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7362596 No.7362596 [Reply] [Original]

Post any novel idea that you think of in within 10 seconds and other anons will tell you if they'd read it or not

>> No.7362600

Boy meets girl.

>> No.7362607

Novel without characters.

>> No.7362609

Guy has to 'think of in within' and suddenly has to poop.

>> No.7362814

walking around in suicide forest

>> No.7362819

Psychotic and violent transsexual thinks a dragon lives in their head

>> No.7362822

>>7362600 No

>>7362607 Yes

>>7362609 No.

>>7362814 Hell yes.

>> No.7362824

might read if they cut off their cock in the first page

>> No.7362826

Manuscripts of a Suicide Cult. its about a suicide cult. the cult is also a metaphor for modern society

>> No.7362827

Boy and girl stuck in a huge forest. Meet weird ass cultists living there. Have to join them to survive. One of them actually wants to stay there fo real. Drama ensues.

>> No.7362829

Sion Sono directed a movie about a suicide cult. It's not that good.

>> No.7362831


But then they couldn't get SRS. That's irrational behavior, anon.

>> No.7362842

main character is a passive narrator living in switzerland to avoid the draft for ww1
he begins an opium habit and documents in a series of newspaper articles insincerity and disillusionment in the dadaist movement

>> No.7362853

100 pages describing in exquisite detail exactly one pump up and down of a guy masturbating.

>> No.7362854

Metaphorical punk hobo vampires in Venice with a faux-gonzo narrator kindof.

Mostly because I wrote a short story about it already


Depends on your definition of character but yeah, sure.

Yes I like shit.

Oh my. Absolutely.

But do they fuck.

Probably, but Blake Butler kind of already did that

If it's under 150 pages maybe

Oh hi Burroughs, nice of you to drop by and spoil your next novel, do send me a copy when it's out

>> No.7362861

a fat man decides to murder his wife because he realizes society doesnt give a fuck if he is fat, it's just her bringing him down and he loves hamburgers and shit

>> No.7362862

yes, does he go on a road trip after?

>> No.7362869

Dog falls in love with a fish but he can't swim.

>> No.7362871

A man can hear ghosts over electronics, so he ops to be like a hermit. He lives with an "artist" in a loft who doesn't bother him about it.

Maybe he ends up using a phone like, "just this once" and falls in love with one of the ghosts. So he has to come to terms with his fear.

>> No.7362878

I feel like he goes to his favorite restaurant and hugs the old chinese man who has served him food for years but they never really talked you know

>> No.7362881


>> No.7362891

how do they fuck

>> No.7362894

A virgin man gets laid has sexual intercourse with a virgin woman and both find out they're homosexuals and so they kill each other's family who had been forcing marriage on them in Raqqa.

>> No.7362899

A man realizes after a night of heavy drinking that anything he touches grows insect legs and becomes alive. Terror and hijinks ensue.

>> No.7362901


>But do they fuck

I asked her. She said no. By necessity she'd be involved in a three way if I fucked anyone else though.

>> No.7362906

A couple of missionaries head off to a foreign country and begin destroying the existing religious icons, inadvertently fulfilling the prophecies of the natives' mythos and proving the indigenous religion to be right

>> No.7362909

this novel follows an antisocial Brazilian weeaboo's descent into insanity and dubious far right ideologies

>> No.7362912

I like this. Sounds like a cute mix between Murakami and Cortazar. You should write it.

>> No.7362919

a scifi future that deals with the world trying to figure out how to deal with all the water in the world turning into jelly for reasons unknown and a small percentage of humans spontaneously mutate into reptile people. Different people. Two of them are scientists (one of them lizard), one is a young woman, one is a group of young friends, etc.

I lied, this was a dream I had

>> No.7362928

I like these. I wonder if the title of the insect one could be some pun on the Midas Touch. But I can't think of something clever enough.

>> No.7362934

my diary t(bh).

>> No.7362946

okay, so 200 years ago some traveling merchant or something went to whereeverland, whose populace has based their culture around a peculiar combination of irony and agency similar to that which characterizes the current pomo literary landscape. he arrives just as they are putting a plan into effect: seeking to escape their ennui, they are creating a religion to cultivate sincerity in their children and their children's children etc, but they can't resist adding their own ridiculous twists to the religon. They intend for it to be just stupid enough that their children may someday break out of it. Merchant guy, who has a similarly jaded outlook and experiences with Great Awakening type revivals, suggests they add a set of prophecies.

They can't resist the theme of liberation by their own self-destruction (isn't it poetic???) so they throw that in.

Merchant guy makes great trades, enjoys their final party before they enact the religion, leaves, inculcates his kids similarly. his children's children go to whereverland as ardent missionaries; cue events of first post.

>> No.7362990

200 years from now, following an dark age of great technological progress but social and cultural stagnation, a renaissance.

Hyper-productive far-northern republics led by a philosopher class practice hegemony over socially unstable hedonistic southerners.

>> No.7362998

maybe something with some variation of chitin, but that feels a little heavy handed

>> No.7363006

A guy has a close encounter with aliens in which they probe his anus. He feels this is a deeply spiritual experience and he sets out to Area 51 to find out the why they chose him for "The Probening".

>> No.7363012

Dog eats a mammal and licks the spine. Each chapter starts with a description of the next lick, and then uses that description as an introduction to a metaphor in the form of a short story.

>> No.7363021
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I'd read the first chapter

Would pick up

Could be good


If it explained why his socks don't have legs, I'm in.

Definitely one to read on the tube, so long as it had an edgy title



I'm sold.

>> No.7363099

The bugged hand
Throw in some matrix shit to explain why it happened (and to make the title make sense)

I'm sorry for even posting this

>> No.7363105

Kid develops abilities from repetition of mundane activities. Book turns into MGS later.

>> No.7363111

there's a guy who can shoot endless deadly lasers out of his fingertips and he discovers this quite by accident one day when he's at a diner and accidentally shoots the waitress and the situation escalates and he ends up having huge battles fighting the police and what have you all the while trying to apologise and his power keeps growing and soon everyone without a nearby radius gets killed by lasers automatically a bit like the jew ghosts fucking everyone up at the end of raiders of the lost ark and things escalated a little more until he is literally the only person left alive

then the second half of the book is him living on the deserted earth coming to terms with what he's done and surviving, there's a lot of survival type stuff and a realistic approach to the post-apocalyse and a lot of depression and existential malaise

then at the end he wakes up and it was all a dream

>> No.7363115

Why not "The Elmidae Touch"?

>> No.7363125

this is just a bad ending for X-Men's Cyclops.

>> No.7363136

that's an entirely different concept; cyclops shoots lasers out of his eyes

>> No.7363141

Well, that's certainly elegant.

I wouldn't get it at first, but I assume readers would Google the strange word like I did and find out about the pun. It sounds nice and (obviously, as that was the intention) a lot like Midas. Yes, yes, I quite like it.

>> No.7363144

or maybe his socks could also grow legs and could transport him around

>> No.7363147
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>> No.7363152

Books can only be written once. Thus, there is only one copy of each book on earth.

>> No.7363155

he'd probably kill his socks an pull the legs off. He'd kind of have to.

>> No.7363162
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i don't see why. the insect socks actually seem like quite a handy way to travel

>> No.7363173

Well, the question would be if they could lift him, and if they could, how the fuck he'd be able to balance on them. Also, shoes. If he wore gloves, he could put the shoes on without touching them. Also, the moral implications of if they can be killed, and following that logic, if it is immoral to kill something you had created that was neither ever supposed to be alive, or if they're even sentient, let alone sapient.

>> No.7363186
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if he crushed the legs, then no bother, he could just walk around normally. thinking about it though, literally all of his clothes, or at least those layers touching the skin would have lots of writhing insect legs which might get gnarly

>> No.7363191

alternative history romance between kant and ayn rand

>> No.7363194

What if he touches a corpse?

>> No.7363196

Yeah, but the idea is that the legs won't cover all the surface like your drawing, but just a sensible number, like 6 or maaaybe 8. So a t-shirt would still only have six legs to crush. Or tape down. Or just hide. I figured the legs would come out of the seams on his sides, so they'd be easy to hide, just by wearing a coat.

>> No.7363203

then Gyo Ugomeku Bukimi happens

>> No.7363232

Would, but only if he's really schizophrenic at the end

>> No.7363239

My mom rapes a boy and it turns out to be my mother.

>> No.7363251

Dude wants to act but is too fucking stupid so he tries in the midwest, gets tired of being in shit under $1000 budget indies that are just some assholes and a camera nicer than a camcorder, decides to try his hand at getting together the budget for something better, but still can't get stump money. He ends up in shitty (S&M?) porn for less money than most stars makes because he still won't leave his area. After a while of this he ends up being tapped to direct, and ends up trying to realize his dreams within the constraints of a porno.

>> No.7363258

Dude who's a sex addict fucks a series of increasingly skeezy, unstable, and broken women while his own personal life and sanity unravels.

>> No.7363270

End scene is just him furiously humping a body pillow while a disheveled, gap toothed woman lays in the far corner and screams.

>> No.7363276

The Picture of Dorian Gray?
Okay, to be fair, Dorian: An Imitation is more like it.

>> No.7363282

You just gave me a "why didn't I think about that" moment.

>> No.7363283

Basically I assume the character of a sort of Don Quixote, laying down only some very broad brush strokes before leaving my former reasonable existence behind. I allow my entire being to be informed by blatant misinterpretations of my reality which are improvised on the fly and pay no heed to the rational. Eventually, I come to resemble someone of an alien society; I have been remodelled on a framework of contingency. Once I have lived for some time in this manner, if I am not dead, I regain my common sense and commit it to a memoir.

>> No.7363301

Is this the true literary lifestyle?

>> No.7363310

So, Shame?

>> No.7363314

A middle-aged man in an unhappy marriage finds a service online connecting lonely Western men with Eastern European women eager to marry their way out of poverty. He ends up buying a teenage bride from Ukraine with whom he attempts to realize the ideal marriage he never had... all while still married to his first wife.

>> No.7363338

It's a book of scary stories. When you open the last page a pop-out with a scary face jumps out at you.

>> No.7363353

>Only one

I'll let you work out where you went wrong

>> No.7363354

But then wouldn't the legs become alive and grow legs too?

>> No.7363362

No, It's supposed to be a story, not a glitch loop.

>> No.7363396

Problem is being able to prevent her being deported if she doesn't have a green card through marriage.

>> No.7363402

dogs talk about how their suits don't fit properly.

>> No.7363411

no longer human

>> No.7363460

Genius who finds the mathematical structure of the universe and can manipulate it to his advantage by predicting outcomes with certainty and being able to do things like make somebody fall in love with him. His power comes at a price tho as it affects his relationship with close friends and relatives

>> No.7363482

So, Limitless?

>> No.7363523

Or that one guy from Alphas.
Like he murdered a guy by moving a rock 3 inches to the left or something like that.

>> No.7363623

underage girl trips acid in an aquarium

>> No.7363684

An English man kills and rapes a women in a crime of passion and, overcome with guilt, experiences what he believes to be a visitation from God. He flees England, hoping to reach Jerusalem, stowing away on a ferry from Dover and hitch-hiking across Europe. Eventually he resorts to travelling cross-country because he believes that the police have caught up with him. As he starves in the North Hungarian Mountains, he anticipates his death and, delirious, flagellates himself until he's too weak to move. In his final moments, he reflects on the nature of redemption.

>> No.7363702

Christmas doesn't come, and people don't know why.

>> No.7363867

Uh dragons all died but one egg is left and a young person gets it but then it turns out there are more dragons

>> No.7363932

My semen coats the universe with cum. My mom tries to clean it up but cannot.

>> No.7363941

A person is convinced by his group of friends to do something illegal despite his fear of police. This leads to the realization that there are in fact no police, and have never been. He uses this knowledge to selfishly take advantage of society while they all call the police to save them from him

>> No.7363944

Old men trying to start a strip club with one of The wives (the other wives don't know about it so keep it as secret for now).

>> No.7363947

>>7363932 I would read that hard

>> No.7363958


It has dragons I would read it.

>> No.7363993

A guy learns to sew to impress his grandmother's nursing home clique. It's some kind of weird reverse Penelope story.

>> No.7364038

An American girl disguises herself to take the place of her brother, who is drafted to fight on the Western Front in WW2. In France, she meets the closeted gay son of a high-ranking Nazi official. It's love at first sight for both of them.

>> No.7364041

A student finds a diary,where all of his life is written down (similar to number 23) BUT it tells him how he really feels about things, which leads him to accepting his own personality

>> No.7364060


Starving man who wants to become the next great writer takes a job as a plumber to pay the bills. He discovers he is an incredibly talented plumber and is offered ridiculous amounts of money for contract after contract.

Even though he becomes incredibly wealthy he's still a bitter bitch about life and wants to write.

>> No.7364071

Anon, I just want you to know you are brilliant.

>> No.7364072

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.7364080


Title or just cancer?

>> No.7364090

In Tropic of Cancer the protagonist is pretty much starving, so he gets several jobs throughout the book and he is good at most of them, but always finds a reason to quit, either too challenging or too degrading. Wants to write and fuck. beautiful book

>> No.7364112

would read. we dont need a metaphor for modern society. that's overdone honestly

>> No.7364114

Man gets killed by vengeful ghost, turns into vengeful ghost, goes on a hate fueled rampage "murdering" other ghosts in comically gruesome ways.

>> No.7364119

NEET creates a world-wide virus that identifies illegal material in a computer, he then blackmails its users for money.

>> No.7364132

would definitely read

>> No.7364139

A cop who has spent his career breaking up human trafficking rings is forced into an early retirement due to bureaucracy

He tries to continue his work by infiltrating a local pedophile ring, only to be shot and killed in a police raid.

Society remembers him as a monster who abused his power to drive his perversion.

>> No.7364148
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>> No.7364154




ill keep doing it later

mine is


some couples are invited to a party. In there they get trapped and must play a game, to find the lost baby of the house owner. But there is no baby because the house owner is a delusive fuck.

>> No.7364176

Man who has always looked forward to having a son finally has one. He grows to hate him more and more everyday. He doesn't know why, he's a good son and there's nothing wrong with him but he just knows he fucking hates him with a growing passion each and every day.

Eventually he goes full Ivan and kills his son on his eighteenth birthday in a drunken rage.

>> No.7364210

A group of New York socialites is trapped in a penthouse ballroom during the worst snowstorm in American history.

>> No.7364214

I'm not sure whether or not I'd end it with there actually being cops who were chasing him the whole time, even since he did that first thing with his friends. It seems too modern twisty bullshit. Either way it's derivative I suppose

>> No.7364226

Woman puts her suicide notes in the outgoing mail, goes to kill herself, then backs out at last minute. Humorous shenanigans ensue as she tries to either retrieve or destroy the letters in her brick community mailbox before the mailman comes Sunday.

>> No.7364239

Town has 40-day blackout. Chaos ensues

>> No.7364259

would buy

>> No.7364265

the purge but longer?

>> No.7364276

after day 3 wouldn't they just go to the next town?

>> No.7364287

A man wanders into a tavern of other males, all white, fat, adorned in wear he vaguely recalls to be classical. He gradually realizes he has been transported to an ancient greek symposium and what follows is a psychological battle deciding whether he is the fucboi or the fat drunken aristocrat.

>> No.7364308

Sounds like it could be a good short story

>> No.7364322

meant to say comes Monday. mail doesn't happen on Sunday

>> No.7364334

A depressed man has no will to do anything with his life. His dog dies who is the only thing he has left to love which makes him snap and decide that he will go and find success no matter how brutal the cost.

>> No.7364342

Maybe if you developed on a plot that takes place after that, it definitely would be a good beginning to set in motion a rising conflict.
Strongly depends on how it was written, as a dark comedy i think it would work.
Its definitely a start.
Yeah would read
It could work as a good violent thriller

>> No.7364351

exactly but I'd imagine it'd be less violence and more hysteria

town could be in a very rural area I guess

>> No.7364388

A series of young people fall in love with each other not knowing that their lovers' previous lovers are what shaped them into the person they fell in love with.
Example: a girl has a quirky habit when she makes breakfast early in the morning, a habit she picked up from a previous lover. New boyfriend adores her for it not knowing it is a part of another persons personality.

Moral is we can be in love with with anyone/any combination of people.

>> No.7364405
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Two very cute boys go around having sex with buff, macho, manly men. Also there's, idk, marxism and chill.

>> No.7364406

From the dilapidated Beijing olympic village, a press conference.

A charismatic, wealthy entrepreneur announces The First "Power-Lympics" ;

Im all for a clean olympics, but how fast could we really go? How high? Then if not, why?

A contest in which pharmaceutical companies sponsor athletes to compete in a series of events using performance enhancing drugs.

It runs in parallel to The Olympic Games and disgraced athletes are welcomed with open arms.

Expect the three-minute mile , a hundred metres in 8 seconds and deaths on the playing field.

>> No.7364408

A guy is renting a small house alone. The previous tenant killed herself. One day a letter arrives addressed to her. He opens it: the letter is from her teenage brother begging her to reconnect with her family, not aware that she's been dead for a while. This guy begins a correspondence, pretending to be the boy's sister.

In the ending, they agree to meet up in real life. The little brother catches a bus out to where they live and they meet in a park. The guy sits on a bench, contemplating whether he should reveal the sham but in the end decides against it. He watches the little brother skip stones across a pond before going home.

>> No.7364411

This sounds like some awesome forgotten J.G. Ballard novel. I would read it.

>> No.7364418
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>> No.7364431

Twist ending reveals the sister underwent an FtM transition and it really was him/her all along.

>> No.7364447

That's fucking funny, man. I want 20 pages, on my desk monday morning. nothing too in-depth, just a rough outline

>> No.7364460

20yo dude gets magically turned in a little monster girl and obtains super powers, fantasy-themed story.

>> No.7364462

This reminds me of a story I tried to make happen a long time ago. The setting is some horrible overcrowded dystopian future. In a shitty suburb where everyone works in a factory they take their mind off life with boxing matches. And the people are enamoured with boxing. It's one of the few ways out of poverty for them.

A middle class guy with metal implants in his fists moves into the suburb and begins killing people left and right in the ring.

>> No.7364496

Seems like it would be a better movie then it would be a book

>> No.7364501

Desperately in need of money, our protagonist signs up to a medical trial. Flu Camp, they call it.

the trial is whats known as a transmission study: a study of vectors and airbourne transmission rates.
There are four groups of test subject.

Carriers - those are infected with the flu and made to mingle with the others

Test A's - subjects are unprotected (green jacket)

Test B's- subjects wear plexiglass helmets and carry hand sanitizer. (Orange jacket)

Placebos- a mix of all subjects and false-carriers

3 days into the trial, there is an outbreak of deadly influenza nationwide. Our test subjects are perfectly safe, quarantined in fact, but paranoia and tribalism soon take over...

>> No.7364510

Like soylent green with boxing

>> No.7364512


>> No.7364518

Guy living in pandemic, not post apocalyptic, no speshul snowflake immune child

>> No.7364532

already been done. saramango's blindness is close enough to make your idea obsolete

>> No.7364537

You know what? I like the blue-collar vs white-collar aspect.
Our "middle-class man" is he friend or foe?

>> No.7364544

Ach, well!

To be honest, reading it back, it may as well be lord of the flies.

Fair comment

>> No.7364559

Saramango's Blindness is Wyndham's Attack of The Triffids.

>> No.7364568

A world where every consciousness is actually a small piece of a higher-dimensional worm that bores through universes and feeds on experiences.

>> No.7364586

Dunno. You can read what you want into it. I just thought it'd be cool to write about the panic of losing the only joy in your community and to have some guy punching shards of skull off people in a boxing ring. It would feel oppressing as fuck.

>> No.7364595

The average day of a NEET.

>> No.7364598

Foe, then.

>> No.7364611

would read if prose conveyed psychedelia properly

>> No.7364626

>cyclops shoots lasers
triggered t.b.h

>> No.7364723

That could actually play out pretty well. It could just barely touch on the previous tenant dying, which in the end would obviously represent her transition and the reason she chooses not to see her brother would be fear of rejection. I would read it with or without the twist ending.

>> No.7364736

The Illiterati is a conspiracy that tries to kill God by destroying the concept of fiction.

>> No.7364742

Woman divorces her husband and has sex with lots of other women; she doesn't find herself but she does get famous.

>> No.7364761

For two years I thought the people around me were reading my mind and this was actually the theory I came up with to explain it. Now I'm probably going to go back into psychosis because of your post. Schizophrenia is a bitch.

>> No.7364774

A group of middle-to-highschool kids one day find themselves without any adults to care for them after a mysterious plague has wiped out all of humanity past the age of 18, after their immune system fully develops, as this is what the plague targets. All throughout, they struggle with survival, but also with a constant thought of death at the age of eighteen, and wondering if it's worth living life until then, if they're going to die.

Rereading Lord of the Flies, took a bit of inspiration.

>> No.7364789

A man is charged with the duty to create a utopian city-town by sampling the culture, religion, architecture, etc from every era of every nation of society since 2000BC from a cyber-being he meets on a dark corner of the internet and is given the intellectual resources to do so

60 seconds but w.e

>> No.7364821

Its a film called Sea of Trees

>> No.7364825

a man that rarely leaves his house spends his days getting lost in his thoughts, often having lucid and strange daydreams.He write downs his thoughts as he believes he is having visions from god and is a prophet for the rapture. He eventually sees a doctor and he is put on medication to stop the visions. He becomes an ordained catholic priest and later appointed a cardinal.

After he becomes a cardinal a unified pan arab state launches a war with the west. Israel is under siege and bombings happen around the world including the Vatican.He urges for a crusade but no one listens to him.He stops taking his medication and is visited by the Angel Gabriel in a dream to go to the holy land.He tries to gather a militia and leaves the the holy land.It is unsure what happens to him

>> No.7364855
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anon gets ignored and feels sad

>> No.7364928

Honey I shrunk the kids.

>> No.7364936

An ancient Egyptian struggles with annoying beuracracy, but triumphs by getting a woman. Takes place over one day.

>> No.7364937

Man turns into Kafka's cockroach but the family ignores it and continues to play runescape during wilderness era.

>> No.7364941

Treasure Island in Pubs.


Young Pip's adventures amongst the ner'do wells of his town's drinking saloons as he follows the path of mystery to restore his lost fortune. Uncovering the murderous pen letters that destroyed his family's estate and meeting the various characters and factions therein.

>> No.7364951
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I'd read it ut then again I read a shit ton of christian jacq books

>> No.7365006

I think that was a movie

>> No.7365287

Everything here is awful and not creative in any way.

>> No.7365295

Probably not.

That's actually kind of funny. If that was on the back cover of a book I'd probably buy it.

>> No.7365299

A scientist creates the most beautiful women ever in his lab, then he get's kidney problems.

>> No.7365305

forced transition of humanity to a singular artificial entity

>> No.7365312


>> No.7365329

Just like you and your post, then.

>> No.7365351

twilight zone did something like this

>> No.7365467


No, you're confusing two different movies and a canonical confused transvestite for a transsexual. Also the book would be a memoir, not a thriller.

>> No.7365703

Yeah, when will that release? I really don't want it to be shit.

>> No.7365709
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>> No.7365746

An insect wakes up in his nest one day, only to find himself transformed into a man.

>> No.7365780
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>> No.7365810

>his nest was in a crack in the wall
Here's a sample dialog:

>> No.7365817

I wouldn't pay for it, but I would pirate.

>> No.7365820

No, but please write it.

>> No.7365923

My nigger.

>> No.7365982

The personal background, thought processes of every single poster in a lengthy 4chan thread. I am thinking /pol/, /lit/, /tg/, /d/ to start off

>> No.7365993
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But why?

>> No.7365998

The planned heist by some neighbours of a rich landowner in a rural village of 19th century Spain.

>> No.7366018

Imagine the thought process of a /d/eviant goes through in picking a picture among his/her library to respond to certain threads. The slow creep of new fetishes in his/her mind as he/she has to struggle with accepting or rejecting said fetishes. This among other things( hand holding, futa is no gay etc etc)

Interesting to imagine and read and certainly a break from boards that just argue or discuss things, but i know actually writing down my idea would be extremely hard to implement and may eventually be unrepresentative

>> No.7366037

is this the one about the fake painting?

>> No.7366041

Nah I just made it up thinking about a story my father told me about the other day. What's the fake painting one?

>> No.7366069

Something about a group of thieves that stole a painting, get into a bunch of trouble and die. The twist was that the painting was a fake.

>> No.7366079

Fuck, I think I've seen this somewhere but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.7366231

It is the year 3015 and mankind has mastered space travel. First contact is made when an exploration mission finds an alien living alone on a distant planet who claims to be the Second Coming of Christ. The alien is brought back to Earth, which leads to World War III.

>> No.7366241

No, would watch a movie or read a short story with that plot.

>> No.7366242

literally in /lit/

>> No.7366247

Literally (not really but close) Supergod.

>> No.7366278

kid starts punk band to get pussy. has no musical talent. enlists a bunch of marching band kids to be his backing.

>> No.7366283

Journal of a crazy wasteland cannibal from some generic post apocalyptic setting

>> No.7366285

I literally barfed because of how awful this is.

>> No.7366291

This sounds like a Disney Channel movie.

Cashing in on Fallout I see.

>> No.7366294

Similar in basic premise to Logan's Run.

"Logan's Run is a novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. Published in 1967, it depicts a dystopic ageist future society in which both population and the consumption of resources are maintained in equilibrium by requiring the death of everyone reaching a particular age. The story follows the actions of Logan, a Sandman charged with enforcing the rule, as he tracks down and kills citizens who "run" from society's lethal demand—only to end up "running" himself."

>> No.7366295

And beasts of no nation

>> No.7366298

I thought of it in 10 seconds ok

It would work good as a Superbad-esque movie.

>> No.7366299

>The slow creep of new fetishes in his/her mind as he/she has to struggle with accepting or rejecting said fetishes.
It is a slow death.
what do you want to know?

>> No.7366300

I was watching the running man at work one day and this guy stopped and watched a bit of it with me then he told me, "yeah I think I read this book but it's nothing like that" and then he just described Logan's run to me I didn't have the heart to tell him they are different things

>> No.7366310


>> No.7366315

A boy who is born with gills is given the task of deep-sea diving to find the lost city of Atlantis.

>> No.7366316

A man wakes up in a seemingly bizarre city which is supposed to be modeled after occupied Paris during the second world war, he searches around the surreal landscape of desolate destruction while trying to recall who he is and why he is there only to find no others except for people posing as statues who refuse to break character and talk to The Narrator. The Narrator only knows one thing about this bizarre realm and that is he must reach a white tower that he dreams about constantly.

>> No.7366322

>Implying that good and 'Superbad-esque' isn't mutually exclusive.

Fuck you! I had just cleaned up the mess from the first time.

>> No.7366324

a fantasy novel based around a sect of holy knights trying to stop the "devil", in a world where he knocked the cyclic time universe out of balance after god spent almost all of his energy in the creation, causing the time loop to be a time spiral, where evil grows stronger with each almost identical cycle

>> No.7366325

A scientist creates the most beautiful women ever in his lab, then he get's kidney problems.

>> No.7366333

best one itt tbH

>> No.7366336



>> No.7366340


>> No.7366342


>> No.7366354

I like it

>> No.7366362

A scientist creates the most beautiful women ever in his lab, then he get's kidney problems.

>> No.7366366

I'd read this

Not the first idea though

>> No.7366457

Nigga plz, you aren't the only one

I am into deep in sissy fetish to sincerely doubt my sexuality. Send help plz

>> No.7366460

are you me

>> No.7366492

Guy poops a lot in space then the space poop is interpreted by aliens as a signal causing much blunt smoking.

I can't think of anything good in 10 seconds.

>> No.7366502

A woman is moving into an old people's home and befriends a kind but obnoxious alcoholic.

>> No.7366513
File: 38 KB, 600x595, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you will all say no, but I want to be a part of this thread, so fuck you
A territory full of highschoolers finds itself in times of trouble. Chad and Stacy are executed by a revolutionary movement and the revolutionaries split off into a bunch of different directions. Sex violence and philosophy make up the middle, and it ends with another elitist prick controlling the territory.
Beta rebellion

>> No.7367878

A banana develops a sexual identity and experiences a journey into the world of fruity sexuality.

>> No.7367887

My penis started shooting bullets. So, I found the terrorists and shot them all.

>> No.7367900

Beautiful, avant garde, revolutionary even!

>> No.7368028

kek attempts to not be a kek

>> No.7368100

"My diary" by >>7368028

>> No.7369777

200 hundred page book about a man who works at a crayon factor ,but is color blind.

>> No.7369841

I would, only because it's short.

>> No.7369892
File: 14 KB, 500x500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiction book written like an autobiography about his coming up, teenage years, and how he got to where he was. At the end of this book it reveals it's about Hitler.

Title: The World Only You Can Dream of

If you haven't read the book by Hitler's friend about little Hitler you should read it.

>> No.7369904

Man murders young girl, has an existential crisis, joins a cult, lies about his identity and his history to seem important.

>> No.7370021

It´s a fantasy novel in which all characters are frogs. They have a martial art based on leaping around(this martial art is to be discussed at great length in the book) and also cool frog magic. The main villain is a huge ugly warty toad and he rides a giant salamander.

>> No.7370036

>Fiction book written like an autobiography about his coming up, teenage years, and how he got to where he was. At the end of this book it reveals it's about Hitler.

holy fuck

>> No.7370066

A story of a man who has the power to control hair, and uses it to murder people.

>> No.7370068


>> No.7370102

>after their immune system fully develops
>as this is what the plague targets.

So, if you don´t have an immune system the virus doesn´t touch you? What if you have aids? Woldn't aids be the cure for that plague?

>> No.7370113

is that a bad or good reaction

>> No.7370229

Go to bed Mr. Levine, you're drunk.

>> No.7370235

But isn't this basically the plot of Knausgaard's "My Struggle"?

BTW - by "friend" you mean Kubizek?

>> No.7370256

i would read that so fucking hard is what i intended

>> No.7370259
File: 287 KB, 900x613, image02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first Post-human novel. Clinically describes the complex interactions between machines and inanimate objects in a world were humans are mysteriously absent.

>> No.7370267
File: 45 KB, 508x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A brooding, introverted contract killer operating around the Gulf coast in 1993, visits his aging father, a Jordanian-American art history professor in hospice for terminal organ failure. The killer son recounts his life of crime (performing hits for mafiosos in New Orleans, offing political opponents for the newly-elected Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards, running coke for Cuban gangsters from Miami into LA etc.) to his abhorred father, who recounts his own story of escaping strife in Middle East in the 50's and studying under Jacques Derrida in Paris. The son visits his father a few days a week and spends many nights running errands for a coke dealer and lawyer based in a Shreveport casino.

I was thinking of making my protagonist face an irate redneck for a simple debt-related hit while visiting his father and that job would become the most difficult in his career, but that would be too similar to No Country for Old Men.

>> No.7370292

Computers only exist, try to figure out who created them as any evidence of a creator is long dead.

Or an underground sect of cleaning appliciances that discuss what their favourite dishes are to wash.

>> No.7370458

yes I mean Kuzibek, and I just think using Hitler as the unknown main character would be a good choice because usually the society portrays him as some sick and nasty non-humane person, but his child hood and up to his conquest to kill the Juden was really tragic and morbid

>> No.7370501

The Kurdish Touch

>> No.7370941

That was actually one of my ideas. Kids would consider contracting AIDS, but the other other illnesses they would likely get drove some away from it.

>> No.7370979

The aesthetics of the disgusting

>> No.7371002

>gay sex
or better:
>gays survive and force themselves on children

>> No.7371036

A choose your own adventure book about a disillusioned young adult with a history degree from a mediocre university who commits suicide after his girlfriend leaves him and he realises his degree is useless, who then wakes up in the body of Adolph Hitler on the eve of World War Two, and over the following years, utilising his detailed knowledge of 20th century history, attempts to either redeem himself and the Austrian anti-hero, or correct Hitler's tactical blunders and exert his will upon the world with gunpowder and steel.

>> No.7371217

Sounds like Eragon T b H

>> No.7371368


>> No.7371407

tentative yes
as a short story
that exists as a greentext already
no, been done too much
this is the movie Pi
on the fence
a non-ambitious version of one hundred years of solitude? no
this is essentially the plot to both the movie metropolitan and luis bunuel's The Exterminating Angel, so no
i would but you sound insufferable so no
this is essentially the plot to george perec's w ou le souvenir d'enfance and/or stephen king's the long walk. so no.

>> No.7371412

this is god's debris with a touch of lovecraft. no
super no
virgil did it first
fell asleep reading to the one sentence summary
movies have done this and better than you could in prose

>> No.7371415


>> No.7371455

>>>7363932 (You)
>on the fence
>>>7367887 (You)

>sex causing ambiguity


>> No.7371564
File: 253 KB, 1048x1500, paulladin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunk man goes to liquor store to buy a very foreign brand of vodka and after a conversation with the cashier uncovers a russian communist terrorist organisation lingering from the 1940's

i am also drunk