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File: 151 KB, 864x865, BarbaraKruger-I-Shop-Therefore-I-Am-I-1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7325960 No.7325960 [Reply] [Original]

rec anti-consumerist reads lads and ladies

>> No.7325991

Live off the Land in the City and Country by Benson

>> No.7326013

>Live off the Land in the City
Is this a freegan thing or an urban agriculture thing?

>> No.7326015

adbusters. blew 15 year old me away

>> No.7326016

No Logo
No One Makes You Shop At Wal-Mart (more anti-monopolist/anti-capitalist)

>> No.7326018


you want to get told what to consume? for defeating consumerism?

wew lad

>> No.7326093

it's a survivalist thing

>> No.7326094

why dont u just stop consuming dumbass instead of buying a book about it

>> No.7326128

I merely want to read them, not buy them/economically consume them

>> No.7326131

Society of the Spectacle

>just stop living in society guys

>> No.7326135

The Society of the Spectacle, which is more about late-capitalism mass-society. But consumerism gets criticized as well.

>> No.7326148

what's wrong with shopping at walmart

>> No.7326198

Some people are upset that their lives are shit and start blaming everything other than themselves. AKA the origins of a socialist.

>> No.7326596


It really hurt the sales of small mom and pops like KMart.

>> No.7326598


>you will never be american

>> No.7326600

Walmart is everywhere, anon. Not just in America

>> No.7326643

Walmarts abroad are like aircraft carriers. They are a projection of American power and they are so damn America that it might as well be sovereign American land. I say that if you are born in a Walmart abroad you should have dual citizenship. Welcome aboard the evil empire, faggot.

>> No.7326656

kruger is shit

>> No.7326659

Anti-Oedipus falls into this i believe

>> No.7326728

I never really noticed all this consumerism until I stopped watching TV completely. I watched TV a couple days ago and was instantly annoyed how every commercial was just 30 seconds of someone trying to sell you something. I used to sit through commercials mindlessly watching every ad when i was a kid.

>> No.7326898


Modern ads are more insidious because they act as though they are doing more than trying to sell you things. Older television ads were sincere promotions of products. Now ads are about selling morality and ideology packed into products. They have storylines and recurring characters, they appeal to love, companionship and human empathy. They even appeal to the God-hole in human beings that compel them to a higher calling.

Walmart, Apple, Microsoft, Google and etc are the modern pantheon of Gods. They shape the truth and essence of humanity. To consume is to be a moral human being.

>> No.7326928
File: 136 KB, 614x618, esq-pope-style-1213-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Laudato Si: On Care For Our Common Home." It's even online in full.


>> No.7326950

I want to do a read along of a book like this. Way harder than w/e books make up the new meme trilogy

>> No.7326989

>Walden by Henry David Thoreau and Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller

While not openly attacking consumerism, they portray lifestyles that are contradictory to modern capitalist society.

But if you're looking for something a little more relevant, I recommend Spent by Geoffry Miller. Fantastic 'post-consumerist' look at why we buy things. Really fun read as well.

Good luck.

>> No.7328421

Walmart actually failed in Germany due to competition.

>> No.7328601

White Noise, Don Delillo

The Pearl, John Steinbeck

>> No.7328614


>> No.7328656


>> No.7329578

slavoj zizek writes about this. I forget the exact passage but he writes about how when purchasing a cup of coffee from starbucks youre not just buying coffee but a certain ethics. this form of consumption nullifies the guilt normally attributed to consuming.

>> No.7329587


>The Pearl, John Steinbeck

Truly? I have it in my pocket. Might provide a bit of a change of pace from Shakespeare.

>> No.7329633

they played the same 12 ads back then
the Sears central air commercial and McDonalds

>> No.7329645

but theyre ads though
everyone is desensitized to them
the only ones people complain about are the ones for ASPCA and christain childs fund

>> No.7329691
File: 1.82 MB, 959x1500, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFW's essay on Television

>> No.7329698

I think he's talking about ads that try to invoke some sort of feeling


>Dog is man's best friend. BUY A CHEVY TODAY

>> No.7329707



>> No.7329708


Complain? No, anon, that is not what I meant. Ads trying to transcend commercialism isn't something that bothers us, its something we expect. We find it offensive when an ad tries to sell a product without trying to appeal to something more than an unnecessary commercial transaction. It's an insult because "they aren't even trying to appease my humanity." When modern car commercials promote love and family, its insulting to see a blue back ground infomercial which goes "come down to the car lot we got SALES SALES SALES" in all its naked consumerism.

>> No.7329720

He's saying classic ads sell you the solution. Modern ads sell you the problem.

>> No.7329753

Does that mean consumers like to be lied to? Do they prefer the lie than the startling truth? (kinda like the allegory of the cave)

>> No.7329764

DH Lawrence had an anti consumerist rant in Lady Chatterley's Lover. Of course the book is about plenty of other things including sex, marriage and class, but the anti consumerism is definitely there as well.

>> No.7330000

hit me right in the feels then the testicles

>> No.7330357
File: 333 KB, 700x827, 1435570353385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dog will die in your lifetime

>> No.7330396

Implying I shop at Wal Mart.

>> No.7330416

there is literally nothing wrong with being a consumerist as long as you hate yourself.

>> No.7330482

No one makes you shop at all.

>> No.7330572


I'm going to be quite honest and say that that ad made me tear up.

But then, I'm not sure if I should be outraged at the fact that the ad essentially channels the feels you felt for that dog into their car product, literally, as the words "A best friend for life's journey" is an attempt to siphon your feel energies into their brand. It's as though no private or intimate feelings are sacred enough that they aren't off the table to sell you a car you don't need.

>> No.7331110

>buy a dog

Jeesus, it's just a dog. Only stupid people would fall for this pathos.

>> No.7331520

>Nothing changes at all during the 15 year lifespan of a dog,
>everyone wears the same clothes and drives the same car which always looks like it just rolled off the showroom lot,
>the only thing that changes are the actors representing the same characters at different ages.

Fucking bullshit.

>> No.7331584

This desu senpai

>> No.7331626


>> No.7331782

my dog died 6 months ago...

still heartbroken

>> No.7331819

this to be honest. made me appreciate dogs more but like chevy less

>> No.7331833

How is consumerism bad? The human race is now better off than its ever been. And you got consumerism to thank for that. Never before have people had so many choices and so much freedom. When you grow out of your edgy teen marxist phase you'll be happier trust me kiddo.

>> No.7331841

just because there has been progress where there has also been consumerism it doesn't mean that consumerism is the cause of progress

>> No.7331935

We are back to the starting point of a cultiure based on pure sense-perception and animal desire.

>> No.7331942

not if I kill myself first

>> No.7331957


Conditioning mostly.

>> No.7331965

Some ads are really amazing though. Try not to tear up lads.


>> No.7332050


>> No.7332054

Go back to /v/.

>> No.7332148

we're animals.
>pure sense-perception

please explain

>> No.7332156


wow how edgy, ripping off the Supreme logo to make a statement about consumerism

>> No.7332171

This. Cutting yourself from a lot of pop culture and then going to back to is a surreal experience.

>> No.7332174

My dog already died. It's really hard to get over, I'm always ready to run into the house to cuddle her but then realise she isn't there. Her food and water bowls are still sitting in the kitchen.

>> No.7332186

No transcendence of self, in this case Nature is the absolute and man enjoys it and cherishes it. The only mandatory law is that you should 'enjoy' life, 'be yourself', etc. But as conscious beings we are implicitly cut off from nature, so this ideological instance (pure Utilitarianism), while there is some truth to it, lacks conceptual understanding.

>> No.7332210

odd future fuccboi detected

>> No.7332215

i hate ads and viral marketing and all that kind of shit, but i still love consumerism, all apple everything, only shop on mr. porter and revolve, etc. and i love it, when ever human civilization reaches a point where there is surplus production, the most advanced class quickly develops a taste for beauty, there is nothing wrong with this, it is natural, embrace it. if you hate beauty and have a taste for ugly shit, then you may just be horrible plebeian trash. in which case, you should stop frontin' like you appreciate great art and go play some fucking video games or whatever

>> No.7332226

>he thinks apple is patrish consumerism

top lille

>> No.7332242

The retard in full regalia. Observe!

>> No.7332252

buying an ugly ass gaming pc with a neon green dragon dick on the side of the case never has been and never will be patrish, sorry fucko

>> No.7332258


>> No.7332275


yes yes

>> No.7332289
File: 21 KB, 275x413, 1422109257426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.7332375

>Meta Irony

>> No.7332722

>apple shit or le alien ware are your only options

It's obvious you don't get any work done, you posturing NEET.

>> No.7332730


>> No.7333052

good post

>> No.7333068

underrated post

>> No.7333176

he talks about it in pervert's guide to ideology (iirc in a field of abandoned aircraft, speaking about capitalism) , but knowing zizek he probably wrote the same analogy word for word in 20 other essays and books

>> No.7333729
File: 337 KB, 2048x1536, 1073229_10200543236242586_404120042_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dad called you earlier this week to tell you that he accidentally killed the seventeen-year-old family dog you'd had since you were six
He didn't deserve that.

>> No.7333754


he was a beaut.. sorry bud

>> No.7333910

Thanks, my boy. He was deaf and blind in one eye for several years, so he was definitely on his way out. It was just such a shock hearing that he'd been killed instead of passing away from his age.

>> No.7334620

are you american/canadian?

>> No.7334628

those feet are fucking freaky

>> No.7334648

>accidentally killed

Greentext plz. Thanks in advance.

>> No.7334894
File: 18 KB, 514x174, single-axle-flatbed-series-trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much of a story.
>Dad is a divorced retired firefighter who lives nearly 300 miles away from his kids, the only family he really ever sees
>He lives a fair bit outside of town as well so, on a day-to-day basis, the only interaction he has is with Knight, our dachshund
>Dad lives up in the mountains where there are mountain lions, large birds, deer, and bears and boars on occasion
>Knight has gone blind in one eye and completely deaf just from old age
>(He used to have seizures and lost the use of both rear legs about eight years ago, but I think he got bored of dragging them around because he just started walking normally again one day)
>Anyway, it's a fairly dangerous place to be for a dog in his condition, so he's basically always somewhere nearby to Dad and comes with him everywhere
>Dad agrees to do some work for an old woman that often has jobs for him on her property, things like cutting up and removing fallen trees or building sheds >For whatever reason, Dad is towing pic-related (he often buys large machinery that he uses for prospecting)
>He gets there, lets Knight out, chats with the woman for a bit
>Ready to get to work, he sees that he needs to pull closer to the house
>He unhitches the trailer without checking to see where Knight is
>Knight was crushed by the end of the trailer
>Dad runs to him, who's lying there whining and wagging his tail
>Knight dies a few minutes later in Dad's lap
His trailer has the axle more towards the middle, unlike the one pictured which has it pretty near to the end. I think it was just back-heavy and the end dropped. Usually he's pretty good with tying things down and checking weight distribution and all that, but it wouldn't be the first time he's made a stupid mistake.