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7377867 No.7377867 [Reply] [Original]

>How can one man be literally so right about everything?

>> No.7377884

Genetics and one of the most traumatic childhoods in Germany were big parts of it.

>> No.7377886

who is it?

And yes I'm sorry for being Plebian and not knowing.

>> No.7377887


>> No.7377888


>implying that the latter is a "because of", and not clearly an "in spite of".

>> No.7377907



>> No.7377934

That's not a picture of Zizek.

>> No.7377950

>>7377934 (You)

>> No.7377992

I just started reading about this person.

What exactly was Wittgenstein right about?

>> No.7378010

that sciences are more like arts then getting at anything and "materializing" language plus more

>> No.7378022

In the the Wittgenstein household, which contained the Wittgensteins, one of the richest families in Europe, Ludwig lived with his sisters and brothers, all of them being geniuses (one of his brothers could tell the change in intervals of an ambulance siren due to the Doppler effect at the age of 4 (less than, like, a 100 thousand of professional musicians can do this)). During his childhood, his cold father pushed each one of Wittgenstein children to their intellectual limits (probably why several killed themselves), and a fierce rivalry developed between them. To say the least, Wittgenstein's childhood was profoundly influential on his adult life.

>> No.7378116

>During his childhood, his cold father pushed each one of Wittgenstein children to their intellectual limits

I'm not sold on this - I think the most gifted of the older brothers (Hans and Rudi?) were pressed to go into business (maybe engineering?) rather than music

and Ludwig was thought the least gifted, and merely acquiesced into engineering

>> No.7378130

They were pressed to pick up the father's empire, but also to become genius in one art. Only Paul Wittgenstein had some success as a pianist.

You can see what pressure they were under in their suicide rates: 3 out of 5 Wittgenstein sons killed themselves

>> No.7378158

>one of his brothers could tell the change in intervals of an ambulance siren due to the Doppler effect at the age of 4


>> No.7378159

Fucking hardcore.

I'm going to try to do this with my children.

>> No.7378162

I think you missed the 3 out of 5 Wittgenstein sons killed themselves part.

>> No.7378163


I hope you're not a native English speaker.

>> No.7378170

I am, all I wrote was the "meaning" part

>> No.7378172
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he did not practice meditation, so he cannot be so right

>> No.7378177

I know. I'm all for gender equality so I'll use his method on my daughters as well.

>> No.7378178


>> No.7378284


He literally finished philosophy with his Tractatus. Late Wittgenstein was shit precisely due to the arguments Early Wittgenstein made.

>> No.7378580
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>literally finished philosophy

The TLP has demonstrable inconsistencies re: atomic propositions. It fails objectively (a rare feat in philosophy) at the thing it sets out to achieve.

The Tractatus is a work of dick-smacking genius, but it's clearly the work of a young person. PI is a much more mature and ultimately more interesting and useful work.

>> No.7378586
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TL Note:
A certain philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein says.

But what does he say?

>> No.7378590

What inconsistencies are you referring to? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7378598

>not a christian
>right about everything
Pick one.

>> No.7378637

I'm really not qualified to teach about Witty, but I was talking about Ramsey's response to TLP 6.375. W. says two different colors can not be in the same place in the visual field at the same time. Since atomic propositions are supposed to be completely independent of each other that means "This is red" can't be an atomic propositions, you must be able to break it down further. Witty appeals to some specifics of particle physics to try to salvage things but he doesn't even convince himself. He tries to rework the claims he made about the truth-table method, but eventually this is where he begins to abandon the TLP. Check out "Some Remarks On Logical Form" and pages ~350-360 of The Duty of Genius.

>> No.7378666


>> No.7378678

To your children, not with them

>> No.7378683

luh mao

>> No.7378684

Congratulations, you're not even smart enough to shitpost.

>> No.7378686

he was a christian though

>> No.7378689

who geschlecht und charakter here senpai

>> No.7378696


>> No.7378704

witty agreed with him on the part about women tbqh

>> No.7378705

Yeah, I know it's basically the one thing that keeps me from going full husbando mode on him. Sigh.

>> No.7378708
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Do you think Wittgenstein put penis in anus? Hard to imagine him being okay with poophole. Maybe he did it Socrates-style under the nutsack?

>> No.7378713
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Wittgenstein in a letter to G.E. Moore on Otto Weinenger:

>"It isn't necessary or rather not possible to agree with him but the greatness lies in that with which we disagree. It is his enormous mistake which is great."

>Elsewhere Wittgenstein put the same point by saying that if one were to add a negation sign before the whole of Sex and Character, one would have expressed a great truth; that is, he did not disagree with Weininger point by point but as a whole.

Was he actually autistic?

>> No.7378721
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>they still haven't moved past Wittgenstein

>> No.7378723

>Do you think Wittgenstein put penis in anus? Hard to imagine him being okay with poophole. Maybe he did it Socrates-style under the nutsack?
do not be lewd

>> No.7378724

Do go on

>> No.7378740

>>they still haven't moved past Wittgenstein
to go where ?

>> No.7378748

>Wittgenstein invites Karl Popper over for tea
>Popper thinks nothing of it
>Popper arrives at Wittgenstein's sparsely decorated apartment
>Wittgenstein is, for some reason, on a bookshelf, nude
>"Come join me, Karl! I'm just doing a bit of rearranging."
>Karl finds this weird but ok.
>Starts climbing a ladder to get to Wittgenstein
>"Nuh uh, Popper. You gotta reduce yourself to your atomic facts, first, if you know what I mean."
>Fucking weird but ok.
>Undresses and climbs up the ladder
>There is no tea or anything up here. Just Wittgenstein.
>He kicks the ladder over.
>"If you've understood me, you'll realize what nonsense I've been saying."
>Wittgenstein goes in for the kiss, Popper objects
>"Now now, whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent... "
>Popper immediately jumps off the bookshelf, grabs his clothes, and runs off
>Wittgenstein, obviously offended, chases after him with a hot poker
>Popper escapes
>In despair, Witty exclaims, "Can a dog hope?"

End scene.

>> No.7378760
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>> No.7378762

It was the usual way to fuck boypussy in ancient greece, between their thighs while they held still and looked down like a submissive trap.

>> No.7378796

>one of the most traumatic childhoods in Germany
Uh like what?

>> No.7378928

clab clab clab :D

>> No.7378988

>comes to /lit/
>doesn't even have the attention span to read a fucking thread

>> No.7378993

lel this is legitimately good

>> No.7379006

tell me where to go next then mate

>> No.7379015

I don't get it, what's your point?

>> No.7379023

Firstly, learn to use greentext fucking shitter, lurk.

>> No.7379049

the idea that witty would have a crush on that moron popper is offensive

>> No.7379104
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>> No.7379864

Fuck, that's a problem. Thanks mate

>> No.7379936

Because he mostly contributed to philosophy, where the bar is very low and the cliquish fandom is intense.

>> No.7379969

Meaning he was a musical prodigy. I don't even think Mozart, who also had perfect pitch, could do that at such a tender age.

>> No.7380016
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>> No.7380022

That's really not as remarkable as you think it is. It's unusual but it's the musical equivalent of being able tell someone the 100th digit of pi off the top of your head; mostly just a weird quirk rather than actually reflecting intelligence.

>> No.7380081

I don't think you know much about music.

>> No.7380110
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>> No.7380117

that image looks like a turtle climbing up a cliff

>> No.7380993

>boohoo we were millionaires and dad wanted us to be the best

>> No.7382028

Here's an indication: three of his brothers committed suicide.

>> No.7382150
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>> No.7382289

No problem family.

>> No.7382435

This guy understood his prose very well.. even without reading anything he has written.


>> No.7383142 [DELETED] 


>> No.7383771


>> No.7383780

D-did you just defile his grave?

>> No.7383782

so smart he caused WWII

>> No.7383807

I enjoyed watching this.

>> No.7383984

>hurr he was rich so his life must have been great
Wealth is meaningless to a child. You know what's not? A stable and loving environment. Witty's father was an unloving machine who viewed his sons as tools, accepting nothing but perfection, and Witty could find little comfort in his siblings, as their father practically pitted them against each other. He wasn't raised--he was trained, to never disappoint his father and to hopefully continue the Wittgenstein business.

>> No.7384007

wahhh only because i'm rich doesn't mean i'm privileged because sometimes im sad :(((((

shut up whyteboi, your view is retarded, i would do anything to have similar circumstances to his life

>> No.7384024

>I would do anything to have a life with a 60% suicide rate
Why don't you just play Russian roulette?

>> No.7384053

>Waaahhhh Im poor so my life inherently has more meaning
Whatever you had to tell yourself to validate pointless suffering.

>> No.7384059

his point is that youre a u t i s t i c

>> No.7384061

Try being suicidal and poor. Countless people dream of having a life similar to Wittgenstein, he was obviously privileged. He could of done anything he wanted to.
I never implied that.

>> No.7384062

the tractatus wasnt an attempt to delimit science and philosophy

it explicitly sets the limit

>> No.7384125

of course, and both of these field remain sterile thus far since they have not delivered that they promised and still promise today.

>> No.7384137

You're so delusional it hurts. >>>/k/ill yourself.