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/lit/ - Literature

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7331492 No.7331492 [Reply] [Original]

Brave Space gals edition


>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?
>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?
>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?

>> No.7331647

Lmao no

>> No.7331664

Should have linked the old thread OP.

>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?
Currently reading Malazan book 9.

>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?
Don't have a favourite female protagonist, used to like Anita Blake and Jane Yellowrock, but they don't do it for me anymore.

>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?
They all fell out of favour with me over the years, all of their novels have gone from a solid series, to some romance trash novel.

I guess they see the twilight, and shades of gray fandom and want a piece of the pie. They sacrificed olders fans for new ones.

>> No.7331969
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>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?
Eyes of the Overworld by Jack Vance.
>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?
I liked Volvoya from Revelation Space. Sabriel was neat too. I don't remember a whole lot.
>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?
Don't have a particular one.

>> No.7332247

I killt the thread with my OP, right?

>> No.7332283

I'm sorry, but why not make discrete threads for individual works you are interested in discussion? Why make and promote a ghetto?

>> No.7332500

Because individual Sci-Fi or Fantasy threads rarely make it past 30 posts and are mostly shitposting.

>> No.7332641

>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?

Ancillary Mercy by Ann Leckie. It would have been an awesome series if it didn't go into how everyone was feeling quite so often. And if the SJW stuff was toned down.

>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?

Can't think of any that I really liked.

>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?

Lois McMaster Bujold, the Vorkosigan saga books were really fun to read.

>> No.7332693

>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?

The Door into Summer by Heinlein

Mort by Pratchett

>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?

Friday in Heinlein's eponymous novel

>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?

uh... Nancy Kress maybe?

>> No.7332890

>>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?
Just started The Sword Bearer by Glen Cook. It's pretty good, but he includes a ton of place/ character names at the start and i'm already confused as to who's on which side.

>> No.7332999


It's mostly filled with e/lit/ist fedora tippers shitposting, and 1-2 post that answers your questions.

>> No.7333325
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>Favorite female protagonist:
the main character in Usurper of the Sun
>Reading at the moment:
On and off reading Aurora by Kim S Robinson
Kind of was reading Three Body Problem but the anti-GMO statements really bothered me
Going to start The Stories of Ibis instead
>Favorite female author:

>> No.7333480

>>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?
Just finished The Dark Tower series.
>>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?
Probably Arya Stark desu.
>>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?
Probably Robin Hobb. I haven't read a great amount of female authors.

>> No.7333482

Wait, that's actually a filter? I thought it was just some shit new meme.

>> No.7333921

>Brave Space gals

Fuck off with this grrrl power bullshit.

>> No.7333927
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>> No.7333987

Arya Stark test.

I just started Ancillary Justice, but the whole "she" thing makes some conversations a bit harder to follow, especially with the retarded names and naming schemes. Not to mention that it doesn't actually add anything to the story. I could imagine it leading to some major twist later on, but I probably wouldn't be impressed.

>> No.7333990

Oh. Well I normally ignore all general threads, I only posted in this one because it was new. Have fun in your concentration camp.

>> No.7334006

What is this test?

>> No.7334041

What are some more books like The Name of the Wind? Usually not hugely into fantasy but I adored that book.

>> No.7334047

I loved that book! I have a recommendation in mind for you, but I don't want to share it in this thread

>> No.7334050

Can you please email it to me? From a guerrillamail.com address is fine


Thanks anon

>> No.7334051

This thread has been running for several years mate. Welcome to /lit/, please enjoy your stay.

>> No.7334096

It most definitely has not been several years

>> No.7334138

Could you just share it anon? ;_:

>> No.7334142

It's been like 3 months, buddy.

>> No.7334145

Also, how do you guys feel about Pratchett? Any recs?

>> No.7334146

Okay, okay.

It's a book called The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Have fun!

>> No.7334148

Noo I've already read that ;_; Ah well...

>> No.7334149

Thanks very much anon!

>> No.7334256

Try the books it was based off?

The earthsea series.

>> No.7334264


You do get used to the "she" thing eventually. But, as you say it doesn't add anything to the story and it kind of doesn't make sense since non-Radchaai characters apparently have no issues distinguishing between genders. It's just a political statement by the author.

>> No.7334265

Ah they've been on my wishlist for a while. Thanks for reminding me to check them out.

>> No.7334725

No u :3

>> No.7334862

TBO is good overall. The characters are completely wooden and the author doesn't get "show, don't tell" if his life depended on it, but the ideas are strong enough to make it a 3/5 book. Too bad the weak parts get amplified so much in the sequel; The Dark Forest has some of the worst writing for people I've seen in years.

>> No.7334882
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I'm currently reading a book called "Pushing Ice" by Alistair Reynolds...so disappointing.. Two female leads, both are asteroid miners who come across one of the moons of Saturn or something which roars to life and begins traveling on a very (painfully long ) journey to the Spica System. The book is just completely...utterly dull. It sudden jumps years and years forward...the characters become old, then are magically rejuventated to their youth by these "fountain" aliens who are HORRIBBLY described. I still have no clue what they look like.

The descriptions, narration, and pacing of the book is just utter shit...would not recommend.. I can't wait until it's over... Needless to say I'll be monitoring this thread for some better sci fi.

>> No.7334891

More books like the Stone of Farewell and Dragonbone Chair please. I'm a sucker for fantasy/wifi with a young protagonist going on an adventure.

>> No.7334901

Reynolds is like the Tarantino of sci fi. All style and no substance.

>> No.7334909
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You could alphabet soup a better book than that tripe.

>didn't like Pushing Ice
Don't read Reynolds then. Book was wonderful but hard sci-fi doesn't seem to be your interest. Ending was bretty gud and we might get a sequel sometime in the future.

>> No.7334917

I hated it as well. All the characters are horrible.

>> No.7334937

fucking this. I honestly don't give a rats ass about most of them. A disappointment because I heard good things about Reynolds.

Untrue, I like hard sci fi, but I wouldn't even consider this "hard sci fi". So far there's a much of magical aliens that can restore life and mutant dog aliens how is that hard sci fi? The only realistic thing about the novel is the time it takes between travel. But Reynolds makes that boring, and very unrealistic to what characters actually do...

>> No.7335288

Read the prince of thorn series in like 1 week, any more books like that? I really enjoy the dark edgy stuff. I have read alot of the other stuff like Joe ambercombie and "black company"

>> No.7335355

Do you reckon Blindsight is worth a read.

>> No.7335357

Try the Kane series by Karl Wagner. Not super dark but it gets does bloody/tragic and Kane is no hero. Kind of a darker take on Conan with a bit of Lovecraft thrown in.

>> No.7335437

So... is it safe to say, that you enjoyed... the rape, gay and incest in the Prince of thorns series?

What "darK' parts you liked?

Recommendations depends on your answer.

>> No.7335573

Well that's disappointing. I thought with all the Dark Forest Hype that I would have to drudge through the first one to get to a potentially better sequel - but you say it's worse.
I guess the sequels are never really better, are they?

>> No.7335645

Are there any fantasy books that have a psychopath as main character?

Like http://royalroadl.com/fiction/568

>> No.7335953

Cheers, gonna check it out
Without sounding like a edgelord. Yes, and everything is done in pretty realistic manner. It makes the world look grim and dark and the ruthlessness of Jorg makes him into a dark unstable antihero that have to chose between the greater or the lesser evil all the time. My favorite books are about antiheroes and the etiques of murder/staying alive. Pls feed me I need more satisfaction

>> No.7335975

The broken empire, the main char is pretty psychotic

>> No.7336334

I posted the sixth thread on /lit/, back when there were no ghettoes and we had the freedom to discuss individual works in discrete threads.

>> No.7336345

I want to write a sort of sci-fi/fantasy cross-over because i always wanted to write an adventure, but do you guys think it's better to plan ahead before you write, or just have a general idea of what the plot is and make up shit on the spot?

>> No.7336395

If you're interested then you should still read it; perhaps your impressions will be different from mine. If nothing else, the last 30 pages should be worth the slog.

>> No.7336659

Both vignette links are thumbnails, OP. Stop posting them.

>> No.7336998

Are there ANY decent Star Wars books among the thousands of them?

>> No.7337241

I skimmed through a few and cringed so I just don't know.

>> No.7337392

I want to collect a few book by Neal Stephenson… good? Or rad? Or great? Thoughts?

>> No.7337474

Avoid Seveneves like the plague.
>most "original" main characters are just current celebrities under different names
>nonsensical characterization; every character just does whatever the plot needs him/her to do to generate maximum drama
>shitty timeskip
>ultra shitty understanding of sociology and genetics

>> No.7337503

Yes. Absolutely.

>> No.7337511
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It sure is. Sarasti did nothing wrong.

>> No.7337533

The rogue squadron books written by Stackpole

>> No.7337573

You should plan ahead but you don't have to. Adventures are one of the better genres in which to use the "exploration" method (make it up as you go along) imo.

>> No.7337770

>what is the magnifying tool
>what is zoom
>how do i computers
>what is that high resolution that the tab shows at the top

>> No.7337787

>and we might get a sequel


>> No.7337991

Total waste of a good character, too. He was much more compelling and competent than the rest of those clowns.

>> No.7338127

Any recommendations for a well thought out and established technology based sci-fi Universe, shaken up by the discovery of supernaturals/magic?

>> No.7338186

What if i have a clear idea of who the bad guys are and the adventure part comes from the main cast getting to them?

Maybe i should plan on what happens when they face the main guy and make up shit during the traveling parts.

>> No.7338191

Zooming in doesn't magically clear up the image and make it viewable; it's a messy blur. There is no "high-res" option at the top. It directs straight to a .jpg, and a very small one at that. Perhaps you should reupload the images in their appropriate, larger-resolution formats.

>> No.7338199
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Yeah there is a lot he can do with that universe such as further exploration of the megastructure, more information involving the Spicans, maybe something involving Svetlana and her gang, etc etc etc. I really need more Reynolds-like hard-scifi to read.

>> No.7338257

>Avoid Seveneves like the plague
Okay. Tell me about Snow Crash, The Diamond Age: or A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer, Cryoptonomicon, the Baroque Cycle and Anathem. Are they definitely worth the shelf?

>> No.7338328

The Diamond Age lost the plot towards the end and I found it rather dull overall. Anathem seems promising, but I haven't finished it yet. Don't know about the rest.

>> No.7338380

Like common day earth being visited by parallel universe beings that use metaphysical abilities?

I can't remember atm i will have to go look through my collection later.

>> No.7338385

Thanks mate.

>> No.7338395

Sounds interesting! I'll read all the replies to this post.

>> No.7338398

Get a non shitty browser and isp, each pic is about 3mbs, if you are using a shItPhone, its probably safari.

When you zoom the blurryness clears up, not my fault that you are using inferior hardware/internet and software.

Lurk /g/ some.

>> No.7338428
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Star Epic II

In 2086, a UFO appears instantaneously just outside Earth's atmosphere. It crash lands in Central Park Manhattan. upon being surrounded, the airlock opens and and a man steps out of the ship with long unkept beard and hair (like a castaway). The man falls to his knees, screams in agony and collapses dead on the spot.
2131: due to the reverse engineering of the technology on the ship, the earth no longer has an energy crisis and mankind now has the resources to explore space and utilize discovered wormholes to search out other planets capable of being colonized. Long distance probes return from the wormholes reporting extensive coverage of 9 habitable and accommodating planets for colonization.
2144: after studying the information from the probes, an initiative is created to send 9 shuttles through the wormholes to start colonization.
2156: the shuttles are ready to leave:

The main story follows brothers Joseph and Adrian Thompson and four other selected gifted and trained young adults (ages 21-25) as they battle against 3 other groups in contests of wits and science to be selected as the engineering group who will be responsible for manning the "RIG" a floating repair and monitoring station that will ultimately follow each of the shuttles to their destinations and ensure each arrives safely at their destination.

the genre is hard science fiction and the story is not teen or YA. The candidates have to be young so that they're still physically capable of performing their grueling duties across the 20 year mission.

Plot twists involve:
The backgrounds and skeletons in the closets of the other candidates, the rumored "militarized" ship to follow, and the intentions and motivations of the candidates older mentor who is being "put out to pasture" and will ultimately be their superior for the duration of their travels.

Hard scifi of The Martian
the character process of Walter white to Heisenberg, (from Breaking Bad)
The armor of DEAD SPACE (minus horror element)
The man vs nature vs nemesis of Moby Dick
Enormous environments (DUNE)

Yes? no? Questions?

Already 50 pages in

>> No.7338450

Will they encounter alien life, sentient or otherwise?

And just a personal thing from me, introduce all essential technology properly, BEFORE the reader forms mental images based on the names alone.
When I read Altered Carbon, the body a person inhabits is referred to as "sleeve", but it took me a few chapters to get it, so even after I got the rules of the world, I still pictured everyone with oversized cuffs

>> No.7338454

I'd prefer it if it stayed on the original world, and have them use established rules and technologies to adapt to the new circumstances.
The origin of the strange doesn't really matter though.

>> No.7338474
File: 253 KB, 1680x1050, hurr durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Firefox. I don't have any "inferior hardware" or "inferior internet". Both images are this exact same size.

I realize that children on the internet will never ever admit that they may actually be wrong about something but you should consider that either the image was uploaded in a thumbnail format or you do not have the proper URL copypasted into the OP.

I don't think lurking /g/ will magically clear up your infantile pride.

>> No.7338509

Good question.

Unlike My first series which was soft sci fI (closer to Star Wars as far as other races go)

Other life forms will be spores, parasites, hive-minded silicon based life forms, and the engineers will come into contact with one sect of life they'll encounter so advanced that they simply ignore the characters and go about their business of collecting water. (Conflict of interests as this would destroy colony life) It would be an approx. size difference ten times that of a boss in Shadow of the Colossus. You can't reason with it/them, it's just a humbling force of nature. There used to be an old cartoon in the 80's called Dungeons and dragons. On that show was a 7 headed dragon named Tiamat that couldn't be fought or reasoned with either. I like the idea of shit so big you have to just get out of its way.

>> No.7338516
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Pic not related. Mapping out a kind of bloated novel of my own. Not terribly original, but I think I've got enough there.

>Advanced caretaker android being shown the ropes of humanity and life by comfortable family's suburban children
>Called back by the tech company
>Owner is disillusioned with humanity after a massive recent terror attack, wants to get humans off of Earth
>By now a nearby planet that probably supports life has been located, but is still too far with current flight/hibernation technology for humans to reach (about 80 year trip)
>Sends a ship of androids to seed the planet and raise the children
>They make it, the planet will support humans, but most of the robots don't survive the trip, leaving the original android to play God, with mixed results
>Has to raise the children to be fighters, in case other humans come to the planet with different motives

>> No.7338788

Is this an actual book, or are you currently writing it?

It sounds great, but what I dislike about hard scifi is that it doesn't use truly advance technology, they use existing technologies, with some theories that can expand on it.

I want scifi like metroid, suit bonding with you and that shit, with unexplored new weapons that(from the explanations given) sounds like it could happen.

I don't want to read about delta v's, atmospheric scrubbing, and 2 chapters or more dedicated to the crew dealing with problems arising from the aforementioned(looking at you seveneves).

I read scifi to visualize things i never imagined, bio/nano implants and the such, not to read about shit we can do right now if the planet works together.

>> No.7339305

Does any here have inside knowledge about the next Dresden Files?

He has a hard on (butcher) for this new cat series, and it seems like he forgot about Harry.

>> No.7339327

I'm about 50 pages into it. The suit will be intuitive and a little "iron man-esque". There's going to be nots and bolts in the feel of it, but like with military or military scifi you can't get all 818 or the reader loses interest.
>unexplored new weapons

One of the shuttles will land on a planet that has an orbit that veers towards a black hole so that time dilation takes place. This will allow the colonists to advance 500 years and have futuristic shit to play with later. It should be 9-15 books. I've already got the notes and everything

>> No.7339358

Will the suit at least have a minor A.I to control it?

>> No.7339382

In a way, yes

>> No.7339768

Fucking /phil/ and shit post threads pushing this thread to page 6 in less than 2 hours.

>> No.7339788

It was OK.

>> No.7339843

Could be interesting. I'd focus more on in-fighting. Maybe wait a few hundred years for tribes to form on that planet.

The beginning seems a bit odd. Wouldn't it make more sense for the owner to make droid specifically for the mission? Or, do these droids have to learn to love and so he chose one with real-life experience?

Keep us informed, OK?

>> No.7339851


>scifi and fantasy

no one wants you here

>> No.7339933

>actually talking about books
>don't want you here

I now see why shitposting was so successful on this board.

>> No.7340264

I would like to see this on the market.

>> No.7340391

Any SciFi whose technology is more in line with where we are headed and still impressively refreshing?

For example a lot of books predicted flying cars or hologram/video calling but instead we are heading more towards automated driving and texting on smart phones (whose capabilities which to be entirely unpredicted by scifi writers).

>> No.7340397

Am I pleb tier for liking Star Wars? I love actual literature, but Star Wars is just nice and relaxing too me.

>> No.7340398



*whose capabilities seemed to be

>> No.7340426

hey what should i read next
canticle for leibowitz

>> No.7340441

Wanted the experience, and it was one of the most advanced they made. After this one, the next series was going to be so advanced that they were basically just artificial humans, and the company's owner realized that once that started, the line was crossed, and the shit was going to start hitting the fan. But the beginning is important to establish the good in humanity and children that the robot sees.

>also I post my book updates/ideas all the time on here but they usually no one gives a damn

>> No.7340469

In the general or in a fresh thread?

>> No.7340473

Here and there. Happy to talk shop though, usually it's just tough to get a word in edgewise.

>> No.7341263

I don't really know if it qualifies, but Nexus revolves around the creation of nanites that interface with the brain and allow things such as telepathy, AR, and all kinds of software enhancements, similar to how smartphones work right now, and dips a bit into transhumanism too.

>> No.7341476
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I'd like to work some with crystal tech(replacing boards), nanites, a.i., solid state lasers,cloning and cyber immersion for starters. If also like to explore the discovery of a hive minded silicon based lifeform the size of a desert

>> No.7341606

I tried catching up on a sci fi podcast I listen to yesterday. Three of the four episodes featured gays or trannies. Is this representative of sci fi in general? Or is it just this podcast going super gay?

>> No.7341633

It's Firefox. There are proper sized pics but I don't have them because they're pretty shit anyway.

>> No.7341642

Sounds cool. Does the spaceship really need to crash in New York though? That seems cliche. Unless you've got a good reason for it.

>> No.7341645

Your podcaster is probably pandering to the masses.

His higher ups probably received a shit load of emails/letter stating the lack of a diverse cast.

A lot of books also suffer because the authors are pandering.

>> No.7341662
File: 792 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-11-10-10-49-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7341707

There's a tie-in. The pilot was aiming for Boston but over shot it

>> No.7341715

Also, it kind of needs to be a big stage to start things off. It's the perfect place to make an entrance/ending without getting swept under the rug from authoritarian types

>> No.7341779

Yeah. I checked with a friend. He has Firefox and they loaded fine for him but my Firefox fucks up the loading so they're super small. It's odd.

>> No.7341806

I feel so silly for FINALLY getting around to reading Blindsight. Especially since hard sci-fi that delves into neuroscience subjects gives me a huge hard-on. Only around 6% through but damn, I'm really enjoying this. The prose reminds me of Reynolds' works too so I dig it even more.

>> No.7342573

I started reading the Witcher books because I enjoyed the games and they seemed like they'd fill that pulpy sword and sorcery void pretty well. The short stories were all pretty great, but the full novels I've read so far have been pretty shitty. Part of that might just be due to poor translation, but the novels quickly fell into politcs and shit, which I am so tired of reading about in fantasy. Anyone know if they get better and are worth sticking with?

>> No.7342702

a friend recommended dhalgren to me, but i dont know if i should really pick it up. its pretty long and seems like its more experimental and overly ambitious than anything else.

worth my time?

>> No.7343203

The prose too much for you?

When I read the official translation, the prose and word play was really thick.

>> No.7343215

Well, can't help you there, bud, as I only read some of the short stories (which I also thought were great).
More importantly, how the f did you read any of his works besides the first one?? Like 4 years ago only his first book was translated into english.

>> No.7343291

I'm looking for a fantasy book from the 50-60s.

The setting is in a city that covers a whole mountain side. At least one book cover featured a picture of said mountain city.

>> No.7343302

Why no Military Sci-Fi and Fantasy on the rec macros?

>> No.7343452

Larry Niven, the magic goes away?

>> No.7343694


>What Sci-Fi and Fantasy are you reading at the moment?
Starship Troopers
>Who are you favorite female protagonists in SFF?
dont know
>Who's your favorite female author in SFF?
Robin Hobb

>> No.7343704

would read

>> No.7343773

No, it's just a shit translation.

All but the last two are translated now. There's some fan translations of them all as well, though those aren't much better than the official.

>> No.7344250

The official translation for the last book is coming out next year, so it has to be that you were reading fan translation all the time.

>> No.7344291

The English translation is pretty dull (the original and the Czech translation are much more lively), but if you want pulpy sword and sorcery then forget it. Sapkowski is an economist, so expect plenty of economics and politics and very little "coolness" or whatever.

>> No.7344370

Interesting series. But this was a whole novel, not a novella or long short story. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't written in the late 70s.

>> No.7344377

Coldfire trilogy?

>> No.7344411

Cool too, but nope. It was written in the 50-60s.

>> No.7344470
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then, will write.

Pic related, preliminary notes

>> No.7344511


I really liked the diamond age, especially the setting. The plot did indeed seem to unravel at the end but I felt like the experience was worth it.

>> No.7344534

Well it does the same for me and a bunch of other people. So don't worry, it's not just you.

>> No.7344563

What sci book can you recommand to me. I'm lost in all the books that exists, i've read some Herbert and Dan Simmons (wich was awesomely written imo)
I need something that makes my peepee platinium hard

>> No.7345225

I am looking for some nice scifi book to read. The problem is that the usual recommendation on the goodreads and other lists are not really for me.
I like the story gory and violent, and with lots of scifi stuff in it. Can be stranded spaceships, but fights on planets are good too.
Basically lots of action, but a good story too. Even better if the main character has some kind of extra power.. like "i never asked for this" tier enhancements and such.
Any recommendations? I would be really grateful, as there are so many titles i have no idea which one would fulfill my needs.

>> No.7345240

Fortune's Pawn has all that I guess. It's the first part of a trilogy.
Picture Samus Aran gets hired on a small cargo ship, gets cursed by Space Magic and has to fight zombie lizards and shit.
It's a pretty light read, but really fun.

>> No.7345244

Sure. Thanks bud. I figure they should be updated or changed around a bit anyway, yeah?

>Dan Simmons
>awesomely written

>> No.7345255

Seems interesting, but i am kind confused by the fact, that most of the ratings the goodreads are written by women and so is the book, is it really the gory, manly, dark action i am looking for?

>> No.7345258


everything was fine until the 2 paragraph rant about dawkins that actually kills all the emotional content and scifi context.

>> No.7345260
File: 218 KB, 360x614, Doctor Who oh no holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know.
it has some great fights and gore, but now that you mention it, the romance was really prevalent, AND from a woman's point of view.
fuck, it I still enjoyed it overall.

>> No.7345298

I once read about some fantasy book with mages that used a resource to cast spells. Dependng on how much of that resource is there, mages can cast a lot of spells or a few very powerful spells.
The setting was kinda like mages are the masters and everything else is slave...

I remember it was interesting back then, but forgot the name / author.

>> No.7345312

Excession by Iain M Banks is the closest thing I can think of.

>> No.7345468

The Stars My Destination

>> No.7345472

Stranger in a Strange Land is this.
Too bad it sucks.

>> No.7345500


Truly bad

Stephenson also laughably inept at all topics of law/politics. He avoided it where he could but where he was forced into anything regarding law and politics he was obviously out of his depth.

>> No.7345503


Cryptonomicon is my favorite of his - but only if you're interested in geeking out about math and code-breaking with him.

Snow Crash is fun, but he loses the plot at the end and doesn't really find it at all. Cool ideas floating around though.

>> No.7345511

I'm gonna read that soon

Just finished reading Old Man's War. It was pretty good.

>> No.7345566

Trudi Cavanan, Kyralia books

>> No.7345639


Everything you asked for, minus the "extra power", it does have the "I never asked for this" though.

>> No.7345676


>Trudi Cavanan, Kyralia books
This or Kingmaker, Kingbreaker by Karen Miller

>> No.7345685

What is the correct order to read Asimov's books?

>> No.7345750

Start to finish

>> No.7345759

Would read.

>> No.7345780

>He avoided it where he could but where he was forced into anything regarding law and politics he was obviously out of his depth.

When he was forced into anything, he nuked it.

>> No.7345830

>Is this representative of sci fi in general
It's more representative of the people that pretend to be Sci-fi fans because It finally reached the "hip" phase.

>> No.7346307

Start with the Galactic Empire novels, then read the Robot series, and then the Foundation books.

It's canon.

>> No.7346311

Actually, hold on I fucked that up.

Robots before Galactic empire then Foundation/

>> No.7346341

I am getting tired trying to write something in this genre. I can't come with a way to reconcile it with actual literature. There's something in sci-fi that ends making it cringeworthy, nothing more than puerile shit, to be put in a bookshelf beside Mockingjay and all the assorted crap.

>> No.7346348


You sound like the kind of person that looks at something, proclaims he can do better, attempts to, realizes that he actually can't, and backpedals however he can.

>> No.7346402


He is an e/lit/ist scum, who is trying to cash in on the fantasy crowd.

>> No.7346416
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Consider: perhaps it is you who is puerile and cringe-worthy.

>> No.7346461

The Red Queens War is a follow on series from Prince of Thorns, honestly I prefered it.

>> No.7346541

The Foundations series, arguably.

Comedy option Warhammer 40k.

>> No.7346584


>> No.7346825

Consider the sequels, I've been told Ghost Brigades is good.

>> No.7346838

Science Fiction and Fantasy is fan fiction of silly tropes.

>> No.7346869


you're going to need something better than that, pal

>> No.7347307

Just posted about science fiction and/or fantasy outside of your concentration camp. Ha ha, you can't contain me

>> No.7347470

Is China Miéville's books good or pleb tire?

>> No.7347484

Are you a Far-left utopianist?

>> No.7347490

Right now I'm with "Guards! Guards!" and "The last wish". Enjoying them quite a lot at the moment.

I also finished "Dune", which I loved, so I'll continue reading the books.

>> No.7347506

Is there something I should read before tackling Dhalgren?

Im going to read Solaris next, and have really only read PKD and Dune.

>> No.7347534

Would read

>> No.7347575

Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan

>> No.7347579

>Far-left utopianist
Pardon me?

>> No.7347580

>implying this is a concentration camp

We are helping each other in this thread, and when yours 404, we will still be here.

>> No.7347619

Are you a Marxist?

>> No.7347630
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>Are you a Marxist?
No, but I kind of liked the meaning of that word. Anyway are Miéville's books good or pleb tire?

>> No.7347636


>> No.7347649

So what's the deal with being intolerably overtly political?

>> No.7347655
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>> No.7347668

His books aren't just good or pleb tire, but brilliant and definitely not pleb tier, especially The City and The City and Embassytown. Perdido Street Station is absolutely trippy. If you don't like doing the brainy thing and not being more than smart, he isn't your cup of tea.

>> No.7347670

Because SF is a dead genre Anon dominated by a couple of publishing houses.

>> No.7347672

Start with the greeks, so that you get the parallels.

>> No.7347674
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I legitimately can't tell if your being sarcastic or not.

>> No.7347692

Okay, thanks.

>> No.7347769

Why did you start Reynolds with Pushing ice? Right now I am on the Redemption Arks and The Inhibitors Trilogy looks pretty solid to me. Dude's getting some rad ideas sometimes. The ending of Revelation Space was awesome.

>> No.7347785

Hi guys, finished the reading Foundation and Empire. You guys recommend any good ridiculously high intellectual sci-fi book?

>> No.7348226

Can someone recommend me some good actiony scifi? Not military scifi but some old school no bs rayguns blasting, save the naked princess kinda stuff.

>> No.7348300
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Redemption Ark was the best book in that trilogy, imo. Make sure you read the novellas and short stories in the RS universe too. Shit is ballin'.

>> No.7348730

Ringworld by Larry Niven?

>> No.7348827

Star Wars novelization

>> No.7349102
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I'm trying to get into reading more and I'm struggling with Dune even though I enjoy it. I'm starting to worry I'm retarded.

>> No.7349190

What are your thoughts on Ready Player One? I finished it last night and thought it was complete trash. The retro 80's theme was nostalgic and cool, but holy fuck the book is basically a million references wrapped up in a story with unlikable characters set in Second Life, and it's just as awkward.

All I wanted is a sci-fi story with sword fights that isn't Star Wars.

>> No.7349196

What year were you born?

>> No.7349205

Would my age directly change the amount of enjoyment I got out of the book?

>> No.7349220

If you weren't born in the mid late 70's then yes. It's a nostalgia love letter.

>> No.7349234

I actually enjoyed most of the references. That was probably the only thing I actually did like. I just don't think a book can survive solely on nostalgia

>> No.7349488 [DELETED] 

Can someone recommend some good hard science fiction of the decade whicu arn't pleb tire?

>> No.7349496

Can someone recommend some good hard science fiction of the decade which arn't pleb tire?

>> No.7349597
File: 19 KB, 211x320, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a better rad novel than pic related with lots of sex and wits?

>> No.7349751

So, how long until Hollywood or HBO take notice of Book of the New Sun?

>> No.7349754

Literally unfilmable

>> No.7349762

Not really, they could just take the Urth of the New Sun for some stuff and then make up everything else to try and make sense. Or just put Severian as the narrator to justify it's lies.

>> No.7349773

Speaking of, where can i download the recent version of the BotNS audiobook?

I can't listen to it from audible since i usually listen to books on my way to college, and the 80's version is too quiet to hear on the bus.

>> No.7349790
File: 48 KB, 478x717, remnants-mayflower-ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read the Remnants series when they were younger? I recently decided to re-read them and they've got this really cool sci-fi stuff goin on. Definitely some stuff in there I wouldn't expect in a children's novel series.

>> No.7349798

I heard Armada was worse and cringey. People who liked Ready Player One were very disappointed.

>sci-fi with sword fights that isn't Star Wars
Maybe Old Man's War?

>> No.7349799

I don't remember if I finished that series or not, to me it just went way off the rails the further it went.

>> No.7349807

From what I can remember of the later books(haven't gotten to them yet) the last 3 or 4 books were where it really got batshit insane.

I'm on the 5th book currently and it's already getting weird.

>> No.7349924

I have an ignorant question that I need clarification on.

I'm currently reading Blindsight. Could someone tell me what exactly a 'waldo' is?

>> No.7349925

I read the first handful but I don't remember a whole lot. I think I remember the overall plot, or the ending, but I won't mention it since you're reading.

Animorphs became dark as fuck and IIRC, Remnants does too.

>> No.7349929

As an addendum, I know waldo in the context of "Where's Waldo?" but if that's the reference, I don't understand the relation.

>> No.7349930
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Well I finished this yesterday and today read Gates of Eden by Ethan Coen and need shit to read so I ordered Blindsight and Hyperion, they'll be here sunday.

>> No.7349951

>Remnants does too.
Yeah it's been pretty dark. Other than the whole premise of the series itself, the series got dark fast even just in the beginning of the second book. Just recently one character's parent died by an alien flechette gun.

It was hard as fuck to find these books though since they went out of print for some reason. I managed to finally track down some non-pdf ebook copies after a long time searching. Couldn't find physical copies anywhere(though I have a physical copy of the first book).

>> No.7350140

It's a device that translates hand movements into machine movements. Also known as a "remote manipulator". In real life they're mostly used to handle materials that are either dangerous or located in dangerous environments. In SF they're also often used to operate powered exoskeletons or pilot small vehicles.

>> No.7350190

Is that a real scientific term?
Or just public sci-fi headcanon like "warpdrive"?

>> No.7350253

99% of scifi you see is madeup bullshit but don't worry real science has a lot of madeup bullshit like the Pikachu and Sonic hedgehog gene (clearly they were a fan)

>> No.7350256

the worst offender to me personally is americans with their "X-Ray".
The fuck is wrong with english-speaking scientists?

>> No.7350267

X-rays are called that way because Röntgen named them this way ("X" for unknown, same reason why there's an X-chromosome). Some countries called them Röntgen-rays later, others kept the original x-rays.

Japanese calls them Lentugen too mostly because modern medicine was brought by German doctors (older medicine was brought by the Dutch, so you have a mix of loanwords in medical Japanese from both)

>> No.7350319

Try searching here:

>> No.7350323

the X-Chromosome actually has an X shape though.
The radiation only has the X to make it sound cooler.

>> No.7350342

When the X-chromosome was discovered it was just a blur called the "X-element", all chromosomes kind of look like an X

The Z-chromosome in birds doesn't look like a Z either

>> No.7350402

>It's a device that translates hand movements into machine movements. Also known as a "remote manipulator".

So that remote control surgery robot that they are working on, it's going to use a "waldo"?

>> No.7350439

No Culture novels.

List disregarded.

>> No.7350459

List some culture scifi and fantasy, maybe a list fag might be able to edit the list.

>> No.7350478

I meant the Culture series by Iain M Banks. Personal favorites from the series are Consider Phlebas and Look to Windward, but most fans of the series wouldn't agree with me, and say Use of Weapons and Excession are the best.

It's about civilisation called the Culture, made out of a bunch of different humanoid species. They're described as an anarcho socialist utopia (even though some readers see the Culture as a dystopia, there are some good arguments for this side), and are ruled by superintelligent machines called Minds.

Calling a mind an AI is like calling a human an ape, while technically correct, it's really insulting.

The Culture citizens live lives of hedonism on their giant sentient starships and ringworlds (living on a planet is something a primitive society would do), while the Minds plot and scheme among themselves, and sometime try to steer another civilisation's course in a way they deem more ethical and moral.

Some see them as near-perfectly rational agents that strive to improve the lives of the untold species in the galaxy. Some see them as noisy fucks that mess with others in ways that sometimes backfire catastrophically.

Anyway pretty good books.

>> No.7350489

Iain Banks was a communist, the Culture was Banks' magical realm. His writing was /tg/ tier at best.

>> No.7350495

>the Culture was Banks' magical realm.
Not denying that, but you'll still find people who thing the Iridians where the good guys in the war.

>His writing was /tg/ tier at best.
Now that's a bit harsh.

>> No.7350585 [DELETED] 

Are the following sci-fi books worth buying?

- The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber
- The Peripheral by William Gibson
Lock In By John Scalzi
- Questionable Practices by Eileen Gunn
- The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
- California by Adam Lucski
- The Girl With All The Gifts by M.R. Carey
- The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
by Claire North
- Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer
- Defenders by Will McIntosh
- The Bees by Laline Paull
- Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

>> No.7350595

Are the following sci-fi books worth buying?

- The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber
- The Peripheral by William Gibson
- Lock In By John Scalzi
- Questionable Practices by Eileen Gunn
- The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
- California by Adam Lucski
- The Girl With All The Gifts by M.R. Carey
- The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
by Claire North
- Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer
- Defenders by Will McIntosh
- The Bees by Laline Paull
- Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

>> No.7350605

Okay, that makes more sense. But the scramblers were described as being waldoes with <something I forget>. Is that something different or does it have a different context?

>> No.7350609 [DELETED] 

>His writing was /tg/ tier at best.
Fuck out of this thread. You disgust me.

>> No.7350615

>His writing was /tg/ tier at best.
Fuck out of here! You disgust me.

>> No.7350622

Also no spoilers please. I have yet to finish the book. I shouldn't even be in here but I was curious.

>> No.7350623
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This person leans in and says "recommend me some fantasy novels I'd like" then grins and adds "perhaps even some sci-fi"

What do you answer?

>> No.7350626

>sci fi written by women not named le guin

what is wrong with you


jesus christ

>> No.7350635 [DELETED] 

>>sci fi written by women not named le guin
You're acting like Le Guin doesn't read sci-fi written by other authors. Like, seriously what'ss wrong withwith you?

>> No.7350637

>>sci fi written by women not named le guin
You're acting like Le Guin doesn't read sci-fi written by other authors. Like, seriously what's wrong with you?

>> No.7350711

>Liking extremely soft Sci-fi written by aged Hippie
The fuck Anon? Explain yourself.

>> No.7350718

she's a good stylist

wizard of the earthsea had one of the best depictions of magic and especially mana in fantasy

very subtle, very effective

she's a good genre writer

>> No.7350722

I don't get it, I thought the politics involved in Earthsea was almost as childish as Mieville's Socialism.

>> No.7350729

i didn't read past book one, an enjoyable fairytale

mieville is a really shit writer that can occasionally strike a note with a descriptive sentence but not worth the effort overall

i appreciate leguin for tackling the mechanics of fantasy (magic in this instance) with ease.

>> No.7350820
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>Mieville's Socialism is childish

>mieville is a really shit writer

>> No.7350825 [DELETED] 

This place is place is hack I tell you.

>> No.7350829

This place is hack I tell you.

>> No.7350833
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"Guize pls staph listening to that ebal dictator :-;" - Embassytown

Tots sophisticated mang.

>> No.7350834

A classless society is the equivalent of cultural heat death.

>> No.7350839

Ever tried boiling an egg?

>> No.7350841

if you think someone who writes characters and dialogue like mieville is at least a good genre writer you should really go back to your hugbox

>> No.7350850

They haven't actually read anything Mieville other than The City and the City.

Iron Council in particular was so hilariously bad It could've been mistaken for satire.

>> No.7350860

Stephen Baxter?
Shit or shit?

>> No.7350865

i got dissapointed in him early, reading perdido street station, enjoying the descriptive approach to the city and then it became a bestiality sitcom only in a really bland way.

>hey squad, let's crush the oppression
>look, a reference to a course my green haired girlfriend took in college

>> No.7350871

The funny thing about you pseudo-intellectualists is you guys think you know everything. You keks need to stop this misinterpreting bullshit and mind fuck yourselves.

>> No.7350873

since when does ridiculing marxists unable to divorce their prose from simplistic agenda count as pseudo intellectualism?

>> No.7350874

First day on /lit/?

>> No.7350875

I read Proxima and Ultima.
Has some neat ideas, but the story just never goes ANYWHERE.
Like, at all.

>> No.7350876
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>> No.7350878

>bestiality sitcom

>> No.7350881

>i didn't read the book i want to discuss

confirmed for marxist

>> No.7350882

They're desu, just butthurt losers. Just leave the poor fucks.

>> No.7350886

I unironically love that niggas podcasts

>> No.7350887

I havent read it and I'm from outside the previous conversation. I just want to know what the fuck you mean by that

>> No.7350889

he's a true secular humanitarian

>> No.7350891

protag fucks a giant bug

>> No.7350949

>protag fucks a giant bug
Wow! I should read that.

>> No.7350965

There shouldn't be classes in general, in my opinion.

>> No.7350972

Classes are a natural by-product of evolution, they're impossible not to have.

>> No.7351011

There's nothing like impossible to a human being. Classes are a natural by product of evolution because we "humans" have created it. Nature or our surroundings actually don't give a fuck about it even though we humans have named it as a "natural by product of evolution."

>> No.7351013

>Nature actually don't give a fuck about class

What the actual fuck you saying Anon.

>> No.7351023

I'm saying, we humans create things. The word, "nature," how it came into exitance? Because it pooped inside a human mind. Everything that we know is what a human mind have created. From the name "atom" to "VY Canis Majoris."

>> No.7351027

Where do you think we got the term "Pecking order" from Anon?

>> No.7351034

The word "Pecking Order" really doesn't matter to a hen.

>> No.7351035 [DELETED] 

The term "Pecking Order" really doesn't matter to a hen.

>> No.7351036

You know what does matter to a hen? beaks.

>> No.7351044

Certainly just like teath, tounge, mouth and hands matters to us.

>> No.7351052

You thought you would hug a hungry bear and it won't eat you right? You disgust me.

Good posts.

>> No.7351172

>You thought you would hug a hungry bear and it won't eat you right?
I'm confused, did you get your quotes backwards? Because that's exactly what the other person you quoted said.

>> No.7351305


Quantum Thief

>> No.7351321 [DELETED] 
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>Where's Mara Jade?

>> No.7351378

Where can I download the Book of the New Sun? Kinda poorfagging it up right now.

>> No.7351449

Where can I download the Book of the New Sun?
What is f3/ctrl+f

Speaking of, where can i download the recent version of the BotNS audiobook?

Try searching here:

>> No.7351548


Railsea was the worst Mieville book

>> No.7351551

its less fun than that, she just has a beetle for a head as well as being a pretty edgy feminist

>> No.7351556

Was cool when I was a teenager, can't stand to read him now.

>> No.7351557


>> No.7351563

Is Seveneves good? I tried reading Anathem once and put it down in disgust halfway through, and haven't touched a Stephnson book since, but the premise of this one actually sounds really cool. How much libertarianism and terrible misreadings of math, science and philosophy does it have?

>> No.7351626

It's shit, I sat through half of the book filled with geopolitics and science celebs and people fornicating like rabbits, only to have the second half NOT REALLY BE FUTURISTIC SCIENCE.

It was shit that we could do at the moment, when I read Scifi, I expect things that we do not currently have, or things that are far advanced than it's current counterpart.

>> No.7351671

I'm the anon who posted this >>7351338

Since the thread's deader than ded, I figured I'd ask here. Does anyone have any idea of what Dune Chapterhouse's ending is supposed to mean?

>> No.7351740

if his son is to be trusted, the old couple is AI from before the butlerian jihad and they're planning to wreck shit again and enslave humanity? i'm not sure entire, this is wiki territory

>> No.7351781

I really enjoyed Zodiac and Snow Crash.

>> No.7351952
File: 11 KB, 183x275, atv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually read this whole series a couple years ago. Really enjoyed it although it lags in the middle. Everworld was a pretty good series too.

I'm on pic related right now. YA fantasy by the author of Sabriel.

>> No.7351977

Apart from Stepheson doesn't really understand anything about what he's talking about in Cryptonomicon, It's like the kinda shit you'd read on /g/.

It's like saying you could geek out on CSI: Cyber.

>> No.7351981

Why that?

>> No.7352104 [DELETED] 

>I'm confused, did you get your quotes backwards? Because that's exactly what the other person you quoted said.
Grow a fucking brain.

>> No.7352106

>I'm confused, did you get your quotes backwards? Because that's exactly what the other person you quoted said.
Grow a fucking brain.

>> No.7352109

How do I get into Pratchett?
The BBC Discorwlds miniseries were pretty bad

>> No.7352122

>Chickens literally murder each other brutally based body size and birth
"Dey tots donut haz hierarchy doe" - You

>> No.7352171

>>Chickens literally murder each other brutally based body size and birth
That doesn't necessarily mean we humans should follow that.

>> No.7352181
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Nobody was arguing that we should. OP was however arguing that hierarchies are a social construction.

>> No.7352187

Why the fuck do you take meds when sick or use the Internet? Why not live your entire life as a chicken?

>> No.7352201

Begin with Guards! Guards! And read all the Grimes novels, and then go to the Post series, and read the rest from there.

>> No.7352248

>OP was however arguing that hierarchies are a social construction.
OP's right. Hierarchies are indeed a social construction, you idiot. We have a developed BRAIN that's capable of reaching the moon. Adopting their traits just makes us waste of sentient.

>> No.7352251

Have you considered going back to get a high school diploma?

>> No.7352265

Have you considered going to a psychiatrist? Because I think you have a slight nerve damage.

>> No.7352285

>nerve damage

>> No.7352299

heard good things about jonathan strange and mr. norrell but that book is thick af, should i pick it up?

>> No.7352331

>can't prevent or treat nerve damage
>clonazapem is also prescribed by a psychiatrist other than a neurologist
You don't know anything. Fuck out my face.

I agree.

>> No.7352343

>Treating nerve damage with clonazapem

>> No.7352363

Can you fly? Do you eat like a chicken? Are you even entirely sure that a chicken can talk? What their system is entirely different than what we think it is? What if they think we are absolute idiots?

>> No.7352371
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>This is how Marxists actually argue

>> No.7352384

Dude you seriously need to grow a fucking brain. You can't be this of a retard. Fyi, Clonazapem is not a psych. med but neuro. which is also priscribed by a psychiatric and which was just used as an example. Ugh!

>> No.7352395

>and this is how pseudo-intellectualists act, when they realize they are wrong

>> No.7352415 [DELETED] 

Confirmed people whk hate China Miéville's work are fucking hypocrites.

>> No.7352418

Confirmed people who hate China Miéville's work are fucking hypocrites.

>> No.7352458 [DELETED] 

Then consider killing yourself.

>> No.7352487
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>mieville is a really shit writer
I kind of liked Ursula's review towards Mieville's Embassytown.

>one doesn't simply wins Locus award for best novel and gets nominated for Hugo, Nebula and ACC award gor best novel.

>> No.7352561

Fuck off retard. Don't tell me what to choose and what to not.

>> No.7352791
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>yfw Seventh Tower universe is post-apoc Earth

Everworld was fucking amazing. That series had no goddamn business being as good as it was. Shame it ended on a cliffhanger.

>> No.7352872

It's unlike anything I've read of him then, Peridio Street Station was filled with aliens that are actually just feminist dykes and birds who are liek teh worst ppl evah because of rape as well as a bunch of other 2d people.

>> No.7352899

Peridio Street Station wasn't as worse as you're saying it, Anon. The novel has literally changed how we see Sci-Fi/fantasy. It's different and new than most of the sci-fi/fantasy I've read with positives review from well know critics.

>> No.7352914

PSS is a life changing sci-fi, dumbass.

>Peridio Street Station was filled with aliens that are actually just feminist dykes and birds who are liek teh worst ppl evah because of rape as well as a bunch of other 2d people.
Sighs and nods.

Here's a better review:
>Set in on a planet where a strange weather system called The Torque periodically destroys the fabric of reality, Perdido Street Station is about a scientist, a man who has lost his wings, a woman with an insect head, and a city full of people whose dreams are being eaten by moths. As the dreamless city slowly goes insane, only the scientist can stop the moths — with the help of a sentient garbage heap and a cross-dimensional spider who loves wordplay. Nothing can truly capture the sublime beauty and weirdness.

>> No.7352929

>So much misinterpretation
Why do stupid people exist ew.

>> No.7352939

I thought snow crash was a fun thriller, probably a bit past its sell by date by now

>> No.7352951

The fact that sff is shit currently doesn't make PSS any better. And really it didn't change the way we view sff in absolutely any way, there have been so many strange works I've read nothing about this is even remotely remarkable.
It's like you've never read any sff that came before it. This is all idea, no substance, and I know a massive number of idea and substance sff writers that even outweird the misguiding description.
Because I read better works that aren't written by manchild marxists.

>> No.7352952 [DELETED] 

You know something? I hated math. It's because I use to find it difficult with the "ugh not this again" feeling. Then one day, I read somewhere that life is just an applied math and from that I decided that I won't suck at math and I started solving as much problems as I could and slowly I started loving the subject. Through sheer practice and dedication I was able to understand it and loved it.

Conclusion: People hate stuff they don't understand.

So don't get into stuff you don't understand.

>> No.7352959

A donkey thinks his dick is the reddest. You're that donkey. So stay deluded, jackass.

>> No.7352966

You know something? I hated math. It's because I use to find it difficult with the "ugh not this again" feeling. Then one day, I read somewhere that life is just an applied math and from that I decided that I won't suck at math and I started solving as much problems as I could and slowly I started loving the subject. Through sheer practice and dedication I was able to understand it and loved it.

Conclusion: People hate stuff they don't understand.

So don't get into stuff you don't understand.

>> No.7352971

I dislike PSS because it isn't a good book and because it's inferior to many similar spec fiction authors, it offers nothing new, interesting, doesn't deal with characters in a satisfying way and isn't aesthetically pleasing.
It's also dreadfully boring and needed massive editing.

>> No.7352981

>The fact that sff is shit currently
Why are you even in this thread? Fuck outta here.

>And really it didn't change the way we view sff in absolutely any way, there have been so many strange works I've read nothing about this is even remotely remarkable.
Starting to think the many strange works you've read are just like you. "shit" which are nothing about as good or even remotely remarkable as PSS and you're being butthurt and an absolute asshole about it.

>> No.7352990

Name any similar spec fiction work. I want to see.

>> No.7353003

>dat post

I can gauge the amount of good books you've read.

>> No.7353049
File: 854 KB, 600x887, kJscbmh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The novel has literally changed how we see Sci-Fi/fantasy
>PSS is a life changing sci-fi
And people speculate why SF is dying.

>> No.7353051

You think what you say actually matters?

>The novel Perdido Street Station was nominated for the 2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel and Hugo Award for Best Novel. It won the British Fantasy Society's August Derleth Award in 2000, the Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2001, the Premio Ignotus Award in 2002, and the Kurd Laßwitz Award in 2003. It also won the Amazon.com Editors' Choice Award in Fantasy in 2001. In May 2009, it was made available as an audiobook from Random House.

Michael Moorcock reviewed the book and said "Perdido Street Station, a massive and gorgeously detailed parallel-world fantasy, offers us a range of rather more exotic creatures, all of whom are wonderfully drawn and reveal a writer with a rare descriptive gift, an unusually observant eye for physical detail, for the sensuality and beauty of the ordinarily human as well as the thoroughly alien." However, he suggests "Mieville's determination to deliver value for money, a great page-turner, leads him to add genre borrowings which set up a misleading expectation of the kind of plot you're going to get and make individuals start behaving out of character, forcing the author into rationalisations at odds with the creative, intellectual and imaginative substance of the book." He concludes, "That aside, Mieville's catholic contemporary sensibility, delivering generous Victorian value and a well-placed moral point or two, makes Perdido Street Station utterly absorbing and you won't get a better deal, pound for pound, for your holiday reading!"
Via Wikipedia

>> No.7353056

We get it already Anon, you worship the ground Mieville walks on.

>> No.7353062

>And people speculate why SF is dying.
Sci-fi is dying? Even though people speculate its dying is because of other crap author who writes anything for money and senpai not from authors who gets praised by well know critics and who wins awards.

>> No.7353068

Whatever faggot, go boil an egg.

>> No.7353089

what idiotic reasoning

all those awards have no literary merit after a while, especially since cultural marxism took over. if they recognized the awards as a stamp to get more sales, so should you.

>> No.7353091

N-No, you don't understand, Redshirts was a masterpiece!

>> No.7353093

I like it how he mistook marxist dogma for a catholic one. You do understand every published genre fiction work gets praise heaped upon it until it suffocates? I can't take praise for Mieville seriously after actually reading his prose. Take any work of his, and just read ONE page of dialogue. Just one. He can't write, regardless of agenda that Le Guin found enticing in her waning years. He writes bare bone sketches for his social dogmas and stitches them into characters.

Also Moorcock is a shit writer.

>> No.7353105

Whilst completely unconnected to Mieville I can't take any review on any author seriously, there's way to much conflict of interest, It's egregious that authors from the same house review each others work.

>> No.7353122

Yeah genre fiction is a shitshow and writers that show up as blurbs should be disregarded regardless of their own work quality. I mean there has always been this clique sales mentality in paperbacks and now with the advent of crowdfunding we will see some sort of cults emerge.

>> No.7353172

Okay forget about all the awards and praise to PSS. Could you all tell us what sci-fi books you guys have read recently which are different and better than Miéville books? To be frank, I own Miéville's PSS, TCatC and Embassytown which I think are well written.

>> No.7353182

>I'm wrong but I'll still come up with literally any bullshit to let everyone know I've an opinion.

Apparently, fucktard.

>> No.7353184

last sci fi author i've read is peter watts and while he can write some good descriptive prose (better than mieville though not the same themes), his dialogue is equally horrendous but mercifully devoid of agenda. his endgame is completely unplanned and unravels his novels which in turn never take off from middling sci fi prose. if you like mieville i guess you should read le guin's anthropo-social works, i haven't gotten around to doing so yet.


please stop mentioning hugo or awards in this thread, it has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.7353188

Not him but you are genuinely retarded and should probably seek help

>> No.7353189


>> No.7353200
File: 727 KB, 720x918, Screenshot_2015-05-20-17-01-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>childish as Mieville's Socialism.
>mieville is a really shit
>Iron Council in particular was so hilariously bad
>its less fun than that
>Peridio Street Station was filled with aliens
>And really it didn't change the way we view sff in absolutely any way
>This is all idea, no substance
>I dislike PSS because it isn't a good book and because it's inferior to many similar spec fiction authors, it offers nothing new, interesting, doesn't deal with characters in a satisfying way and isn't aesthetically pleasing.
>It's also dreadfully boring and needed massive editing.
>all those awards have no literary merit
>He can't write
>Also Moorcock is a shit writer.
>It's egregious that authors from the same house review each others work.
All these/lit/tards.

>> No.7353201
File: 73 KB, 460x701, typical time travel plot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good stories with time travel or time loops?

>> No.7353204

>Not him
Pove it, fucknut.

>> No.7353205
File: 316 KB, 768x1892, 1447425432986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this upsetting you so much?

>> No.7353208

>last sci fi author i've read is peter watts
Stop posting already.

>> No.7353214

hyperion is the best i've read

where the fuck did you spergs come from or is it a particularly tenacious one? since when is reading fucking fiction frowned upon on /lit/ board? you have to read something in order to criticize it, you know.

>> No.7353215

Upset? Who? ME? Nay.

>> No.7353220

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.7353224
File: 434 KB, 975x335, Baka Brigade basic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7353228

Seriously Anon, I'm dissaappointed. Hyperion is the best you've read? Are fucking kidding me? What fuck. WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK.

>> No.7353229

I liked it, it definitely wasn't shit, si I was just mocking you for saying it's shit.
I'm not claiming it's the best I've read.

>> No.7353232

*makes fart noises*

>> No.7353236

using strawmans is a sure signal of a puerile mind

>> No.7353237

>it definitely wasn't shit
That's not true.

>> No.7353238


>> No.7353249

Fuck no, it has won:
and nominated for:
British Science Fiction
Arthur C. Clarke Award nominee
and also:
NPR-Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books: Hyperion Cantos Rated 51st

Recieved positive reviews from well known critics too.

>> No.7353252

Oh, just like Perdido Street Station?

>> No.7353260

Ironically, "Shrike" translates to "Würger" in german, which basically means choker.
Whoever thought of naming a bird that impales animals on branches "choker"? That'd be the last thing I'd come up with.

>> No.7353281

alright, Mr.Hipster, I'll bite.
Name me a good sci-fi book that has never been nominated or won any award.

>> No.7353289

You're arguments are invalid, kid. I've done a fuckload of reasearch on every book the readers are talking. You lost it when you said the awards are frivolous. It's like saying, IQs are frivolus too, to judge ones intelligence.

>> No.7353294

Dreams of Amputation.

>> No.7353347

what are you talking about?
I was just asking for time loop stories, and the only suggestion was hyperion so I threw in some german trivia because I had read the book as well.
How does IQs relate to the nomenclature of birds?

>> No.7353401

So I just finished ASOIAF and the first two Stormlight books, where should I go next. I'm thinking Vance's Lyonesse. Should I start with Dying Earth first or can I jump into that?

>> No.7353478

Voyage to Arcturus
Star Maker

>> No.7353531

You can, but I'd still highly recommend at least reading "Mazirian the Magician" and "Cugel the Clever".

>> No.7353540

Damn, using the authoritative titles!

>> No.7353547

Is Oryx and Crake by Atwood worth a read?

>> No.7353748
File: 977 KB, 1173x1600, Reading order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you realize maths is a part of everything but you can't understand it to any competent extent

>hyperion is the best i've read
You should seriously read more sci-fi, friend. Or if you've only read Hyperion, don't touch the rest of the books.

>Hyperion Cantos Rated 51st
That's disappointing.

You can read the other Cosmere books if you want to get into the meta.

Dying Earth is solid too. I've only read the first two books so far but they're enjoyable, especially if you like the subtle 'futurism' elements.

>> No.7353755


best i've read on that shitty subject

>> No.7353983

>I actually read this whole series a couple years ago. Really enjoyed it although it lags in the middle.

Do they ever explain what happened to the people te Remnants left on the Mayflower who hadn't woken up yet? This was after they find that all of the dead bodies(even those that had molded, been eaten by worms, etc) disappeared and that 8 people they believed were still alive had disappeared.

>> No.7354101

Is The Darkness That Comes Before any good?

>> No.7354211

Mielville is an author with good books and bad ones. I respect some of his works but after finishing PSS i cant really respect it. It was overly ambitiois, needed alot of editing, big chunks of the book coulda been removed. Like what was the point of having lin be part of the story at all? She doesnt contribute to the plot at all. Some plot threads really go nowhere either. Deux ex machina near the end, etc.

Seems like mielville simply had too many ideas and was simply struggling to find a way to cram them all in.

>> No.7354394

Blindsight is the best sci-fi novel I've ever read.

>> No.7354409

I just started with The Martian, what am i in for?

>> No.7354431

Juvenile humour and nerd revenge.

>> No.7354438

Yeah, realized as much as i got to the 2nd chapter. Should i drop it or may as well finish it?

>> No.7354439

It doesn't get any better if that's what you're asking.

>> No.7354476

>That's disappointing.
Not really.

>> No.7354550

Well then, i guess i should leave it for another time. Straight to the movie it is, then.

>> No.7354576


>> No.7354580

Nothing is good here. Every best thing is either shit or pleb tire lol

Shit board to be frank.

>> No.7354623

4chan's /lit/: where really appreciating work die.
Example, Perdido Street Station.

Not sure if this board is dominated by /pol/ or if it's just shit.
I'm out

>> No.7354627

/lit/ rhymes with shit, though lmao