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/lit/ - Literature

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733905 No.733905 [Reply] [Original]

Quickly /lit/

recommend me a book or author of the same caliber as J. G. Ballard and Philip K. Dick. who also writes about the same things

>> No.733916
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inb4 massive disappointment when no one replies / I only get troll replies

>> No.733924


>> No.733930


No don't kill the jellyfish ;_;

>> No.733938
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the silly nomura jellyfish go into the nets of these japanese fishermen who just want to catch normal fish

it's all the fault of the jellyfish who are delaying the fishermen's efforts, breaking their nets, and stealing their catch

bad, bad jellyfish

>> No.733947
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i've read her stuff, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the work of her so called "influences"

>> No.733956

Noam Chomsky

>> No.733962

Unfortunately, OP, I was thinking about the same thing you are now a few weeks ago

I've finally realized that there are no other science fiction authors who can match up to ballard or dick

>> No.733970

>recommend me a book or author of the same caliber as J. G. Ballard and Philip K. Dick. who also writes about the same things

Not really into that whole "variety" thing, are you?

>> No.733976


Okay, if you're going to judge me from your armchair why don't you at least suggest a good book as well?

>> No.733985


as expected from /lit/, where 90% of the user-base are pedantic assholes who shit on a thread and then leave

>> No.733989

Christ, it is only 3 minutes later, and this is /lit/. 3 minutes is a microsecond here. I went to the kitchen to get a V8 if you must know.

Here's a short list, Philip K. Penis

The Worm Ouroboros
Far From the Madding Crowd
Darkness at Noon
The Wings of the Dove
As I Lay Dying
A Bend in the River
Hunger (Knut Hamsun)
The Day of the Locust

>> No.733995
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Umm, yeah. OP isn't going to like those because no lasers, cybernetic implants, or talking computers.

>> No.734001


>Arthur Koestler

You probably like his writing alot more then I do. Also, Ivanhoe, really?

Is this list the kind of stuff you regularly suggest to people out of the blue>

>> No.734017

TO be honest OP, both PK Dick and Ballard are kind of at the top of their respective fields, so finding something in the same genre that will be as satisfying for you could be hard.

If you haven't already, check out William Gibson's newer stuff. He's gotten alot more subtle with old age, so if you are someone like me who read neuromancer when it came out and hated it, you could be pleasantly surprised.

Also, Theodore Sturgeon has some fun reads

>> No.734023


while helpful, all of those books are pretty "stock", as in, most /lit/ denizens (myself included) have read all of them

>> No.734024

You asked for a recommendation. Sorry they aren't exactly the same writing as Ballard and Dick with exactly the same topics.

and yes, Ivanhoe

>> No.734036

I highly doubt "most". /lit/ was polled several times at different hours on different days and it has been determined that 88% of this board is made of 17-22 year old males, mostly students, mostly unemployed.

>> No.734037


maybe you should stick to drinking your V8 and stop posting non-sci fi in sci-fi threads

>> No.734040


oddly enough, that's the same demographic as the majority of 4chan users

crazy, huh?

>> No.734044

As you wish, Captain Kirk. Should I go into the other room and read Blade Runner then come back and debate the significance of plastic clothing?

>> No.734061
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Now here's a bold faced lie lol

>> No.734064


no, just try to post ontopic and make useful suggestions like the helpful anon over here>>734017

Also, you know as well as I do that the book was called "do androids dream of electric sheep?"

stop trolling me

>> No.734085

>while helpful, all of those books are pretty "stock", as in, most /lit/ denizens (myself included) have read all of them

> most /lit/ denizens (myself included) have read all of them

> (myself included)

I have been on /lit/ for months and the only 2 I recognize as being mentioned here before are Ouroboros and Day of the Locust, one in passing and the other in a thread from earlier this morning.

>> No.734083
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yeah, insult someone over the internet, that'll show him

>> No.734089


i'm the guy who said I read all of the books that guy suggested

I guess I misspoke since I actually don't come to /lit/ very often

>> No.734098

I was on topic. OP wanted books of a particular writing style and I mentioned that he wasn't into the whole variety thing. He then asked me to suggest a "good book", then proceeded to get butthurt that I didn't reply instantaneously. I gave him a short list, then you, white knight who is most likely OP, decide to pull out your lightsaber and act Sith on my Vulcan race.

>> No.734105


Yeah, because all of the books you suggested are stylistically identical to Ballard and Dick

>> No.734112


stop making those retarded sci-fi references

>> No.734120

Hey OP

read House of Leaves

it's a real mindfuck

>> No.734121

Dumb ass. He did not ask that of me. He asked me to suggest a good book, since I mentioned his lack of desire for variety. Feel free to lookk at the posts that aren't yours and comprehend that.

>> No.734128
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>> No.734134
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Does your mommy know you're using her computer without permission?

>> No.734143

OP here

can we get some good speculative fiction/Sci-Fi suggestions going?

I'll start the ball rolling with Exodus, by Julie Bertagna. Yeah it's a book written for Tweens but that doesn't stop it from being awesome

>> No.734162
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oh my god OP thanks for reminding me about Ballard

I need to get his books out of my closet and read them again

Has he written anything new since Atrocity Exhibition?

>> No.734168

Op, try Olaf Stapledon. He's older, from the 40s, but some of the greatest speculative sci fi. Sirius, about a dog that goes to Cambridge, Starmaker about the Universe itself...etc.

>> No.734176

Hey OP

Read "The Stars my Destination" by alfred Bester

>> No.734188

looking into it
already read it

it is good though

>> No.734190
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>> No.734196


this is what the average /lit/ user thinks is funny

>> No.734203

OP here, can we get some more suggestion ideas? I'm seriously bored out of my mind here

If you have read something obscure that you really liked, let me know

>> No.734237

Essential Sci-Fi

Time Bandits
Battlefield Earth
The Golden Compass
Children of Dune
Merlin the Sorcerer
Planet of the Apes
Buck Alice And The Actor Robot
Superman 4: The Quest for Peace
Ice Pirates
The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai

>> No.734279
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>> No.734284

OP at least you got your "inb4 massive dissapointment" statement out of the way fast. YOU GOT IN B4 it man! WAY TO GO!

Sage for shitty sci-fi superhero wizards lasers spaceships and seals

>> No.734299


>shitty sci fi

>> No.734307
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OP here, recommend me a book or author of the same caliber of A. A. Milne or J.M. Barrie who also writes the exact same things.

>> No.734331
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OP amidoinitrite?

>> No.734353

OP here, you guys are fags