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7362121 No.7362121 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential books of the Bible?

>> No.7362125

Revelations is fun.

>> No.7362128 [DELETED] 

Maccabees 1 & 2
The Gospels, all 4

>> No.7362198

The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles
Allogenes – The Foreigner
The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Adam
The (First) Apocalypse (Revelation) of James
The (Second) Apocalypse (Revelation) of James
The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Paul
The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Peter
The Apocryphon (Secret Book) of James
The Apocryphon (Secret Book) of John
Asclepius 21-29
Authoritative Teaching
The Book of Thomas the Contender
The Concept of Our Great Power
The Dialogue of the Savior
The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth
Eugnostos the Blessed*
The Exegesis on the Soul
The Gospel of the Egyptians*
The Gospel of Philip
The Gospel of Mary
The Gospel of Judas
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Truth*
The Hypostasis of the Archons – The Reality of the Rulers
The Interpretation of Knowledge
The Letter of Peter to Philip
On the Anointing
On the Baptism A
On the Baptism B
On the Eucharist A
On the Eucharist B
On the Origin of the World*
The Paraphrase of Shem
Plato, Republic 588A-589B
The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
The Sentences of Sextus
The Sophia of Jesus Christ
The Teachings of Silvanus
The Testimony of Truth
The Thought of Norea
The Three Steles of Seth
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
The Treatise on the Resurrection
Trimorphic Protennoia – Three Forms of First Thought
The Tripartite Tractate
A Valentinian Exposition

>> No.7362207

Book of Job.

>> No.7362221

If you like to get mindfucked. By an evil entity that wants you harm.

Felt sick for 3 days after reading Job. The bible is literally an evil book.

>> No.7362230

Book of Job is actually a good reference for stoicism.

>> No.7362231

Violence and disaster are inherent and, up to a certain point, necessary elements of human existence. Deal with it, faggot.

>> No.7362261

>Satan: Let's make a bet that will completely ruin Job. Let's first kill his family.
>God: Well okidoki, Satan.
Quite a benevolent God.

>Satan: I will prove that he won't be such a cool guy anymore after my torment. He won't endure.
>God: Well okidoki, Satan.
>God intervenes and provides explanation just at the moment when Job seems to be losing control.
That's called cheating.

>> No.7362272

Real talk: genesis (up to the point where it just starts outlining weird stories), exodus, deuteronomy, Job, psalms, Ecclesiastes, be familiar with stories like Jonah without necessarily reading them, Isaiah, Amos.

Read a bit of 1 maccabees

Mark (but check out the sermon on the mount in Matthew), acts, romans, 1 corinthians, ephesians, 1 john, revelations.

That should put you far above most others. Google the history of Israel, hellenization, and a basic outline to the historical books of the Hebrew Bible

>> No.7362285

For those of you looking for shortcuts, don't bother with most of chronicles, kings, leviticus, or most of the minor prophets. Those do not come up ever and a quick intro from YouTube or Wikipedia would suffice. Don't bother with any second books (like 2 corinthians). Read one synoptic gospel and John. Better yet, read an interlinear synoptic gospel so you can see the differences between them.

>> No.7362289


Nice literal reading of an allergory, brah.

>> No.7362290

Retard. The reason i got sick from job was basically it's message that if you're life is shit it's because you did something immorally wrong and btw /you/ are not the authority of what is right and wrong, "god" is.... and even if you can't see that you've done anything wrong you have, because god is saying it and obviously punishing you.

The book of Job is just another showcase of how religion is made to ensnare people out of even their own self-agency, that they should be meek(weak) and humble to God(actually the priests...) and that "you cannot know the mind of god" and you actually deserve everything bad that is happening to you even if you can't for the life of you understand how or why.

It's basically the ultimately defeatist ideology, which makes sense, because it was made that way on purpose. And who's the saviour? God of course(the priests).

>> No.7362299


>> No.7362306

>the priests are controlling the people!!!

Are you so condescending to them that you can't see that religion is the spontaneous creation of the same people? Don't they have any agency?

>> No.7362310

> everything you just said

It's an attempt to explain of theodicy. The inherent message is that if life sucks, it probably isn't your fault. It posits that it is the work of satan, but that's just one way to look at theodicy.

I don't know how you read Job and came away thinking it was about how doing wrong leads to a bad life.

>> No.7362322

> religion ensnares people

I dunno, im pretty sure religion has been used as the basis for liberation for hundreds of years and thats even where we get "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

but nobody wants to talk about that because it doesnt show mommy how edgy and smart you must be after learning all your arguments from a youtube video

>> No.7362342

I'm not sure what is more condescending. Creating a religion with the purpose to control people or pointing it out.

>the same people
Yeah i don't think so Sherlock. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism just like Islam.

It seems that wherever you look, all the errors of the world are pointing in one direction.

>> No.7362351

>religion has been used as the basis for liberation

And i suppose if i tell you that if we all commit mass suicide on the 20th november we will be taken up in the alien mothership and will live happily forever after on Xhtryr the alien bliss-planet.

>> No.7362355

you will believe me.

>> No.7362358
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>> No.7362372

I rarely watch youtube. And definitely not to view the latest opinions of pop-intellectuals, charlatans, schizophrenics and self-styled atheist "independent thinkers".

Just because you got sold on the "the darkages actually weren't so bad" tripe from the latest apologist because it conformed to your own programming doesn't mean everyone who disagrees is some fedora-cliche who doesn't read books. Either that or you are projecting. In any case; stop.

>> No.7362373

>if you're life is shit it's because you did something immorally wrong
How on earth did you come to this conclusion by reading Job...

Did you just read the dialogue with his friends and skip everything else?

>> No.7362386

No, i read the whole thing. Jebus crust.

Even if God didn't punish Job because he had done anything immorally wrong - instead he did it to have a little game with Satan -, the gist of the story is that you shouldn't question God if he feels like playing games with you, and that is fucked up.

>> No.7362402

>The reason i got sick from job was basically it's message that if you're life is shit it's because you did something immorally wrong

What? It is pretty explicit about Job's innocence. If anything it is about how terrible evil sometimes befalls good men.

>> No.7362405
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>this post

>> No.7362415

And there you show your acumen.

>> No.7362419

Or about how if evil befalls you, if it's from God, don't question it, just conform, you can't know the mind of god.

>> No.7362427

You can't argue, since you're too dumb, so you resort to shit-flinging. Like a monkey. Good job.

>> No.7362431
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>> No.7362433

>no shepherd of hermes

>> No.7362436

>Letter of James

Bunch of Lutherans, all of you

>> No.7362437

and now you continue with your shit-flinging like a little child.

>> No.7362446
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>don't question it, just conform,
Except Job does question, and moreover God deigns to address him.

>you can't know the mind of god.

I think the end is more about perspective; the travails attendant human life, a life that is as ephemeral as it is brusque, are relatively inconsequential to the ultimate purpose of God and moreover to the post-mortem life of man.

>> No.7362454

ive read your posts and direct you to the yale open old testament course:


She makes an argument that Job is so frustrating because it is literally an open ended question. When Job finally confronts God, God doesnt answer "evil because", he answers "who do you think you are to even ask that"

>> No.7362466

I'll have to give it look, although I am a bit weary of anything coming from Yale's divinity school, particularly in isolation as they are, along with Harvard, the stalwart of theological liberalism (not that is inherently bad though). Nonetheless, I don't think your summary is completely at odds with what I said, albeit we may differ on the tone God takes with man: I'd say he is a bit less indignant.

>> No.7362470

If it is from any liberal point of view, it is that of textual criticism. I didnt find it particularly offensive.

>> No.7362471

>are relatively inconsequential to the ultimate purpose of God and moreover to the post-mortem life of man.

Even if that was the message it would still be shit. Be my guest if you want to believe in heaven & hell or want to believe that you should live after some jewish desert tomes's teachings because a fictional character(god) tells you he "has an ultimate purpose" and he'll let you in on it if you just do as you're told.

>> No.7362479
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>Be my guest if you want to believe in heaven & hell or want to believe that you should live after some jewish desert tomes's teachings because a fictional character(god) tells you he "has an ultimate purpose" and he'll let you in on it if you just do as you're told.

this tbqh senpai

>> No.7362499
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>> No.7362503

Nice strawman. That is definitely a representation of Christianity and not all the good that has happened because of it.

Not just the dark ages, liberation theology is the basis for liberalism as we know it. But, I'll rep the dark ages, too. Christianity preserved knowledge and (while not perfect) acted as the moral backbone against oppressive regimes for centuries.

>> No.7362515

Christianity was integral in development of the idea of natural law which was the basis for most modern constitutions. It only recently lost the philosophical influence it used to have.
I could be more detailed if you wish, but I'm studying atm, so later.

>> No.7362516

Liberation theology is a heretical doctrine that appeared in south America in the 20th century.

>> No.7362544

>all this deuterocanon

>> No.7362617

I never understood evangelical and protestant dislike of macabees. Its such an enjoyable book.

>drunk in NYC subway at 2am
>street preacher droning on from psalms
>put in a request for macabees, tell him we are drunk and want some hot jew on greek action
>spergs out on pope from Manhattan to Forest Hills

>> No.7363332
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is the "apocalypse of peter" the same as "the coptic/gnostic apocalypse of peter"? i quote that to my wife all the time in talks about catholicism

that archon-resistant gnosticism