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File: 120 KB, 1181x1209, Jacques Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7332746 No.7332746 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the best place to start with Derrida?

>> No.7332817
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>> No.7332824

>le meme feminist

>> No.7332834


Almost as bad as Andrea 'Slaughtering The Image of Women Everywhere' Dworkin

>> No.7332876

The interviews in Positions. Especially the interview with Kristeva. Then maybe Signature Event Context.

>> No.7332883

try the philosophy board


>> No.7332897

ok, started a thread there

>> No.7332907


>> No.7332930
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>> No.7332961

if you are looking for a summary


The Order of Things is a good place to start if you actually wanted to read his own writting

>> No.7332982

The order of things is Foucault, but I forgive you

>> No.7332994
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>> No.7333100


>> No.7333186
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>that thread

Theres like two direct answers here and its still more worthwhile than that shitfest.

>> No.7333194

This is fucking terrible

>> No.7333216
File: 17 KB, 296x260, dafafdssdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this

>> No.7333393


>> No.7333399

Derrida is the definition of a hack.

>> No.7333416

The trashcan

>> No.7333420

Nice digits but you're wrong or you have not invested enough time in Derrida.Derrida makes interesting points but the way he gets to those points is quite a chore.

>> No.7333545

at least it got more replies

>> No.7333550

of grammatology

>> No.7333552

that's not what one should want from a thread, friend

>> No.7333553

More shit is not a good thing

>> No.7333778
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Why do you treat him like this?

>> No.7333850
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Are funny Camille Paglie names the dankest meme on the internet?

>> No.7333885
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>in the same sentence

>> No.7333890

They only like her because she's a feminist and a woman who says things they agree with. Same with CH Sommers

>> No.7335100


>> No.7335166
File: 300 KB, 1500x2207, fscrittheorobjectives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Critical Theory and deconstructionism are poison.


>> No.7335570

>How leftism made 20th century classical music virtually unlistenable.


>> No.7335595

The funniest part is that Schoenberg was a conservative and ardent monarchist.

>> No.7335600

>implying any of those effects are negative for the individual
top kek

>> No.7335603

I am skeptical about this guy. I remember reading an interview with a friend of Foucalt. He said that Foucalt wrote abstrusely to appeal to a french audience, but he was not like Derrida. I thought this made Derrida sound pretty bad.

>> No.7335607

They're probably referring to garbage in the vein of New Complexity.

>> No.7335639

Yes they're referring to a fringe movement people barely know even in academia

>> No.7335654
File: 107 KB, 550x391, derrida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to disparage someone I haven't read, but I am just a little bit nervous.

>> No.7335700

im pretty sure thats lacan

>> No.7335830

Lotta butthurt structuralists in this thread, it seems.

>> No.7335981

>Gnoticism teaches that human spirit was God, was cast to earth as a million points of light and is now trapped in the evil material. Only through the sufficient knowledge, can we return to be God. The process of being removed from God is called "alienation", a theme that should be familiar to students of Marx, even as he put a secular interpretation on it. Humanity could return to God when it achieved the perfect socialist condition.

>> No.7335994

You don't.

>> No.7336011

>Sometimes a joke is just a joke.
- Jung

>> No.7336042

Everything on that image is caustic to the mind. What are you on about?
If every individual thought those same things the world would slip into a howling wilderness. But neither of us want that. You'd rather keep those ideas to yourself because you enjoy the superiority you believe it gives you.

>> No.7336063

im pretty sure thats not jung

>> No.7336313

Yeah, it was Freud.

>> No.7336526

bait for the bait god