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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.98 MB, 2550x3300, 1409774983726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7369098 No.7369098 [Reply] [Original]

The Legacy
Of Totalitarianism
In a Tundra

>> No.7369108

It happened.

>> No.7369112

A spiritual successor to Finnegans Wake, Joyce would be proud.

>> No.7369354
File: 1.62 MB, 850x1100, Hypersphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7370202

Not even close

>> No.7370283
File: 127 KB, 1153x823, 1447749822819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buy a physical copy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra anywhere, or do I have to read from PDF?

>> No.7370306

It's available in hardcover and paperback from Lulu

>> No.7370319

It's actually, unironically, a pretty sick read

>> No.7370390

Where is some literature that is like this? I know nothing of post-modernism, but what I've read so far has made me kek.

>> No.7370400

I didn't contribute to it, but I did delete all of the writing in the Google doc several times while it was being written

>> No.7370403

This is the true 4chan spirit.

>> No.7370449

Anyone know what ended up happening with Tokyo Drift?

>> No.7370490

That counts as contributing

>> No.7370496

Is it the greatest creative work ever produced by 4chan?

>> No.7370515

I didn't contribute to it, but I did fix some grammar and then replace random words with "nigger".

>> No.7370540

Are there other /lit/ books? Is there a list?

>> No.7370559

An unfinished, largely completed document remains

Just like with Kolsti

>> No.7370573
File: 31 KB, 750x215, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm legit thinking about buying a copy. Would you guys recomend it? Would you maybe suggest reading a pdf first before investing the money in a physical copy?

>> No.7370576

You're a saint

>> No.7370599

It currently has 141 pages

I think I gain more pleasure looking at my bookshelf and seeing it next to Confederacy of Dunces and Notes from Underground than I do from actually reading it.

>> No.7370609

Copies of parts 1 & 2 of Tokyo



>> No.7370621

I think we need to just combine Kolsti in the Everglades and Tokyo and maybe use some Quagga stories as interludes and make a big one. Because the critical introduction for the Kolsti book (we used it as an intermission tho) is by far the best thing /lit/ has done.

>> No.7370709

Yes, by the time /lit/ is done compiling for Hypersphere they'll just pile them both with other shit and call it an anthology, a third for the Ultimate Meme Trilogy.

>> No.7370720

i have a copy of legacy coming within the week. hardcover ofc :)

>> No.7370903

damn just today i was reading this while taking a big fat dump
there was missing text cause the paperback version is small
luckly i have both, paperback and hardcover (which is huge)

>> No.7370951

I just don't want that critical intro to go to waste. It's brilliant.

>> No.7370986

Which one? I wrote half the intro to Kolsti.

>> No.7371022

I think it's written like an intro but back when we were writing it it was listed as "Kolstonian Intermission"

>> No.7371042

Oh, Kolsti wrote it, but no, it wasn't meant as an introduction but as a standalone chapter itself.

>> No.7371055

Kolsti didn't write shit

>> No.7371068

>tfw you edited the wiki page and someone saved the edit

>> No.7371133

thanks, I wrote it.

>> No.7371159

It reads like him, it's on his blog, and it contains a poem he supposedly wrote at age 11 that sounds like something an 11 year-old would write.

>> No.7371394

>out of boredom sort goodreads books by average rating
>this is number 1 at 4.74
the memes won

>> No.7371703
File: 29 KB, 720x620, 11150637_761645327287849_7947019352210992178_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to translate it to italian. I'm not a translator btw, who I have to ask permission to?

>> No.7371708

Me, Anonymous

Yeah ok

>> No.7371712

>there are newfriends who don't own a physical copy
fucking faggots.

>> No.7371713
File: 13 KB, 246x246, 15-08-18-1327_Jason-Helliwell_11880504_892265214201898_8371750318103454413_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many thanks.

>> No.7371717

>There are idiots who fell for this meme.
Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.7371720

>being this poor

>> No.7371725

Reply with another anime dog picture

>> No.7371996

link to the critical introduction?

>> No.7372001

There 's gold that's been written there.

>> No.7372003

I have an 35,000 word copy of the Kolsti document, I believe the project was abandoned when someone deleted the document and the admin was nowhere to be found.



The Legacy of Inastucity in a Kek

The last time I wrote something with legacy in the title I was 11 years old. For Black History Month our teacher assigned us people to write poems about and I got medical researcher Charles Drew. This doesn’t deserve an introduction.

The Legacy of Dr. Charles Richard Drew

Born on the streets of DC, Charles Drew had it tough.
His school was segregated.
When his sister died it was rough.
But the death of someone closely related
Pushed him to study meds and scientific stuff.

Now here is where his legacy began.
Drew had a blood drive for British organizations.
It was called “Blood for Britain”
It built a blood bank for medical operations.
Then the BTBA praised him for his wonderful program.

Being black, Drew made a strong stand
Against segregating blood distribution.
See back then equal rights were not the law of the land.
Despite the fact it was against the constitution.

It was so sad one day in 1950.
Drew died when he crashed his car.
He was on his way to a meeting in Tuskegee
When he lost control and drove off the road too far.
The car flipped over and his blood ran freely.

Some people think I’m one of the best 17 year-old poets out there. At no point was I ever in the upper half for 11 year-old poets.

I woke up (if you think this is earnest (as in first degree (as in the measure of the exponent, not a measure of severity) sincerity) you should do your homework (not that I do mine (my class rank has dropped from 1 to [REDACTED SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH COLLEGE ADMISSIONS] since senior year started))) at 7:20ish (needless specificity stopped being funny a while back) this morning (January 20th (I thought to include the year but the notion that anybody in 2016 or beyond would read this is laughable (>implosticating this won’t be on every syllabus in 2039 (I could’ve written 2040 but I changed my mind and needless specificity (especially with estimations (/estimates)) is funny again (actually, it isn’t (and neither are parentheticals, which is what I’m here to talk about)))))) when my girlfriend (Lexi (also my PostMetaPaintbrush collab partner (though school and general horseplay has derailed that project for the time being (but if this spinoff business gives me a momentum wave I might have to start it back up just to capitalize (not monetarily, of course))))) called me to tell me I’d be late for school. I showered, dressed, and got in the car so my dad could drive me. I played Madden Mobile the whole way and my dad said something about me being a shit driver because I always stare at my phone in the car.

>> No.7372005



I went to school and did my school shit. Lab table this and that, sculpted the prophet formerly known as Muhammad in my AP 3D Art class, nothing too haram. At lunch I saw this Vietnamese kid walking around with raviolis on his tray and I wanted some but the line was too long so I went to the sandwich line. I stood there for six minutes and when it was my turn I pointed at the chicken salad because the cafeteria is loud as fuck and I didn’t feel like shouting. I pointed at the white cheese next and the lady just Bert-stared at me. The girl behind me said “you don’t get cheese” but the lady started putting it on anyway since I never stopped pointing at the cheese. I realized what was going on and I didn’t want to get roped into paying an extra dollar for a couple cheese triangles so I shook my head and told her never mind. I asked for some olives, thanked the woman, paid the other woman, and went to go eat at the Asian table. There’s a lot of mutual fondness at that table (we ironically nominated each other for ill-fitting class favorite categories) but I don’t say much to them on most days. I’m talkative as fuck in class but whatever. My phone vibrated and I thought it would be one of the 50 side bitches but it was college advertising. I saw that I had a tumblr ask, though. Someone told me to write a chapter. I’m gonna talk in earnest (or as close as possible (you’ve read the Phuc excerpt you don’t need 9 parentheticals for me to temper my brevity into comprehensivity)) about my style, the allegations of sockpuppetry (called “samefagging” (a word I can’t use without any fuss since I’m officially a “tumblr writer” (a reluctant condition I liken to the ball-(and chain)-busting marriage archetypes stand-up comedians like to riff (I wanted to use scare quotes to connote that these routines are often egregiously unoriginal but I decided a parenthetical would be more “Kolstonian” (Leynerian kek)) on (grammatical imperfection noted but ignored by le syntax man)))) and my “legacy,” as that is the title after all.

>> No.7372007



Meta-fiction ain’t no gimmick. 17+ years ago (aka the pre-Kolstonian era) Western academia fought about authorship. Read Barthes and Cavell and whatnot, or at least a Wikipedia page. I’m not summarizing here. At some point they decided that maybe the author really is dead and the whole thing really is subjective and writers have no more authority than readers on the meanings of their texts. To make this palatable they had to work in some concessions about how context is important as an extension of content and therefore authorial background is necessary but not necessarily end-all. It’s a metaphysical move that mirrors theoretical physics’ (a field in which I have a Discovery Channel level of expertise, admittedly, but it never stopped le sexed equation privileged light speed psycholinguist Luce Irigaray) idea of time as a dimension with possible nonlinearity. When the very idea of pre-dation (idk how to distinguish that from predator predation other than a hyphen) is uncertain, Death of the Speaker becomes as viable as Death of the Author. And if utterance can exist without author then subversion can exist without precedent. My postmetamodernism exists independent of any of the lesser-suffixed predecessors. I see your inescapable intertextuality and raise you a Hartmanian paradigm for art that holds authorship (and therefore anything tangentially related) as simultaneously contextually essential and authoritatively irrelevant. #TheseHoesWontReadHix

On the aforementioned accusations: twenty-five pages of novel were written without my prompting before I started on this thing. I don’t need to put my own name on the literature sub-board of a Nauruan basket-weaving sticky note. I’m too busy shitposting in >the jesting continues threads. Also, I really really like women.

As for legacy? My Yeezus copypasta caught on at /mu/ more than anything else I’ve done, but /lit/ is where I have a name. Notoriety on one of the slowest boards of a semi-mainstream Kyrgyzstani kabuki hypertext is a paltry as fuck legacy. It goes deeper than that. I lived in Miami for a little under a year as an infant. My dad (and his whole side of the family) actually lived through totalitarianism, you know. Their tundra was of the tropical variety. I won’t expound on that because there’s a quarter-century of art (including my own poem The Locals Eat Chipotle (watch out for a short story dramatizing the events of that restaurant’s carnitas shortage)) devoted to that war and its implications so you can watch a ton of great movies about Vietnam (so long as you don’t watch Forrest Gump).

>> No.7372010


There’s legacy in “Kolsti” too. Named after a UT prof, I start at Austin this fall. There’s the legacy I leave at my high school, South Grand Prairie. Some lethargy and shenanigans will prevent that legacy from including valedictory distinctions, but I hope I leave something. As of this writing I’m a finalist for Most Likely To Succeed, but it would be silly and a little gross for the kid who never bought a yearbook to care about class favorites. I wrote a letter to the superintendent of my school district, and if you care to read that it’s on my blog. I’m more proud of that than any grades. More might come of it. We’ll see. Legacy is something I’m not going to fully understand until I’m a little older. Sigourney “moot” Poole must have had legacy on his mind when he decided to retire from his admin position at 4chan (a few days after mandating that his Hot Pocket-compensated custodial staff give him proof of ID (maybe this is a sub-plot for Tundra III)). Many social conservatives (the /pol/ variety) seem to look at the avant-garde (even the pseudo-avant-garde like myself (or the avant-turde that is Miami)) as decidedly anti-legacy. Tradition is their legacy and degenerate subjectivism its bane. For me (or should I say ‘us’ (don’t object, the traditionalists I speak of don’t write collective meta-fiction about underage poets)), that’s all background. As a great man (before you look it up, it’s me) once said, “the only thing sacred is the right to be tasteless.” The post-postmodern paradigm vacuum that New Sincerity failed to fill leaves us with an uncertain connection to our past. Maybe it’s a little willfully/lazily narrow to say this in a spin-off novel to a Miami Vice fanfic starring Thomas Pynchon, but I think we’re freer from the specter (I’m veering into really DFW-conservative zones here) of precedent than ever. The postmodern condition (the “all the good stories are already told” one not the “djkjskfsjjf :^) aosunajdnj” one) is no longer a bother now that originality is widely recognized as more overrated than Chris Paul (I’d like to start a sports column for a while I think (which reminds me, someone with production skills should help me with a hip hop album)). A couple decades of meandering around the unromantic (no, not un-Romantic) implications of po-mo reaffirms what we already knew. We’re in an intertextual playground blah blah blah. I’m at a breadth of scope at this point in the paragraph such that there’s not much left for me to say on this (which kind of contradicts the practical applications of my previous contention that originality is unimportant (but these things are often shaky in the real world (if you try applying post-structuralist content responsibility ideas to police footage you’re a dumbass))). I was about to appeal to brevity but this is a fucking novel, and novels are so niche that if you’re reading this you’re in it for the length.

>> No.7372013


Legacy is our legacy. And we’re gonna have to pretend like it matters if this is gonna take us anywhere. Until we sell 50k we’re all modernists. Now someone footnote this shit (p-pls).

[This page intentionally left blank.]

>> No.7372022


It's also here, which preserves some of the formatting and italics and shit.

>> No.7372035

If you're around again now, I recommend the physical copy. I have the value-color edition and it's kind of amazing to see.

>> No.7372060
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20151120_221523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the very first two printed paperbacks. Feels good.

Did you know that 4 of the first 5 copies of Tundra 1 were printed in Australia? Truly the shitposting capital of the world.

>> No.7372069

Best thing /lit/ ever did
Huge mistake. Was published too fast.
Nobody gives a fuck
Not much to it but def better than Miami
Not very Tundra desu. A semi-coherent plot, characters

>> No.7372070
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I see your Legacies and raise you an Elemental Masters.

>> No.7372089

I could publish Tokyo right now, I've got a cover and 50,000 words

But why should I?

>> No.7372099

Table it. Publishing and formatting effectively (on Amazon, Lulu, getting onto Goodreads, etc) is difficult and Quagga, Hypersphere, and Kolsti are all far more deserving of that kind of effort.

>> No.7372100

literally nobody cares, there isn't even a thread up for it

>> No.7372103

Tokyo is equally dead. And even though nobody knows what Quagga is I'm confident that once Hypersphere is done people will finish Kolsti.

>> No.7372223

put it in Hypersphere if you like.

>> No.7372612

Nah. It belongs in Kolsti

>> No.7372617

>tfw you were the one non-australian

>> No.7372641

somebody asked to do it before, just saying ok if this is the person

>> No.7372663

Kolsti is a shit writer, so it's not difficult to imitate his style

>> No.7372780
File: 14 KB, 256x256, 0734_15-08-28-2118_6EEE08241937_weird-face-ava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There anon

>> No.7372795

I asked the guys at Shakespear and Co if they had it, had a good laugh about it being a $200 ebook with one review.

Mobi where?

>> No.7372810

Seriously, did anyone outside of the people writing it actually read it?
I've read snippets of it and it's parts funny and insufferable.

>> No.7372821

You can't get Legacy in paperback anymore, can you?

>> No.7372901

This is actually really good.

>> No.7372925

I don't think so.

>> No.7372938

Maybe this is the wrong place to ask, but what the fuck is Kolsti?

>> No.7372955

Oh, my sweet summer child...
See >>7372022

>> No.7372957

No. I've tried, it's unreadable.

>> No.7373057

Of course you can, lulubooks

>> No.7373141

It isn't possible to write anything that is not postmodern in 2015. Even a period drama is an ineffectual reminiscence and reflection of misinterpreted history

>> No.7373449

I've read the whole thing except for the bits that aren't in English, it was honestly one of the funniest books I have ever read.

Even the really bad bits were still funny.

>> No.7373458

This is actually really good writing. Good balance between the gimmicks and some down-to-earthness.

>> No.7373525

Fuck off, Kolsti

>> No.7373569

Fuck off it's good. And also I was under the impression that Kolsti didn't really write that.

>> No.7373718

Is there a color hardback of legacy 1? Or is it all just black and white?

>> No.7373744


So you're a fraud.

GTFO I actually have my writing in the OG, and the only one that matters.

>> No.7373792
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i'm glad to have contributed to it

>> No.7374058


>> No.7374070


>> No.7374093

ask me anything

>> No.7374098

How did it get so much participation?

>> No.7374107

Do you like fucking apples?

>> No.7374108


I have a program that auto suggests words as I write out responses with RNNs and also it doesn't take much intelligence to BS this stuff considering how much pareidolia /lit/ people have when reading

>> No.7374114


I like the red delicious ones or baked in something or made as sauce sure

>> No.7374120

No but do you fuck them? Like with your penis?

>> No.7374124



>> No.7374226
File: 5 KB, 255x55, Screenshot from 2015-11-20 19:36:42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everybody,
I'm Catherine, also known as Grouse, also known as the admin of Kolsti's Adventure in the Everglades. I abandoned the project last February after my life more or less fell apart, and haven't touched it since. If anyone is still interested, I could clean it up and put it out for a final release soon.

>> No.7374232

Holy shit.
Hey Grouse, Voxine here. Remember, from the time you booted me as an editor? Anyhow, sorry to hear about your misfortunes, I hope you're alright. You think it's a good idea to be releasing Kolsti soon?

>> No.7374246

Would you be willing to just reopen the document for more writing? It's not really publishable at this point. There's a lot more story to be told and a lot more theme to explore. We can get Kolsti to write us a final chapter and just have the Kolstonian Intermission as an introduction that way if bookends the novel. Put in like three more rap scenes because those were gold. Wrap up the plot with moot and the reptilians where Kolsti becomes an action star. It has a lot of potential. If you're not up to all that trouble you can just hand it off to a trusted anon. Not that guy who was deleting stuff because these projects need a little excess and he even cut out Kolsti's part and the rap battles. But someone. Maybe whoever is editing Hypersphere or possibly Kolsti himself -- though this isn't the ideal case.

We can put a thread up inviting /his/ so that the traffic on the doc can increase without getting too much random shitposting. This could be the best of the Tundras. Don't sell it short by publishing it now.

>> No.7374248

TLOTIAT > the penis was > phallic monsters > TLOTIAT 2

>> No.7374300

I don't really want to reopen the document. I have restored it to the February 7th version, which was the last day I was present to moderate random deletions/general chaos. Somehow, it seems like the perfect distillation of everything that was going on on 4chan at the time, and to reopen it would be to allow a new stream of completely anachronistic memes and references to enter into a foreign cultural context.

That said, I'm completely clueless about how to actually finish the project.

Oh, hello. Sorry about all that.

>> No.7374310

Maybe just clean it up and open a document titled "Act II" and that'll be the completion of the story. Throw in a "9 months later" if you want.

>> No.7374311
File: 404 KB, 5033x3300, kolsti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a link to the full pdf of Kolsti if anyone wants it.


>> No.7374322

I only worry about the newfriends perverting the ideals of the original. All the "who's Kolsti?"'s are concerning to me.

>> No.7374329


>> No.7374331

Good luck, I've been translating into french on and off for a year, it's pretty rough

>> No.7374333

I don't want to suggest this, but I think you should concern yourself with a limited array of editors, people who might have originally made a contribution to Kolsti and/or other /lit/ projects.


>> No.7374337

Yeah, but if Act II doesn't have as much Kolsti that's fine. Just make sure Kolsti writes the last 1000 or so words and we're fine>>7369098

>> No.7374339

I can translate it into Arabic, but I'm already nursing the Hypersphere project.

>> No.7374344
File: 88 KB, 500x457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldnt the right spirit be to run it through google translating it into chinese, then russian, then french....?

>> No.7374349

>not contributing to Pinecone
Smdh family

>> No.7374350
File: 606 KB, 5033x3300, kolsti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, here's the version of the cover with the quotes from the original thread included. There was a super professional-looking one posted there too, but I never saved it.

>> No.7374364
File: 1.49 MB, 5033x3300, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, family.

>> No.7374370

Ah yes, what a masterpiece. The only problem is that it has no spine. Can someone fix that?

>> No.7374385



>> No.7374403

yep it's "official"

just saw it on litwritesabook.com
hope this one'll take off

>> No.7374407

>nursing something that literally nobody cares about

>> No.7374420

>implying somebodies care about /lit/'s foolscaps.

>> No.7374424

So okay I'll go dig in the archives for the themes and ideas surrounding Act 1 of Kolsti (the Grouse doc) and we'll pick up for Act 2. When Grouse is done cleaning everything up she can combine it with part two. Then Kolsti can come add the last chapter and we'll be set. If Kolsti won't write for us we'll just imitate him.

>> No.7374432

Sounds good to me. Use the pdf I posted, it's the cleanest form available right now

>> No.7374437

No, fuck that. The admin of that site was just trying to make money from lit, he shat a brick when other people beat him to putting it up on lulu.

>> No.7374446
File: 42 KB, 673x775, legtit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so excite

>> No.7374455



>> No.7374462

Only question is if Grouse agrees to the idea of putting Kolsti's intermission at the beginning so we can bookend things at the end.

Also, does anyone want to admin the Part 2 doc? I'll more than pull my weight as a writer and editor but I have no experience with this kind of thing and I don't want to fuck it up.

>> No.7374478

Part 2 Kolsti? Act II? On what idea(s) are we building upon?

>> No.7374482

>Only question is if Grouse agrees to the idea of putting Kolsti's intermission at the beginning so we can bookend things at the end.
Sure, I can make that happen.

>> No.7374484
File: 65 KB, 737x624, ayyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude profits lmao

>> No.7374487

Lulu makes the money, not any anon.

>> No.7374503

Shouldn't you be at work anon?

>> No.7374530


>> No.7374531

Go away

>> No.7374536


>> No.7374553

Yeah of Kolsti.

If we're doing the "9 Months Later" thing at the end of Act 1, and I think we should because it does explain the sudden shift in meme, it means we have to find a way to reveal what happened in the 9 months since we last saw our characters (I think Kolsti and two detectives).

The last plot was a lizard thing and we can just tell a summary of that in a flashback sequence. The big plot point that Act 1 was originally gonna end with was the revelation that moot leaving 4chan was part of a lizard conspiracy of some sort. Now we have a new admin and 4chan is a different place. A lot of what used to be /lit/ got sent to /his/, there are quite a few trial boards, and now we have global word filters for the first time in I think years.

Also, the character Kolsti has changed. Act 1 had them as this sort of Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace type of character, where he was immensely talented -- at writing, rapping detective work, combat -- and always cheery and naive. Now he's no longer legally a child, he's in college and not a high school student, he went through an ironic activist phase at the end of high school.

So Act 2's Kolsti should be a bit more grounded. 4chan got sold so clearly he lost whatever battle Act 1 was leading to. Maybe his detective friends are dead. This is essentially Kolsti in The Dark Knight Rises mode, which gives a nice avenue for Baneposting. I actually like the idea of making Act 2 parallel TDKR. Or maybe Antony and Cleopatra. Something where the protagonist has to come back from a defeat. His exile is UT Austin I guess. That's a nice avenue for a commentary on reddit STEM scientism vs humanities given that he's studying engineering.

Scenes that need to be included:
Once or twice, Kolsti has to defeat his enemies with the power of rap. He's put out a handful of "poems" that are basically raps and I saw another one the other day in a crit thread that's not even on his tumblr that we could use. That one -- >>/lit/thread/S7335977#p7336564 -- is pretty belligerent and might serve as an effective finisher in a climactic rap-combat scene.

We can probably do a few chapters of absurd day in the life UT Austin scenery porn in the style of different authors.

I don't really have a good idea for how the plot should go. Obviously most of it will be intermissions and shitposting, of which we'll only keep the good stuff. Maybe the new 4chan admin is secretly with the reptilians who are connected to current events such as ISIS? Or is that too tasteless and cutesy topical?

>> No.7374834
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x1836, 20151121_000200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's indescribable how great it feels to have shitposting in a physical form

>> No.7374870

How about instead of a redo of the conspiracy plot or ISIS we subvert a lot of the hoorah militaristic implications of making our hero fight terrorists by having him destroy Buzzfeed or something.

>> No.7374948

Did you actually go in store and ask that? That's fucking hilarious. I would love if they had copies of it on the shelf.

>> No.7374960

how do we even do that anymore? he deleted the thread.

>> No.7375082

What if instead of flashbacks we just greentexted the events

>> No.7375330


>> No.7375485


Sorry but I'm going to publish Kolsti & Tokyo Drift as a combined work in the next two days

Watch this space

>> No.7375505

Yup face to face when I was there a few weeks ago. The two americans manning the desk hadn't heard of it but I gave them a 1 line rundown of the context (something to the effect of postpostmodern anthology written by 4chan in case they were normies and didnt IMMEDIATELY understand the cultural phenomena of /lit/) and they gave it a google and we had a giggle.

>> No.7375535

post it

>> No.7375566

can someone give a review about that book?

>> No.7375568

>tfw you were one of the people who wrote the first paragraph

>> No.7375574

this desu, all the good /lit/ projects since the original TLOTIAT have been in random google docs rather than through this website

>> No.7375624

Go to goodreads

>> No.7375683

It's more readable than F.wake but is that really saying much ?

>> No.7375700
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>> No.7375915

Lulubro, how many copies currently exist in the world?

>> No.7375946
File: 158 KB, 433x742, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7375967

Un lien vers ta traduction?

>> No.7376011

i wanna be katie's little baby tampon boy and suckle on her booboo katie juices

>> No.7376541

is this the only 'creative' work produced by 4chan

>> No.7376554

Cripple porn simulator 2012 counts

>> No.7376558

my god this is real as you can get

>> No.7377223

Couple hundred

>> No.7378329

I also did this. now I recognize that in itself was also art

>> No.7378344

I don't know, I like some of /mu/'s work.


>> No.7378357

where does the money go when it's purchased? who is benefitting?

>> No.7378387

What is the Kolsti?

>> No.7378399
File: 93 KB, 700x520, 1439107466199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the worst shit I've ever had the misfortune to read.

>> No.7378400

Lulu. The cost of the book is the cost lulu charges. You're allowed to charge more and keep the profit but we made it as cheap as possible.

>> No.7378414

pdf where

>> No.7378420

fuck I feel stupid for getting the kindle version

>> No.7378425




>> No.7378437
File: 95 KB, 499x372, Emil Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7378448

Tundra 3 & Kolsti will be officially released in pdf & book form in, let's say, 6 hours.

>> No.7378465

are these stories supposed to be good. I dont know if i should take it seriously

>> No.7378469

You can read the PDFs and decide whether you like it or not

I laughed out loud a few times when formatting

>> No.7378473

is there an actual plot? or are these just a bunch of short stories?

>> No.7378476

I think the kolsti one is the most plot-centric so far

Tokyo has a few stories with multiple sections but it's traditionally a bunch of short stories sharing some kind of connection.

>> No.7378481
File: 6 KB, 231x623, sneak peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh oh dear

>> No.7378482

Would've been infinitely better if you newfag lurked more to know that ultra-shitposting tripfaggots don't stick around and didn't fill it up with feminister and butterfly shit. If it was written now you faggots would've probably filled it with kek shit not knowing that it too will come to pass.

>> No.7378484

Doesn't everything pass?


>> No.7378519

English will pass. This is a snapshot of a very specific era of a microcommunity. Inclusion of microcelebrities like Kolsti and to a lesser extent Butterfly is the whole point.

>> No.7378549

>summer for caring about an attentionwhore #9996663645272
See >>7378482 and fuck off

>> No.7378555

I'm talking in terms of this site's lifetime, like dubs.

>> No.7378559

You did that on purpose

>> No.7378570

Top fucking kek

>> No.7378607

>attention whore
He's just a critique thread standout. You know all those times you see "damn this is good do you have a blog where I can see more"? Well this time that blog had a kid named Kolsti behind it and it was the birth of a meme.

>> No.7378620

What the fuck is this? I tried reading it the other day and it started with some absract man child commenting on the taste of his semen.

Really guys what is this why should I read it

>> No.7378621

When I first read it, I thought it was kind of funny.

>> No.7378623

>I can't bring myself to read five pages of something to work out whether I like it

>> No.7378625

>Really guys what is this why should I read it

seriously though, stop typing like this or go back to tumblr.

really guys I type with a flat affect because it's cute and important no commas or otherwise please get fucked by Stefan

>> No.7378690

People rustled by the way a comment is typed.
Thanks /lit/ stay strong my child

>> No.7379084

dubs market was pretty good ngl

>> No.7379662


>> No.7379692


>> No.7379795
File: 1.10 MB, 850x1100, 1448200457332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's much more, and this is just me being lazy and pulling it from the thread.

>> No.7379830

>not striving to better your prose; even over digital conversations

Pls critique my post, i am unsure of oxrod comma - does it have good dramatic effect? thank you

>> No.7379837

What's the difference between the value colour version of totalitarianism in an arctic tundra Miami ii and the non value colour one

>> No.7379883

The name is really incredible.
How did you (?) guys do it?

>> No.7379909

Value = shitty paper

>> No.7379951

congrats your a cunt

>> No.7379992

ceci n'est pas un pipe motherfucker

>> No.7380182

This fucking faggit is the reason myself and many others gave up on contributing after dozens of pages of our work was deleted.

Yeah, it sounds funny, and maybe it was, but you'd be bitter too

>> No.7380199

cool you know what that is maybe you could have written a chapter on it but instead blah whatever im not even mad i got my copy saved

>> No.7380206

It was just a massive amount of shitposting. At the time like 60% of posters were against it but the rest either followed the threads, spammed the threads, and/or actively contributed. It's fucking hot garbage, it is just shitposting, that is all. There were many hundreds more pages deleted by some cunts.

>> No.7380216

CHAPTER NEIN TEENS AND ONE HORNY FUHER I love you Jesus Christ or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bong:part 420: this time machine only goes forward at 1.25x speed: Occam's Sweet ass Razer Mouse

the floor of the bataclan theater was really bloody, it was an awful mess,by anyone’s estimation. —“how the hell am i ever gonna get this place clean?” the minimum wage employee thought to himself, his asshole severely itching due to an undiagnosed case of pinworm.

As the lowly janitor waded through deep puddles of lukewarm crimson fluid, that only a few hours prior had been pumping precious oxygen to the major organs of over 100 living human beings, he thought mildly to himself “I'm sorry, but did the Chargers already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halftime. Does not having the lead at halftime count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? The Chargers are still playing right now and they have been the best team in the AFC West for how many years now? They're playing one of the worst teams in the NFL who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of playing in a Monday Night Game. But you know what? They still fucking suck. The Chargers are one of the best fucking teams in the NFL, they went 13-3 last year and would of won the Super Bowl if the kicker didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Chargers wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Chiefs just stepped out of bounds short of the 1st down when they needed to get one, just like the Jets did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded?(yes) Are you autistic?(obviously) You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Chargers topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing”
chapter alfred lord tendyson(dies): dumb frogposter,i ThInK i MigHt bE aDdIcTeD tO mOtHeRfUcKiNg FaYgO… Xiu Xiu is the most underrated artist of the last 20 years(hiv aids i cannot wait to eat some tendies), prove me wrong, protip: You are unable to.
Didn’t Tennyson die during the Greek Civil War?

>> No.7380222

A day in the life of the Chancellor

Angela Merkel sat cross-legged in her mahogany chair, index finger posed over a hexagonal button. She paused - she ought to enjoy these moments more, is what she told herself. Lifting her snout, she inhaled the metaphorical scent of a decaying continent. Angela Merkel’s son sat on her lap, he looked up at her. “Mommy, why do bad things happen to good people?”

Angela replied “Wer weiß, I don’t know a fucking thing. You just get old, your tits rot off and that’s that. There’s no meaning to anything. Any meaning you create is just a flimsy construct you hold between yourself and the infinite void to ward off the cold chill of an existential nightmare.”

“Ah, I see” said the boy, and then hurled himself out the fourth story window onto the frozen cobblestone street below. He hit the pavement at terminal velocity. The accompanying thud attracted a group of diverse multiethnics, as well as various species of rat, all equally happy to have secured the evening’s meal.

Every time the ridges of her fingers touched the red button, Angela shuddered. She read the label on the button again. In large, bold, Calibri letters, it read:


Unable to control herself at the sight of the unlicensed typography, Angela smashed her palm down, attempting to cover as much surface area as possible. Her body writhed and the button submerged into the table. Then it retracted as Angela’s hand pulled away. A euphoric smile constringed across Angela’s countenance, as she remembered why she kept on living.

Somewhere in Westphalia, a government van scurried away after unloading a cargo of Syrian refugees. As is to be accepted, looting broke out sometime after the light of the town had arrived on the retinas of the new residents, and if you don’t accept that you’re a vile racist and should be ashamed of yourself.

In the name of human rights, the staff of the local kindergarten were fired and sent to reeducation camps. The children, in the name of human decency, were forced to suspend their education. One toddler spoke up and was fined 500 marks for hate speech. This was the fifth school closed in two months.

“Not bad, son” Angela mused, finally turning her head to look out the window. “But you’ll have to try harder than that if you want to hold your mother's attention, don’t you realize there are far more pressing matters for me to attend to?” Then, after thoroughly consuming the moment, she slowly rose from her throne and stretched her arms, thinking herself like an angel spreading its wings. Nirvana’s last show was on the TV set. “Kurt looks like the weight of an angel’s wings would cause him to collapse” thought Angela, “He is too beautiful for this world. I would fuck him also.”

>> No.7380262

Words that I've written are there. This is a weird feel.

>> No.7381079


>> No.7382705


So you guys do realize this happened, right?

Somebody buy this shit so I know if it even has a spine.

>> No.7382906

Is there a pdf?

>> No.7383556

I'm not sure. You can find the separate documents somewhere, but I don't know if whoever published this made the conjoined file public.

>> No.7384101
File: 104 KB, 1385x1204, 1445729478507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't learn how to use the Oxford comma while studying at Oxford

seriously, why are people like this allowed on /lit/

>> No.7384121

sequel when?

>> No.7384240

>>7380206 i was asking about the title.

>> No.7384466

OP of the other thread contains pdfs for all the books

>> No.7384510



I'll add a spine to the professional cover but I need the actual dimensions you want it, or its going to be pointless.

>> No.7384525

I'm going to record an audiobook of one of the books, which one should I read?

>> No.7384548

only the original matters

>> No.7384588

What color is there? What's the difference between the B&W version and the value-color? Is it worth it for almost twice the price?

>> No.7384631

1. The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
102. TLOTIAT Presents: Kolsti's Adventures in the Everglades
103. TLOTIAT 3: Tokyo
100000000000000000000000000009. Miami

>> No.7385928
File: 201 KB, 1296x728, IMAG0539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyperlinks, greentext, image, a lot of colored text (see next post). My thinking is, if you're going to buy it, you might as well get one that actually lets you see what the document was made to look like.

>> No.7385935
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>> No.7385938
File: 47 KB, 1020x564, ss+(2015-11-24+at+10.00.20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, use coupon code TURKEY30 to get an additional 30% off anything on the site. It would drop the price of the value color edition down to $14.74.

>> No.7386014

>as today's events happened
Purchasing this book with that coupon code is /lit/ in and of itself

>> No.7386027

One man's international incident is another man's cheap books.

>> No.7386158

>there's actually a fucking wikipedia entry
>was first self-published in unfinished-state as a paperback book September 11, 2014 by one of the anonymous authors of the book and later more officially after the book was finished on the official website litwritesabook.com and amazon by the administrator
so the butthurt adminfag wrote this?

>> No.7386201

I already own it, why do I really want this?

>> No.7386313

for some reason he absolutely loses his shit over anyone else doing anything he wants to do. when people published the book on lulu he went mental and posted loads of stuff on his website about how they were trying to profit off of people's work when there was proof that nobody was profiting

>> No.7386321

I'm pretty sure he was just angry he didn't get to profit off it himself.
This is why I'm not contributing to his new project.

>> No.7387377


>> No.7387381

i dont want anything to do with it either, from what i've skimmed it looks like miami-tier garbage

Hypersphere is probably our best project because there were some really dedicated and interesting people working on it and threading in long storylines.