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/lit/ - Literature

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7383350 No.7383350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The greatest snuffle of our generation talks with the economic egg.
New Zizek talk with Varoufakis and Assange, long feted, now available.

>> No.7383355
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Is this the talk one anon said he went to?

>> No.7383410

Yeah! Let's genocide people and call it a revolution! Woo!

>> No.7383431

Genocide was after the revolution

>> No.7383441

"I explained everything correctly, why should he be allowed to talk?" lmao love u zizzy

>> No.7383444

> Varoufakis
Dropped. Why would I want to watch that arrogant bald retard that almost killed his country? I love Zizek but I can't stand Varouretard.

>> No.7383451

lmao he won't shut up

>> No.7383452

Be fair, he constituted a great rise in the leather industry of Greece.

>> No.7383455

lol fuck of. Zizek's fun but he's all talk, Varoufakis at least tried to stand up to European capital but his boss sold him out

>> No.7383553

I was at this talk. It was great but I was terrified that a bomb was going to go off, or that someone would burst in with a machine gun.

>> No.7383563

Why did you think that?

>> No.7383577

Because it was a couple days after the Paris attacks and I was paranoid. There was absolutely no security at the Southbank center; the event was very politically charged; it was a large room with many people.

I think there was a palpable tension in the auditorium which dissipated as soon as Zizek started making jokes. It was a great experience.

>> No.7383597

nice books

>> No.7383603

>Thinks that outcomes matter more than being right.

>> No.7383657
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Slavoj has nice forearms... Does he work out?

>> No.7384107

Highlight for those who don't have time to watch the whole thing: https://youtu.be/yjxAArOkoA0?t=1h30m40s

At 1:30:40, Zizek starts yelling, "Fuck you" at everybody. I love the left.

>> No.7384744


yeah nah, not gonna listen to these irrelevant losers circlejerk for 2 hours. fascism when?

>> No.7384776


not even fucking memeing anymore, their whole approach to understanding the migrant crisis and the third world in general is so weakling it hurts.

>> No.7384779 [SPOILER] 
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Tell us when you graduate high school, we all grow out of the le edgy communist phase ;)

[unless you're full retard]

>> No.7384814


>> No.7385577

that fag moderator interrupted him

zizek really is pretty cool

>> No.7385634

muslims won't attack leftist gatherings lmao

>> No.7385645

Why not? They attacked a rock concert. Seems to me like they don't discriminate. They just want as big a body count as possible.

>> No.7385649
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Has /lit/ acknowledged that Zizek got completely wrecked by Scruton in his Thinkers of the New Left Book?

I assume that Zizek is treated as a joke here

>> No.7385660

they are both charlatans so who cares.

>> No.7385674


>> No.7385686

But the event was very critical of apologetic liberal Islam-sympathizers and Zizek even says we should condemn it in the strongest terms. Not only ISIS, but that we should attempt to impress our Western Values onto regular immigrant Muslims who arrive at our borders. At one point Assange says that Islam is a threat before having to backtrack to prefix it with "radical".
By modern standards these are conservative sentiments. I'm assuming you neither went to the talk nor bothered to watch the video.

>> No.7385692

Radical Islam values and morality are much closer to the right than the left though.

>> No.7385694


Remember readers, sage, hide and report these covert /pol/ threads

>> No.7385705

Most people on /lit/ would like to see these threads. The discussion is between three authors. Their method of discourse draws on several writers: Hegel, Freud, Lacan, Marx and others.

If you would like to talk about story-books in an intellectual vacuum, please go to /r/books or enroll in a university course. Bye bye.

>> No.7385712

The mods will get rid of your non literature thread soon, it's right in the sticky.

Keep pol in pol.

>> No.7385715

I know Zizek's stance on the current migrant crisis and it's somewhat reasonable
it also has no traction as an idea and the left has been calling him a fascist because of it

>> No.7385723

Zizek will never be removed from /lit/, kid. Stop fooling yourself.

>> No.7385728

If the mods recognise that these threads are popular among the community, they will modify their moderation to suit demand.

I'd say it has plenty of traction. The "left" who are condemning him are not the true left; not in an economic sense. They are the champions of capitalism with a human face that Zizek has described. These people are not as large as their online presence would have you believe.

Those who actually support economically left ideas, (the average working man or woman on the street), will agree with him because they recognize Islam as incompatible with true socialism.

>> No.7385742
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>I'd say it has plenty of traction. The "left" who are condemning him are not the true left
here we go

>> No.7385808

Nick Land is right tho - there's no non-ideological reason to care anywhere near equally about what happens to those who aren't your friends and allies.

The West cares more particularly about massacres in the West for the same reason one cares more particularly about deaths in their own family. It isn't irrational.

>> No.7385831

If we stuck only to our instinctual morals then the world

>> No.7386048

Slavoj and Yanis - drinking buddies?

>> No.7386072

I like the philosophical Zizek more than the political Zizek.

>> No.7386317

Let Yanis talk, fuck Zizek.

>> No.7386365

thanks for the heads up, opi

>> No.7386373

>le 19th century larping tobacco shill man

top kek

>> No.7386379

did that bitch call zizek croation? my god

>> No.7386386

wtc those air zizeks? looks comfy

>> No.7386391

This was a great talk. I wish it was just Zizek and Julian though.

>> No.7386394

Is the Q&A uploaded somewhere?

>> No.7386399

>okay my reply will be a little bit longer but first you allow me to make a very short statement

fucking zizek

>> No.7386422

zizek is our boy, newfag.