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/lit/ - Literature

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7385656 No.7385656 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who plan having children, do you think you'll be able to transfer them your literary habits and interests?

I feel somewhat insecure about this because my parents didn't follow a method I could borrow from. They never really cared for literature, arts and the humanities and I stumbled upon them by accident almost. I don't even know if there's anything I can actually do to help them get into literature, except maybe show them books and hope they're interested in it.

>> No.7385663

stop being a faggot.

>> No.7385667
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Get them into the habit of reading and make sure they find enjoyment in it. It should work it's self out by then.
Don't let them indulge in too much television or too many video games.
Hope for the best
My parents got me into reading a lot when I was younger but from 13-16 I barely read at all and wasted copious hours on Vidya, so it's not a fail safe method. I read a lot now though so maybe it's just a phase lots of people go through

>> No.7385668


I'm afraid too, but its not something that worries me too much because I don't think that books are the epitome of smartness, and there's a whole bunch of types of intelligence and you shouldn't push anything onto them, it'll make them hate it on the future. Be aware.

you can start with reading them night stories and later on having them read themselves to sleep. Just little things like that can spark their interest.

>> No.7385672

>tv and games are bad but books are good for some reason!!!!
born in le wrong generation am i right?

>> No.7385673

I always got a sick feeling whenever my dad would buy me books he thought I was interested in because I wasn't, though there were books I was interested in. Now I feel sick because I remember how much of a little shit I was...

I also saw him buy a lot of books himself that he never seemed to read. That also made me feel sick. Later in life he revealed to me he never liked reading much, and that he mostly got his information from magazines and book reviews. At least he tried.

I don't plan on having kids though. I'll be too busy reading and writing to do that shit. Hopefully I can exchange a species-level contribution for a civilization-level contribution. We'll see...

>> No.7385681

I guess that's like how parents often try to get kids into classical music and other shit they never really liked themselves.

>> No.7385684

Yeah, we should let our kids play video games for as long as they want
TV is healthy
Pynchon watches TV.
didn't you know that video games are art
It's 2015
Come on!

>> No.7385693

>>7385667 I can agree with you on the television part. Growing up, my parents never got a TV so when we wanted to watch something (cartoons) we would go to our neighbors or family. At the time I was embarrassed to tell friends we didn't have tv and would make up an excuse (like it broke and we still didn't get a new one, stuff like that, basically lie). But I've now come to realize that me nor my brothers have the need to watch tv or let it just on the background to have a noise (like a lot of people do) and we still don't wish to get one ( it doesn't make a difference in our lives)
and so, the times that we should be watching tv like other kids, we were studying, reading or making trouble somewhere else. And it made me value books and literature especially so much more even as a kid.

So that makes me think that television influences so much on our behavior , even more so on kids that are manipulated so easily. Worked out well for me. Maybe you think about getting rid or not buy a tv friend :)

>> No.7385695

Tolstoy had 14 kids fagget

>> No.7385697
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My mom would always read to my brother and me before bedtime. Usually listened to books on tape in the car, went to an elementary school that encouraged reading and usually received a book for my birthday. So I'll always have a love of books and reading, but most of the people I know didn't have this in their upbringing and don't read anything ever.

>> No.7385699
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I dunno, I have a kid and I plan on having another one next year.

Like you, my parents never read anything substantial. My mother, who is quite intelligent IMO, openly says she hates reading books. It was from my father and uncle (a full blown communist) that I started reading something serious.

From what I remember, I just started by reading adventure books, animal books, fantasy books etc, then suddenly I found this one hidden on the shelves.
Oh boy, did I get hours of boners by reading it when I was like 13 or so.
The rest is history.

>> No.7385702

insert le his wife did everything, swallowed his smelly cum, and even edited his books meme here

>> No.7385706

>Yeah, we should let our kids read books for as long as they want
>Books are healthy
>Pynchon reads books.
>didn't you know that books are art
>It's 2015
>Come on!

>> No.7385709

>>7385706 thanks

>> No.7385711

}reading is bad bruh
]no I swear
/I'm not illiterate I just don't read
>because reading is bad, bruh

>> No.7385714

>}tv is bad bruh
>]no I swear
>/I'm not blind I just don't watch tv
>>because tv is bad, bruh

>> No.7385716

>mom, I made the meme again.
>so can I have a sweet hit of that boingo bongo now?

>> No.7385745

I absolutely can. My parents, especially my father, have little interest in art and literature. My grandfather cared for me every day of my childhood. He would take me to school, feed me and teach me.

Recently, I was reading Crime and Punishment recently and my mom told me that his favorite author was Dostoevsky. I then realized that we were carbon copies of one another. The mannerisms, the love of literature and discourse was present in both of us. He was fond of Stefan Zweig, Dosto and Tolstoy.

R.I.P. Gramps.

>> No.7385750

Well, considering I wasn't able to read until I was 10 and didn't read a book until I was 15 and then didn't read a book for pleasure until I was 20, Ill probably start by making sure my kid(s) are able to read before they start school. I'd probably start with picture books and other stuff similar, and depending on if they are a boy or girl, things like Nancy Drew novels or fact books like the Guinness Book of World Records.

>> No.7385756

It's fine for them to watch tv or play games but what's important is for what reason. The most important thing is to have time for your kids, never shove them off when they want to ask you something or show you something. Take active interest into what they do. If they play games or watch tv, get invested in it to a reasonable degree too. Ask they why they watch those shows or play those games. I think it's fine for kids to be doing those things as long as it's a genuine interest and not just mindless escapism. Make sure it's not that they do it because they don't have any idea how to spend their time elsewise.

Both of my parents do academic works so they were able to transfer some interests onto me. My mom was more into realistic but also in children books like Alice or Pooh, since she was always interested in the word play (she also translated one of those into my native language). My father was a bit of a nerd and had interest in a wide variety of media, he would read me the hobbit and c.s. lewis when i was young and also showed and my brother stuff like lord of the rings, star wars though also films of alred hitchcock or kieslowski.

When I got into games he would ask me about them, I was fascinated by Planescape: Torment at one point and he would search for articles on it and print them out and give me some of them to read. He also showed me Miyazaki films, when I in turn got interested in anime he would watch with me and my mother films by Kon and Oshii (she like Angel's Egg, he liked ghost in the shell more).

With my mom I would share my book interests, she would often borrow books I wanted from the library. Anything from silly fantasy crap, to history books about mayan culture or Dumas and Pynchon.

I think you should show interest in what your kids do, try to have time for them and just communicate with them. If you'll be interested in what they like, they'll become interested in what you like.

>> No.7385758

>having children
>not even once
Fuck off natalist filth.

>> No.7385772 [DELETED] 


to create a child in ones image, is the most sacred act you could ever perform on this earth.

>> No.7385813

I think the important thing is to not force them. I remember always seeing my dad and him reading to me, but I was never made to read. As soon as I learned to read myself, I snuck books out of my dad's library and read them.

I think with reading it's best to teach through example, and to have a lot of books available. Maybe keep other forms of medium available, but not to an impressive degree. Don't make it more cozy to sit in front of the tv, than to sit in a big love-seat with a book.

I have a crippling fear that my children will be stupid or even worse, uncurious. I plan on adopting, because why the fuck not, so I'll have even less control over the gene pool.

>> No.7385817


>> No.7385842

>teach through example
>fear that my children will be stupid
>I plan on adopting, because why the fuck not
>because why the fuck not
>why the fuck not

Yeap, you're set m8

>> No.7385852

I'm going to adopt because there's already enough children in the world, But not enough parents who can take care of them.

>> No.7385858

What >>7385852
If I'm at a point in my life where I can take care of a child, I'm going to adopt because there are a lot of children who don't have parents. I just imagined a kid being sad and not having anybody to hug and comfort them and I decided that's something I can change and something I want to change.

>> No.7385867

Adopting is a noble act, not denying that. In fact I might adopt a child after my 2nd on is born.
Not having your own children is an act of unconsciousness selfishness disguised as a virtue, IMO.

>> No.7385875

>act of unconsciousness selfishness
Not giving in to the biological urge to create progeny is selfish? That's insane.

>> No.7385882

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.


>> No.7385888

literally surround them with books and read to them regularly

they'll go right to it

just don't be a sperg and hand a kid Lord of the Flies or anything like that.

Joyce, Blake, etc all have children's books though so jump on that shit

>> No.7385889

Kids love reading and stories, so just make it part of their lives. The critical part is conveying to your child that reading is important and fulfilling and supplying them with quality works for children. Otherwise, they might feel insecure about their reading habits or decide that it's boring.

>> No.7385893
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>tfw my grandpa is uber similar to me
>tfw he grew up poor in Tennessee and lived through the Great Depression and Prohibition and actually smuggled moonshine for a bit
>tfw he's getting close to 80


>> No.7385904

Best parents ever

>> No.7385907

I saying this in a sense that I believe that people that can have their own but only want to adopt are actually afraid to fail and having no one but themselves to blame. Maybe this is a too broad paint-stroke, but it's how I can simplify it the most.
I also have a hard time in accepting that it's just you not giving in to an urge, since you basically want almost all that comes from being a father.

I don't know. What I know is that I used to think just like you when I was younger, and I'm not saying this in a condescending way at all.

I'm not saying that I would love my kid any less if he was not biologically mine, but holding him right after he was born was the most powerful experience I've ever had.

>> No.7385908

>Don't let them indulge in too much television or too many video games.

I think it's also bad for them to indulge in too many books as well because then in school they'll be "that kid" who has no friends and reads books in the corner of the yard during recess. Kids should have set reading time, but they should also have a set video game time, and a set tv or youtube time so they're connected to current culture and won't be outcasts.

>> No.7385930
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I read to my kids every day, a mix of easy to access childrens books like clifford, non-fiction, and illustrated chapter books like pic related.

My youngest is 2 1/2 and being read to is her favorite time of the day. My oldest is 5 and she is just not that into reading, she would rather make crafts or play number games. I have promised her that when she can demonstrate reading a page without pictures I will buy her a kindle though, and she is very motivated by that

I have a friend who is a librarian who really pushed her youngest son to read heavily with classic children works and sitting with him every day, he is 9 and absolutely hates reading. So you cant really push them. I decided the best I can do is read every single day to them and make sure they see me reading, both paper and ereader, and to talk about my favorite books with them, and tell them im reading a good book or a bad book. I also try to read to them books I enjoy because I think my enthusiasm will rub off on them.

>> No.7385939

Yeah, too much of anything is a bad thing. For example in job training, people who are hiring generally look for people with Bs instead of As because too many As means you're socially lacking.
Of course, that's jobs and not school, so.

>> No.7385940

That's essentially how my parents roled. Pretty effective, you are doing the right thing.
I also know a guy who was forced to read by his mom. Last time I saw him he was a edgy atheist with serious daddy issues.

>> No.7385947

I knew some homeschool kids who had enforced 2 hour reading/math/science periods a day. Both went to ivys and both are now NEET with their elderly parents playing Final Fantasy MMOs.

Forcing your kids into a developmental path outside general ethics and morals is a hugely detrimental thing

>> No.7385956


Take your grandpa out for a coffee. Take him to some local sights. He will be eternally grateful. The worst part of it all was the lack of time we had. I wish I had started sooner. The greatest thing for him, as he was dying, was knowing I was there right by his side.

>> No.7385967

Nah, i am going to raise my kids exclusively on american mainstream movies, so Rambo, Rocky, Transformers, Predator, Alien, Terminator and all of that good stuff.
I am not going to raise no wuss, my child is going to be a bro, the one who drinks beers and fuck chicks and get bad grades... because nerds are lame.

>> No.7385976
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>not pushing your child to perfect his or her mind body and spirit

>> No.7386080

>This entire thread.

>> No.7386097

This. Anybody who unironically desires to bring more children into the world should be treated with pity and contempt.

>> No.7386140
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>> No.7386249

Well, the first and last part are pretty much true. Don't know about the second.

>> No.7386266

Thanks, I like them too. The one thing they never learned how to handle is sibling rivalry. I had an older brother who would beat me and insult me, picking on my lack of knowledge or weaker social skills compared to him. He was also fond of pointing that out to guests my parents would invite or his own friends when they came over.

That's something I'd definitely want to learn to handle better or just avoid having siblings with that age difference.

>> No.7386268

The consensus among historians is that that the smell of his cum improved significantly when he turned vegetarian. However, a copy of his wife's diary, the authenticity of which is uncertain, reveals that there was not a similar improvement in taste.

>> No.7387318

TV and video games can be constructive and contribute to a persons growth, but more often than not they are simply time sucking pieces of entertainment that keep you from experiencing things that actually build your character like good books or going outside and having memorable experiences. Not all books are good, but literature has a far greater potential for depth than on screen media.

>> No.7387338

Well, I can't speak for anybody else but from the ages 6 to 11 I watched enthusiastically and exclusively DIY home improvement shows and the discovery channel, especially WILD DISCOVERY. I was a child that knew a lot about animals, and how to properly build a back deck.

>> No.7387496
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Sounds like lies spread by the ruling class to prevent social mobility.

Like it or not, you are your parents. You are the company you keep, and most importantly, you are the books you read

>> No.7387983
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>> No.7388000
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>comic book man sets out to prove that "geniuses are created, not born"
>has three daughters
>forcetrains them all rigorously from early childhood in chess
>they all become grandmaster tier female chess players, the best in the world

Same with a huge spectrum of geniuses from Michael Jackson to Beethoven. They were just ruthlessly forced into it while their brains were plastic.

>> No.7388033

I am not going to have children. I am a loathsome being and my children will be worse. I get intense pleasure when I remember that I am capable of this one good thing. I will not cause another life like mine to occur.

>> No.7388077
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>Not being an anti-natalist

>> No.7388192

I know a couple that ironically had a child. Once he got old enough they had to awkwardly explain to him that they didn't really love him and were only raising him for hipster cred, like "oh look at us we're those lame casuals that want to procreate." The stupid little shit had sincerely thought they cared about his well being.

>> No.7389816


>> No.7389900

I was born in a house full of books, your kid will be allright but don't freak out if he turn into a metalhead or something during his teenage years, he will grow up and you will be book-buddies eventually

>> No.7390188

>turn into a metalhead
I would disown him/her

>> No.7390192

this desu

>> No.7390215


>> No.7390317
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here is what my father did
>spend time with it
>don't force it
>don't cut what the child wants to teach him.
>let them do what they wish.

>> No.7390424
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>Who were Shem and Shaun the living sons and daughters of?

>> No.7390455

My dad used to read a fucking lot and I got it from him. Make sure reading in the beginning is fun so give him comics. Tintin is what got me interested.

>> No.7390498

Bullshit, if he's 80 then he'd have been born in 1935, which is two years after prohibition ended.

>> No.7390605

>good books build character
top kek