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/lit/ - Literature

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7373191 No.7373191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this board so fucking dry? Is it a /lit/ meme to be as pretentious as possible? I don't get it.

>> No.7373218

Hellloooo reddit!

>> No.7373232

I'm wet.

>> No.7373247
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>> No.7373260

Read 30 novels and 20 nonfiction books. See what that does to your worldview.

>> No.7373272

We're actually shitposting 99% of the time, it just goes over your head.

>> No.7373281
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>> No.7373286
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>Is it a /lit/ meme to be as pretentious as possible?
No, that's /mu/'s.

>> No.7373357

Girls and leftists have no banter.

>> No.7373367

Oh yeah? Well ur dumb.

>> No.7373369

>lol #bantz xD
>did you see that guys? i told the american he was fat and the british guy that he had bad teeth!
>i-im cool like you now, r-right?
>i come to /lit/ even though i hate reading! xD
>w-why does no one here like my reddit-tier jokes? i-i want to be popular here t-too :(

>> No.7373374

Friendly reminder that /lit/ originally splintered off of /r9k/ and has a significant amount of crossover with /pol/

>> No.7373383

Every board has a significant portion of crossover with /pol/

>> No.7373384

Thanks, OP, you just reminded me of my first ever /lit/ post and the shame that followed.

>> No.7373387

>Unironically defending SJWs
>If I tell a person to GTFO to /pol/ I'll be regarded as an authoritative figure in this anonymous image board and a paladin of board quality


>> No.7373392

Shut your piehole Jessica.

>> No.7373396

It seems you have no reading comprehension, just as expected.

Yeah. They are always the lowest denominator and come to boards just to spout their idiotic opinions.

>> No.7373415

4chan is cesspit of 'rightwing' views and hatred. I've heard it argued that the incessant bigotry started as satire, but, as the userbase grew, people either didn't notice the irony or it just attracted people who sincerely shared those views.

Either way, though /lit/ has always been somewhat of a lone bastion of rationality, there's always been tinges of anger/fear/hatred -- or '/pol/' as it's referred to -- here.

It's just the culture. It wouldn't be 4chan without it in truth.

>> No.7373436

cunny detected

>> No.7373437
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>Either way, though /lit/ has always been somewhat of a lone bastion of rationality, there's always been tinges of anger/fear/hatred

>> No.7373440
File: 448 KB, 455x395, laughing crocs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when u realise 90% of our jokes go undetected by plebs

>> No.7373443

>the term 'SJW'
Helllooo reddit!

>> No.7373453

*and a distinct lack of originality

>> No.7373460


>> No.7373487

lol get owned

>> No.7373493

I'm going to dismiss the opinion of a guy who posts ''Hi, Reddit!'' as an argument

>> No.7373513

> Implying that SJWs aren't a real problem
> Implying reddit hates SJWs
> If you believe [Opinion that opposes my opinion] you're from reddit

You might be the personification of cancer.

>> No.7373519


>> No.7373521

I know right? I just want to talk about fanfiction.
I really do want to talk about fanfiction.

>> No.7373527

They're not.

SJWs represent the dying spasms of the liberal project.

>> No.7373528

>Implying reddit hates SJWs
This is probably the defining feature of reddit. The fact that you are trying to pretend otherwise, and putting spaces in your greentext, shows just how reddit you are

>> No.7373530

Hiro said he was going to make a fanfiction board.

You can't do it here, but feel free to post it on >>>/tg/, >>>/co/, or >>>/mlp/ depending on the subject. If it doesn't fit on any of those boards, there's always >>>/b/.

You have no self-awareness, do you?

>> No.7373536

SJW hijacked everything with a good intention, scared everybody off, drove everything into the ground and know they're both wondering why and blaming everybody else because they literally only made everything worse, because now people who were willing to listen to what other people had to say are being deliberately obtuse out of spite, which is completely understandable.

>> No.7373545

>a fanfiction board.

>> No.7373551

hi, 9gag

>> No.7373554

hello, facebook!

>> No.7373558

whatsup, whatsapp

>> No.7373571

>Being somewhat kind.


>> No.7373577

terveiset twitter

>> No.7373601

bongiorno beebo

>> No.7373612

Salutations, snapchat!

>> No.7373625

good-morrow googly+

>> No.7373651

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

Back to your safe spaces,
Back to disguising mindless conformity with fighting the status quo
Back to tumblr/Reddit

>> No.7373657

Ironically, /pol/ is a hugbox and safespace for like-minded retards. It's unfortunate you guys get triggered to easily when you hear dissident views on other boards, but unlike you, we try to rectify our biases and learn before we vociferously chant idiotic slogans and opinions. :)

>> No.7373658
File: 96 KB, 804x1065, Fedorated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back to disguising mindless conformity with fighting the status quo

>> No.7373660

being the subject of invasion isn't a crossover.

>> No.7373666

It isn't an invasion. It's usually an ignoramus posting his opinion and then getting BTFO or being rightfully neglected.

>> No.7373670

There's a lot of us here that have been here for as long, or even longer than on /new/ or /pol/ who blend in and only speak up when /pol/ is used as an insult for whatever opinion you visitors from reddit don't like.

>> No.7373675

>using reddit as an insult
you're outing yourself as a newfag, newfriend.

gb2 /pol/

>> No.7373678

I started posting on /mu/ in 2006.

>> No.7373679

>implying /pol/ isn't one of the most reddit-infested boards
Are you guys really this delusional?

>> No.7373686

neo-/pol/ is, sure.

>> No.7373766

What should it /b/ like? This?


>> No.7373801

I always figured /pol/ was a board Redditors went to once open racism/sexism/etc. wasn't culturally normal on Reddit anymore

>> No.7373860

Are you that faggot that asked Hiro to let him discuss fanfics on /lit/, but then Hiro let you make a thread discussing it on here and everyone told you to fuck off?

>> No.7373883

>not the only place on the internet you can turn to for literary bants

Where else am I going to find 200+ post threads of shitty Robert Frost puns?

>> No.7373887

Because the point of reading great literature is to accumulate cultural capital and become superior to others.

>> No.7373908

No? That happened?

>> No.7374083

Girls are like that annoying younger dweeb who always wants to join the "cool kids club" and who is constantly excluded because they'd ruin it without even being aware they're ruining it.

How is it possible for girls to simultaneously have the capacity to appreciate something and have the desire to destroy it? They have no appreciation--only envy that the attention is not directed at them.

>> No.7374119

this thread is shite mods please

>> No.7374139

most people on /lit/ same with /mu/ and /tv/ have better tastes then anyone in real life, there's always dabblers with generic tastes even for "patricians". People who make claims of pretentiousness just are memeing and got hurt when their shitty book was called out for what it is, basically back to reddit.

>> No.7374185

>4chan is cesspit of 'rightwing' views and hatred
because the fact they're right wing views makes them odious, right.
>and hatred
that's why there's literally always someone countering a poster who says something ignorant, right?

>> No.7374189

>>when u realise 90% of our jokes go undetected by plebs
t h i s

constant belly laughs here for me, that's why I'm here. you have to actually be well read to understand the nuance of many of the funniest/most ironic things
>awaits reductive strawman

>> No.7374198


>> No.7374203

Shut up whore

>> No.7374207
File: 124 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking 4chan this seriously

>> No.7374212

It actually isn't, there's no downvotes and banning there like on reddit and tumblr

>argument rekt

>> No.7374217

People are getting banned for holocaust denial nowadays though.

>> No.7374221

You have to be 18 years or older to browse this website.

>> No.7374223

most of 4chan's boards have shitpost styles. /lit/ humor is an acquired taste.

>> No.7374225


>> No.7374264

Damn man good point

>> No.7374268



>> No.7375002

/r9k/ needs you

>> No.7375025
File: 38 KB, 640x480, smugdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this board has so much nuance and irony why is there so much shitposting and memers?

>is that what u were waiting for? ;)

>> No.7375026

It's because of the retards who don't read that browse this board. Their only purpose is to be heard, not listen. To teach, not learn. To ruin our fun, not join in.

>> No.7375031

not as dry as womens' pussies when you're around LMAO

>> No.7375036

Gotta leave the house, homie.

>> No.7375042

This is some "Obama's war to take my guns" level schizophrenia. Proportionalize reality better.

>> No.7375043

>Is it a /lit/ meme to be as pretentious as possible?
Pretentiousness is par for the course of all the art boards. Even /v/ is pretentious.

>> No.7375273

Don't be delusional mate. Do you really think that 4chan's culture has no influence on any of its users? Or that everything posted here is done so with irony?

>that's why there's literally always someone countering a poster who says something ignorant, right?

Wait, you're genuinely arguing against the fact that 4chan is full of hate? Have you ever been to /r9k/? Please stop.

>because the fact they're right wing views makes them odious, right.
Generally speaking, I think so, yes.

>> No.7375300

>>because the fact they're right wing views makes them odious, right.
>Generally speaking, I think so, yes.


>> No.7375326

Tired response

>> No.7375336

Tired but accurate. The notion that 'right wing=bad' is ridiculousness suited for a site like that.

>> No.7375338

"Right-wing=bad" is wrong and reductionist, but you must admit that the vast majority of right-wingers on this site are retarded ignorant ideological fools who attempt to sell their viewpoint to you in unconvincing, illogical ways. .

>> No.7375343

Well I don't deny that at all, I was the one telling the /pol/ack to fuck off about 'SJW's

>> No.7375344


No? Are you clinically or just ironically retarded?

>> No.7375347

damp's bad for books

>> No.7375350

He's right though unless you're disagreeing about whether being right-wing and bad is the same thing. Right-wingers here are dumb as fuck

>> No.7375355

this tbhfam. I wish there were more right-wing people like me on /lit/ who actually read or people in my uni on the right who weren't fucking retards

>> No.7375356

no, really damp warps all the pages and causes mildew. don't let it happen.

>> No.7375361


Correction, right-wingers from /pol/ are about as intelligent as everyone else on subpar boards, that is to say, on the level of cement bricks. Labelling it as a trait of right-wingers specifically, as opposed to politically inspired posters in general, is grossly misleading, though, as the left-wing posters here are as a rule of thumb even less gifted (butterfly being the prime example). We do have a few intellectual political posters of both the left and right around here on /lit/ who are good for banter, though.

>> No.7375363

seriously, mildewed pages are the only things silverfish like to eat more than vintage national geographic glue bindings. you don't want that shit.

>> No.7375365

/lit/ is for discussing literature. You are part of the problem. If you desire "epic #bantz", please go to one of the following:

>> No.7375366


You may suffer from autism. My recommendation is that you stop posting immediately and seek medical help asap.

>> No.7375371


>> No.7375373


Boy, you sure are making this place better, aren't you

>> No.7375375

If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. If you want #bantz, go to any of those boards I linked.

If you want to discuss political literature or political themes within a text, then stay as long as you have something worthwhile to provide. That is if you wish, because I don't care one way or another for you.

>> No.7375379

one day you'll be sitting down smelling that estate sale bookscent and looking at a nice picture of moose in sweden and maybe thinking of taking a holiday there and a silverfish will crawl over the copy because there is no room for him left in the dark pages of the magazine and you will realise the exterior of the small circle of desk lamp light is teeming with his starch eating brethren breeding in a seething mass of book destroying enzymes and corrugated pulsing bodies lining all the shadows of your room in a full blown silverfish infestation and there will be no holiday in sweden for you then. you should use adequate damp proofing to prevent this.

>> No.7375381


Was it too much of a stretch for your autistic mind to imagine that the mentioned banter takes place in threads that discuss political literature? You're literally cancer, please kill yourself.

>> No.7375384

No I will not kill myself. Are you going to reply with "lol u mad bro xD" now?

>> No.7375389


If you are not being le ironic xD then it is painfully obvious to everyone that you suffer from autism. Not much needs to be added. Please go take your meds now.

>> No.7375390

don't listen to that other guy. book lice evolved millions of years before we invented paste bindings or language; they already knew.

>> No.7375391

You're proving his point that right-wingers are dumb as fuck. Good job.

>> No.7375394


I don't even have a clearly defined political position, but you're that guy. Good job, please proceed with doing the job you just described, but for your benefit.

>> No.7375396

Please attempt to convince me that right-wing ideologies have value with your superior intellect. Thanks.

>> No.7375399

i wasn't talking about book lice. i was talking about silverfish. none of these people read enough to own anything subject to a book louse infestation. you're just a silverfish egg shill, everyone knows they're the older menace.

>> No.7375400


It's exactly this sort of pointless, retarded post that is why we need a second holocaust, but for shitposters this time.

>> No.7375403


>> No.7375404

>Capitalism is good and benefits the world.
>Conservative morals make for a good society.
>People should be protected and safe.

>> No.7375405

>make grandiose claim
>get called out on it

>> No.7375406

why worry about damp? even if you keep the place dry, the death's watch beetle's children will gnaw through your books for just being on wooden shelves. they all call for us at some time.

>> No.7375409


I'm not even the guy you replied to, I was just making an observation on how retarded your post was you shit

>> No.7375410

This post is a joke right?

>> No.7375411

I like your posts to be very honest with you family.

>> No.7375413


I don't know, but in principle he could be right. Your only recourse would be to question one of his statements, and start a rigorous debate - otherwise you're no less a clown than him.

>> No.7375419

What do you disagree with? Capitalism has led to global progress and greater freedoms. Conservative values ensure a strong family unit which ensures a well-maintained society. And if you don't agree with the last point, I think you've been reading too much Stirner.

>> No.7375420

Sure, but this isn't an advert – who, other than a child, in an attempt to convince someone of something, merely states that functions of said something are 'good'?

>> No.7375421

samefagging hard

>> No.7375422

i think we can find some balance here. once the book isn't saturated -- in which case the mandatory drying period in a well ventilated place until the pages return to their usual opacity of course still applies -- i think if you read it before the bookworms get a chance to eat it, we should be safe. assuming they aren't working from back to front in which case we could be dealing with some unknown japanese variant.

>> No.7375430

Whatever happened to the dictum
>Top notch literary banter with some cheeky lads

>> No.7375432

You're still speaking in vagueries.

I might equally argue that 'capitalism' has led to the degradation of art. That conservative values inhibit selfishness and tribalism, ensuring that, whilst family units are close-knit, communities become divided.

But, really, what use are generalisations?

>> No.7375433

agreed. you should never treat a book which is saturated for silverfish. freezing it would just make it brittle like ice and potentially destroy the integrity of the text. wait til they're nice and dry, kids.

>> No.7375434

>4chan is for serious discussion only, no memeing or shitposting

>4chan is for memeing and shitposting only, no serious discussion

>> No.7375437

But what if the silverfish will die if I don't treat it immediately?

>> No.7375440

Good. They only come here because of your coffee stains.

>> No.7375441

Fucking Silverfish Liberation Front. Neither books nor silverfish should go back to the trees, you hippy cunt.

>> No.7375444

But I don't drink coffee. Do you think saliva causes the same thing?

I say we can kill all the trees we want for bookworms and the lice but silverfish are aesthetic enough to be preserved.

>> No.7375446

It's not even a matter of being a SJW. You can spam your misogyny, racism, nationalism and retarded view on anything in general whenever you want and I'm ok with it. The only problem is that you're doing it on a LITERATURE board. There's a lot of other boards meant for you.

>> No.7375451

guys, guys, it's cool: i read Silent Spring. i got this.

you just spray the books with DDT, you'll be fine, family.

>But I don't drink coffee. Do you think saliva causes the same thing?
i dunno i only drink mickey slims for the opposite reason. the alcohol might help it evaporate faster and prevent damp too but i think the major player here is the DDT.

>> No.7375460

>But I don't drink coffee. Do you think saliva causes the same thing?
>don't drink coffee.
tea drinking japanese silverfish detected. someone get the thermostat below 32 before he gets in the leaves.

>> No.7375464

What in the fuck are you guys talking about? Is this some kind of meme; derailing a thread with nonsense about insects?

>> No.7375466

Like this thread wasn't off-topic shit-posts from the very beginning.

>> No.7375467
File: 312 KB, 540x566, donglord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not- The way to get people to listen to your issues and maybe come over to your side is to get them to understand where you're coming from. If you attack people (like SJW do) they'll get offended and shut down. There are people who'll be against you regardless, but if you attack people they'll all be against you.
For example feminism. It's a good thing. If you talk to someone against calmly and rationally and explain what and why, they might say, "oh, I didn't know it was like that, that makes sense." or they might say "I don't care, I still think it's stupid"
But if you start to attack them and tell them that they don't understand, they oppress women and they're shitty people and rapist apologists, they're going to say "fuck you, I hate feminists." I think it's pretty basic human psychology.
I think it's important to discern that SJW has become a term for people who aggressively fight for whatever they're backing, usually without a lot of in depth knowledge of their topic. They're the kind of people who hold white privilege rallies and yell at people in museums.

>> No.7375470

>What in the fuck are you guys talking about?
Bookworms, silly. It's very literary.

>> No.7375471

You take that back about Kafka. He is not a meme.

>> No.7375474

Beyond the issue of shutting people down, I've seen some people on the far-left who go so deep down the rabbit hole they come out on the other side. For example, a black woman was sharing an article about how black men dating white women is a bad and oppressive thing--putting them in direct agreement with the stormfag shitposters on /tv/ who can't stop getting rustled about 'CUÇKS' and 'BLACKED'

>> No.7375475


>> No.7375481

Then people say Antinatalism is retarded... Do you really think, reached this point, this civilization should continue existing? It's shit, man. Right or left, no matter what side you look at, they're all utter shit and there's no way to solve it.

>> No.7375484

It's shit because of global capitalism.

>> No.7375488

Well I think this falls into the rose-tinted glasses historical fallacy. Are all sides shit? Yes. However, we are in the most peaceful and prosperous era of human history.

>> No.7375490

Yeah, people get WEIRD. Like this cultural appropriation thing is basically segregation, but people are advocating it, because they want to think whitey is the big evil the world.

I think it's a little childish to think that way. It might be shit, but it's still something you have to live with. The world's not just going to end. Everything is slowly getting better, and it's just something we have to work for. There are a lot of good people too.

>> No.7375500

Well, kind of I agree. It's still not like we can get out of this mess.

>Well I think this falls into the rose-tinted glasses historical fallacy.
Nope. I didn't say the past was better. I don't know about the past, it was probably shit for other reasons. I'm talking about the present, exclusively. And I think it's shit. Could it be worse? Well, sure. But this only makes me feel even more convinced about humanity (as I know it) being shit.
>However, we are in the most peaceful and prosperous era of human history.
lol I'll just overlook the "peaceful" part.
This is exactly what I find depressing about humanity. Not even such level of technological development, prosperity, knowledge about nature can make this civilization acceptable.

>> No.7375509

>I think it's a little childish to think that way.
>It might be shit, but it's still something you have to live with.
Huh. Yeah. I know. I DO live with it, and I'm pretty sure I will do well at it. It's still shit and I don't think it's worthy of being perpetuated.
>The world's not just going to end.
Of course it won't just end during our lifetime. That's what I'm worried about. it's going to continue.
>Everything is slowly getting better, and it's just something we have to work for.
Now THAT's what I call a childish view. Shit's not getting "better". We (a minority of the population) have access to commodities and a somewhat comfortable life. Thisstill doesn't make us remotely better people.
>There are a lot of good people too.
You didn't get my point. i don't say there's "evil" individuals out there that are causing us so much trouble. I'm saying humanity as a whole can't get past this civilization's limitations. We as a whole, everyone but none in particular, are being a shitty civilization. And there's no way out of it. All the ideologies trying to change it in one way or another fail terribly and just make the ones deffending it look silly.

>> No.7375513

Then go out and do something about it.

>> No.7375516

Did you even read my post? I CAN'T do anything about it. Nobody can. We're doomed. But not in the "we're all going to die" sense, we're fucked in the "everythings' going to be shit forever" sense. The only thing I can do is not having any children, so at least I can say it's not my fault this civilization goes on existing after my death.

>> No.7375521

Jesus Christ, you're exhausting. Are you sixteen?

>> No.7375524

I will in a few years ;^)

>> No.7375528

>have to live with
Choose death 2b8ch

>> No.7375529

I don't even understand this post.

>> No.7375531
File: 753 KB, 3088x2018, WorldViolentDeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol I'll just overlook the "peaceful" part.
No, really, this is the most peaceful era of human history. It just seems to be especially violent because we can hear about any civil conflict around the world at any moment and have it whipped into a storm by the news media. I mean you can look to stuff like the Paris attacks and think 'the west is falling into violence', but consider how many thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in France in civil conflicts preceding that, from the wars between vassals to wars of religion to the revolution and monarchist-republican riots.

>> No.7375541

get this /his/ shit outta here

>> No.7375579

Family member, I kinda agree with your post but chill out don't take things too seriously

>> No.7375592


Hello Reddit!

>> No.7375599

'rightwing' =/= right-wing

>> No.7375617

>Either way, though /lit/ has always been somewhat of a lone bastion of rationality, there's always been tinges of anger/fear/hatred

Probably it seems this way because the more mindless 4chan users don't come here, or at least they stand out when they do. The vast majority of 4chan's userbase is addicted to cheap, easily digestible, instantly gratifying entertainment and it is therefore allergic to heavy literature. That doesn't mean /lit is any less bitter, however.

>Do you really think that 4chan's culture has no influence on any of its users?

Most people won't listen to this, not even on /lit/. You can't win. Be happy you figured it out for yourself and cut down on the hours spent posting so you can spend more time reading.

>> No.7375671


Every great author throughout history either hated women, spooks or commies, and was also smarter than you. How are you gonna deal with it, lad?

>> No.7375684

not him but you're right and thank you for wording my thoughts

>> No.7375726

I'm not sure what it is precisely about this post that it warrants two 'don't take things too seriously' replies. I'm chill, male sibling.

>> No.7375741

too bad that's 90% of the board

>> No.7375746


You basically just wrote:

This is correct; it is in accordance with my worldview.

>> No.7375750

yes it did, he was real butthurt about it

>> No.7375753

we're here
we just post reasonable things as opposed to cultural marxism charts