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7352835 No.7352835 [Reply] [Original]

Why are childrens/young adults books way more entertaining than traditional adult literature?

>> No.7352837

shitty peter pan rip off

>> No.7352840

>reading for fun

>> No.7352855

This is my point.

>> No.7352876
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>baby's first time playing with razors

>> No.7352879


But both of those things are entertaining.

>> No.7352890

Because you read them as a child.

>> No.7352921


>> No.7353110

Because they are built on a strong narrative core, while contemporary adult fiction has been lost for a while searching for something other than narrative to be its center.

>> No.7353488

Artemis Foul

>> No.7353505

>Why are childrens/young adults books way more entertaining than traditional adult literature?
childrens/young adults books are way more entertaining becaue they are written to be way more entertaining
adult lit is written to be deep and pretentious

>> No.7353586

Maybe because you're a pleb?

>> No.7353663

Because it's more difficult to read adult literature deeply and few are taught how to do it these days, keep going, you can do it yourself, and it's all part of the fun if you take it so :)

>> No.7353666

Not that one.

>> No.7353728

They are not.

>> No.7353771
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Most YA is not worth your time
This was my favourite for a while as a kid.

>> No.7353776
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>> No.7353837
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It's not the books, it's you

>> No.7353910


That's a matter of personal taste. As for me, I enjoy most adult literature greatly, but find most YA fiction to be rather bland.

>> No.7354188

Read Wee Free Men. You can thank me later.

>> No.7354555

I had to read this book in school when I was 11. We had the audiobook playing while we read it. It was the most boring shit ever yet mostly everyone else thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.7354935

I'm pleased I still remember howto read this.

>> No.7354937

What does it say?

>> No.7354938

RIP in Pepperoni

>> No.7354941

Though it should be written right to left but whatever,

>> No.7354990

Is that wingdings? Did you memorize the wingding alphabet?

>> No.7354999

It was the text used by the faries in the OP book, I read them with a vengance as a kiddo and was fascinated by codes and whatnot so I memorized it and wrote shit down with it.

>> No.7355083
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Worthless novel. Nothing about it was believable, even for a 10 year old and there was only a single redeemable character.

Meanwhile, something actually decent.

>> No.7355453

Future classic literature will be written as a hybrid of avant-garde literature a la Robbe-Grillet, Roussel, and Proust, and genre fiction a la Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, and The Dark is Rising. The consummation of this relationship will be contained within the nature of the different ways I listed one category by author and one by book title. The author of these future books will be one whose strident 'author-hood' is rendered subservient to the libidinal storm of his mostly teen-aged characters (literally teen-age or otherwise - the important thing is an unformedness and a simultaneous development). The difference between this new "avant-libidinization" of the public and previous young adult fiction will, in retrospect, not be very great. Only one small step is required to mutate the purely ideological wanderings of the 'Young Adult' authors which are so plainly illustrated in these sorts of fictions (via figment-like characterization, wisp-ideals for characters who beg to be exposed in a Brechtian reversal; except we've already known and acknowledged their self-evident falsity for decades and appreciate their forth-goings in the manner Barthes considers wrestling - the only further need is to their evident embodiment of cultural ideals of maturation, morality, and self-hood into a larger, more exploratory dimension) into a self-aware variety that embodies a knowing exploration of ideology. Imagine a Will Parry who recognizes his new ownership of the "Subtle Knife" (at the cost of two of his fingers) as formative to his dawning sexual relationship with Lyra Belacqua. Or a Will Stanton who questions the very Authurian mythos which invests his recognition of his own growth with so much new power - is he truly comfortable, drinking at this well? It's clear to me that the most meaningful literary access in the coming decades will come in the form of a beautiful, bastard hybrid of the flattened, paltry, deeply meaningful, sexual, and intimate books of our long since capitalized-upon youth with the "difficult" fiction of the earlier twentieth century which we eventually learned to read as we expanded our horizons in rejection of the pap we were fed. We now realize that that pap, base as it is, glows with a violent energy that we will harness with the careful intellectual reins of our benighted forefathers - the sex was drug out of them; we will re-insert it.

>> No.7355454 [DELETED] 

the only further need is to *move* their evident

>> No.7355455


- the only further need is to *move* their evident embodiment

>> No.7355460
File: 19 KB, 160x238, Lost_Years_of_Merlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get fucked

>> No.7355461

I am >>7355453 ; that is a GREAT one too. Merlin's Lost Years will absolutely feed the forthcoming Avant-Young revolution.