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/lit/ - Literature

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7348698 No.7348698 [Reply] [Original]

>It's a Arya, Bran, Jon, Therion or Dany chapter

>> No.7348699

>it's a grrm book

>> No.7348702
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>reading GRRM

>> No.7348708

meh, more entertaining that genius. desu

>> No.7348710
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>it isn't by Gene Wolfe

>> No.7348715

Mebbe in 2002

>> No.7349908

The Jon and Daenarys chapters were always my favourite. I really do hope they end up together in an incestuous relationship and rule the Seven Kingdoms together.

>> No.7349909


Personally I prefer the Cotillion and Tyrone chapters.

>> No.7349932
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If you don't enjoy the chapters of 4 of the 5 main characters then maybe the series isn't for you

>> No.7350337
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>its a GoT thread

>> No.7350339

Why do we not tolerate the GoT threads but constantly have these "Sci-fi/Fantasy General' genre shitction threads? I say purge all of them.

>> No.7350349

Sci-Fi can have actual social commentary though.

GoT is mindless. I don't mind the TV show, and the books aren't badly written, but there's no depth to them, no real topics or ideas to discuss - you're just circlejerking over fictional characters like /tv/ autists.

>> No.7350359

Tyrion chapters were great until the last book

>> No.7350360

Eh sometimes some books transcend the genre. I don't think it should be purged entirely, and the autists have their little comfy corner to jerk over to boot.

>> No.7350379
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>It's a Damphair chapter

>> No.7350412

>not liking Arya
>not wanting to fuck Maisie Williams

It's like you're a fagget or something.

>> No.7350420

She's a child...

>> No.7350448

She's 18, and even if that wasn't the case 16 is the age of consent where I live(as in the UK)

>Why do we not tolerate the GoT threads but constantly have these "Sci-fi/Fantasy General' genre shitction threads?

Because most GoT threads are people shitposting about Dany shiting.

You guys discussed this series to death years ago, and with no new material to dissect, you have no other alternative than shitposting.

At least in the scifi gens they have thousands of books to choose from, so it's never a dull moment.

>> No.7350518

so what, entertainment is not a bad thing

>> No.7350700

The point is, if you went to /a/ and started a Naruto thread, you'd be rightly told to fuck off.

/lit/ has an elitist board culture that's interested in discussing literature that has enough depth to promote interesting discussion beyond CERSEI IS A CUNT. In the same vein, both boards aren't trying to be rude, they're just telling you there are better, more entertaining topics and ways to discuss the respective area.

>> No.7350861

>/lit/ has an elitist board culture
The point is, if what you just typed were true, I would wholeheartedly agree, but it isn't so I don't.

>> No.7350877

I always hated the Dany chapters. The Tyrion, Arya, and Jon ones are my favorites. Bran's are good too.

>> No.7350903

People like you are the reason the board is losing that culture then.

>> No.7350907

Fuck off pleb!

>> No.7350913

I can't read character chapter books. I've tried a few times, but I always, always end up skipping. It's a shit system and I do not endorse it.

>> No.7350936

I doubt it, this board was already shit when I first visited it. Don't get to angry. :^)

>> No.7350938


>> No.7350943

Enjoy being an unenlightened autist then.

Good literature changes you.

>> No.7351189


I like Arya's and Dany's chapters. Bran's are ok too.

>> No.7351191

>GoT is mindless. I don't mind the TV show, and the books aren't badly written, but there's no depth to them, no real topics or ideas to discuss - you're just circlejerking over fictional characters like /tv/ autists.

It's escapism. So what? You're telling me that you never, ever indulge in any form of escapism? You don't listen to music or watch stupid movies or television?

>> No.7351201

>You guys discussed this series to death years ago, and with no new material to dissect, you have no other alternative than shitposting.

That's not really true. The nature of 4chan dictates that new users are constantly entering the fray, and thus there will always be new people discussing the book. Even if people did indeed get "sick" of discussing the books, there would be new users.

However, because of how popular the book series is now, a loud minority of contrarians feel the need to make people feel bad for liking GoT, thus shitting up the threads.

I would like to clarify that I don't think ASoIaF is anything about a 6/10, but that doesn't mean I would shitpost and try to make other people feel bad about what they like.

>> No.7352603


she cute

>> No.7352672

>escapism is bad m'kay