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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 350 KB, 1000x467, ricardo grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7331446 No.7331446 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best edition of Moby Dick?

>> No.7331449

the one i put in yr mom

>> No.7331455


>>/any board but this one/

>> No.7331522

>not >>>/his/

>> No.7332080

I assume you mean the British vs. the American publication.

Anyway I don't think the British, censored version is published anymore at all, and any page length differences according to wikipedia are likely just differences in font size or size of page. Just look for a copy with the Northwestern Newberry text and you should be set.

>> No.7332097

stay rekt scrub

>> No.7332145
File: 334 KB, 1500x1125, 2011-02-MobyDick-142143[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of California Press.

It's a reprint of the famous Arion Press edition, complete with all the explanatory whaling drawings. It's the one I have and the one I recommend.

>dat sexy-ass font

>> No.7332152
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>> No.7332155

whichever version ends up directly in le trash

>> No.7332183
File: 104 KB, 407x215, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7332191


>> No.7334171


>> No.7334181

get any edition and read it asap it is the actual GOAT no meme

>> No.7334183


>> No.7334185

The 2.5 lb. Random House hardcover with illustrations by Rockwell Kent.

>> No.7334187



If i'm spending 30 noggins on a fresh work i want it bound by the foreskin of whale babies.

>> No.7334189

the book is just a whale encyclopaedia with a little bit of narrative anyway
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whales here you go

>> No.7334191

>47 dollarydoos
no thanks

>> No.7334195


That would make the cetology chapter so much more bearable.

>> No.7334251
File: 108 KB, 652x652, a%20whale[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7334274

Where do I pirate this?

>> No.7334276

Why don't you just buy the book you cheap fuck.

>> No.7334278

>there are actually people on /lit/ who find moby dick boring and hard to read without pictures

>> No.7334280


>> No.7334284

It's not their fault they're still in middle school anon, just give them another year or two.

>> No.7334287

Because I'm a cheap fuck.

>> No.7334289

>$30 paperback
They missed the whole point of paperbacks.

>> No.7334293

The hardcover is much more expensive.

>> No.7334296

Can you post a link for the hardcover?

>> No.7334300




>> No.7334301


>> No.7334309


>> No.7334310


>> No.7334312


Who the fuck do they think they are, asking for $100 for shipping when they're charging $9,680 for the fucking book.

>> No.7334314

maybe it's insurance

or just expensive packaging to prevent the thing from breaking

>> No.7334317


>> No.7334321

When searching around I came upon this:

>The Arion Press Moby-Dick (reprinted by the University of California Press)
>This trade edition of Moby-Dick is a reduced version of the Arion Press Moby-Dick

What does it mean by reduced? The physical size? Removed text?

>> No.7334322

The 1930 edition illustrated by Rockwell Kent is also very nice

>> No.7334325

Physical size. The Arion Press hardcover is fucking massive.

>> No.7334326

Only $4 here :^)
Maybe you shouldn't live in a shithole.

>> No.7334329

I have an old Bobbs Merril Library of Literature edition with some awesome annotations. Unfortunately I bought it used so there are also a ton of handwritten idiotic notations in the margins from some fucking pleb. But I guess that's unavoidable with something like Moby Dick.

>> No.7334333

Hah! Don't make me laugh. There isn't a single thing in the US that Australia doesn't do better.

>> No.7334334

If someone provided a good scan of this I would be totally willing to do a faithful ebook version, the only digital version I found was the low res, locked-down one from Google.

>> No.7334349

Shithole confirmed
When is mootwo going to ban all aus IPs?

>> No.7335145

I could scan it, but I am not going to.

>> No.7335599

Get the Penguin Dropcap edition. One of my more gorgeous books on my shelf.

>> No.7335724

Why would u buy such a large book in hardback if it's a reading copy? Do you hate your wrists that much?

>> No.7335787

No problem, I already found a torrent. :^)

>> No.7335920


After spending years studying, if there's one thing I hate it's big floppy tomes.

>> No.7336295

>There isn't a single thing in the US that Australia doesn't do better.

Literally name one thing.

>> No.7336383
File: 266 KB, 1200x1600, moby_dick_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this because it's the perfect reading size, looks modern, and has a cool illustration in the cover that you can't really see here.

>> No.7336407
File: 129 KB, 300x493, 9780393972832_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything wrong with this edition?

>> No.7336430

the movie

>> No.7336598


it's not bad. too many footnotes though, fuck. i can't not look when i see a footnote, even if i'm fully aware of what it is going to say

>> No.7336618

Kanga steaks

>> No.7336625

It's a very scholarly edition, so as >>7336430 said, expect a lot of notes.

However, that doesn't mean it's a bad edition. On the contrary, it's one of the most thorough editions I've encountered.

>> No.7336626

Are Kanga steaks in the US?

>> No.7337213

Health care
Internet (I've got better internet than 90+ % of the US)
Minimum wage

>> No.7337353

where did the big floppy tome touch you?

>> No.7337417

>your best authors would be considered fifth rate in the US
>universities are lower ranked and you've a slightly lower iq on average despite the fact that the US has imported massive amounts of immigrants
At least that health care means you'll get to live in your non-culture for a few more...oh wait the lifespan gap disappears completely when we adjust for wages :(

>> No.7337444

The US has never produced a great work of art.
Nabokov is the only one who is good and he's not really American.

>> No.7337473
File: 103 KB, 840x1380, Moby-Dick_n_urass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh What's that? I can't hear over our fucking excellent literature.

>> No.7337478

Low tier attempt lad

>> No.7337483

You might as well read genre fiction if you're resding Moby Dick

>> No.7337486

And here's more if you still don't believe me:

Rampant alcoholism (the true writer's pastime)
Kangaroo boxing (Amerikeks wouldn't know the beauty of a true roo fight)
Miles of wasteland (so we can contemplate the meaning of life)

>> No.7337488

No, I'm saving histories of Australia for when I get particularly bored.

>> No.7337513

America has rampant alchoholism AND guns.
We can actually make real people fight on tv.
Miles of farmland so we can contemplate the meaning of life and watch the seasons change.
Murica 3, Asstrailia 0

>> No.7337516 [DELETED] 

You're just made because every day of your life is like a rerun of Wake in Fright.

>> No.7337521

I'm >>7337213
and to be quite honest with you anon, that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read on /lit/.

US has one great work of art, and it's >>7337473

Other than that though, they don't have shit. And we don't either, unfortunately.

>> No.7337527

What utter tripe. Melville isn't even the best author from clapland and Australia does in fact have a few worth preserving.

>> No.7339174


What about kindle guys?