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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 796x1244, 716aY-w9nhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7347666 No.7347666 [Reply] [Original]

Why do shitty editions come with shitty covers? Is it something done on purpose? Why would they deliberately choose to put such bad covers?

>> No.7347669


I bought this one since it saves me money. Why is it a shitty edition?

>> No.7347671

I'm talking in general, bad editions, come with bad covers.

>> No.7347673

le old classic litterature cant have optics of a modern psycho thriller?

>> No.7347676


But why would this be a bad edition in comparison to for instance Penguin Classics? There aren't really good arguments that this is less of a book than other editions, or are there?

>> No.7347687


Stop being contrarian.

>> No.7347742

>that hair
That hair, though. My god. I want to run my fingers through that hair.

>> No.7347746


Just explain why this edition would be worse than a Penguin Classics.

>> No.7347887

What's wrong with penguin?

>> No.7347888


Nothing, he's just parroting the meme

>> No.7347889
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>> No.7347891

Do anyone actually have anything against penguin?

>> No.7347917

people complain that their translations are shit

and some of them are, just like any publisher. Wins and misseses

The Oedipus Rex cycle translated by Robert Fagles that Penguin published is absolute garbage

>> No.7347920

I read the penguin edition of C&P and enjoyed it immensely. Hated the P&V version of BK though.

>> No.7348067

>tfw reading C&P and imagining Rodya as the guy from the Wordsworth cover
>tfw forced myself to do that because before that I had been visualising him as the fat fedora from the Penguin cover
>tfw the edition I'm actually reading has a terrible drawing of an extremely ugly Rodya with a bloody axe looking at Lizaveta

Does this book somehow kill designer's brains?

Also, nice trips, op

>> No.7348404
File: 2.59 MB, 359x345, malcom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not imagining Rodya as >>7347889

>> No.7348414

Terrible font size, usually old translations, shitty footnotes, footnoted only at the back insted of the pages bottom, etc.

>> No.7348417

thats the memeiest cover I've ever seen damn

>> No.7348430

Oh, man, I love this series, so hilariously bad.

nice devil trips op

>> No.7348441

Raskolnikov was like 24 wasn't he? And Sasha Grey doesn't look very Russian

>> No.7348444

Raskolnikov is described as very handsome, and I don't see how Sasha Grey would pass as Sonya. Sonya is a virgin on the inside, she has to be a prostitute for her family's sake.

I don't thin Polanksi would be a good director of it either. Polanksi is a child rapist who fled to escape punishment and still lives the good life, whereas Crime and Punishment is a very Christian work about the redemption, salvation and poverty of a murderer and a pure girl who has to be a prostitute because her dad is a fuck up. Polanski is a genius and can understand some things perfectly, but I don't think he could grasp this at all.

>> No.7348453
File: 50 KB, 279x475, Botchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see all the sick covers of Botchan on google
>place hold on it at library (no picture online but its the only edition they have)
>go to pick it up
>mfw this is the cover

>> No.7348460
File: 20 KB, 236x347, 05f2b0833b82dc0fdf7fed65aef67fda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every other cover is amazing

>> No.7348465
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>Paul Dano isn't very handsome
>Sasha isn't pure

>> No.7348470
File: 350 KB, 690x471, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick as Rodyas sister

>> No.7348475

That's a good point about Polanski 2bh. I thought you were going to say no just because of his crime but I never linked together his crime and "Crime and Punishment", and his lack thereof.

>> No.7348488
File: 153 KB, 490x725, dantes-inferno-cover-redesign-25957-1263918009-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7348493
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She is a witch and an anal whore

>> No.7348494

b-b-but this game got me to read the book and into literature in general when I was a teen. It was a pretty bad game but I liked the imagery

>> No.7348509

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being an anal whore.

>> No.7348514

Except for prolapse.

>> No.7348519

There is absolutely nothing wrong with an anal prolapse that's so long and fleshy that you can use it as a dick to penetrate another woman's vagina.

>> No.7348529

Because I would not want such a detestable thing on my shelf.

>> No.7348531

Paul Dano is not handsome in the way Rashkolnikov is described. Rashkolnikov looks handsome even when he's an unkempt mess and wearing The Dude quality clothes. I don't think you could say the same for Dano.

Sasha Grey is not a dramatic actress. You don't have to be a "pure girl" to play the role of one, but if you're going to have a woman who is not a dramatic play the role of a pure girl, then she better act naturally like one. Do you really think it makes sense to cast a girl known exclusively as a porn star in the role of a girl who's defined by her purity and sorrow at having to be a prostitute? It would only work as a spoof.

Something very important in Crime and Punishment is also the willingness of the murderer to face the music. Sure, it's not necessary to be like someone to put yourself in their head, but Polanksi couldn't even do that, because do you really think he was wracked with guilt? Probably not, so how could he fathom what Raskoinikov's guilt feels like? And it's of primal importance the director knows this, because it has to be reflected in the camera work and lighting and everything else, it has to be transferred from page to screen.

This is also too close to home, because a character in Dostoevsky's "Demons" commits suicide out of guilt from raping a girl. Dostoevsky's mindset is just way to far from Polanski's. Dostoevsky himself did ten years hard labor so he knows what punishment is...he probably didn't deserve it for his crime (being a socialist), but he said it was a "cleansing experience", he felt the weight lifted off him for all his prior sins. Dostoevsky is all about redemption and facing the music, that's prominent also in The Brothers Karamazov, especially the guy the monk Zosima used to know, who confessed publicly about his murder of a woman years after it happened, even though he was now well to do and had a family. Guilt and redemption are two central themes in Dostoevsky, and I just don't think Polanski could understand them except in an abstract sense, whereas for Dostoevsky they are very real.

>> No.7348532

>Rodya is ugly as fuck
Does not make any sense. He's a handsome young man.
Wasn't the whole story that she was actually forced by an abusive boyfriend? That's why she quit eventually?

>> No.7348541

>Wasn't the whole story that she was actually forced by an abusive boyfriend? That's why she quit eventually?

>> No.7348583

Ah, I see that the report of that was sourced from TMZ.

>> No.7348588
File: 15 KB, 460x276, classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Dano
>ugly as fuck

>> No.7348604

He doesn't strike me at all as the shaky, nerveless, existential Raskolnikov. A younger Christian bale could have done it (inb4 memes).

>> No.7348610
File: 48 KB, 416x234, don-draper-and-harry-potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan Radcliffe should play Raskolnikov. He was great with Jon Hamm in A Young Doctor's Notebook, a nice tv show adaptation of Russian lit.

>> No.7348613


>Turdsworth Classics
>Upset about covers

Come on, the covers aren't even close to the worst part about these editions. They're just trash all around.

>> No.7348741


That one is at least indicative of the book's content. It tells you most of what you need to know just by looking at it.

>Dude just killed someone with an axe
>Look of remorse and doubt on his face

There, that's the pivotal event of the book right there. It also isn't as horribly photoshopped as other Wordsworth covers.

>> No.7349027


>> No.7350167

:( I'm an idiot who paid $8 for this edition, second hand

on the plus side I guess I can look forward to rereading them more this way

>> No.7350184


>Look of remorse and doubt on his face

Perhaps. When I see that face, I don't think murderer, I think shart.

>> No.7350188

Its translated from Russian for one thing

>> No.7350207

>a virgin on the inside, she has to be a prostitute for her family'

This is the most retarded thing I've read on /lit/ all day. Thank you.

>Polanksi is a child rapist who fled to escape punishment and still lives the good life, whereas Crime and Punishment is a very Christian work about the redemption, salvation and poverty

While I agree Polanski belongs in a lava pit, he was also raised Roman Catholic. None of what you wrote has anything to do with his ability to direct the movie. These christian themes have been rehashed for centuries, and aren't terribly complex in of themselves. Polanski would do well, maybe of 8 directors that could actually put the book on film.

>> No.7350249

>broken spine

>> No.7350252

das foul

>> No.7350530
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>> No.7350533

>This is the most retarded thing I've read on /lit/ all day. Thank you.
Not him, but what the fuck are you talking about? That description is 100% correct.

>> No.7350549


Still same book. Stop crying and save money.

>> No.7350608

Not him, but 'virgin on the inside' describes Sonya's Ethical conduct in the wrong way. She's not a stranger to pain, suffereing, and she would have seen I lot of fucked up shit in her line of work, yet she still never committed a crime, not even theft, in her entire life, and her first reaction to finding out Raskolnikov's crime of killing her friend is one of pity .

She's not a Virgin, but she still is a good person (at least Doestovsky's definiiton of good).

>> No.7350634
File: 28 KB, 524x336, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now a major motion picture

>> No.7350641
File: 37 KB, 231x346, 61RnU2j+vVL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penguin Classics just released an amazing C&P cover and the translation is shit.

>> No.7351375

Shit? I haven't heard anything but praise for Ready's translation.

Also that cover is pretty rad. It looks like it was drawn by Dr. Seus.

>> No.7351382

Except the dude is too old and ugly to be Rask

>> No.7351389

He's completely average. This isas middling as someone can look in every respect

>> No.7351480

shit quality paper?

>> No.7351507

yeah he is ugly. Rodya doesnt have a round face

>> No.7352090

At worst he's average.