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/lit/ - Literature

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7334443 No.7334443 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ do for a living?

>> No.7334446

NEET, edge 7 hours a day

>> No.7334452

I'm a PI and have tons of time reading on stake outs. I've been rereading gene wolf's BotNS with Google books. The built in dictionary fleshes out all the archaic words.

>> No.7334456

I fondle my nuts at the urinal when no ones around and sometimes when no one is really around I write something worth reading.

>> No.7334458

live with my dad, work in a ghetto liquor store for 5 an hour under the table. (business is slow. but i get to read/homework for 6 hours of a 7 hour shift)

>> No.7334460

Journalist working in DC.

>> No.7334462

Filmmaker and screenwriter.

>> No.7334480


>> No.7334493

how does one become a PI

>> No.7334499

I work in a hospital as physicist

>> No.7334507

Your mum

>> No.7334508

Not that guy but don't bother, it's not as cool as The Maltese Falcon makes it look. It's meant to be an incredibly mundane job with a lot of waiting around.

>> No.7334514

Work in a library.

>> No.7334515

oi u wot m8 i'll fackin deck u in the knob u massiv poofta quit avin a giraffe, u chattin shit m8 i'll fookin knock u out m8 any1 gotta quid i need a maccy ds like

>> No.7334538

Logistics for an insurance company.

>> No.7334547

How much do you want to kill yourself daily?

>> No.7334551

bikini inspector (:^))

>> No.7334553

electrical engineer. But basically i try to work as little as possible to concentrate all my time doing the things i like (reading, writing, playing, watching movies and so on).

>> No.7334554

I live above my means on loans and the suffering of my parents.

>> No.7334556
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I guess I'm technically a mathematician

>> No.7334561

I live for a living

>> No.7334563

It's like a 4/10. I get to listen to music and podcasts a lot of the time, the money is pretty good, and the work environment/people are very nice. I just don't like giving up the time. It's not rewarding.

>> No.7334565

Centrelink senpai

>> No.7334571

I grade tests from home.

Unfortunately, I can't really read while doing it, but I can do almost everything else, like chores and exercise. So I tend to get off the computer and read as soon as I'm off work, since everything else is done.

>> No.7334583

Full-time Warehouse operator. Part time digital marketer.

>> No.7334588

You're a PI?

>> No.7334598
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Underemployed logistics expert working as a Gas station attendant

>> No.7334604

this is seriously depressing. can you at least make a mural on that door or something

>> No.7334615

Underemployed? Dude, you're exactly where you deserve to be.

>> No.7334637


>> No.7334640

>What does /lit/ do for a living?
>implying I'm living

>> No.7334643

/lit/ core

genre fiction core

why are you doing this to yourself core


>> No.7334656 [DELETED] 
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Welfare recipient.

>> No.7334659

Have god tier google skills. Seriously, internet is the best way to find someone, also the cheapest and fastest. Beats the hell out of stake outs, though they do still happen.

>> No.7334661

I help deaf people make phone calls. The pay isn't great, but it is fulfilling work, plus I get to hear a lot of weird stuff. I'm also a grad student.

>> No.7334662 [DELETED] 

are you saying I can get paid using my googlefu?

>> No.7334664

I'm a programmer.

>> No.7334669

Contracts negotiator for a major defense company in the DC area.

>> No.7334678

I work as a data cvck in a major city. I work from 8:30am to 5:30pm and along with an hour commute each way I feel suicidal. I feel myself becoming more and more sated and tame and I hate it.

>> No.7334688


>> No.7334700

anybody else here ever quit their job with nothing lined up?

>> No.7334705

hell yeah. It was about 6 years ago too, been unemployed ever since. Still think it was the best decision i ever made.

>> No.7334709 [DELETED] 

Exactly this, only for me it was four years ago.

>> No.7334711


>> No.7334713

How old are you and what was the job?

Where do you live and if it's now with family how do you afford it?

>> No.7334715

I shamelessly leech off my parents

>> No.7334717

finishing up a thesis so I can get payed teaching children reading and writing and sometimes literature and plays

>> No.7334718

How many films have you made and how many screens have you written?

>> No.7334720

I went for marketing because I had no career. Still have none.

>> No.7334801 [DELETED] 

Four year one here. I worked for six weeks total in my life, four weeks in a warehouse and two weeks cleaning hotel rooms. It affirmed every prejudice I had about work and confirmed that I was right to shun it for most of my life.

I'm in my late twenties and on welfare, living with my parents until an opening in social housing shows up.

>> No.7334816

I'm a premed student that works seasonally in retail.

>> No.7334818

I'm a full time shitposter.

>> No.7334820

Currently doing fuck all. I've got one exam left before I graduate and then I'm officially a NEET.

I've doing basica training for the army reserve in January and February next year but I have no job lined up or really any kind of plans. I was thinking of trying to get into publishing since it's relevant to my interests and my degree but there is only one publishing house in my city and it's over an hour drive from my house.

I really have no idea what I'm even qualified to do or how to go about getting a job in a city that only gives a shit about FIFO miners and tradies.

>> No.7334827

Medical Assistant

>> No.7334835

Pretentious boarding school student

>> No.7334837

just got a job at a bagel shop

>> No.7334838

NEET style

>> No.7334843

Psychiatric Nurse - very interesting, very stressful

>> No.7334856

Its easier than you think to be a bottom tier worker for a "bad guy" business. Worked as a credit counselor basically exploiting people filing for bankruptcy for money (because they don't know how to manage their finances anyway and don't have a choice). Felt bad for them. Tried to be as helpful as I could. But it was whatever. I was just doing a job I needed as well. If I didn't work then they'd just hire "Sammy" from the Philippines to do my job anyway.

Got fired for asking too many questions anyway. Was kind of a relief. Enjoying full time at uni.

>> No.7334866

I work for a small architects and shitpost on /lit/ during my toilet breaks

>> No.7334870

Language Arts teacher to high school students

>> No.7334875

Paramedic Practitioner

>> No.7334876


>> No.7334886

Cab driver

>> No.7334888

Library worker

>> No.7334889

I'm 30 now, was like 24 when i quit. Job was an inspector for this trucking fleet. I live with my mom now, and i don't really afford it. Not that that really makes a difference, when i was working i was broke all the time too, so i don't see much difference.

>> No.7334893

How do you stay on the doll for so long? In my country it's hard to be on it for more than a few months at a time unless you had a disability.

>> No.7334895

How old are you guys?
Cab driver seems cool but I think I'm to big of a coward to do it

>> No.7334899

I'm a floorer. It's easy work, pays well, has really good pay advancment and I get to listen to 4-5 hours of audiobooks/podcasts/music a day. Lunch breaks are also add about to about an hour and a half and we usually fuck off half an hour early every day. In about ten years I'll be able to retire in my mid 30's and spend the rest of my life traveling. Feels good man.

>> No.7334908 [DELETED] 

You're allowed welfare here indefinitely as long as you cooperate in work seeking endeavours.

I've dodged the bullet so far and now that I'm turning 28 I no longer fall under 'youth unemployment' and I'm thereby getting closer to 'absolutely hopeless' tier. I hope to be on welfare for the rest of my life, or until basic income kicks in.

>> No.7334911

work full-time as a cashier and live with my parents. have an undergraduate degree but still have no clue what career path i'd like to go down. i'm almost considering graduate studies to delay the inevitability of finding a "real job," but also because i think i could get a lot out of in-depth study of the fields i'm interested in.

>> No.7334926

I finished teaching abroad, now I am finishing a novella at my parents' home and will put in effort to get things published before I leave to teach abroad again.

>> No.7334927

I'm 24
It's not that bad, got mugged once though. Honestly what depresses me the most about it are night shifts on a saturday, when I'm driving all these people younger than me to parties all over the city and I don't even have a single friend.

>> No.7334935

Database Admin/Application Developer

>> No.7334941

From the floorer guy. Seriously you should go into a trade. If you think of a high paying job you get from uni. You leave highschool at 18, get your degree at 21, do post grad. Get usable qualifications for jobs that will pay well. Already be 23ish. Start working. Have a huge debt to pay off and your starting salary will be not to great and will require a few years to start earning real money.

Leave highschool at 16 and have your trade qualification by the time you are 19. Already have a bit of money because you will earn money rather than lose it while learning. Straightway be on decent wages. In a couple of years start contracting. Immediately make great money. By the time you are making this great money the uni person will still be studying where you will be set for either early 30's retirement (if you have no kids) or 40's retirement if you want to own two homes so you can rent one, or a home and a holiday home.

And because you are your own boss as a contractor if you ever need more money just pull in a couple of jobs whenever you need them. Want to go to France but don't have the money? Work a week of small jobs.

>> No.7334953

I work as a lector 20h per week. It pays the bills.

>> No.7334961

I suffer

>> No.7334965

I go to a service academy

>> No.7334968

damn anon

>> No.7334977

hedge fund

>> No.7334979

>when i was working i was broke all the time too

That was the problem i had too. I even made decent money, but then health insurance, car insurance, cell phone bill, internet, etc, and then i'm always fucking broke. Not like i was buying any luxuries or anything, just paying all the regular bills would wipe me out. Then i started thinking, i don't need to work my ass off to be broke, and just quit.

I actually make more money now on welfare, get free medicaid and all that. Kinda pathetic, but fuck it, at least now i can scratch together enough money to buy a new video game every few months.

>> No.7334980


currently a student and want to be a filmmaker and screenwriter

>> No.7334983

your advice is noted. however i do not currently have any undergrad debt thanks to scholarship. on top of that my parents started saving money for my college funds before i got a full-ride (which i have been contributing to since i got my first part-time job in high school), so finances aren't my biggest worry at the moment. the way i see it, i want work that is either fulfilling or easy so that i don't feel degraded doing it each day. i'm not sure that fulfilling work is even possible, but i am not yet ready to abandon all hope. i am certainly not opposed to working a trade though.

>> No.7334988

post proofs.

>> No.7334990

I'm studying law. In summer and at weekends I work in confectionary.

>> No.7334991

hahahaha loser

>> No.7334996

neet, waiting for college to start in a few months. Might work though. Also trying not to kill myself.

>> No.7335010
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lkast paycheck

150k base (murdered by taxes), year end (usually jan/feb) bonsues (usually 150% - 250% of base)

>> No.7335019

I work in medical guideline publications.

>> No.7335024

I have no idea what to do.

>> No.7335028

Sometimes work in autocad at home
Tried working in a company and it ended badly soon

>> No.7335042

You like?

>> No.7335088

What kind of hours do you guys work?

I'm working 44 hours a week right now and I'm not even making that much money considering I work at the centre of a major city.

Am I a faggot for complaining about working this long?

>> No.7335093

60 hours a week.

>> No.7335106


I'm a roofer.

>> No.7335110

Consultant. I run PMC and Sociabble for Microsoft. Slowly consuming my soul.

>> No.7335124

I work about 60-65 hours at a school for a $15,000 stipend. Though I do get free housing so I'm not technically below the poverty line.

>> No.7335126


>> No.7335195

84 hours a week for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks off

Mechanical Engineer

>> No.7335204

how do you not go insane doing that

40hrs is full-time here and i hate it already

>> No.7335217

salesman here, i spend most of my work hours scamming rich turists by request of the old hag that i have as a boss

>> No.7335222

i get decent money. see >>7335010

>> No.7335224

I work as a food runner and expodite at Ruth's Chris Steak House. You wouldn't believe it, but it's so fun and the work is amazing; people I know and have been trained by have been with the company for over 10 years.

I make a lot of money and wouldn't mind this as my career. I adore the service industry, especially fine dining.

>> No.7335225

I wish I was a gril so I could be a cam whoore.

>> No.7335235

i couldn't whore myself out like that i think

>> No.7335236

sup, travis

>> No.7335239

a lot of people work 80 - 100 hour weeks for less -shrug-

>> No.7335245

jesus christ america

>> No.7335269

Eat, shitpost, read, and look in the mirror to remind myself that I will never be a qt girl.

>> No.7335278

Im a software engineer, i work with stock and derivatives trading applications. When I took the job I thought it would be a fun and challenging programming, but its mostly bug searching for 5-6 hours in some old program that noone really knows how it works, and then you write some ugly hack in a couple of lines that sort of fixes it

>> No.7335286
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Same anon, same.

>> No.7335289

pls be in london

>> No.7335295


Plastic surgeon.

My forte is shoving silicone sacks beneath brown rippled saggy skin.

>> No.7335304


White people don't get plastic surgery?

>> No.7335313

Why do you visit this place?

>> No.7335332

Street musician and in general a no good degenerate.

>> No.7335335
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White broads who want some new knockers almost exclusively tan excessively, my love.

Compared to my vapid materialistically dominated life this is a happy place.

>> No.7335339

how'd you find that sort of job? Is it like a care.com sort?

>> No.7335346

You seem like a cool guy. Whats your favorite novelist/poet?

Sometimes I'm interested what tickles different kinds of people.
Where do you find beauty?

>> No.7335348

Grocery store night shift manager. I get paid 25$ an hour, and get 30% off in groceries at my store, so it helps. Just wish I had more time off.

>> No.7335350

I'm a law student and academic research assistant at the law faculty of my university.

>> No.7335372


No real favourite, Nabokov, possibly.

All those old hags want to fuck me, they book appointments, asking for a labiaplasty. Proudly shoving their scrawny sagged vulva's in my face. They all want a thigh slit like a thirteen year old girl. I don't even perform them, that's my colleague's Gaspard's job. He fucks them all. But he is French. He makes a vulva as slick and narrow as the non-existent panel-gaps on my Porsche.

I go after their daughters. They are usually the same dum broads but fit and without droopy hangars. No beauty lingers there, I'm purely motivated by animal instincts. The act if you would say.

Beauty has long left my life.

>> No.7335378

Leech off my parents for the time being. I'm being kicked out soon though.

>> No.7335382


Even people with cancerous occupations wish to escape their hedonistic materialism once in a while.

>> No.7335389

How come you get to retire so early?

>> No.7335402

retail slave

but also live with parents and pay no expenses, could be worse

really want to get out of retail hell though

>> No.7335412

What time do you have to be awake tomorrow morning /lit/?

6:50am here.

>> No.7335416

night watchman, and I uh... Know PGP encryption... If you catch my drift

>> No.7335420

I'd hang out with you/10

>> No.7335421

you have no self-respect or are you incredibly lonely ?

>> No.7335422

i have a lot of self respect and im not lonely at all.

>> No.7335425

Im an infantry lieutenant in the US army

>> No.7335427
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NEET living in a YMCA. I was living on the street 2 months ago. I've lived in various homeless hostels and shelters for the past year. I lost my job due to the aformentioned.
My life is ruins folks. I spiral further into the abyss everyday and honestly see no way out and I'm only 22. I'd like to imagine a positive outcome to all of this but It is not likely. As Van Gogh said moments before his death:
''La tristesse durera toujours.''

The sadness will last forever.

>> No.7335438

Daily reminder that Van Gogh lived as a NEET with his little brother paying for his bohemian lifestyle.

Also which city are you in and is living the way you are manageable in term of washing clothes etc? I'm tempted by the notion of quitting my job and sleeping in hostels and spending my days at the library.

>> No.7335453

Learn to amor fati. Faggot.

>> No.7335482

ROTC or West Point?

>> No.7335490

ROTC at U. Illinois

Had to do it to afford college.

>> No.7335537

The m-4 carbine is a 5.56mm, shoulder fired, air cooled, magazine fed, gas operated, selective rate weapon with a collapsible stock

>> No.7335555

And you make a living doing this? How?

>> No.7335558


I'm a physician scientist. I often dream about becoming a NEET or a part time farmer, but the way I was socialized I couldn't handle the guilt.

>> No.7335562

Suck my dad's dick and hope he doesn't kick me out so I have a place to sleep and read tbhfam.

>> No.7335566
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What's the most aesthetic job?
>tfw you will never be an 1800s lighthouse operator in a cosy New England harbor

>> No.7335576

Student. Unemployed.

Did you drop out of college or something?

>> No.7335577

you do know that part of the job was going out during storms to rescue people from shipwrecks, right?

>> No.7335580

Imagine all the reading you could get done.. All that space for all those books..

>> No.7335586

That sounds pretty fun desu, imagine all the tragic and life-affirming things you'd see out there

>> No.7335617
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Currently on a year out of university.

Work evenings at a store so I don't have to deal with customers.

Taking on some temporary Christmas work

Next year I'll earn a teaching qualification. After University I'll use it to get contracts teaching English abroad for a couple days a week. I'll have my accommodation paid for and earn a little bit on top, though not much. I'll be alone in a foreign country with a lot of time on my hands so I'll have the room to read and write all I want.

I like what Cormac McCarthy said about working hard at not working. I'm trying my hardest not to pin myself down to any career straight out of university. Karl Ove Knausgaard apparently gave himself until his 30th birthday to get published before he would get a regular 9-5 job, and I think that's good too, though McCarthy didn't get published until he was 32.

>> No.7335628

business analysis at an insurance company.

>> No.7335629

PFC in the Marine Corps. I am going through my job school and enjoying all of the free time I have.

>> No.7335891

Big respect anon. I'm a nursing student myself thinking of going into mental health. Can I ask how long you've been doing it? What sort of facility do you work in? I imagine it'd be really interesting

>> No.7336096

Post proof of this as well pls

>> No.7336107

taking suggestions on how to prove

>> No.7336112

I shitpost for 25 cents a thread. Don't ask where the money comes from.

>> No.7336123

I teach ESL now. Some of my students study news articles and even literature for their lessons, so it's not bad, but I'd like to go back to teaching college--if only adjuncts weren't paid so pitifully.

>> No.7336129

hoping I die in my sleep

>> No.7336138

Information security / cyber security / whatever the latest stupid name for it is.

>> No.7336143

A freelance illustrator/storyboard artist.

I'll switch to doing tattoos soon, at least I'll get paid better and on time.

>> No.7336156 [DELETED] 

aerospace engineer in hypersonics

not bad for being a wagekek.

>> No.7336182

A what?

>> No.7336192

I'm doing my first year as resident in family medicine

>> No.7336217

sandwich artist

>> No.7336222

Nice try CIA

>> No.7336268

English as a Second Language or English for Speaker of Other Languages?

The ESOL kids at my high school were the most repulsive people ever. I once witnessed a pack of spics playing soccer with a ball of tape in the hallway. They all greased their hair back and put on cough-inducing amounts of AXE.

Being around so many Mexicans (Or Salvadorians/Hondurans/what have you) has made me reluctantly receptive to building a giant wall on our border.

>> No.7336270

I hate my fucking job. (I'm a programmer.)

Is this all there is to life?

>> No.7336280



>> No.7336286

Sometimes I fantasize about quitting my job and living off my savings. I'd read books and learn functional programming during the day.

>> No.7336294

Me too!

>> No.7336342

I am a pilot (however I mostly work as a copilot) for a budget airline. Did four years in the chair force, flying C-17s.

Money's pretty good. Chicks dig it. I enjoy it (for the most part). Travel benefits are fucking great. Very comfy during this time of year.

>> No.7336343 [DELETED] 
File: 929 KB, 966x3054, neet vs wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a wagey

>> No.7336347

what's it like being part of the problem? ;)

>> No.7336349 [DELETED] 

how much do you make? isn't that a military cargo plane?

>> No.7336351 [DELETED] 

disregard the latter question, misread post.

do you fly for free?

>> No.7336352

pretty good actually. knowing that people like you are mad salty makes more about as satisfied as reading a decent novel.

>> No.7336359

yo, can you get me a five-dollar-off coupon to quiznos? i love the wiches but they're a bit spendy.

>> No.7336363

I fly for free, yes. Sucks though because I the airline I work for is only domestic. Otherwise I'd go to Europe like every weekend.

I make about 70k a year after taxes.

>> No.7336368

>the faggot neet that made this
fucking lol

>> No.7336392

paint during the year, turist guide during vacations.

i swim in money. no kidding.

>> No.7336505

always get a sensible chuckle out of this pic

>> No.7336510

I'm a translator and mainly work with technical documentation.

>> No.7336515
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Student, part-time work at a coffee place/full time over the summer

Spoiled by my parents, they pay for my rent and give me 300 a month

>> No.7336521

what is your mos? I'm 4341.

>> No.7336529
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Subway sandwich artist

>> No.7336531

sounds pretty good. how many hours a week do you work?

>> No.7336533

I work in a crisis unit for people experiencing acute psychotic episodes.

Pay's ok, and it's never boring. Can be a bit depressing sometimes though. It's sad seeing someone who's mind has just caved in on itself, and the weird fixational ruts delusions carve out are more often than not very sad to watch.

>> No.7336557

Anyone ever worked with the merchant marines? What was it like? I'm thinking about doing it because studying Computer Science at school is not what I want to do with my life.

>> No.7336589

what do you do all day?

>> No.7336601

I actually log anywhere from 15-30 hours of flight on a working week.

That's what I get paid for.

That's not all I do, though, unfortunately. I gotta talk to the gate people, ramp operators, and of course radio the refuelers so we get out on time. Also gotta eat, fill out paperwork, do preflight stuff, postflight stuff, sleep...

I work around 30-60 hours per week, and fly about half of that. Also, I'm only legally allowed to work 6 days a week. So most of my trips are 4-6 days with 3-5 legs of flight.

I get about 10 days off towards the end of every other month because of the schedule I'm on.

Usually during these because I have no family and only a few friends (who are usually at work) I'll just hop on a flight to somewhere cool (in October I went to Flagstaff, AZ) and stay in a shit motel. I'll read, usually get laid if I'm in a city, and generally just unwind a little.

>> No.7336611

>He's never played Bioshock

>> No.7336635

My uncle was a merchant marine officer. From what I've heard, it's pretty /lit-tier. You gotta like sleeping on a shitty bunk for most of the year though. Also, the pay is shit (I think).

>> No.7336694


I love the picture of the NEET "working at the soup kitchen". Fully nude.

>> No.7336702

Currently gap year between A-levels and uni. I have to have a third language on B-levels to get into comparative literature, so I have to take a course this year so I can be accepted into uni.

I am spending this year working a bit (just enough to pay rent to my parents and have a bit extra) and reading, though I find myself wasting loads of time playing vidya sadly.

>> No.7336727

Thanks for your answer, I'm not looking into it for the sake of money so I'm not worried about the pay. Do you know how much downtime he had, while sailing, during the day to read?

>> No.7336739

how are normies happy with so little

>> No.7336742

>Student. Unemployed.
How do people do this?

>> No.7336743

"So little" what?

>> No.7336747

not everyone is american

>> No.7336750

Live at home with parents while having them pay for it or federal aid.

>> No.7336762

>what is welfare

>> No.7336775

About to graduate undergrad economics and arts(creative writing). Work in a bar. About to take a year off to finish a novel. If it fails, back to uni to study astrophysics.

>> No.7336786

I'm a math student, so like you but without the competence and pay. It's working fine so far, but spend too much mental energy during the day to practice writing as much as I'd like. I'd spend my free time reading rather than writing anyway.

>> No.7336798
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uni Student
politics philosophy and economics at Oxford :^) Somerville :^( [/spoiler[

>> No.7336806

studying mathematics right now

I program and model and read a shitton in my freetime, which I have a very large amount of

it's all right
I can't decide on being a programmer, a mathematician, or a writer
I feel like I would enjoy all three. I'm sticking with my major though

>> No.7336812

Being born into a family of intelligent, hard-working people helps a lot

>> No.7336818

Data entry for a lottery company. 11 hour shifts. Been here a year and a half and I'm still temp. Went to school for networking, went neet for a year and ended up here.

>> No.7336827
File: 117 KB, 1024x679, DSC_4914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted something similar to this awhile back, but neglected to save it. I'll try to recount it again here.

This is what a typical day of writing looks like for me.

>Wake around 11am. Get out of bed and dress in lounging clothes.
>Light breakfast along with morning supplements. Look over the paper or flip through a magazine.
>Morning stretches and exercises. 20 minutes.
>Shower and dress for the day
>Pack bags and briefcase with materials and clothes
>Leave the house around 1pm
>Get to the Galleria around 1:30, 2:00. Walk around outside or inside for about an hour. Go shopping if in the mood.
>Find a good seat and settle down for the first session. Take vitamins along with an entire bottle of water around 3:00.
>Write or edit for the next three hours without interruption (all writing is done first in pencil, then scanned and typed up for editing).
>Break for late lunch (not heavy) and afternoon supplements.
>Take another brief walk. Settle down for the second session around 7:00.
>Write or edit for 2 hours without interruption
>Get up and pack things around 9:30. Leave the Galleria and head over to Lifetime Fitness
>Lift or swim until around 11:30. Shower, change and leave Lifetime
>Get home around midnight. Late dinner, heaviest meal of the day. Change into leisure clothes and get settled. Unpack things from work day.
>Spend the rest of the night either reading or playing videogames. Retire between 3 and 4 a.m.
>Follow with recovery day. Light activity, no writing or editing. Look over portfolios and transact any pressing business.

>> No.7336829

I wish I could enjoy programming

>> No.7336839

barista/welfare recipient

i also freelance to keep me in cigarettes but under a pseudonym

>> No.7336857

Work at a coffee shop making minimum wage and tips.

I literally have so much money now that I don't even know what to do with it all.

>> No.7336865


This is exactly what I imagined Thom Yorke at the beach to be like.

Wonder where that is, as shit as it looks it's still to good to be anywhere in the UK.

>> No.7336867

Work in a used bookstore where I annoy my coworkers by speaking in paragraphs because my brain is a shallow ocean.

>> No.7336877

Because I'll have enough money to do so at that age. Saving hard in a trade plus no kids is the easy ticket to a life of whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.7336902

I live off of my mom's earnings.

>> No.7336944

2841. I'm still a student though

>> No.7336949

Sounds like a pretty good life all things considered.

Do you get to banter in the cockpit like in that DiCaprio movie or do you just travel with the normal folk?

>> No.7337018

Pursuing MFA painting

>> No.7337028

Working on becoming a translator for defence forces

>> No.7337033


If you have a decent car, sign up for lyft or uber. It's extremely easy to become part of the service, you can set your own hours, and leave when you want. You need

1. A gps of some kind.
2. Barf bags for your back seat.
3. Some shitty towels

You want to work around the night life in your city so you're not fucking yourself taking lots of short local trips. Experiment.

>> No.7337038

live on campus through financial aid

>> No.7337043

Medical student. Hoping to get shipped off to a new third-world every year so I can patch up the unfortunate and learn about the frayed ends of globalization.

>> No.7337062

Yes. It was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.7337108

how's that? i'm working my 'year off' post-undergrad doing something similar, and considering getting a 'practical' degree as opposed to graduate studies in medieval philosophy. plz advise.

>> No.7337142

college student. making minimum wage in a science research team

>> No.7337150

what is your actual job title?

>> No.7337178


Equities derivatives broker

>> No.7337187

this involves a lot of independent writing?

>> No.7337220


no. I write for my own purposes

>> No.7337221
File: 65 KB, 567x565, stallman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of liked to be the security guard for nice center and just stare and some nice classy ladies and view the windows of resutrant, i wasn't any good so get laid of 2 weeks after.
i started 2 uni, but i don't give a fuck so i wan't to be neet and maybe shitty programmer freelancer

>> No.7337244

Please submit here >>7322823

>> No.7337252

When do you work?

>> No.7337262


when there's business to be done, or when I feel like it. no set schedule

>> No.7337272

thanks for making me feel ok about shooting people like you

>> No.7337278

How laid is he going to be late. One white line women holy fuck, but maybe ever consummate, there's alot of cocks. You're going to yelp.

>> No.7337282
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>> No.7337283


what problem is that m80

>> No.7337294

It's a company called CapTel near where I live. They build the phone the deaf use, and we also provide captioning services. It's in Orlando, FL; Madison, WI,; and Milwaukee, WI. But I know other places have to do it, because we only work with Sprint and AT&T, and the Disabled Americans Act mandates that these services are provided to all Americans at same cost as normal, so I imagine the other companies have someone else.

>> No.7337302

Fulltime student. Work when I can as an auto mechanic and building sets for turner broadcasting. It's pretty rewarding. Thinking of changing my major to something related to television tech so I could go straight back into that industry, although I could prpbably find full time work now if I didn't just want to go to school for the hell of it. Feels pretty good

>> No.7337333


>> No.7337356

where u graduate from?

>tfw no gf

>> No.7337378

>>3. Some shitty towels
why ?

>> No.7337382

Fortress? Quantedge? Not Soros I think.

>> No.7337393

god it must be soul destroying having to work for stupid marketing people. do you have to do any of that type of shit?

>> No.7337399

what language/s?

>> No.7337429

abdique devant tes peines et tes joies

>> No.7337441
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I am a 30 KV neet living with his demented momy
no driving license, and I cannot do anything but consume entertainment

>Anyone ever worked with the merchant marines?
you need a diploma and a formation now, can no longer jump in a ship and sail off.

>> No.7337442

income from inherited rental properties

>> No.7337450

same, kinda insecure about it, though. I don't have much money and everyone else at uni seems to be working. I'm going to try to get one

>> No.7337462

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.7337465

You post in /britfeel/ threads. I can tell.

>> No.7337469

surf the chan, maaaaaan

>> No.7337487
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>What does /lit/ do for a living?

I pretend to write code while browsing 4chan and watching silly youtube videos.
Okay, I occasionally do write code.

It pays the rent, but I feel it rots my brain. I have become a lazy, slow, depressed person. This is built on top of my asocial urban hermit foundations I set years ago.
I should get a creative hobby to revive myself, but I am really too fucking lazy to do it.
Watching bad shows, listening to bad music, reading bad books and playing bad games is all I do other than work and sleep. And masturbate. Plenty of that.

>> No.7337490

3 years, just qualified and starting work this week on a acute psychiatric ward (admissions ward). You come across a variety of disorders often with people who are having their first contact with services so risks can be high at times.

It is very interesting if you can maintain your curiosity and compassion under stressful and demanding conditions. A lot of staff become quickly burnt out and just go through the motions.

>> No.7337491

are you trying to be a writer? if so, i wouldn't stress it too much. just make sure to write every day and get a lot of reading in.

>> No.7337493

Nah, I'm a politics major. I'll probably end up trying to do something post-grad in public policy or law, so I think job experience is probably pretty important even if it's just minimum wage stuff

>> No.7337500

nvm yeah, you should probably apply to places. are you charming? that tends to be the basis any job location uses for hiring people.

>> No.7337515


Wasnt that guy a virgin living with his mom until he was 35?
And didnt he marry an older woman when his mother died, as to replace her in taking care of him?

>> No.7337517

Occasionally, I'm probably pretty fucked job-wise at the moment really, but got to do your best

>> No.7337529

Fellow coder here. I do feel like programming has the potential to be very intellectual and stimulating but most business applications just aren't. When you run out of ways to improve implementation, try to improve workflow. If you don't need to think much to solve a problem, think of a way to automate it. Unlike other professionals, we are endowed with the magical ability of making menial tasks evaporate.

>> No.7337531

good luck

>> No.7337534

My job is mostly accounting and data management and statistics, its boring stuff.
Going through a huge table and creating spreadsheets out of it, with some optimization so the server doesnt choke while building it up.
Yeah, there is room to get smart, but half the time I just dont feel like doing it. I go with "good enough" and dont feel the need to further optimize.
Its a personal problem with me, rather with the profession. I just adopted the mercenary mindset, and I dont want to work for the best of the project and the company. I just work as much as needed to keep my job and not more.

>> No.7337536

damn, sounds like the perfect neet life desu

>> No.7337547

Then aim to make the most money possible and work on that. Shooting for excellence is what gives us drive and fulfilment. If there's no opportunity to move up, find a new job that pays more.

>> No.7337548

Interesting how /lit/ drops the 'this isn't lit' meme so long as they have the opportunity to talk about themselves without guilt

>> No.7337564

Partly true. His family was pretty rich and he jumped from relative to relative hoping they wouldn't make him get a job.

>> No.7337590

What do you sell?

>> No.7337600

I command a tank company.

>> No.7337604


In Portland?

>> No.7337717

i generally also dislike these threads but i think getting angry at meta would be a bit silly. better just to ignore as they stay compartmentalised, unlike other "non/lit/" examples. this example is better than most anyway: "where do we go to school" is very boring and mostly a pissing contest while this is far more interesting, revealing

>> No.7337723


>> No.7337824

I´m a translator.

Started not too long ago and I´ve done mostly small things, but now I´m starting to work with video game developers.

Surely not as well paid as the guy who does technical texts, but it´s fun.

>> No.7337842

That's the most depressing thing I've ever read on this website.

>> No.7337860

Mmmm Ruth's Chris is a decent steak house.

>> No.7337871

I do server monitoring/maintenance for a mobile games company remotely from home. I work four 10 hour graveyard shifts a week, from 8pm - 6am. I have a lot of spare time to watch movies or read books.

Haven't seen the sun in 6 days

>> No.7337886

>Haven't seen the sun in 6 days

Not even during the weekend?

>> No.7337919

Nice pun Mr. Punman.

>> No.7337943

No. I have to keep my sleep schedule going or else I'll be fucked when i get back on shift. Maybe I'll catch a sunrise if I'm lucky.

Some might think this is the perfect NEET job, and I guess it is. But I don't want to be a NEET and sometimes I feel like my humanity is ebbing away.

>> No.7337980
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>NEET job

>> No.7338056

> not knowing how to hide threads/posts

>> No.7338058

There are a few hundred (thousand?) hedge funds in NYC/surrounding areas, just curious why you picked those 3?

>> No.7338078

I'm a librarian in a small, Swedish town. It's comfy and I have lots of time to read and write.

>> No.7338139

I work as a CNA at a nursing home. The dreary and depressing scene helps with my writing, and the pay's pretty decent.

>> No.7338151

How many asses have you wiped?

>> No.7338166

Haha, I just started, so only a couple. It's not too unpleasant, just like taking care of a giant, wrinkly baby. I figured that it would be nice training for when I actually do have a kid.

>> No.7338175

I'm dropping out of my PhD program with nothing lined up

>> No.7338211

what languages? are you a native speaker or did you formally study and learn it?

>> No.7338280

Heh my wife used to do that for a while. She ended up switching to home care because the work is a lot easier and the pay is better. Those old people have a lot of cool/depressing stories to tell.

>> No.7338478


My only jobs for the past four years have been standing on the corner with a sign in one hand and a book in the other for 8 bucks an hour. Say what you will, it's pretty legit. I just smoke a joint, stick my face in a book and then six hours goes by and i pocket a bit of cash.

>> No.7338501

No translator worth his salt will translate into other than his native language.

Which I see I didn´t mention. I´m Spanish. Right now I do only English>Spanish, in about a year I´ll start doing German>Sp too (studied a couple years in university. And well, I live in Germany right now), and I would like to add Russian>Sp in a few more years. Or maybe I go the easy way and just learn Italian and French, which I can already speak a little thanks to my years of French at school and those of Latin at the university.

I studied Classic Philology (Latin, Classic Greek, Linguistics, Ancient History, Literature, Art, some Philosophy and Archaeology...). Shit was nice.

Only a few countries offer a full Translation degree which you can learn at a university. It´s pretty much always paired with Interpretation, and that alone is a huge red flag about its quality. I know a few of these T&I students and all of them suck both at translation and at Spanish way more than I do.

Then again, I was already translating all kind of shit since I was 15. For school, for friends or just for the pleasure of it. Webcomics, books, video games...

I think you don´t need (and, in fact, shouldn´t) study a Translation degree if you have this kind of experience. Get something else instead. A Philology like mine is a very solid foundation. Something more practical will allow you to net a lot of money. Specialized translators are rich. Specially those with a Medicine or Engineering (depending on area) degree, followed by those who did Psychology.

If you don´t have that kind of background, then get to it. Today. Start a translation before you go to bed today. Get to it right now, why not. And then consider getting into that Translation degree, if you have one around. But research it well first and go talk with students who are doing it already, because the quality may vary wildly.

It is not necessary to have any kind of formal education to be a translator, and having it won´t guarantee you success anyways. Your goal is to be good at it. If you´re good at translating and you enjoy it, go for it.

Just make everyone a favor and translate webcomics, old games and such for free, not new games. Things that won´t ever get translated without you and that nobody would pay for. Don´t devaluate the profession by working for free in projects that could feed a professional.

>> No.7338564

You're fulfilled by that work?
I worked at the milwaukee captel for 2 years. It's nice that you are provided tone to read in between calls, supervisors are friendly enough, but goddamn since of the clients make me wanna punch the computer screen and toss it out the window. You're lying about hearing interesting things too, 95% of the calls are people refilling prescriptions or making appointments or calling the bank. I had maybe 5 interesting calls max during my 2 years there.
Also, you make $10/hr and live with the knowledge that they hire anyone that can speak English. Seriously, it's impossible not to get hired there. I liked it more than anybody else I know that's worked there, but Jesus christ I could not continue with that bullshit any longer.
My gf works there now btw.
I now work in an office at my university doing AP and audit stuff, pick my hours, browse the Web as much as I want, and take long (paid) lunch breaks. If I want to stay here after I graduate (I don't), I have a salaried position waiting for me.

>> No.7338608

checking hot digits just like the ones you just posted

>> No.7338626
File: 125 KB, 962x642, comfocalypse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me glad to be NEET desu.

>> No.7338656

I'm a biotech engineering student. I wanted to work in genetic engineering of new organisms, though now it seems like the height of my career will be making a protein that's 6.67% more effective for the use in washing powders, if I'm lucky.

>> No.7338660

This desu.

Now I understand why some of you are so hateful towards NEETs. You're envious.

>> No.7338670

My parents give me money??

>> No.7338677

I tie knots in ropes and climb about oil rigs, bridges, skyscrapers and cliffs fixing stuff. I like to read Cormac Mccarthy when I am working on railways abseiling and chainsawing trees.

>> No.7338683

Freelance erotica, so basically unemployed

>> No.7338691

It's the same way in every engineering field. "Cool" jobs either pay shit because everyone wants them or require you to be the absolute top of your field.

After 10 years of making more effective washing powders, you'll move up the ranks and oversee several people make more effective washing powders while you fill out cost reports and sign timesheets.

>> No.7338709

What's your monthly income of that on average?

>> No.7338999

don't they patrol to make sure your working

>> No.7339007

i'm willing to bet he makes less than $100 a month

>> No.7339164


Depressing for you maybe, wagekuk

>> No.7339176

You should eat all your heavy carbohydrates in the morning.

>> No.7339180


everyone metabolizes differently. heavy breakfast leads to early afternoon languor in my experience

>> No.7339703

It's quite a nice life. The pay could be better, but I really like flying.

When I'm flying, yeah, the banter is fucking unreal. I usually copilot for a real old dog, a 65 year-old Vietnam vet. He's real cool and has a ton of awesome stories to share. I do sometimes address the plane but I've spilled my spaghetti too much to really enjoy it.

When I'm taking advantage of my free flights, I usually just fly with the regular people (towards the tail, lol), but sometimes I'll go to the airport lounge and hang out with the pilots.

>> No.7339735

i have no interest in translating, just curious

thanks for the info though - pretty interesting

>> No.7339757

Does the pay differ much per airline?

>> No.7339763

May I ask you some questions?
I'm a german engineer, how do I into professional translations? Is this even realistic?

>> No.7339777

Oh yeah, the major airlines all pay their pilots very, very well.

Budget airlines, not so much.

But I'm lucky to have a job, it's a tough field to get into these days.

>> No.7339891

>those taxes
jesus fucking christ

>> No.7339901

Full time traveler/vagabond

Only downside is carrying all my stuff makes it lame to carry multiple books at a time. Hard on the back, good for the soul.

>> No.7339914

are you that freight hopper that used to post here a while back?

>> No.7339922
File: 47 KB, 453x418, redlanternnyao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English Professor - teaching Freshman Comp mostly. Yes, it's pretty shitty. About to quit to write, paint, and be destitute full time.

>> No.7339930

get a job hippy

>> No.7339942

Like cancer cells and fungus?

>> No.7339946

work from home jobs can be NEET lifestyle

>> No.7339952

No, I had a few threads on /out/ a few years ago about squatting and the homeless lifestyle though.

Will probably put together a story about it all, something to help those who want to travel or be homeless, be a dharma bum or an anarchist punk, a total junkie bent on killing yourself or the love warrior intent on saving the world one crazy acid trip at a time.. That faggot McCandless did it all wrong, tried to run from society instead of surf above the piss society and encourage it to be the pissiest it can be.

>> No.7339957

>being this normal

>> No.7339974

Not a tenure track presumably?

>> No.7339978

sounds crimethincy

>> No.7340036

Only because I'm being as vague as possible and you assume things based upon what you've previously read regarding the subject(I assume)

I think it comes out a little more like Thompson mixed with Kerouac.

>> No.7340047

>employment can be not in employment


>> No.7340052

so you're posting from the library or something then?

sounds like an interesting lifestyle to write about, especially nonfic

>> No.7340093

which is why i said lifestyle you autist

>> No.7340121

No, I did well enough finding work during harvest this year so I got prepaid service and a phone to make some holiday calls to the family and shitpost here. Debating getting another month, probably won't since I only call them every 3-6 months as it is anyway.

Normally I lurk 4chan on wifi though, sometimes I'm lurking every day and sometimes I go months without stopping by. Just depends on the time of year and if I'm busy/bored/distracted.

It's certainly a rollercoaster, this lifestyle, somewhere along the way I recognized myself and who I am as a person. Sitting in paradise with the sun on my face and sand in my ass just wishing to go back out on the road where nothing was waiting for me but the ways untraveled. That's when I really knew this life was for me.

>> No.7340204

Shit no. If you're considering a professor position, realize that it's a deadzone lately for tenure. Out of all of the new hires across the campus in fall, only ONE was a tenure track hire.

But then, I teach in the state that Bobby Jindal has been fucking up for years now. He's cut soooo much money from the universities in Louisiana.

>> No.7340217
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>wanting to be professor or university administrator in the year 2015


>> No.7340250

Sorry for breaking up my replies and the length.

As for the writing side of it, I always read tons of books as a kid and excelled in literature classes during the later years of school. I started browsing 4chan as freshman in highschool and realized despite having a crazy traumatic childhood I should lurk more IRL and become a better me. I did community college for a semester and the English Prof wanted me to try to get published but I thought my shit was mad stale(it was) so I left.
That was 5 years ago I left CC and practically a different lifetime it feels, but I've traveled down many a path in such a short time, writing here and there and browsing 4chan all the while.
Now, the last two years have been serious vagabonding, really going at it. It's given me more to write than I could ever hope to think about.

>> No.7340733

EMT in a small town. Lots of time to read.

>> No.7341134

>German engineer
Good starting point

>is it even realistic?
Quite, as long as you have the skills. In my experience.

>how to?
First thing is to research your engineering branch. Search for translation projects related to your field and see what´s getting paid.
Remember that freelancers get the most money, translation studios ask for a lot but give rather little to the translator, and the clients will often offer less than the translators will end up accepting.

Some engineering branches don´t get much love. Others will make you rich. First step is to find in which you are.

Second step is the language pairs. You should only translate into your mother tongue, called the target language. The languages you translate are called source languages. Search for Source > Target - that´s how you usually indicate what language pairs you work with.

You need to write flawlessly in your target language. Your grammar can be a little fucked up (you always send your work to a professional editor before sending it back to your client, anyways), but you need to be good at keeping the meaning - including connotations! Sometimes it´s not possible to keep all the meaning and something must be lost to translation. Sometimes it´s just impossible to translate something. In these cases you have to be part writer and improvise.

You don´t need to be able to write perfectly in your source languages (it does help a lot, though. Specially to get clients), but you need to be able to understand everything you read, including any and all connotations.

On the side, you also need to be good at translating. It´s possible to speak two languages flawlessly and still suck at translating, and the opposite (I can translate Latin and Ancient Greek without much trouble, yet I cannot speak or write them).

If you think you can do it so far, then you just need some more experience. Start practicing a little, maybe get in some small course and research some more.

When you see yourself ready for your first client, start contacting people who might be interested in your services or try to join a translation studio. Each side has its own pros and cons, so take a good look at it and don´t rush.

It´s perfectly viable for you to become a translator, you just need to prepare for it.

Good luck!

>> No.7341151
File: 124 KB, 500x500, 1446492868934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in a bookstore for the time being.

It's pretty sweet.

>> No.7341160

Where does it come from.

>> No.7341168

so your throwing your monies in the thrash

>> No.7341247

what a horrible time to be alive

>> No.7341644

I'm a copywriter/editor. I also research competitors and market trends.

>getting my own office
>paid to write

Feels good

>> No.7341999

Same here,programming in java for Accenture Argentina