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7330491 No.7330491 [Reply] [Original]

11 most frequently requested books in Americas prisons

>> No.7330497

why don't you copy and paste the 11 books in your post you tard

>> No.7330504

>Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy
this meme is getting out of hand

>> No.7330512

>argues against the long-taught theory that human civilization started in ancient Greece, defending its origins as coming instead from Africa.
Nobody to my knowledge has claimed human civilisation comes from the Greeks.
It is claimed that Western civilisation comes from the Greeks.
>George G. M. James demonstrates how some of the greatest Greek scholars like Herodotus, Hippocrates, Aristotle, were actually influenced by long-held Egyptian philosophy and teachings.
Well that's quite a bit different to what the title and the first sentence claim.
Its a lot more milder.
Has anyone ever denied the Egyptians influence on maths or medicine?
And for them to be influenced they'd have to be able to read and live in a city with access to writings from across the Mediterranean - a civilisation in other words.

>> No.7330520

>And for them to be influenced they'd have to be able to read and live in a city with access to writings from across the Mediterranean - a civilisation in other words.
Shitlord pls. The Proud Negro Pharaohs sailed across the sea to help the poor white savages

>> No.7330552
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>> No.7330594

Fuck you, OP. I came into this thread expecting BotNS to be on that list. I wanted to believe that inmates across the U.S. were savoring the tableau of Catholic philosophy and struggling through Wolfe's prose. I had a dream of society's rejected and dispossessed finding common ground with an outcast torturer, empathizing with his struggle to find his place in a world that reviled him for plying the only trade he knew, reflecting on their own lives and realizing that change is difficult but possible.

Instead I got kinda depressed and had to identify some waffles.

>> No.7330602

I'm honestly surprised To Kill a Mocking Bird isn't in there.

Also, no autobiography of Malcolm X?

>> No.7330604
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>mfw Infinite Jest is number 3

seriously but I'm surprised they would be so well read

>> No.7330620
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>Gravity's Rainbow at 7

wtf how patrish are these prisons they looked at

>> No.7330627

Being locked in a room for the majority of your life and reading meme books go hand-in-hand.

>> No.7330634
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>Ulysses at 5

this is soviet-tier levels of intellectual persecution

>> No.7330636
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>Divine Comedy in original tuscan is 10

Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

>> No.7330641
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>Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe at 8

Superior taste by inmates. Dayum.

>> No.7330643
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>Mahabharata is the the top book


>> No.7330648
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>Apology at 7

I can only imagine the Socratic level banter occurring within

>> No.7330650
File: 2.19 MB, 420x300, nice meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330656

>Stolen Legacy: The Egyptian Origins of Western Philosophy

>> No.7330663

Prison is full of Glaucons.

>> No.7330680

>be descended from west africa


>> No.7330729

MLK is on it

>> No.7330743
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>Diary of Anne Frank
Well memed Jeff.

>> No.7330763
File: 147 KB, 760x1024, Bust of Homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iliad and Odyssey sung to them in Homeric greek on number 4
Damn, I always knew the media portrayed prison a lot worse than it actually is.

>> No.7330784

Yeah, I wonder how Herodotus and Aristotle got their hands on works detailing African philosophy and natural sciences.

What a load of shit.

>> No.7331753

shieeet boi dontyano they got dem stone planes n shit?