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7381689 No.7381689 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most edgy/shocking philosophical questions? Also, how do you get normies into philosophy?

>> No.7381698

normies find anti-natalism pretty shocking. it's quite entertaining to see their defense mechanisms go into overdrive.

>b-b-but muh kids!
>muh hormones!

try it out for a good chuckle

>> No.7381701

also, you don't get normies into philosophy. if someone gets into philosophy in any serious manner they cease to be a normie. the two are mutually exclusive.

>> No.7382005

Why shouldn't we [insert edgy/shocking action here]?


Does that make Stirner the most edgy philosopher, because everything is permitted?

>> No.7382029

Just be a little reductive with the basic ideas of the preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit and watch normies lose it.

>> No.7382067

This. Telling a parent they are personally responsible for everything that happens to their child, including their death, is the way to go.

>> No.7382091

>mfw gave my family the old Schopenhauer quote on the tediousness of ''life'' itself
>expanded on it a bit with anti-natalism general
>but Anon, you don't actually believe this stuf, do you?
>n..n..no.. o..of..course n..not.. he he
I've learned not to think out loud around my family. Or say anything not pertaining to the weather for that matter.

>> No.7382103

>>mfw gave my family the old Schopenhauer quote on the tediousness of ''life'' itself
I never really got it. I'm always on a kind of baseline fuzzily good mood.

>> No.7382113

Why? Provoking your family with edgy philosophy is fun.

>> No.7382117
File: 47 KB, 800x482, what-determines-your-happiness-levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your happiness privilege.

>> No.7382140

As someone in an Elite college, top 5, who exclusively takes philosophy/politics classes, the most shocking questions here are one's that are pretty mild by most people's standards. Anything that questions moral relativistic principles will become a heated debate. Most of the far out there radical stuff feels tame and boring. Marx falls flat. You wont shock anyone with Foulcault or Nietzsche (except what he says about women).

>> No.7382225

Espousing Sadean libertinism seriously will still rustle everyone.

>> No.7382228

When something like that happens I usually go "No, but it is rather provocative."

>> No.7382232

>the most shocking questions are one's that are pretty mild

>> No.7382248

Most shocking/controversial in the college environment, mild in most contexts.

>> No.7382268


>> No.7382276

you get into philosophy by thinking

explore ideas along the lines of:

do things continue to exist when I'm not looking at them

how do I know?

How do I know anything exists beyond what I am presently experiencing?

what is the relationship between language and reality

does the past exist independent of myself

what should I do?

are there things which people do that are immoral?

how do I know? what makes it immoral?

why do I do the things I do? what motivates my action? what incentivices my action?

Am I a self? Do I exist as a thinking being, a looker which sees the world?

what is the relationship between my brain, and my experience?

what is my country? does it exist beyond the practices of a particular group of people?

how should I live my life? what action should I take?

>> No.7382292

highly doubt it

I think it's far more likely you just misvalue your experience i.e. pollyanaism

if you didn't suffer, you would have no motivation to act. you would be content doing nothing, and yet here you are reading this post.

therefore, you suffer.

if you disagree you need to explain how it is that being in a 'fuzzily good mood' could motivate you to seek a better mood through reading 4chan. if your mood was so fuzzy, why aren't you just enjoying it? why do you have to constantly seek something to hold your attention if you're already in a fuzzy good mood?

>> No.7382303
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This guy. Rustles evryone jimmies.

>> No.7382318

So I gather from this thread that the most offensive philosophical statement is to claim that you are happy to a dark, edgy philosophy major.

>> No.7382325
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Broadcasting your happiness in this world is like laughing at a funeral.

>> No.7382332

Why even bother posting you trashman

>> No.7382333

why did you do that thing before your statement
it was completely irrelevant

>> No.7382336
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I'm meeting my qt gf who calls me 'daddy' in two weeks

>> No.7382338

Good, you'll get a good dose of realism soon enough.

>> No.7382341

I might be sad in two weeks but I'm happy now, what more can I ask for?

>> No.7382343

To be happy in two weeks as well.

>> No.7382346

>if you didn't suffer, you would have no motivation to act.
Saying that suffering is the motivator for all actions is highly dubious. Am i motivated to reply to people on here out of suffering? The will to power seems like a better explanation

>> No.7382349

I would rather not know

>> No.7382351
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I might know what the motivators for all action is

>> No.7382354

are you trying to convince someone that they aren't in a good mood? how can you hope to succeed?

some of us are relatively happy count-our-blessings types. Which is not to say that I or anyone else is immune to suffering; but only to say that I have known enough goodness and happiness to affirm that it is all from God, and that the worst misery which might befall me is due to me for my sins; that we are, whatever the suffering and evil in this world, in the best of all possible worlds, surrounded with innumerable hints of a better world to come.

Suffering with hope, intermixed with moments calm and pleasant, is not unhappiness.

>> No.7382356

he gets his shocks cheaply though.

If you tell a man that life has no value, he may or may not not be shocked—probably not shocked, though, in 2015.

If you tell him that all appearance of value is caused by his own imbecility or ignorance he will be offended, but not shocked.

You guys also tend to forget that sometimes your parents are shocked for your sake—ie, how can my dear son be thinking such horrible things? Have we taught him nothing? Is he depressed?

>> No.7382357
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Ah yes, the dank meme

>> No.7382369

That stems from either lack of faith in the future or a mental disorder.

>> No.7382377

Do I exist in reality or in a dream? Do I exist in reality? Do I exist? Do I? Do? ?

>> No.7382386

That's because your secretly a pessimist.

>> No.7382387
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>he actually believes this

>> No.7382404

any serious challenge to the doctrine of egalitarianism

>> No.7382410

your rite

>> No.7382412
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>I'm always on a kind of baseline fuzzily good mood
I know that feel, bro

>> No.7382413

>What are the most edgy/shocking philosophical questions?

Love your enemies

>> No.7382423

He's right tho senpai desu

>> No.7382442

What about Hegel's Absolute Knowing?

>> No.7382450

I absolutely know ur mom loves my kok

>> No.7382455

this is the most shocking and terrible thing I can imagine:

>marry, have one child, a daughter
>work hard to provide for wife and child
>long nights without sleep for years
>but the reward is watching my little miracle grow
>try my best, over the years, to be a good dad
>struggle to seem wise without being distant, to be there for her without being over lenient
>between long hours at work and dealing with her complicated feelings during the preteen and teenage years, I feel the bond weakening
>try as hard as I can to keep in contact with my daughter without "smothering" her
>after 18 long years she goes off to college; I trust that she knows how to act wisely in difficult situations, and I want her to learn and to love learning
>she comes home after first year
>"So what didja learn about?"
>"Oh, just mind-expanding stuff, dad. You know, Nietzsche, Stirner, Schopenhauer..."

>> No.7382467

Angel of History takes the cake here.

Tell them how so called "technological progress" does about as much good to the human race as defecting. Feels good, but most people don't turn around and look. Most people.

>> No.7382470

There is no a priori and external perspective that can give you that kind of information. You'll have to fuck my mom first.

>> No.7382473


>> No.7382475

But defecating is good for the human race, it removes waste from our bodies.

I'm not sure your image works

>> No.7382482

it's not the best. i'm tired. read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelus_Novus

>> No.7382490
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Do people actually don't look at their shit? That's pretty irresponsible.

>> No.7382491

Trolley problem style stuff rustles normies. Especially anything having to do with hypothetical abortions or anything edgy like that

>> No.7382492

>The storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress.

oooOOooOOooo things aren't perfect and yet we keep going how edgy and shocking

>> No.7382499

This is so true

you get the people who fold their arms and say 'oh this is so unrealistic I won't even bother answering' and people who go 'baaaaaw I won't do anything because i don't have the right and if i do nothing i'm not responsible for anything baaaw' and then my least favorite, people who try to inject 'realism' into the situation so they can save both people or at least devalue the people they can't save, missing the goddamn point entirely

Like come on niggas the whole point of the trolley problem is phrasing 'is it moral to sacrifice the few to save the many' in a more accessible fashion while also providing a situation to dodge the classic dodge of 'depends on the situation :^)'

>> No.7382509

The community may thus, on the one hand, organize itself into the systems of property and of personal independence, of personal right and right in things; and, on the other hand, articulate the various ways of working for what in the first instance are particular ends — those of gain and enjoyment — into their own special guilds and associations, and may thus make them independent. The spirit of universal assemblage and association is the single and simple principle, and the negative essential factor at work in the segregation and isolation of these systems. In order not to let them get rooted and settled in this isolation and thus break up the whole into fragments and let the common spirit evaporate, government has from time to time to shake them to the very center by War. By this means it confounds the order that has been established and arranged, and violates their right to independence, while the individuals (who, being absorbed therein, get adrift from the whole, striving after inviolable self-existence and personal security), are made, by the task thus imposed on them by government, to feel the power of their lord and master, death. By thus breaking up the form of fixed stability, spirit guards the ethical order from sinking into merely natural existence, preserves the self of which it is conscious, and raises that self to the level of freedom and its own powers. The negative essential being shows itself to be the might proper of the community and the force it has for self-maintenance.
>muh peace

>> No.7382535
File: 120 KB, 735x657, frog stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The political implications of Stirner's egoism is pretty shocking. The rejection of liberal rights and socialist humanism should offend pretty much everyone. To the man in search of genuine autonomy, both the rule of law and the blandishments of social goodwill are if possible even more repugnant than candid coercion.

Stirner is an acquired taste though.

>> No.7382582 [DELETED] 

Berkeley's subjective idealism.

>> No.7382597

Why is he wearing a tie?

>> No.7382603

Anti-natalism IS a normie belief and an emergent cultural trend among the concurrent North American and Western European establishment.

>> No.7382619

Im rofling at ur brain atm

>> No.7382631

They may not believe explicitly, as a philosophy with clear objectives and so on, but the unspoken wisdom among the majority of middle to upper classes in rich countries (hell, some poor too) is that kids is something you are obliged to have and raise as a couple, and in reality they just 'destroy' their bodies, their self-esteem (whatever that means) and overall minimizing happiness (again, ???). To put long story short: pure narcissism which as has the indirect effect of also making people kinda of anti-natalists.

>> No.7382699

as this fella said >>7382356 Stirner isnt shocking at all, but could be shocking by being use it in a proper way...

>> No.7382714

except anti-natalism is a normie belief you dolt

just look at the dozens of articles about how having kids is a drag, and that women shouldn't "have it all"

i mean, i guess i can see how you get the impression that anti-natalism is shocking to normal people by living in some midwestern backwater

>> No.7382716

because people who go to harvard cant shutup about going to harvard

source: i went to harvard

>> No.7382722

Anti-natalism is motivated by the idea that life is suffering and thus shouldn't be perpetuated. This is ver different from not wanting kids simply because it's a burden on oneself.

>> No.7382727

>50% Genetics

>> No.7382797

I don't know what kind of
households you guys grew up in, but edgy and shocking don't go together in mine. My dad was a sometime-reader in his youth—his favourite things to quote from are from The Stranger and Lord Jim, he passionately hates all religion, he thought the "philosophical" bits from True Detective were fascinating and one of his all time favourite movie scenes is when Agent Smith talks about how humans are a virus in The Matrix. I could give him any degree of anti-natalism or nihilism and he wouldn't care. But I'm deathly scared of admitting to him that I've become a Catholic. That would really shock him.

>> No.7383030

Are you Swedish by any chance?

>> No.7383805

pro-natalism is one of the most non-normie thing in first world countries

>> No.7384261

you are a moaning bitch
i am jealous of your dopamine levels but happy for you nonetheless

>> No.7384282 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x329, Twiggy32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nudism/clothing as a spook
pull out your cock at thanksgiving dinner and your family will think you are insane for showing one of your organs

>> No.7384288

PPE @ Oxford? We might have some of the same tutors :^)

feel free to chime in with what you would consider edgy,although imo you can find edge in pretty much any philosophers works. Plato's views on eugenics, for example, are probably enough to rile up most normies.

>> No.7384307
File: 104 KB, 1385x1204, 1445729478507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that your posts are shit and that by using a trip you are showing that you both want attention and don't deserve it. kys tbqh family

>> No.7384315 [DELETED] 

you're gay

>> No.7384326

no u

>> No.7384328
File: 8 KB, 210x196, e79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try it out for a good chuckle

>> No.7384339

Traditional Christian morality,the importance of hierarchy, natural inequality, pride in ones nation or race, aesthetic absolutism, elitism, the list goes on.

>> No.7384340

No, Canadian

>> No.7384389

>how do you get normies into philosophy
This is how you make fucking cancer grow. Philosophy was an elitist thing, as was all high-end education, for the majority of time for a reason.

If you really want to shock people just start talking about Machiavelli's concept of how fickle the masses are and why it justifies amorality in leaders. The masses will accept flattery and are too dumb to understand the finer parts of politics, so the prince has an obligation to create a fake image that the public approves of (for example, pretending to be religious) and than to do the dirty work behind the scenes.

>> No.7384620

The name Stirner gets thrown a lot here on /lit/ as a meme but would someone who agrees with the views of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche enjoy reading Stirner?

Anyone willing to summarize his views?

>> No.7384641


>> No.7384685
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-egoism-is-the-very-essence-of-a-noble-soul-friedrich-nietzsche-135739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner fits in so well with Nietzsche's philosophy that some scholars think Nietzsche read the man himself.

Stirner advocates for an extremely ego-centric view and systematically destroys a ton of sacred cows. He explores how these sacred cows come into existence and how we are conditioned to worship them. He beleives everyone is egocentric (follow the will to power) but most people lie to them-self about their motives.

^good intro

This is a good intro.


>> No.7384694

Your dad sounds cool. Does he like a nice slow blowjob?

>> No.7384712

This was a good show

>> No.7384751

Thomism will annoy normies in general