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File: 22 KB, 227x346, 51dYu38PLhL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7330385 No.7330385 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about halfway through this and so far it's just the same old DJT. Very vague but very blunt. His ideals and philosophies are a little different than mine but that doesn't really matter. He believes competition to be the base of education by supporting charter schools. He makes a very bold statement on pg. 54 saying, "I'm not as concerned about the kids growing up in wealthy communities, where high property taxes have allowed them to build great schools, hire the best teachers, and provide all the supplies they need. Those schools are doing fine." I think this statement is finally someone realising that rich people are doing just fine. His main thing on education is giving the authority of policy to the community. In the next chapter, he describes the need to drill all of our oil reserves. His healthcare plan is a bit confusing as he states several times that the Affordable Care Act is wrong but doesn't do much in discussing how he would change it.

>> No.7330390
File: 79 KB, 500x332, grimes tub of mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think this statement is finally someone realising that rich people are doing just fine

>> No.7330392

Well we all know it but no one mentions it.

>> No.7330393

who is this mayo sprayo?

>> No.7330412
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>Well we all know it but no one mentions it.

>> No.7330420


>> No.7330422

why doesn't anyone post a thread like this for a book that actually fucking matters


>> No.7330428

I'm waiting for the fucker who checked this out to finish it because I've been itching to read it since the minute it came out. So fucking stupid how there are limits on how many people can borrow a god damn e-book - seriously one of the most stupid and illogical things that I have ever seen. And of course my library doesn't have a physical copy, only a digital one.

In any case, what point are you trying to make OP? It sounds like he just wrote a bunch of basic shit without really thinking about it if he doesn't even explain how he would change the Obamacare. I don't think he has any solid plans on a lot of issues because he doesn't intend on winning and never did - this whole campaign is a publicity stunt and it's not the first time he has done this. It's a shame because if he believed in some of the platforms that he's running on, he would still make a better president than pretty much everyone else who is running.

>> No.7330433

I am trying to make the point that he truly has no idea what he is talking about and becoming exactly what he is complaining about when it comes to talk and no action.

>> No.7330451

I think that applies to a LOT of politicians but it doesn't matter much because they aren't the ones who pull the strings. It's still a job and at the end of the day, they have to do what lobbyists and members of their part tell them to do.

At the very least, you know he isn't a bumbling idiot. You don't become a billionaire unless you're a pretty intelligent person. He's going to drop out eventually because like I said, he never had any intention of winning, but if he did win hypothetically, he would still be surrounded by intelligent people who could discuss things with him and help make decisions.

>> No.7330465
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Reading it too!

>> No.7330584

You are so memed

What a tool

>> No.7331472


>> No.7331694
File: 40 KB, 389x631, littlepeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says you're a sheeple falling for pop politics

>> No.7332327

i want to read what he has to say

>> No.7332332

What does he have to say?

And why won't he be manipulated to enact certain policies the establishment desires?

>> No.7332351

He really wants to Frack and build a pipeline, so that's something that many rebuplicans want. Along with repealing the Affordable Care Act. He wants common core gone. He is aware that rich people are getting a good education so why even worry about them. More charter schools to boost competition and he wants to be tough on the kids, no more diplomas that have turned into what he calls "attendance certificates." He really does have a lot of nationalism but there are parts where he says and I quote "oh, and I have money. LOTS and LOTS of money." No one wants a leader that doesn't understand him. He mentions that others have mentioned he has no idea on foreign policy but he doesn't do anything to defend himself. He just says all the reporters are looking for "gotcha moments." (this isn't OP)

>> No.7332362


>> No.7332364

>Charter schools

And what he says about wealthy counties paying for good schools sums it up. They'll get the education, the rest of you can get charter schools or maybe an apprenticeship just like in the dickensian gilded age

>The need to drill all our oil reserves

Why? It would just go on the market and be sold to China or whoever not necessarily consumed domestically.
And why would you want to? America needs to get off oil consumption. It is killing the planet. It is wasting incomes Americans no longer have.
Numerous American cities exist with little or no public transit infrastructure. Everyone has to drive everywhere if they want to do anything at all.
Theres no alternative.
No regional or inter-urban. No commuter. No metro. Maybe a little lightrail in the downtown for those rich neighbourhoods doing just fine he mentioned earlier.

>Affordable Care Act is wrong

Its half arsed. Its a way of providing health care for the millions who cant afford it in a manner that is palatable to the insurance industry. Thats a pretty lame way to go about doing something.
And the one good thing to come out of it, the co-ops are now being starved of funding by the Republicans in Congress which will remove the option of going for a community alternative and force you to an insurer.
Face the facts cocksmokers: Murika needs a National Health Service.
It works.
It works better.
It works cheaper.
Eisenhower advocated it.
The Bull Moose Himself Teddy Fucking Roosevelt had it on his election platform in 1912!

>> No.7332380

Canada has the Government(socialist/fascist) healthcare and pay at least 25 cents more in taxes. It is not cheaper, and there are several reports showing that there is a HUGE discrepensy in what they are paying and how much they are getting back.

>In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents with one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family of two adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381. As a result of lower average incomes and differences in taxation, the bills are smaller for the average unattached individual ($3,780), for the average one-parent-one-child family ($3,905), and the average one-parent two-child family ($3,387). But no matter the family type, the bill is not small, much less free.

>> No.7332382
File: 41 KB, 591x716, 1439967816578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada has the Government(socialist/fascist) healthcare and pay at least 25 cents more in taxes. It is not cheaper, and there are several reports showing that there is a HUGE discrepancy in what they are paying and how much they are getting back. Then you can argue that the "leftover is for the others".

>In 2013, a typical Canadian family of four can expect to pay $11,320 for public health care insurance. For the average family of two parents with one child that bill will be $10,989, and for the average family of two adults (without children) the bill comes to $11,381. As a result of lower average incomes and differences in taxation, the bills are smaller for the average unattached individual ($3,780), for the average one-parent-one-child family ($3,905), and the average one-parent two-child family ($3,387). But no matter the family type, the bill is not small, much less free.

>> No.7332386
File: 66 KB, 500x830, healthcare spending results.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for something we all use and benefit from
the horror
the horror
its like you want something for nothing

>> No.7332389

>tfw you astroturf that same text

>> No.7332397
File: 150 KB, 245x320, 1443787493660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only politician in a long time to actually talk sense and real solutions. Fuck the left-wing kek media for trying to make this guy look bad.

>> No.7332400

>charter schools are medieval and bad
Teachers union shill detected. They can't possibly be worse than any public schools they'd replace.

>> No.7332403

OP didn't post Bernie Sanders

>to actually talk sense and real solutions.
>charter schools
>drill baby drill
he's so original

>> No.7332412

>Bernie Sanders
Socialism is cancerous and anti-intellectual. The west isn't conservative enough, that's why everything is going to shit.

>> No.7332414

>So for example, the Boston Globe, which is a liberal newspaper, had a lead story recently describing the successes in education, and the main success was that they doubled the number of charter schools. Is that a success? From the point of view of business interest, that is a success. They would love to privatize the school system at public expense because it’s [funded by] taxpayer money, but there is no evidence that charter schools are any good. In fact, the evidence is that they are more or less like public schools, even though they cherry pick their students. Why is that a success? It is a success if you accept the doctrines of private power. If you are concerned with the citizens, it’s not a success.

>> No.7332418
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>Socialism is cancerous and anti-intellectual.

>> No.7332420
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>> No.7332433

>this is because of socialism, healthcare, social security, the 8 hour work day, osha, the epa, and farm relief

>> No.7332438
File: 104 KB, 1080x880, 1446936521574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7332452

>currently females are declining
>but I project they will go up
>currently men are increasing
>but I project they will go down
>why cant women just stay in the kitchen
>why did they laugh when I held the door open for them and tipped my hat to them
>it was a gentlemenly act why do these degenerates not appreciate my efforts
>I hope mommy makes tendies tonight college is hard, but I learn so much about the free market discussing theories in a class room I've never experienced

>> No.7332460
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 1441654657986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is because of shitty ideas pushed by left wing ideologues

>The National Socialist German Workers' Party
>National Socialist

>> No.7332464
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>currently females are declining
>currently men are increasing
You can't read a graph.

>> No.7332477

Men are realizing that college degrees don't guarantee a living salary, whereas, trade school promises a much higher likeliness of making a good salary to sustain an entire family.

That's been my assumption at least. There's more work for trade school graduates than university ones.

>> No.7332483
File: 104 KB, 1080x880, 1446936521574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7332491

what are they going to do? theres no industrial, mechanical, trade jobs

there could be the government invested in society to generate growth and demand
but you're all so hysterically beholden to a religious dogma about economics
that you are ruining yourselves

>> No.7332496

Are you ready for the Matriarchy, /lit/?

>> No.7332508

I concede your point good sir, well observed. However, it still demonstrates how destructive policies have ruined men for at least a couple of generations. Women outperform them at every level of academia because feminism has destroyed education.

>> No.7332523
File: 209 KB, 860x1024, 860px-Theodore_Roosevelt_in_Rough_Rider_uniform_in_the_field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, it still demonstrates how destructive policies have ruined men for at least a couple of generations.
In 1912 Teddy Roosevelt ran for President on a platform of regulations on campaign donations, trusts, and banks; of National Healthcare, Social Insurance, Womens Suffrage & Minimum Wage for Women, Workers Compensation, 8 Hour Work Day
Teddy Roosevelt
The Bull Moose

>> No.7332527
File: 22 KB, 420x571, 1autistic0618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women outperform them at every level of academia because feminism has destroyed education.
>Women outperform them
>because feminism
>Someone must be doing better than me because of outside influence
>Not because they are just as capable if not more so
>Not because I am inadequate and value my abilities greater than they are

>> No.7332538

Reminder that Hillary Clinton is paying people to shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.7332552
File: 46 KB, 1170x849, muh-left-right-politics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideology is a spook

>> No.7332556

>a meme and a graph of spending
how does this respond to the post?

>> No.7332561

It proves your point. That both parties increase spending.

>> No.7332565
File: 71 KB, 612x668, sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans think the Oval Office is where the place where decisions are made

>> No.7332569

>We ain't win nuffin no MO an we sure as hell ain't git nuthin dun by golly
>Elect me an we gon win an do shit
This passes for politics in America?

>> No.7332572

Yes there are trade jobs. Where I live, that's what most men do for a living. To hear a guy say "I work at a plant" is the norm honestly. Guess it depends on the region.

At the very least, buildings still have to be built. And no the Mexicans aren't doing every aspect of that.

>> No.7332577

I responding to the fedorian idea that such policies are somehow "unmanly"

>> No.7332578

>If they call themselves socialists they must be socialists
That sorry of thinking isn't surprising from a man living in a place he thinks is a democracy just because he's been told that so many times

>> No.7332594
File: 70 KB, 450x532, 1446634826986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a democracy. Also, I'm not American.
The Nazis were socialists though.

>> No.7332596

custom fabricating, construction, carpentry, welding, facade/masonry, plumbing, tile work, etc etc

>> No.7332616

for who? theres no demand

Put people to work
>hurr durr broken window
Well thats what people invoke when cutting defense spending is discussed, suddenly you lot are all up in arms about the jobs lost! Funny that huh?

And Broken Window Fallacy applies to needless work.
Building things society is need of is not a broken window.

Like the public transit infrastructure numerous American cities lack.
Like domestically manufacturing the rolling stock. Why close down auto plants? Why not retool them to manufacture something society needs? The government bailed out the auto industry so it basically owns the plants after all.

People are employed, they stimulate demand
The infrastructure built is used and that pays for its construction over time.
Demand generates growth
Economy revived

>> No.7332630


>The Nazis were socialists though.

Initially, yes. Eventually, they teamed up with big business, and absolved them from being the big bad, giving that role to the jews.

>> No.7332637

>eventually they teamed up
they were from day one

socialism wasn't a dirty word back then, back then in meant government involvement - involved in whatever particular method you wanted
with them it was strictly directing the economy and industry and shit

>> No.7332650

what are you talking about?
theres always fucking demand for these things jackass
neighborhoods gentrify all over the place
increasing demand for new construction
10 years ago it was buying up farmland, now its kicking out poor people from the city, 10 years from now it will be something else
there is always demand for construction
pipes break all the time
built things need maintenance, its a lot more then hiring a bunch of Mexicans to paint the place
the marketplace strives more towards "individual" wants and shallow desires, you need people to build their superfluous crap
no ones redeveloping infrastructure anytime soon, Comcast would rather employ data caps and charge people on the back end then spend a damn penny laying down fiber optic line

>> No.7332651

this encapsulates so much bitching on the internet

>> No.7332653

>10 years ago it was buying up farmland, now its kicking out poor people from the city, 10 years from now it will be something else
>you can run a society on these jobs

>> No.7332654
File: 28 KB, 167x175, Y-Stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government involvement
>not dirty
>ever wanting the government involved

>> No.7332658

>society is about real estate

>> No.7332659

Not him, but read the post before spouting a meme.

Your kind belongs in the other place.

>> No.7332665 [DELETED] 

I spotted someone who ignores reality!

>> No.7332667

>no ones redeveloping infrastructure anytime soon, Comcast would rather employ data caps and charge people on the back end then spend a damn penny laying down fiber optic line

verizon put down a ton of fiber all over the god damn tristate, it's not my fault you're a tv watching pleb who gets your internet from a fucking cable tv company

>> No.7332673

>implying verizon is available everywhere

>> No.7332676

u must be one hell of a hill billy if theres no verizon in your neighborhood

>> No.7332943
File: 23 KB, 409x409, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my copy today. About to sit down on a nice cold night with a big mug of hot cocoa and read it.

>> No.7333033

>reading a book "written" by a presidential candidate


>> No.7333045

Haha. If there was anything to define "pleb", this would be it.

>> No.7333423


>> No.7333591

Oh look. Grimes

>> No.7334786

Where can I sign up for such a job?

>> No.7334794

Barry's was pretty solid.

>> No.7334802
File: 20 KB, 600x309, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a keen socialist and avid Bernie Sanders supporter, I advocate that we ban any mention of Donald Trump on this forum. He is racist, misogynist and just all-around bigot and he should not be welcome on an intellectual board like /lit/.

>> No.7334812

You honestly don't understand why they have restrictions on ebook lending?

Don't worry about reading it, mate. Just vote for Sanders.

>> No.7334850

Jesus christ, i can't wait for a more enlightened Stalinism to kill you idiots.

>> No.7334867


>> No.7335125

Have you ever read a 20th century history textbook? You really should.

>> No.7335142

Yeah m8, the left wing is gr8

>> No.7335156

Thinking about what grimes did with that massive tub of mayo makes me incredibly hard.

>> No.7335509

anyone got a mega or torrent download workin?

>> No.7335514

>in america

Where exactly in the world are politicians held accountable for actions?

Where do they win based on policy and not false promises and memes?

I'd love to know.

>> No.7335589 [DELETED] 

Have you?

>> No.7335598

she used it to test the volume of her vagina and colon. it wasn't enough.

>> No.7335616

It should be illegal to be this ugly.

>> No.7335670

>drill baby drill
Literally reddit.
The EPA under the Obama administration has concluded fracking doesn't effect the quality of the groundwater. You can believe the data for global warming but not for fracking, so you're obviously biased and not moved by evidence.

>> No.7336174

Now carry that train of thought over to how blacks perform versus how everyone else performs. :^)

>> No.7336188

>They'll get the education, the rest of you can get charter schools or maybe an apprenticeship just like in the dickensian gilded age
As opposed to now, where colleges deliberately oversaturate markets so employers can make shitloads while record numbers of graduates can't find any relevant work at all? Oh yeah, and don't forget, we need more immigrants to do the jobs Americans just won't do! That spoiled unemployed working class. :^)

Trump may be wrong, but fucking something has to change, now.

>> No.7336779

what can you really do with a degree of fine arts or womens studies?

>> No.7336794

read european studies and other independent studies about fracking, it fucks up groundwater.

Despite this, I don't fucking care unless it's in my backyard. God bless the US of America and all that shit.

>> No.7336869

Why do fedora faggots and SJWs associate themselves with Sanders when he clearly doesn't want anything to do with them?
Literally the only nod he made towards them is the whole college debt thing, but thats a general issue

>> No.7336879

Because he's the most socially liberal candidate. I think several SJWs and fedoras like Hillary as well however.

>> No.7336992

But she's gorgeous

>> No.7337053

Should be, "If this expression on this face was capable of physically doing something, that something would be cripplin' yo ass, 'Merica."

>> No.7337135
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Socialism is predicated in Christian traditions, as intepreted by Hegel and Sartre, which were then interpreted by Marx. The earliest example of socialism is Thomas Moore's Utopia. which is obviously anti intellectual.

Socialism is a reaction against capitalism, which is a product of liberalism, which is intellectualism consummate. Socialism should only appeal to christians or people who got burned by capitalism (see weak and or stupid).

Take a fucking political theory class, jesus.

>> No.7337159
File: 2 KB, 103x125, disappointed-gecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male privilege

>> No.7337162


>> No.7337174
File: 211 KB, 574x351, g-orwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women do better in [thing] than men because of inherent ability
>men do better in [thing] because institutional and ideological sexism
i don't come to this board anymore because of the Ministry of Equality agents

>> No.7337251
File: 33 KB, 650x366, 563220-054c9932-562a-11e3-ba26-b7fc4856beca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing more disgusting than the game of of politics. The mind will never be free till it escapes the thoughts of the day.

>> No.7337266

>ameritrash are trying to get on the train towards an outdated Ideology

>> No.7337344

Aren't Fedoras libertarians? I remember them being the faggots that were convinced Ron Paul was going to win the 2012 election.

>> No.7337348

I thought /pol/ liked Ron Paul? I think fedoras are just social liberals and progressivists.

>> No.7337352


As the author stands a very serious chance of becoming president and is obviously using the book as a campaign prop with which to clearly state his views, the book is already of historical consequence no matter what happens, and therefore "actually fucking matters" in any meaningful sense of the phrase-much more so in the event that he should win.

>> No.7337360

/pol/ is the embodiment of fedora. The fake elitism mixed with counter-culture politics. Libertarian politics are a favorite of fedoras because they make you seem 'intellectual' without actually understanding what you're talking about.

>> No.7337380

ron paul is for fedoras
people who like sanders would be called "hipsters" or "communists" or whatever, but certainly not fedora
not really, rather whatever the tame reddit version of it is would be fedora. i think being unabashedly racist is not fedora

>> No.7337385

I could see fedoras being racist, but not inherently. I imagine if a fedora were racist, they would use scientific racism as their argument.

Obviously it's a load of shit, but could easily be associated with fedoras or /pol/tards.

>> No.7337386


Are you faggots seriously arguing about what a fedora is? At this point it's just another insult that's been generalized to apply to anyone you don't like, like 'autist' and 'kek'.

>> No.7337389


On the contrary, these three posts illustrate perfectly that 4chan as a group can no longer agree with any specificity on what "fedora" is supposed to be, as they would like to append the phrase to some particular current event or hated person. Like "rape" and "kek", the word has been stretched beyond any meaningful usefulness, and is now an unpleasant cypher.

Most specifically, the latter poster betrays himself ( "/pol/ is the embodiment of fedora"? What does that even /mean/? Every board is supposed to hate and mock the nervous looking fat kid from Addams Family Values who vaguely began as a totem of atheism and this poster's hated libertarianism. Why, therefore, could a board with a reputation of contempt for atheism be identified as "the embodiment of fedora"?) The answer is simple. The word has become a meaningless unpleasantry which no longer pertains to anything. Final indignity, the poster condemns others for not understanding what they're talking about, while at the same time spouting meme nonsense.

>> No.7337391

Is this board basically /mu/ for the deaf or what's the deal here?

>> No.7337397

I'm not deaf. I'm just autistic.


>> No.7337398

4chan alone doesn't define a culture. Fedoras were associated with Neckbeards and bronies, which are usually associated with weird Ron Paul 2008/2012 supporters.

I'm defining it in its original context, not what it's used for at this current time on 4chan. Hell, if you look up "libertarian fedora" on Google you'll get tons of results.

>> No.7337401

>Sorry, your search for "trump crippled america" returned no matches.
I don't like this feel.

>> No.7337407

Does he give any kind of good critique of common core? From what I've seen it's pretty good