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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 500x506, Stephin+Merritt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
733978 No.733978 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think the most literary music is?

Pic related, it's Stephin Merrit.

>> No.733980

billy joel or bruce springsteen

>> No.733991


>> No.733992

John Cage

>> No.733996

Elvis Costello

>> No.733999

Hannes Coetzee

>> No.734005

Tom Waits

>> No.734009

Iron Maiden

>> No.734021

Insane Clown Posse.

>> No.734030

holy shit, you guys are total fags

>> No.734038
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>> No.734054

Tom Waits (Why not?)

Nick Cave (Author)

Amanda Palmer (married to Neil Gaiman)

Poe (has concept album based on brother's book House of Leaves)

>> No.734082


>> No.734090

Rodd Keith, duh

>> No.734091

Why is everyone saying Tom Waits?
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan and all that, but what's so ''literary'' about him?
Or are you all just naming your favourite artists?

>> No.734104


Basically, yeah.

I like Bohren & Der Club of Gore, as they do noir-ish jazz.

>> No.734107


>> No.734139

Amper sand after Amper sand. All the tea in china, my secret place. Damn Merrit's a good writer. I dig his shit.

>> No.734154

of montreal

>> No.734197

I'm defining literary to mean "influenced in some way by books".

Joanna Newsom
Belle & Sebastian
The Red Krayola
The Kinks

>> No.734207

>The Red Krayola

Come right over here 'till I fucking hug you man.

>> No.734208

Leonard Cohen

>> No.734211
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blind guardian..

>> No.734218

great selection

>> No.734220

Jake Thackray, Georges Brassens, Jacques Brel

also, >>734107

>> No.734274


i love you, and i love me, for sharing a love of Thackray

but, Half Man Half Biscuit are the best lyricists ever. Not just cos of the biting and witty content, but cos Nigel Blackwell has such an ear for the flow of the english language. I've never studied linguistics, so I can't talk about iambs and all that, but the mellifluous sound of his lyrics is sublime.

this is a good example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea1yUUVEBWI

>> No.734280

Aaron Copland.

E Nomine is a brilliant soundtrack for reading anything Fantasy related, especially if it's set in the Medieval era. It accompanied me through A Song Of Ice And Fire, and the Farseer Trilogy wonderfully.

>> No.734294

Blind Guardian, Nightwish . . . *insert symphonic metal band here*

>> No.734297

Literary as in metaphors and the like?

Lupe Fiasco.

>> No.734334

a friend of mine said when they record Bohren's albums, they just put the band into a dark room, and once in a while they accidentally walk against an instrument, which is then recorded.
I for one like the Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble.

>> No.734338

>Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble
You're one classy anon.

>> No.734365
File: 36 KB, 350x261, Rasputina7.28.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rasputina's "Oh Perilous World"

>> No.734393

Tom Waits,
can't believe no one's said Leonard Cohen.

>> No.734401

There's some intelligent rappers out there too.
Check out Talib Kwelli.
"The TV got us reachin for stars
Not the ones between Venus and Mars, the ones that be readin for parts"

>> No.734578

That's retarded, there are no stars between Venus and Mars, how could you even think to say something that stupid? Is he just utterly ignorant of astronomy?

It's like when Lenny Kravitz sings about "flying to the stars, or even Mars", well fuck if you can fly to the stars flying to Mars wouldn't be a big deal then, so why say "even"

>> No.734585

I love you.

>> No.734596

I lol'd pretty fucking hard.

>> No.734601


>> No.734606
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>> No.734633




Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt & William James made far more useful contributions to psychology. No serious psychologist accepts the vast majority of Freud's work.

Henri Poincare made major contributions to special relativity. Einstein wrote the paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" without giving ONE FUCKING REFERENCE to Poincare

The majority of famous celebrities Jewish are products of Nepotism, as is their success.

Many "Jewish" people only had one Jewish parent, and the vast majority could be mistaken for just another European.

"Jewish" inventors are overwhelmingly lackluster


>> No.734644

Tokyo ska paradise orcastra.

>> No.734646

I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow, I hope I bleed all day long.... our friends say its darkest before the sun rises, I surely hope they're all wrong.

>> No.734657

Stephin Merrit, seriously? His song are just WORDPLAY IN A DEADPAN MONOTONE VOICE, not particularly literary.

>> No.734683

Way to misquote, stupid fuck.
"I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow/
I hope it bleeds all day long/
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises,/
But we're pretty sure they're all wrong/
I hope it stays dark forever!/
I hope the worst isn't over,/
And I hope you blink before I do,/
And I hope I never get sober.
So on and such forth.

>> No.734694

No. Just no. They're all dogshit. You're just saying this because you think "Symphonic" means smart. Which it doesn't. It's just shitty and trite, and overblown.

>> No.734701

and Pavement, too
Their lyrics are full of symbol and significance.

>> No.734713


>> No.734717


>> No.734718

It's an insult to Pollard's lyrical genius to include him with a far lesser talent such as Malkmus.

>> No.734726

There's a reason GBV was cruise-controlled and Pavement was relegated to the next line; nonetheless, Malkmus is a genius fucking songwriter. No Pollard, sure, but a damn genius. And I think in that similar vein of borderline surreal, still intimately and concretely affecting lyricism.

>> No.734727

I think /mu/ is >> way

>> No.734733

LITERARY music, you snobbish tit.

>> No.734796


>> No.734854

are you fucking serious? they're great songwriters and lyricists, but their lyrics always feel like an after thought.

have you ever tried making sense of a pavement song? cut your hair isn't literary and neither is hardcore ufos.

td;dr great bands but not at all "literary"

>> No.734895

Yes I've tried making sense of a Pavement song; it seems to me like you're the one who hasn't really tried. They might be complex and difficult to distill into something that is otherwise "sensical". But that's why they're literary. They are accessible and affecting, even if you can't "translate" them into some meaning or punchline.

>> No.734902

I think Okkervil River is pretty good

>> No.734914

Fuck off.

>> No.734921

THE GERMS! Darby Crash's lyrics are motherfucking poetry!

>> No.734924

uh no, their thing was they sucked and it worked for them.

>> No.734929


What? It's true. Sheff writes his lyrics like a story.

Packed and all eyes turned in, no one to see on the quay. No one waving for me just the shoreline receding. Ticket in my hand and thinking wish I didn't hand it in. Cause who said sailing is fine? leaving behind all the faces that I might replace if I tried on that long ride, looking deep inside but I don't want to look so deep inside yet.

Sit down, sit down on the prow wave bye, there might not be another star, farther on the line. Look out, look out at each town that glides by, and there's another crowd, to drown in crying eyes. And see how that light you love now just won't shine, there might just be another star, that's high and far in some other sky.

We sing, is that marionette real enough yet to step off of that set and decide what a dance might mean to it. Ruining the place where the ensuing melee escape. We packed up all of our bags the ship's deck now sags from the weight of our tracks as we pace beneath flags black and battered rattling our swords in service of some fated, foreign, war.

And Jonathan says we sail out on order of him but we find that the maps he sent to us don't mention lost coastlines. Where nothing we've actually seen has been mapped or outlined and we don't recognize the names upon strange signs.

And every night finds us rocking and rolling on waves wild and wide, well we have lost our way, nobody's gonna say it outright. Just go la la la la la la la la la..

>> No.734945

Have you actually listened to his lyrics, or are you so busy slobbering all over the collective cock of bands like the Sex Pistols and the Ramones that you don't think a (HURR DURR) "Punk" band can write intelligent, artful, and literary lyrics to their songs? Because if you've read or listened to (admittedly, they're sometimes hard to make out when sung by Crash) the words to the songs, you'd have been suitably impressed. Give it a try some time.

>> No.734950

Yeah, songs like "Stories", not actual fucking literature. Fairy tales are told like stories, but they're only literary in the most amateur sense of the word.

>> No.734953


stories aren't literature?
ok then.

>> No.734962

modest mouse-

all them books I didn't read
they just sat there on my shelf
looking much smarter than me.

>> No.734964

No! Not necessarily, you ignorant tit. You tell your friends stories all the time; you relate to them things that happened. And to bring up a hot button issue for this board: comics and graphic novels are stories, aren't they? Movies are stories. Stories are everywhere, it takes more than that to make something literature.

>> No.734968

Sage Francis is awesome, and incredibly literate.

>> No.734972


Words make literature pretty much imo. granted songs include music, movies include visuals, comics and graphic novels include pictures, so I don't really count those as literature, but when you're just looking at the lyrics, I don't really see what the issue is. Thanks for calling me an ignorant tit, I don't know why people enjoy being so rude on the internet. Asshat.

>> No.734976

it's prose, and prose is literature, raconteurs are artists of prose as are authors regardless of what they write.

>> No.734993

Because wasn't it kind of fun? And also, no, "words" don't make literature either. Textbooks have words, signs have words, anonymous message board posts have words. None of those are literature. I'm sorry but just because something has some semblance of plot or narrative movement, doesn't mean it's literature.

>> No.735000

The Decemberists.
Colin Meloy was a lit major for Christ's sake.

>> No.735003

Except it's not prose, dumbshit, it's a fucking song.

>> No.735007

wow that dude looks cool he's smoking and he's all like i don't give a fuck man, wow what a cool guy i bet he's fun to hang out with he's so smart and cool i bet.

>> No.735010

I agree with this; here is an artist whose songs are 'stories', but stories with symbolism, with literary flourish, and with VERY plot heavy progression. The consummate (modern) concept album artist

>> No.735012


No it's not really fun at all.

I think it's pretty much like an argument about what art is. If it tries to be, it is. And no one ever agrees.

But I still think that some lyrics can have a literary feel, and maybe you won't want to call it literature, but sometimes it comes pretty close.

>> No.735013

>calls out appeals to the 'cool' stereo type, regarding a man wearing THAT shirt, with THAT hair.
>cool story, bro.

>> No.735043

Literature (n) - The body of all written works.

Prose is a part of literature, as is poetry, songwriting has the potential to be either. You're the dumbshit, sir.

>> No.735056

yeah cause he's totally too cool to care about shit like that, right? as i pointed he just doesn't give a fuck man he's not even trying to be cool that's how cool he is wow what a cool and hip guy he is

>> No.735062

TOTALLY the mountain goats

>> No.735087

Aesop Rock
Sage Francis
The Mountain Goats
The Decembrists
and yeah, Merritt

>> No.735093

damn this guy looks cool he doesn't give a fuck about anything

he just does his own thing and it just so happens to be cool and awesome

he's so cool i want to be just like him when i grow up

>> No.735102

No, the majority of songwriting utilizes some type of meter or rhyme, OR, like free-verse poetry, at least a very particular attention to the rhythmic flow of the piece. As well, songs are written in lines, not blocks of, well prose. So FUCK. OFF. with your ignorant bullshit.

>> No.735108

Further more, give me ONE example of a "prose" song that isn't just somebody talking over a background of music (things like "the Gift" by VU)

>> No.735115

So they're trying to be cool if they (happen to) conform to cool stereotypes, and they're trying to be cool if they (happen to) exhibit some sort of uniqueness or apparent distaste for cool stereotypes? You're just an asshole. Everything anybody does could potentially be labeled as one of those.

>> No.735116

For the angry literature purists in this thread, remember that Greek and Roman epic poetry was often meant to be accompanied by music.

>> No.735117


aspirin addicts are avid advocates of happiness in tablets.
they`re adamant about their acid trip.
i want a bite of the apple Adam bit. Catholics don`t know the half of it.
immaculate magic tricks. experimenting with alliteration and assonance,
but speaking too many cold words chapped my lips.
there`s an asterisk up on my left arm,
but my foot notes are out of tune from my music always getting stepped on.


>> No.735130


reeks of tryhard teenager to me

>> No.735135

Utilizes only meter which is a rhythmic device (Musical rhythm, not poetic):

Ugly Casanova - Barnacles
Tokyo Police Club - Cheer It On

>> No.735141
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Reeks of adolescent indolence to me. At least he's accomplished something, how about you?

>> No.735144

lol you think he's "unique" man what a cool unique freethinker he doesn't give a shit what people think

what i'm saying is that it's a stupid transparent, self-conscious and highly artificial pose designed to appear to be un-self conscious and "natural", i.e. he's trying to hard to be cool while pretending he's not.

>> No.735145


>> No.735148

this thread is why i never visit /mu/

>> No.735149

I read ancient greek and roman literature with ancient music such as this in the background.

Medieval I read with gregorian chants/classical.
Modern literature with classical.
Current literature with current music.

>> No.735152


ah, two fallacies in the same number of sentences. good show.

p.s. i'm secretly intimidated OR AM I!? Oh no you don't know! Sucker.

>> No.735155
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No Two Gallants, /lit/? I'm disappointed with you!

>> No.735159

OMG Two Gallants is the name of a band?

>> No.735163

ctrl f "bob dylan" NOTHING FOUND

wtf /lit/, just wtf?

>> No.735165

Well considering he has six million plays on last.fm and god knows how many unscrobbled plays, I'd say he's pretty well off. What've you done in your sixteen or so years of life?

>> No.735169
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>> No.735172

Haha, yep! And it is a reference to Joyce's story, too.

>> No.735175

Bob Dylan doesn't make music, he makes incessant noise accompanied with brilliant lyrics.

>> No.735184


wat? He's saying that if the stars are impossible, then even Mars will do. Same as in "I'd like to win eight million dollars in the lottery, or even just 800 bucks."

>> No.735189

Outside of the phrase 'Hardcore UFOs', the song makes perfect sense. If you want to make the case that Bob's lyrics don't make sense, then you could at least use something like "Big Chief Chinese Restaurant" as an example.

On the topic of Malkmus... the guy's talented, but when I listen to his stuff, I'm reminded of a stereotype that he embodies and not so much a singular artist. His music and lyrics are just so white-bread.

>> No.735211

i'd like to think so, but the lyrics suggest otherwise. each verse sings about flying higher and farther then the one before...first he's singing about flying like a "dragonfly", which of course can't fly high at all, then he sings about flying above trees, then over the seas, before he gets to the part about "let's go and see the stars/ the milky way or even mars", so following the logic of the previous stanzas he seems to think flying to mars would be more impressive than flying "to the stars" .

also, the triumphalist, celebratory tone doesn't support the idea that he's "settling" for mars because the other option (the stars) is impossible. also there's no evidence that he believes flying to the stars is impossible.

finally, the fact that he thinks the milky way is a place you can fly to, or that it's somehow different than stars, suggests his knowledge of astronomy is pretty bad.

>> No.735217
File: 19 KB, 382x423, bachat35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

There is only one answer. Classical music.
And maybe some electronic music without vocals for Scifi. Everything else does not go together.

>> No.735220


>> No.735228

i think the most likely explanation is that he recognized the fact that "stars" and "mars" rhyme, and just punched them together into a line with no regard for human life.

>> No.735229

Titus Andronicus.

Off the top of my head, I can remember that they reference Shakespeare (duh), Albert Camus, The Stranger, A Clockwork Orange, and Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas.

>> No.735234

Yep, though sometimes I put on The Cure.

I love reading a book and instantly bringing the music I listened to while reading it earlier to mind, and vise-versa

>> No.735236

GTFO my /lit/ STEVE

>> No.735240


>> No.735246

Malkmus? White-bread? Surely you troll, sir!

>> No.735256
File: 69 KB, 400x400, Titus_andronicus_The_Monitor_album_cover.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related.

Titus Andronicus rules.

>> No.735270

I heard Malkmus was going to write the introduction to the Stuff White People Like book, but he was busy or something.

>> No.735286


I can't believe it took this long to get a Dylan mention.

And scant mention of Leonard Cohen or the Decemberists, and whoever mentioned the Mountain Goats is probably samefag.

You make me sad, /mit/

>> No.735295

>implying i didn't mention dylan before

>> No.735298
File: 19 KB, 300x300, TalkingHeads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking Heads.

>> No.735300

The Klaxxons (they have songs referencing WS Burroughs and infinite jest) not the most literary but i like them.

>> No.735303

Dylan's only literary insofar as he steals lyrics and song plots directly from books without crediting the author, like that one Chinese author he ripped off. Can't remember the name.

>> No.735319

David Byrne, yes.

>> No.735324
File: 62 KB, 749x600, Steely-Dan-781607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two men.


Bob Dylan
The Smiths (while Morrissey does indulge in self-pity too often, he is a fine song-writer)
Leonard Cohen
Neil Young
Lou Reed
Nick Drake (As with Morrissey...)


>> No.735335


fair enough, I didn't ctrl+f so my bad

but still, it was only a few posts earlier, and you share my frustrations.

>> No.735337

i knew this was coming as i typed my post but the fact remains i'm right.

>> No.735338

Well yeah he's SUPER white, but so is most of literature. I suppose I took white-bread to mean something more like commonplace or dull, which, if that is part of what you meant, is INCREDIBLY untrue.

>> No.735341

Not true.

Dylan's lyrics, especially between '64-'67 are very reminiscent of the Surrealists or Dadaists.

>> No.735349

yes, but he could have simply switched "stars" and "mars" without hurting the rhyme scheme and it would have been 100 percent less retarded. besides that song has the most stupid and trite rhymes and lyrics. "i wish that i could fly/ into the sky/so very high/ just like a dragonfly" it sounds like something a retarded child would write and it made me hate kravitz forever. it's the LEAST literary music there is, literally

>> No.735388
File: 23 KB, 301x300, a_tribe_called_quest_the_lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Wu-Tang-motherfucking-Clan?

36 chambers whole album has refrences to playing chess, books, samurai films etc.


Cunnin lynguists
Little Brother
Gza(liquid swords)
De La Soul

and of course:

Tribe Called Quest



>> No.735417

The Decemberists are pretty fucking literary
Nick Drake is second for poetics
Then maybe Bright Eyes or Elliott Smith

>> No.735419


Forgot about The Pixies..sorry

>> No.735429

Tom Waits by far

>> No.735432



this is fucking fantastic..

>> No.735459

Death In June

>> No.735472



>> No.735654

for me, it's between The Germs and Andrew Jackson Jihad.

i encourage you to read darby crash's lyrics

>> No.735780
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The Libertines are fairly literary.

>> No.735807

what is that comic?

>> No.735808

I meant 'white-bread' in the sense that Pavement writes songs about vespas and being bummed over losing a tennis match.

I wouldn't say the lyrics are commonplace, but you could probably swap Malkmus for any over-educated 90's slack motherfucker and get close to the same result.

>> No.735824
File: 407 KB, 810x1080, wut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue but I'll dump the rest for you. Not sure if this is all of it but its all I have

>> No.735839
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sorry this is taking a while flood detected
only one more after this

>> No.735847
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+10 internets if you fap to this

>> No.735851
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>> No.735859
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>> No.735863
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>> No.735867
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>> No.735870
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>> No.735874
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That's all I got.

>> No.735877

i always thought it was cool that Elliot Smith named his best album Either/Or

fucking junkie

>> No.735904

Wouldnt know who Stephin Merritt was, except that I heard a radio interview. He made one of the best, very understated jokes I've heard in a long time. I have to paraphrase:
"To quote Noam Chomsky, whatever keeps them out of politics."

>> No.735920
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Jebus, no Paul Simon up in this mother?

>> No.735924

Pete Doherty turned me gay

>> No.736184

I'm straight by I'd have a threesome with Pete and Carl if they wanted. You think they ever did anything together or is that just the stuff bad fanfic is made of?

>> No.736201

that's too gay, even for me. unless you're a femanon or something

>> No.736206


>> No.736216

my writing teacher was friend's with him in college. they used to talk about who would get famous first.

>> No.736226

SUFJAN STEVENS has an mfa in lit, so probs him, at least for best most recent

>> No.736250
File: 62 KB, 445x671, Bob-Dylan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh duh, Dylan. For fucksake the Oxford Professor of Poetry (a yearly post mind you) Christopher Ricks wrote a book about Dylan's literary greatness called Dylan's Vision's of Sin. Dylan's first set of memoirs were also incredibly well received (and fascinating to me, to see him as a writer in strict prose) .

No one comes close in literary quality. Maybe you mean prose?

>> No.736287

Fuck man at least he reads. And the controversy was over one his recent albums, Modern Times, and whether or not he took from an obscure 19th century American poet by the name of Henry Timrod. Even if he copied some, just the nature of reading it impresses me. Can you even name any other musician who even reads obscure 19th century American poetry?

>> No.736298


Not to mention, he's been nominated several times for the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he actually won a special Pulitzer Prize.

Winner: Dylan.

>> No.736304

This is a really good thread. We should archive it.

>> No.736323

Forgot about the Pulitzer. I now remember him being awarded it last year I think.

For me I don't usually reach for music when I'm looking for insightful or beautiful literature. There are too many good poets and novelists for that. But Dylan is the exception.

>> No.736347



>> No.736351

No, I'm talking about when he plagiarized several passages from Junichi Saga's (Japanese it seems, not Chinese) book about the Yakuza on Love and Theft.

But, yeah, it doesn't surprise me that he's still stealing material on Modern Times. Joni Mitchell was right.

Dylan writes whatever he thinks would be advantageous to him. Let's not forget that devoted Christian shit he went through, before he dropped it as soon as he saw it was killing his career. I think he made shitty 80's synth music after that? And now he's singing about Alicia Keys and iPods?

>> No.736369


Still, with the material he wrote within the span of 10 years he bested most of the material produced in the last 50 years.

And I don't see any other musicians winning Pulitzers and getting nominated for Nobels.

>> No.736376

So wait, an artist can never change or develop? Do you realize what you are saying?
I'd also hardly call anything he did on Modern Times or Love and Theft stealing. A literary allusion maybe. But one or two lines that are meaningless out of a whole work does not constitute stealing.

>> No.736390


Exactly! Dylan is an amazing artist because of how he is never satisfied and never stops changing. That is one of my favorite things about him as an artist--not that I'm saying that everything he did was great or that I enjoyed it all. But he's not afraid to do that and risk alienating one audience. If his vision changes, he goes with it and refuses to worry who cares.

>> No.736400

Circle Takes the Square - Kill the Switch
Their lyrics sound like prose.

>> No.736405

I'm not saying that. I'm saying some of Bob's career moves were obvious attempts at getting attention. Anybody could see right through "Gotta Serve Somebody"

Sure, Dylan's talented. He's just a talented careerist.

>> No.736406


That's true. I really enjoyed Lennon's response to that song when he recorded "Serve Yourself."

>> No.736468

Oh Yoko << such a damn good Lennon song ... tragically beautiful maybe, i don't know the adjective for that song

>> No.736489
File: 20 KB, 480x360, KwellKwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Simon and Ben Kweller are my favs. Ben Kweller has surprisingly good grammar / technical style. Plus, Kweller is a postmodernist and feminist sympathizer like me

>> No.736499

>>feminist sympathizer

Definitely not literary. :P

>> No.736576
File: 34 KB, 483x600, Tom Waits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirding (fourthing? I lost count) Tom Waits. He really has a knack for telling little vignettes, describing scenes, creating characters. Burma Shave is a good example of a short-story-type song. Small Change is a great example of his ability to create a snapshot of a scene and put it in your mind's eye.

Firewater's also great. The lyricist and lead singer writes the best wordplay I've ever heard in music, and it's always cynical with just a hint of really dark humor. It's hard to pick an example, because it's in mostly every song, but the line from Car Crash Collaborator, "sipping on an oxygen cocktail with an ambulance chaser", is pretty exemplary. Also there's a song called So Long Superman that uses the crippling of Christopher Reeve as a symbol for the singer's disillusionment with Hollywood and the L.A. lifestyle. I love that one.

The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society gets a mention for being the only group in my music collection whose entire body of work makes references to the Cthulhu Mythos. (I tried listening to Darkest of the Hillside Thickets a long time ago, but I didn't care much for the music.) Funny stuff, and they actually are a pretty decent choir. It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Fishmen is an instant classic, as well as anything from Shoggoth on the Roof.

Finally, MC Frontalot for just being insanely clever and verbose in general, and Jesse Dangerously, for being both of those PLUS an actually skilled rapper.


>> No.736595

Holy shit! A Tom Waits song just came on while I was scrolling....don't freak me out like that Tom!

>> No.736609 [DELETED] 


Frank's Wild Years Lyrics
Artist(Band):Tom Waits
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Frank settled down in the Valley,
and he hung his wild years on a
nail that he drove through his
wife's forehead.

He sold used office furniture out
there on San Fernando Road and
assumed a $30,000 loan at
15 1/4 % and put a down payment
on a little two bedroom place.

His wife was a spent piece of used jet trash
Made good bloody-marys, kept her mouth
shut most of the time, had a little Chihuahua
named Carlos that had some kind of skin
disease and was totally blind.

They had a thoroughly modern kitchen;
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)
Frank drove a little sedan.
They were so happy.

One night Frank was on his way home
from work, stopped at the liquor store,
picked up a couple of Mickey's Big Mouths.
Drank 'em in the car on his way to the
Shell station; he got a gallon of gas in a can.

Drove home, doused everything in
the house, torched it.
Parked across the street laughing,
watching it burn, all Halloween
orange and chimney red.

Frank put on a top forty station,
got on the Hollywood Freeway
headed North.

Never could stand that dog.

>> No.736608

i bet he's the only songwriter here who doesn't tend to mix metaphors.

>> No.736619
File: 59 KB, 468x310, parnassis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus, he did a fucking great job acting in Dr Parnasis

>> No.736626

ITT: faggots

>> No.736637
File: 26 KB, 400x316, woodyguthrie00oo00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woody Guthrie, as a folk lyricist

>> No.736655
File: 2.88 MB, 2400x3740, NotAGimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.736666

Bob Dylan; Blood on the Tracks is (at least partly) based on a series of short stories by Chekhov.