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/lit/ - Literature

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7331775 No.7331775 [Reply] [Original]

R8 my purchase

Also, are these good renditions of Nietzsche?

>> No.7331783

remove price tags my friend

>> No.7331796

I will. Just managed to find these bargain prices at my local bookstore.

>> No.7331817

stupid attentionwhore/10

>> No.7331830

>local bookstore
>Half Price Books

no, you bought them from a local corporation

>> No.7332484
File: 776 KB, 2304x1296, 20151107_160244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent purchase general?

About 20 all together

>> No.7332493

fuck off

>> No.7332706


Oh yes, have you started the ABC's? I've been very interested in this for a long time but I barely have time to read anything other than my uni's mandatory readings.

>> No.7332712

that The Prince is gorgeous. i wish all publishers employed designs like that.

>> No.7332718

Lads I've actually made a sizable dent in my backlog it's fucking great

>> No.7332725

I think you have autism

>> No.7332741

It is sort of beautiful in a way. Completely pure.

>> No.7332763
File: 25 KB, 323x454, For_what_purpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for public domain books
>paying for books at all

>> No.7332791


Buy only what you can't find online, support living artists and keep what you can for yourself.

Seriously, the public domain is a beautiful thing. Buying books like these is 100% for your e-peen rather than knowledge, otherwise you could get them at a library.

The only things you should buy are things you can't find in a library, online, or which are worth supporting financially.

>> No.7332829


I have read a bit of it and enjoy it. It contains all of Pound's elitist charms and his usual arrogant sense of humor is here in spades. It is a short read and I should be done with the first read through sometime tonight.

>> No.7334440

You won't be able to understand

Start with the Greeks

>> No.7334447

except you need to return books to a library, which doesn't let you constantly reread passages from the book at random, which you might want to do with works like Nietzsches if you want to understand them better

>> No.7334451

buy a pack of A4 printer paper from staples, you'll be blown away

>> No.7334496

public domain =/= free
paper, ink, binding, distribution, etc, still costs money.