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7347688 No.7347688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Pure Ideology
>Social Constructs

These are all just Get Out of Debate Free Cards used by intellectual cowards. There is literally no difference between an edgy 4channer smugly pointing out a "spook" and a rabid tumblerite screaming about "muh social constructs".

If you unironically use any of these non-arguments I seriously hope you'll try and do some soul searching.

>> No.7347694

I have never seen anyone use spooks as a serious argument

>> No.7347698

If you're more concerned with people using those words than shit like leftist or conservative to get out of arguments, you need to spend some time bot on /lit/

>> No.7347700

I seriously doubt any of those things have ever been uttered sincerely in the entire history of /lit/.

>> No.7347705


Someone in my Phil class said something was "just a social construct" and I said social constructs are just mental constructs, she got pretty buttflustered.

>> No.7347711


>> No.7347726
File: 99 KB, 654x655, sammyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'pure ideology' and 'social constructs' are entirely different things
spooks is just a meme

>> No.7347740
File: 68 KB, 260x241, real.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideology structures everything you think. It's not just bad cognitive habits, it's something you can't escape.


If you really think there is such a thing as unideological conjecture that just goes to show how stuck in ideology you really are.

>> No.7347759
File: 522 KB, 490x265, d9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm no sjw but doesn't the fact that X is an ideology that pleases folks p but causes folks q to suffer, but only pleases p conceptually, e.g. "high fashion" or traditional gender roles or something: then isn't it fair to say that the world would be better off without X, thus stopping q's suffering while p is still permitted to find pleasure in something not quite so spooky.

i'm pretty sure that's the reason educated people use terms like "social construct"

i'm not so certain what *sniff* means by "pure ideology" but perhaps it would work in this context.

>> No.7347763

/\ me
you bring up a good point, i suppose the suffering people q could just as easily escape suffering by appealing to ideology.
although i'm pretty sure *rubs collar* is against this kind of totalitarianism of the mind.

>> No.7347764

I don't think they're underhanded techniques because the purpose is to dissolve some unstated assumptions that your interlocutor is making but refuses to justify. If they're just making circular arguments and refuse to acknowledge it, you've got to bring out the spook card.

>> No.7347771

"Social construct" is merely used to point out the fluidity of certain social facts we may take as second nature, and explain the social, economic and historical forces shaping them. They're not get-out-of-debate cards but something that broadens the scope of the debate.

Spook if something I can't talk about because I haven't read the dude, and I'm willing to bet your only frame of reference for "pure ideology" is /lit/

>> No.7347774

I would too, since that doesn't qualify as a rebuttal of the notion of social constructs at all.

>> No.7347780

Why is suffering bad
It will never go away
When a human makes another suffer they grow in power and strength
All great things come from making other humans suffer
Your iPhone is the collective suffering of centuries and centuries of pain and war

Fuck your leftist shit

>> No.7347783
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I've always thought pure ideology meant an unexamined belief held as truth or a vision of the world that simply isn't rooted in reality
pic related would be an example (imo)

>> No.7347793
File: 126 KB, 850x1160, Michel Foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not who you are responding to but you're sounding very much like a post-modernist right now

to establish that inflicting suffering onto someone is inherently bad we would have to agree on some ontological level

>> No.7347796

>He thinks he's better than leftists when in reality he's just another American who exclusively thinks in black and white and can't conceive of the color grey

>> No.7347803

look out fellas here comes le reasonable moderate man

>> No.7347804

>These are all just Get Out of Debate Free Cards

And here you are, demanding people stop referring to social constructs just because you don't like them

If you're faced with ideas your belief system can't deal with, you need to think more and post on 4chan less

>> No.7347805

>I've always thought pure ideology meant an unexamined belief held as truth or a vision of the world that simply isn't rooted in reality

The point of Ideology in that sense is to examine the projection of a certain consciousness that is meant to sustain a particular socioeconomic structure and its institutions.

Someone can have many stupid, crazy, fantastical ideas that still don't count as Ideology because they're not the ideas you've been socialized in as part of your formation as a "social being". So the problem is not that Ideology isn't rooted in reality, after all economic, material reality is what it's meant to be a complement of.

>> No.7347810

It's almost like you don't know anything about american politics and its rhetoric. Declaring yourself anything but a moderate or a center-something is like declaring yourself a pedo for them.

>> No.7347815

I don't know what Zizek is all about but from my understanding of ideology, pure ideology would operate as an unconscious filter that distorts the way you interpret everything you perceive.

>> No.7347819

That's because Americans can't stray from the center of their meme-spectrum without turning into irrational morons

>> No.7347832

Now that's what I call pure ideology

>> No.7347836

Actually, they can, but there are so few outlets for these and so much pressure to keep you on the "center" that only people who are already whacky explore anything past liberal or conservative.

>> No.7347863

"inflicting suffering" isn't suffering
i'm speaking subjectively, suffering is always bad from the point of view of its subject because suffering is the logical prerequisite to moral bad-ness.
of course someone benefits from someone else's suffering, but that moral exchange is only necessary within the context of that system.

>> No.7347892

>When a human makes another suffer they grow in power and strength
>All great things come from making other humans suffer

Edgiest post I've seen in a while, good job.

>> No.7347924

that's an idea i've been struggling with lately
why does being edgy make an idea bad
is it because most people will never agree to its terms or because the appeal of "edgyness" to edgelords means that their ideas will inherently sound better to them than they really are

>> No.7347936


b-but muh infinite regression tactic

Why can't he just be right because he was being contrary anon?!

>> No.7348403

>mfw we have memed so hard that idiots and newfags aren't even aware of or able to grasp the context of the meme

>> No.7348442
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