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/lit/ - Literature

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7339667 No.7339667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I unironically believe that literature improves human beings. I am a 'humanist', so to speak.

Rip me to shreds.

>> No.7339672

sick fuck

>> No.7339685

>be me at 16
>obsessed with DH Lawrence
>go to my local library
>find Women in Love
>curl up in the silent room
>get to the part where they wrestle
>read it twice
>on the second reading I get very aroused
>pull my tadger between my fly and start wanking
>squirt all over the page
>close book, run to random aisle and leave it there
>run home scared as fuck
>22 and still waiting for consequences

>> No.7340155
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>> No.7340163
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>> No.7340168

I routinely post shit I wrote when I was depressed in high school in the critique threads because I know people will read it and suffer through my corpophagy.

>> No.7340186

Not literary, but:I think /lit/ might be able to appreciate it like /tv/ can't.

I legit consider True Detective Season 2 one of the best seasons of television ever created. It's far from perfect, but has touched me like nothing else, and watching snarky bloggers rip it to shreds tore me apart Lisaaaah. I'm actually worried that I'm becoming obsessed with it.

I sometimes tear up thinking about the last few episodes.

>> No.7340192
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ayy lmao

>> No.7340221

Please go to /tv/ and stay there.