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/lit/ - Literature

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7368008 No.7368008 [Reply] [Original]

how come there are no good women writers?

>> No.7368077

Because they have no empathy nor insight

>> No.7368082

Because the only purpose of woman is to ornament man.

>> No.7368092

I would have expected opinions such as these from /pol/ or /r9k/, not /lit/. Disgusting.

>> No.7368128

why'd the last thread get taken down so fast?

>> No.7368163

Jk Rowling
Emily Bronte
Virginia Woolf

>> No.7368167

/lit/ started as a splinter from /r9k/.
You'll occasionally get serious and well-thought answers but this is not one of the occasions.

>> No.7368174

Frankenstein is one of my favorite novels.

>> No.7368182

Mary Shelly's Frankenstein is pretty iconic, reading it convinced me she must've been a lesbian. Anyways great works come from great suffering or at least an understanding of the emotional burden of great suffering, women don't get that because food, water, shelter, and sex are easily provided to them in any functioning post stone age society. Lesbians can still write decent fiction because they have to work for what they want like men do.

>> No.7368228

ursula leguin

>> No.7368231
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I honestly like Alice Munro, I´ve read Moons Of Jupiter and it is a nude portait of female mind. While apparently vulnerable, build in this sorta sad society that they have to cope with.

>> No.7368235
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>> No.7368295

go back to tumblr

>> No.7368303


food, water, shelter, and sex are easily provided to both genders in any functioning post stone age society

we just haven't reached autism equality yet

>> No.7368366

To be a decent writer you need life experience, very few women up until the 90's went through anything beyond "got a job, had some kids".

>> No.7368372

According to goodreads, 90% of the best books written last year were written by women

>> No.7368382
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you got a swell sense of humour anon

>> No.7368386

Being "disgusting" doesn't make it incorrect. Some of us base our opinions on reality, not how certain perspectives make us feel.

>> No.7368388

> Margaret Mitchell
> Agatha Christie

>> No.7368395

Many good authors did nothing but spend a lot of time reading. Women with their abundant leisure time at home were in the best position to do this.

>> No.7368408 [DELETED] 

You mean female writers? You don't say man writers.

>> No.7368411

very good question

>> No.7368417

Men genetically have that little dash of autism, which makes them more suited to contemplative tasks like art.

>> No.7368418 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7368425


Easton Ellis calling Munro overrated is bizarre. I can't imagine anyone who enjoys reading his pulp being able to even understand the concept of a short story.

>> No.7368430

That makes sense, as the saying goes good writers borrow from other writers, and great writers steal.

>> No.7368432

Women clearly aren't bad writers. I do think they have a habit of viewing books as another way of getting attention though. That's why so many books written by women, even famous books, are just thinly veiled autobiographies, usually about their childhood.

There are many books written by women every year, yet most of us would struggle to come up with more than a handful of books written by women that dealt with big issues.

>> No.7368434
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Read romance. Not hero myths.

>> No.7368441


>> No.7368445

There is only one name which comes to mind that hasn't been mentioned yet:
George Eliot

>> No.7368447

Pat Barker
Virgina Woolf
Emily Bronte
desu senpai

>> No.7368455

Jane Austen.

>> No.7368461

Nice meme

>> No.7368465

Women are basically not humans to be honest.

>> No.7368469

>little dash of autism

>> No.7368470
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This to be honest family

>> No.7368475
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"Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."

>> No.7368964

They've written some pretty good dimestore erotica, assuming those are real women.

>> No.7369130


>> No.7369210

>american writer
confirmed for bait

>> No.7369216

Flannery O'Connor

>> No.7369230


plenty of good female writers out there bro

>> No.7369310
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I honestly pity you two.

>> No.7369323

very few women are good at being objective

>> No.7369325


Those awards doe

>> No.7369329

Give them time. They only became people like 100 years ago.

>> No.7369337


Get off this fucking board idiot. If this weren't b8 shit posting then you could at least curtail your claim within reason: "why are there more good male authors than female?" but nope.

Pls go back to r9k

>> No.7369339

Not that guy, and I don't share his views, but I do think you could believe women are subhuman and still basically live a normal life. That's was the norm in most of the world for a long damn time.

>> No.7370210

bonjour m'reddit

>> No.7370219

>all these white knights

>> No.7370333

I often wonder how many real life women the people who post about women being evil know/interact with on a regular basis.

>> No.7370527

what if they ARE women??

>> No.7370547
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I've had a few serious girlfriends, some for a couple of years or longer. Being around women doesn't suddenly give you a better impression, in my experience it's quite the opposite. I guess if you a totally whipped pussy then it might. I'm a regular "women are evil" shitposter.

>> No.7370552


My knowledge of woman-kind is not clouded by first hand experience.

>> No.7370554

>I guess if you a totally whipped pussy then it might.

Or maybe if you don't live in Flyoverland where the smashing majority of women are terrible.

>> No.7370575
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Gee, I don't know. If my experiences with all women I've dealt with give a certain impression and the experiences of other men online lead them to similar conclusions, maybe you'd consider the possibility that there is some accuracy to these opinions?

Oh wait, you're not like all the other girls. That's what they always say.

>> No.7371560

The harshest critiques of women I have heard have been from other women.

>> No.7371582

seriously? High schoolers in India can write better than her. I was one 10 years back. She's extremely overrated.

>> No.7371590

because women become entranced with gimmicks like 'alt-lit' and other bullshit. The two decent female writers, Gertrude Stein and O' Connor were good because one was isolated from society and the other was a hardcore dyke

>> No.7371591

This. I got all of my most misogynistic opinions directly from my mother's mouth, because she loves me and doesn't want me to get played.

>> No.7371597

I had one girl, in whose pants I was trying to get, straight up tell me that women should not be allowed to vote because they were to emotional.

That was a bit much even for me. But, Sad thing is I completely understood where she was comming from.

>> No.7371613

I've heard a shocking number of girls say stuff like that to me when their girl friends weren't around. Like, claiming that being childless at 20 made them crave both dick and to hold a baby and that these feelings were so strong they suspected they should be locked up for the safety of dicks, babies and themselves. Like, four girls I've heard say things along these lines.

>> No.7371678

I feel sorry for modern woman. They cannot freely express the very purpose of the femaleness.
The kicker is its not men's fault at all.
As I have said many times a woman's worst enemy is other women.

>> No.7371682

what about heloise? (though perhaps the status of the epistle makes claims to her gender difficult)
what about arendt?
what about woolf?
what about marta hillers?
what about atwood? (okay, fair, but her poetry is decent)
what about gertrude stein?

>> No.7371692
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I like women because they're so emotionally weak and unstable, it makes me feel better about my own mental problems and I sympathize with them.

They smell nice too. And I like Le guin.

>> No.7371711

Pls post more gifs
This is turning me on

>> No.7371730

nice. forced pleasure.

>> No.7371732

>hurdur I'll go on 4chan and expect anything more than shitposting

>> No.7371760

i hate women, because they hate me. it's that simple. only women who liked me were borderline retarded.

>> No.7371766


>i hate women

>> No.7371822

>because they hate me

>> No.7371831


>> No.7371840

i asked one and she said it was because i was ugly. she said she hated ugly people and considered them worthless.

>> No.7371844

>Actually being a semi-renowned writer and shitposting on Twitter about other writers

Jesus Christ this culture...

>> No.7371845

well are you ugly?

>> No.7371846

should have thrown acid in her face
then she would consider herself worthless

>> No.7371861

Thankfully we have 4chan culture for people like us to flourish.

>> No.7371863

Aren't male writers' works often the same thinly veiled autobiographies?

>> No.7371865

at least they TRY to hide it

>> No.7371868

A vast majority of crap authors do nothing but read though.

>> No.7371869

>anon hasn't read old letters of writers shitting on other writers

What is that, a rear view window with rose-tinted glasses on?

>> No.7371876

Very true. Is a challenging personal reason the most important catalyst for being a creative?

I'm not one of these woman hating edgelords, but the post someone made about women lacking traumatic experiences and therefore source material was interesting to me. Today it seems like that couldn't be an excuse however, and women have obviously always had the additional challenge of being marginalized in some way.

>> No.7371883

>Certain behavior is right or correct because it happened before

>> No.7371887

aw, you didn't follow the previous responses

life is hard

>> No.7371888

go ahead and tell me i'm worthless. you're not the first and probably won't be the last. you don't even know me, but you already hate me.

>> No.7371891

>doesn't answer the question
>expects me to respond
nice trips though

>> No.7371895

you are truly superior

>> No.7371897


>> No.7371902

you are like a god

>> No.7371905

No I mean actual autism. As in, the theory that autism represents hyper-"maleness".

>> No.7371917


>> No.7371921

you are such a good person

>> No.7371926

There are good women writers. There just aren't any great women writers.

>> No.7371929

>you are such a good person

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7371931

That he was due a semen gargle.

>> No.7371934

you're like a saint

>> No.7371955

appreciate the praise but answer my question >>7371845

>> No.7371959

you are so very kind

>> No.7371963


>> No.7371967

you are truly good

>> No.7371980

>you are truly good

What did he mean by this?

>> No.7371989

you're doing the right thing

>> No.7371992


>> No.7371998

you're the best of us

>> No.7372002


>> No.7372017

you've got a heart of gold

>> No.7372027

>you've got a heart of gold

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7372041

you always choose to do good

>> No.7372043


>> No.7372047

phone is dying and it's late

will be expecting an answer to >>7371845

in the morning

>> No.7372053

you set an example for the rest of us

>> No.7372120
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>no Colleen McCullough

;__; Why won't anyone ever love my bookfu?

Rowling, Shelley, Woolf are all overrated as fuck, but McCullough (and Mary Renault, and Margaret Atwood) are better than most male authors who've ever set pen to paper. In fact, Colleen McCullough is my favorite author of all time.

>> No.7372425

What's your explanation as to why there aren't any good women writers?

>> No.7372431

Wasn't she in that Stephen King movie about the writer who gets hit by a car?

>> No.7373264

what is this fetish called

>> No.7374061

The fugg m8. I'm drunk as fugg and you're high. She wasn't is any Stephen King shit. I wrote this whiile drunk as fuck and eyes cllsed, enedited lad.

>> No.7374096

Jebo boga nemoj zajebavati sine. Zbilja ti molim u picku materinu.