don't understand how this meme started, it's literally just a memory test, that's it

you die your first time through because deaths are nearly inescapable until you've encountered them once, after that it's immediately obvious what you need to do, and so you do it

>> No.7388872

Dark Souls is the only game i've enjoyed in the past 4 or 5 years.

>> No.7388877

Icewind Dale, Temple of Elemental Evil, maybe Baulders Gate but that games overrated too.

>> No.7388885

it should at least be DeS anon, get it together

>> No.7388888

Wrong. Top 3: Hamlet, Macbeth, Lear

>> No.7388894
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>> No.7388897
File: 573 KB, 680x629, WoGxMzm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop video games

The fact that there's no obvious divide between people who idly consume what ever games in reach and people who are actually discerning is the real tell that video games are far from becoming a serious art.

People rag on CoD all the time, but the same people who play CoD play the elderscrolls and souls games, why do people who only play "alternative" games think they're so much better than people who play mainstream games?

>> No.7388898

GG is pretty much objectively more important than any of those though, which to my mind puts it more in line with the idea of the Great American Novel

>> No.7388899

Ok, yes. I actually spread the whole meme. I was roosing everyone you got me. Dark Souls is super easy, I never got frustrated with any of the bosses and beat the game int two hours on first try, while watching bonanza on tv so I could challenge myself a bit, cause it was too easy.
Only hard part was when I was fighting Sif and had to make some banan pie for Pynchon who'm I invited over. Had to smack his hands every two minutes since he wanted to watch Evangelion and cried "Asuka is muh waifu".

Yup, Dark Souls is fun.

>> No.7388901

>>pop video games

I really hope this becomes a term people use.

>> No.7388904

What a dissapointment. I could understand someone liking BG more, even though it clearly isn't as good. But Icewind Dale and Temple especially are just jokes in comparison

>> No.7388908

I mean, if this isn't how your dark souls experience went, then you're just as bad as those filthy casuals you guys keep sperging about. I don't see how the game spawned the elitism it did, despite being incredibly popular. Souls games are the Beatles of video games.

>> No.7388911

What is better about planescape torment?

>> No.7388915

what the fuck happened in this thread?

>> No.7388932

entire board got baited by the oldest bait jpg on the internet

>> No.7388944

The story, characters, use of setting, visual design, use of dialogue in gameplay and thematic exposition?

>> No.7388948

everything other than combat

>> No.7388950

The fact that you nitpicked and didn't respond to any of the other elements I mentioned proves you're full of shit.

>> No.7388952

Torment's writing and plot are top tier as far as rpgs are concerned.

The gameplay, meanwhile, is dogshit. But it's the rare game that makes you want to play through just for the story.

>> No.7388970

Dialogues are part of the gameplay too and the combat is just as in all the other d&d rpgs of its time. At least it connects better to the storyline. Some of the spells have visualizations of how the magic in planescape actually work. The alignement system ties to the setting and lots of the spells and items are connected to the setting and lore.

>> No.7389056

>The Dark Side of the Moon
Are you 16?

>> No.7389301

>I don't know anything about alternative games

>> No.7389304

how was it made?

the music, video game, and lit sections all have tons of bait

>atlas shrugged
>dragon age

>> No.7389342

The Comics needed Frank Miller. Either Sin City or Dark Knight Returns.

>> No.7389379

>Steins;Gate instead of NGE

>> No.7389410


>> No.7389438


Sick bait bro.

>> No.7389474

This ain't no Reddit, son. Go home.

>> No.7389478

Lol nigga wants to know about every art form and he just knows about entrylevel-i-am-an-intellectual shiet.

>> No.7389483

dilbert is a masterpiece m8

>> No.7389494

>Kill La Kill
Lets be real, people.

>> No.7389499


Typical ameritard who can't read subtitles

>> No.7389785

Anime could use other Oshii, Akira is not even the most visually impressive anime of it's time, and the post-2000 representatives are plain laughable.

>> No.7389818

I don't know man, trying to create a list of artistic achievments and posting works you personally value and enjoy is something different. If I had tried to do the former the list would be very similar.

>> No.7389830

Geez, I don't know.

>> No.7389836

>Gone Home
Fuck you, SJW,

>> No.7389857

anime is garbage anyway

>> No.7389866

I just vomited all over my keyboard.

>> No.7389871

Quints confirm
though Imo King lear could be changed for Othello, the Tempest or Richard II

>> No.7389875

this board is getting really bad

>> No.7389878

great post, you're really helping things chum :)

>> No.7389882

>dem boogeymen
but it is a bad game anyway lmao

>> No.7389898

Gone Home was one of the least enjoyable games I've ever played

>> No.7389904

This is terrible bait OP
>Gone Homo
>Marilyn Monroe
>The Last Supper (Even a high school student knows Davinci Rushed the hell out of this piece and it only looks how it does today because of how many times it's been touched up)
>Kill la Kill
>Fucking Garfield
>Two Beatles albums and two Kanye Albums

This gave me cancer

>> No.7389912

Awful list. Mostly bullshit neo-classicism, Van and Andy were just thrown in there to make it look more varsitile.

Some incredible stuff, some utter shit.

Please tell me you're baiting

Bebop and Akira might belong there, the rest sure don't.

>Video games
Most titles suck, none of them is art.

Some good stuff, mostly commercial shit, completely ignorant of years of classical and jazz.

I don't read comics, however, it seems awful from what I recognize.

>> No.7389947

You might want to kill yourself then

Either that or play literally any other game that isn't an iphone app

>> No.7389954

I'm sorry, I thought you said most. I'm drunk. I deserve criticism on that one

>> No.7389997

>133 replies

Good job, /lit/

>> No.7389999

Thank you.

>> No.7390008
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>> No.7390063

No, no, fuck you, no.

Hamlet, Macbeth, and King Lear are the best in that order.

>> No.7390115

>Also Sprach Zarathustra (yes, it is literature)
>The Songs of Beowulf, Siegfried and Roland
>Eyes Wide Shut
>American Psycho
>Beethoven´s 5th Symphony
>Tchaikowsky´s 1812 Symphony
>Smetana´s The Moldova
>Mozart´s operas

And here kids, we see the pleb.

>> No.7390130

There are literally thousands of films better than American Psycho.

>> No.7390166

Better but Gatsby is not GOAT lit

>> No.7390178

Video Games and Cinema/Art/Lit/Music are just so far away from each other...

>> No.7390187

>as far as rpgs are concerned
But if you were to consider the story and writing as a book, it would be one of the nameless garbage in the barnes and noble fantasy section that you would never ever pick up

>> No.7390193

Ahaha, yeah, wannabe hungarian hipster shit. But AP is real popular cinemá, like Eyes Wide Shut, 2001 or Citizen Kane.
Unlike all those "patrician´s choices" from film school, these film actually were both well-made and liked. Which is kinda a definition of "Artistic Achievement".

>> No.7390206

>Tchaikowsky´s 1812 Symphony
Fucking dropped. You know nothing about art. Fuck off forever.

>> No.7390209




Also - why the fuck is /lit/ so ignorant when it comes to the visual arts? Read Gombrich or some Vasari at least

>> No.7390211

omfg let me guess youre one of those rym faggots.

>> No.7390212

>But AP is real popular cinemá
>calls people wannabes

at least get it right if you're trying to be pretentious.

>But AP is real popular cinemá

sure, but there's been a lot of popular movies that were much, much, much, much better.

> these film actually were both well-made and liked. Which is kinda a definition of "Artistic Achievement"

no it's not, lmao.

>> No.7390214

>Also - why the fuck is /lit/ so ignorant when it comes to the visual arts?

meh pictures are for children

>> No.7390218

>Atlas Shrugged
>Dragon Age Inquisition
Obviously bait.

>> No.7390227

Troll level 100: Put two agreeable choices in each category then fuck all.

>> No.7390253

Lol at that music section

>> No.7390259

This, there isn't a game that can actually compete with literature just in story telling, mechanics are at least 50 percent of what makes a good game.

>> No.7390263

You best not be talking shit, nigger, what else can a symphony with MOTHERFUCKING CANNONS be but one of the greatest achievements in human history?

>> No.7390271

Why do gamers think that sandbox and open world games are the best? It makes no sense. It's like madlibs

>> No.7390285
File: 38 KB, 1440x325, tmp_10471-Screenshot_2015-11-25-11-50-31-1-238248300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>souls games are alternative

>> No.7390291

>literally the lowest kitsch of 19th century accessible music
Ya might as well have said Sibelius or Rachmaninoff.

>> No.7390302


>Epic Poetry
The Divine Comedy
The Odyssey
Paradise Lost
The Epic of Gilgamesh

>Russian Literature
Anna Karenina
War and Peace
The Brothers Karamazov
The Idiot

>Modern Literature
The Unnamable
Finnegans Wake
The Man Without Qualities
Swann's Way

Au hasard Balthazar

The Wire
Twin Peaks
Berlin Alexanderplatz
I, Claudius

BWV 1080: Fuga a 3 Sogetti
BWV 1079: Ricercare a 6
BWV 245: Zerfließe, mein Herze
BWV 244: Erbarme dich
BWV 849: Prélude und fuge

this is why

>> No.7390362

Not bait, I just meant to say renaissance and for some reason wrote neo-classicism.

>> No.7390382

are you sick?

>> No.7390383

How haven't more than 20% of people posting ITT pointed out that it's a really fucking old troll image macro with Yeezus and other shit added in 2014 or shortly after some of these mediocre ''works of art'' were created?

Jesus Christ there's no hope for this place

>> No.7390393

The fact that Deathconsciousness, Ulysses and tSaF were put in this bait image in the first place for the sake of making it seem ''not too bait-y'' makes me sad desu senpai