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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 106x106, tears-of-joy-emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7361901 No.7361901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7361926

roflmao tbqhwyf

>> No.7361929

I'm nominating AYYOOOOOOOO for word of the year 2016

>> No.7361936

>social media culture

This is the darkest timeline.

>> No.7361939

Remember when "web 2.0" was the millionth English word? Back when people listened to evanescence and linkin park unironically. What are we gonna say about this year's pick five years from now?

>> No.7361942

This shit is getting moronic. I'm all for a descriptive rather than prescriptive but this kind of thing is not in any way relevant for the majority of English speakers. It's almost like they're just aiming for social media shares and controversy with this kind of thing.

>> No.7361943

fuck off back to facefag, normie

>> No.7361947

language evolves

>> No.7361951
File: 452 KB, 769x600, 1374772619495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You can see how traditional alphabet scripts have been struggling to meet the rapid-fire, visually focused demands of 21st century communication
>It’s flexible, immediate, and infuses tone beautifully
>As a result emoji are becoming an increasingly rich form of communication, one that transcends linguistic borders

>> No.7361955

I've heard twitter and facebook are testing just being able to reply with a set of emoji's, honestly sounds insane, people will just be pushing a button to express how they feel about something.

>> No.7361957
File: 33 KB, 256x256, this tbh fam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not this

>> No.7361963

>language comes full circle
>alphabets go extinct
>language evolve into hieroglyphics again
>chinese will become the leading literary language by easily converting their characters back into pictograms
>thousands of years later someone will rediscover the syllabary
>the great wheel turns again

>> No.7361965

>implying humans won't be sending data packets of information directly to someone's head 300 years from now

>> No.7362175


>> No.7362194

>It’s flexible, immediate, and infuses tone beautifully

I'd love to see them try to replicate the nuances of that statement with emojis

>> No.7362197

It will be possible to do so if more top quality emoji's such as >>7361957 and >>7361901 are made

>> No.7362243


>> No.7362249

Wait. This isn't a joke?

>> No.7362274 [DELETED] 

Get with the times grandpa

#refugeeswelcome #coolclockachmed #rapeculture #caitlyinjennertwerksagainstracism

>> No.7362362 [DELETED] 

I think it's just an attempt to stay relevant and hip in an era where simply googling a word replaces any need for a dictionary or the need to go to a name brand dictionary website.

Dictionaries are still cool and I do enjoy reading the definitions of the various words around whatever I am looking for.

>> No.7362540


Such a surreal image

>> No.7363531

and devolves

>> No.7363537


>> No.7363587
File: 138 KB, 380x572, 1428117871418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Post yfw modern language returns to using fucking hieroglyphs

>> No.7363605

youth culture

>> No.7363619
File: 41 KB, 612x380, john oliver 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7363620

Not even remotely /lit/ related, get out.

>> No.7363635

The irony in this post crashed my browser.

>> No.7363642


>> No.7363655


>> No.7363662

>I think it's just an attempt to stay relevant and hip in an era where simply googling a word replaces any need for a dictionary or the need to go to a name brand dictionary website.

And so is the idea of designating a Word of the Year in the first place, isn't it?

It's more interesting to see which words were added to and which ones were removed from each edition.

>> No.7363687
File: 87 KB, 270x291, 1389728424459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7363694

Please don't be on the wrong side if history.


>> No.7363945

>caring about the OED


>> No.7363999

Are text messages social media? If they are, then so are letters and phone calls.

>> No.7364306

here's my word of the year for 2015:

>> No.7364320

*the dankest timeline

>> No.7364741
File: 820 KB, 2598x3907, pic0504-pynchon002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes are the equivalent of chemical elements for thought

>> No.7364745

hi papa pynchon :)

>> No.7364801


>> No.7364810


>> No.7364817

Why not communicate by grunts and by making stupid faces.

>> No.7364899
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, nigger memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7364915

real nigga hourz

>> No.7365122
File: 30 KB, 541x541, 1442662246475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7365124

But we are already doing that, anon.

>> No.7365142

Will future civilisations refer to this time as the dank period.

>> No.7365601
File: 499 KB, 373x373, average xbox WUN purchaser.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like a silly thing to be unable to deal with, but I can't. What the fuck.

>> No.7365616

Thanks Japan

>> No.7365618


>> No.7365626

Wait a minute, this can't be real. At first I was confused and thinking "Well, where's the word?" And I was looking a few posts down the thread for someone to link the actual word. But it really is this fucking emoji.

Shit, its not even a good emoji either. It looks less like "tears of joy" and more like someone laughing at someone else's pain. Not even that, but if you did have tears of joy, you usually dont have a big ass grin but just a mild smile of appreciation and disbelief.

I guess what makes me mad is that not only is it an emoji but it's not even one that represents human experience at all. It's just totally dumb.

>> No.7365627


>> No.7365632

>schadenfreude is not part of the human experience
I'm autistic too anon, but you're on an extreme end of the spectrum if you think that.

>makes me mad
I don't understand the butthurt in this thread. No one really cares for OED and it's just a gimmick. Nothing to get riled up about.

>> No.7365636


But you're missing my point. This emoji is meant to represent tears of joy, not schadenfreude. But it represents the latter much more.

>> No.7365638

This thread stinks of high school and freshman year of college :kissing_heart:

>> No.7365661

to be honest family

>> No.7365664

this desu baka desu senpai imo lmao

>> No.7365667
File: 13 KB, 499x499, hhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7365799
File: 96 KB, 792x558, 1445249018593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7366109

Get with the times grandpa.

#refugeeswcome #coolclockachmed #rapeculture #caitlynjennertwerksagainstracism

Reposting because there was no reason this should have been deleted.

>> No.7366114

It was deleted because you can't spell "welcome", you troglodyte.

>> No.7366115
File: 110 KB, 286x217, Syntax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just wrote a novel

Pic related. It's called The Joy of Never Ever.

>> No.7366127

good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats some goodshit rightth ere rightthere if i doƽaү somy self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷM HO0OଠOOOOOOଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Good shit

>> No.7366140

Imagine if top word of the year was Pepe picture.

>> No.7366145

>not using an iPhone to use 4chan

I mean come on, it's 2015.

>> No.7366153
File: 21 KB, 662x662, 1119113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not this


>> No.7366162
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1420772687481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this normie shit gets recognized but the linguistic brilliance of the pepe never will be

>> No.7366188


>Binge watching

That's it, modern language is fucking dead.

>> No.7366232

binge watching is not that bad. this emoji shit is the beginning of the end though.

>> No.7366373
File: 130 KB, 550x550, emoji shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this emoji shit is the beginning of the end though
nah it's merely part of the problem

>> No.7366377


I prefer saying "marathoning a series", binge watching just sounds incredibly forced but not as phony as the word "selfie", can't believe that caught on quickly.

>> No.7366379

>Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by eactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten. . . . The process will still be continuing long after you and I are dead. Every year fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller. Even now, of course, there's no reason or excuse for commiting thought-crime. It's merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won't be any need even for that. . . . Has it ever occcured to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?

>> No.7366826

Language evolves. Every linguist will tell you this. Get over it.

>> No.7366937


>> No.7367269

you're serious

>> No.7367296

Using those two emojis combined is literally the same than admitting you're mentally retarded

>> No.7367298


scary shit man

>> No.7368313
File: 908 KB, 400x149, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7368438
File: 25 KB, 552x594, 1447177946108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same than

>> No.7368443

I can't believe it's not JIHAD or ISIS.

>> No.7368481
File: 78 KB, 908x959, word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7368598

>thinking facebook invented the concept of a timeline.


>> No.7368603
File: 52 KB, 120x120, 1443937680310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug :DDD

>> No.7368618

>Every year fewer and fewer words

except the english language has only added more and more words

>> No.7368621

It's not transcending anything

>> No.7368623

You see, this is what happens when you let negroes and women run free.

>> No.7368625

Community is normie shit and belongs on normiebook senpai

>> No.7368639
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 1338151822389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7368699

you can't be this retarded

>> No.7368704

this nigger right here