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7322361 No.7322361 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I've compiled a bunch of books that increased my understanding of the world and would like to share them with you, and hopefully get some recommendations as well, most are focused around Black radicalism but include anti-colonial/imperialist/oppression and non-racially focused books.

>Critical Race Theory - Richard Delgado, Jean Stefancic
>Medical Apartheid - Harriet A. Washington
>The Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
>Are Prisons Obsolete - Angela Davis
>Assata, An Autobiography - Assata Shakur
>The Philosophies and Opinions of Marcus Garvey
>Racism without Racists - Eduardo Bonilla Silva
>Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paulo Freire
>How Europe Underdeveloped Africa - Walter Rodney
>Huey P. Newton Reader
>Lies My Teacher Told Me - James W. Loewen
>The Autobiography of Malcolm X - el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (with assistance of Alex Haley)
>The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander
Revolutionary Suicide - Huey P. Newton
>Negroes with Guns - Robert F. Williams
>The Black Radical Tradition - Collection of works from many black radicals.


>> No.7322487

Nice, thanks for the books.

>> No.7322517

most of that is old school shit

if you are looking for more anti-colonial lit, some more contemporary authors are spivak, babha, agamben. i left the academy years ago, not sure who is highly cited of the last 20 or so years

>> No.7322560


>> No.7322607
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No problemo
Just wanted to share
Yeah its definitely old school. I'll check those out for sure, thanks for the tip.

>"the academy"

>> No.7322625

Read Said's Orientalism

>> No.7322631

Fred Hampton speeches are great. He knew that people in the valley didn't need to know the jargon of European radicalism to understand subversive politics.


>We have decided that although some of us come from what some of you would call petty-bourgeois families, though some of us could be in a sense on what you call the mountaintop. We could be integrated into the society working with people that we may never have a chance to work with. Maybe we could be on the mountaintop and maybe we wouldn't have to be hidin' when we go to speak places like this. Maybe we wouldn't have to worry about court cases and going to jail and being sick. We say that even though all of those luxuries exist on the mountaintop, we understand that you people and your problems are right here in the valley.

>We in the Black Panther Party, because of our dedication and understanding, went into the valley knowing that the people are in the valley, knowing that our plight is the same plight as the people in the valley, knowing that our enemies are on the mountain, to our friends are in the valley, and even though its nice to be on the mountaintop, we're going back to the valley. Because we understand that there's work to be done in the valley, and when we get through with this work in the valley, then we got to go to the mountaintop. We're going to the mountaintop because there's a motherfucker on the mountaintop that's playing King, and he's been bullshitting us. And weve got to go up on the mountain top not for the purpose of living his life style and living like he lives. We've got to go up on the mountain top to make this motherfucker understand, goddamnit, that we are coming from the valley!

>> No.7322633

i mean "the academy" as a disparaging term

>> No.7322646
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Fred Hampton def understood that the goal is not to reverse the polarity of oppression but the eradication of oppressive thought processes period. I love his speeches as well.

As a barb at your own banking method education?

I will, thanks.

>> No.7322650
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In fact that speech you linked is included in this collection.

>> No.7322659



yeah, you

"social darwinism"

>> No.7322663

thanks /leftypol/

>> No.7322664

>your own banking method education?

i don't understand. i was a student. i disparage the academy more for its esoteric nature than anything else. its also an arm of the state.

>> No.7322672

>How Europe Underdeveloped Africa



>> No.7322691

This movie taught me everything i ever need to know about africa

>> No.7322694
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kek, that place ain't worth the effort
S'wat I thought. That it is.

>> No.7322728
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The description got a good chuckle out of me, that kind of ignorance is hilarious.

>> No.7322736

I agree but the description does not really have that much to do with the movie desu

>> No.7322740

>Radical, Revolutionary

>> No.7322772

shhh let the nigs feel smart

>> No.7322781

I don't understand, are you confused by the terms?

>> No.7322786
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>black """""""people"""""""

>> No.7322804
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>objecting to history because it's not going your way at the moment
LMAO the only reason anyone lives anywhere, anyhow is the eternal ebb and flow of power. I can at least respect the militants who say they are defending themselves like men, because often they are, but fighting a geist like "colonialism" is just identity-politics coalition-building and anything that treats it like a coherent idea is propaganda written in bad faith.

>> No.7322822

this post validates my beliefs

>> No.7322859


I, too, like to take "revolutionary" stances against archaic ideals.

I'm a beard activist. Fucking shitlords who shave, stop oppressing me with your anti-bearded rhetoric!

>> No.7322886

Much as you shitters go full pol pot whenever you get power, I would recommend this excellent leftist history of atlantic sea fairing.

Rediker, Marcus, and Peter Linebaugh. The Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic. Boston: Beacon, 2001.

Explores the multicultural, multiracial, free and unfree working class of the Anglo-Atlantic. Examines how these laborers responded to the development of capitalism and modern society and how, throughout the Atlantic, these laborers created cycles of revolt.


>> No.7322888

I've never met a functioning adult who identifies as a "revolutionary" or spokesman for the proletariat. Is this because of western Imperialism?

>> No.7322904


Because all the young revolutionaries are sipping espresso making radical posts on ipads, and the old revolutionaries are tending vineyards in upstate new york, becoming irrelevant. There are of course the professors who cling to 60s and 70s radicalism, but they are not capable or ready to handle the post-structuralists tumblr/slactivist/revolutionaries making retarded arguments, so they just keep it quiet and teach their intro to western civ classes. They have effectively disgraced themselves in all ways, and have become either hypocrites or have left the circles of power. Naturally this does not count for Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, or Eastern Europeans who are gleefully "revolutionary" until they have to cash the checks at the end of the day.

>> No.7322938
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>comes with a link

Thanks senpai
The effects of colonialism are still very much visible, including neo-colonialism.
You might need to expand your horizons, I know quite a few.

>> No.7322947

a new generation of non-elite radicals will soon come forward as wages continue to stagnate, unemployment becomes even more endemic and social mobility continues to be nonexistent. for the last several decades the left suffered from the fact that intelligent people had a lot of opportunity for upward mobility, but now that is going away.

>> No.7322963
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Its best to ignore 4-year bourgeois revolutionaries who can cop out at any moment and claim allegiance with the struggle but are not willing to live and work with the people they claim to support. Who are not willing to engage in dialogical analysis with the people.

>> No.7322964

>a new generation of non-elite radicals will soon come forward
Yes, except they're going to be some breed of far right nationalist.

>> No.7322974

there will be a lot more diversity among young radical minded people, that is for sure. i predict a large contingent of right-wing nationalists and, thank god, a decent contingent of anti-identity politic leftists.

>> No.7322980
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>wanting to live with poors and nigs
I can't believe an intelligent person would want to do this ever. If a new left comes around, they're just going to be doing it so they can have some upward mobility and leave the knuckle-draggers they got trapped with in the dirt where they belong (pro-tip, this is what most revolutionaries really want to do).

This, because hierarchy is comfy if you're smart enough to have any say in it.

>> No.7323005
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>> No.7323008

there is no legitimate revolutionary sentiment within the left and no amount of passive aggressive tweets will change that

>> No.7323014

thanks, these books will really go well with my tumblr blog and blue hair dye

>> No.7323020
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Thats because the new left is composed of people who have a somewhat stake in the status quo. You're correct, no revolution will evolve out of the sectarian left because they believe that progressiveness is a predestination, while for the sectarian right they believe in the falsehood of permanence of the status quo of the past. Only the organization of the lumpen-proletariat and some working class have any potential for true revolutionary sentiment and that is a very difficult thing.

>> No.7323032
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Why stay in an echo chamber of thought anon?

>> No.7323038


>> No.7323043

I doubt this will happen at all. the capitalists are much too good at this now. the ideological state apparatus is much more malleable than even althusser or gramsci figured. We're even less than one-dimensional men at this point.

They'll figure out a new bone to throw the proletariate, it will probably be related to improved technology. Hell, memes already reproduce capitalism as we sit in the lunch room and laugh at them on our iphones at 7am first break.

intelligent people are already finding new ways to not be revolutionary. ie. going NEET/full hedonism on the cheap etc. Making weed legal is like step number one by capital. (as in to reproduce labour the french worker needed his wine, now workers need their memes and weed)

Plus, if the intelligent throw a revolution over not enough upward mobility, that revolution has purely bourgeois goals at the root.

OP's list is depressing, there are so many great works, ideas, and people in it. But it seems like none of it worked for blacks or minorities at all.

>> No.7323044

If you honestly describe yourself as a "revolutionary anti-colonialist" you need to darken the door of a fucking therapist. You're either bitter, insecure, attention-seeking, or all three.

Go sit under a tree and read some real philosophy, not shallow minded political shit written by and for pesto intellectuals to stroke your ego and false moral high horse.

>> No.7323051
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What is the appeal of this?

It just seems like ethnic nationalism with a leftist vocabulary to me

>> No.7323053

That's because ethnic nationalism is the one truth, it is what we were created for.

>> No.7323058

it's shit
don't swallow the bullshit concocted by the capitalist class to tear us apart

>> No.7323066

Lets say i agree then why should i read it if im not black?

>> No.7323072
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Maybe to understand where they're coming from, and learn their rhetoric to establish contact.

Their enemy is the same as ours.

>> No.7323077

Leftism is a echo chamber.
You are capitalist class, albeit only a minor one. Things have changed since Marx lived, the distinction isn't black-and-white.

>> No.7323081
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Why should one read about the poor if hes not poor? Why should one read about history if hes not there?

To gain a better understanding of the world he lives in.

The point of this is not ethnic nationalism, even when that is advocated it is a means to an end. Not to switch the polarity of oppression, but to remove oppressors, oppressive systems and oppressive thought processes. Both the oppressed and oppressed are restricted by oppression. The lower caste by restricted freedoms, subjugation and suppression of critical thought and the bourgeois class by having their consciences dampened and having also to restrict their critical thought in order to rationalize the status quo. Only the oppressed can free both groups from oppression.

>> No.7323088

what's the best way to be employed on the 'ultra left' in 2015? Like writing hyper leftist and critical theory stuff like Marcuse or Baudrillard did in 2015? No i dont want to be a union's lawyer, or negotiate cents worth wage increases or be filing paperwork.

>> No.7323092

Black people =/= poor people
Being black =/= being poor

>> No.7323095

Chop your dick off and care a lot about video games

>> No.7323096

i don't own any capital... therefore...

>> No.7323098

I wish I knew where you were getting these implications.

Either way it is definitely more likely for black to equal poor than it is white, and have less opportunity to succeed on the illusory ladder of capitalism

>> No.7323113

Yep, but racism adapted well to the post-civil rights movement almost instantly. Color-blind racism came on the scene and BOOM. Now you can practice oppression and appear to have no racial aspect. All that thought went to waste.

>> No.7323114
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>mfw this is true
Maybe greenpeace or similar organizations as well
or in my country Sweden you can always work for state television/radio (not a joke desu)

>> No.7323119

>i don't own any capital
But you do.

Even your body is capital.

>> No.7323125

>Not to switch the polarity of oppression
If I knew more than a tiny handful of avowed revolutionaries who genuinely don't just want to stomp on white necks and rape chicks they can't get because they're poor retards, I'd take this more seriously.

In practice, it appears that spiteful losers, no different from spiteful losers of any other era, have latched onto ideas and terminology invented by well-intentioned intellectuals, and have resolved to use it for vengeance.

I am absolutely not giving an inch to those people who want to fuck me up or those who enable them, no matter the good intentions of their intellectual leaders.

>> No.7323135

Its not as if the rage is not justified. But I don't care to convince yt anyway. You benefit from the status quo, why would you want it to end?

>> No.7323138
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yeah dude it's going to be black people leading the revolution

>> No.7323165

>everybody is a capitalist if they aren't a literal slave
go suck a koch dick

>> No.7323169

>You benefit from the status quo, why would you want it to end?
That's what I wonder about well off people who support overturning it. It's literally suicide because you're bored, or hubris where you think you can wrangle the proles well enough to get them not to ruin you. That, or you just want more power than you presently have by leading a revolution, which some would just call power-hunger.

I actually would love to live among equals and not deal with pissing contests and excess, but the hard truth I've observed so far in life is that people aren't equal at all.

You wouldn't believe how many people think that's going to happen.

>> No.7323174

>stating truths means you enjoy those truths
Leftists are ill, bitter people.

>> No.7323181

they are only capitalists in your sick system that even claims the bodies of others as possible targets for appropriation
do you realise how damning this is to your capitalist hellhole?

>> No.7323185

See? Ill and bitter.

>> No.7323188
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>You wouldn't believe how many people think that's going to happen
I hope that sentiment causes it to actually happen. If we could, say get 90% of black males and 50% of black females to 'rebel' than we could get a welcome reduction in their population. We could cite the rebellion as evidence as to why we should control black rights, especially related to fire arms and it'd lower crime's like robbery and homicide dramatically.
One can hope.

>> No.7323194


kill yourself

alternatively, read books and know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.7323199

Not him but
Hey somebody is gonna have to lose the race war and it sure aint white people

>> No.7323200

>if u dont like thing i like u shud die
See? Leftism is an echobox.

>> No.7323203
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>> No.7323207

Even monkeys will pay for sex or labor. Have wicked monkey capitalists trained them all through colonized monkey television and those monkey public schools that train them to work in little monkey economies?

Shh, don't blow our cover.

>> No.7323211

These people literally think the existence of black fetish porn and the NBA guarantees that black people are overall superior to other races.

>> No.7323213

You are one of those monkeys, though.

>> No.7323215

>we are no better than monkeys; it is best to engender situations where people are desperate enough to lend their bodies

>> No.7323218

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.7323219

What do you even mean by that? That I should accept capitalism because I share cognitive structures with those monkeys, or that I should reject it because I need to be really concerned with not resembling monkeys in any way?

Both of those are retarded lines of thinking.

>> No.7323223

communism does the same

>> No.7323225
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>Shh, don't blow our cover.
What cover? Is this whole thread some /b/ or /pol/ raid?
Obviously I'm just exaggerating the numbers of those who would actually fight, but what am I missing? I don't like the majority of blacks that I've met, but they aren't stupid enough to actually try it. pic related is a perfect example of what happens.

>> No.7323227

>i have not read capital or any communist theory of note but have read the "Soviet Union" wikipedia article

>> No.7323230

>implying any of that
The monkeys in those experiments weren't starving. The fundamental problem with leftist proposals are that they assume you can control enough peoples' innate (the innate bits aren't as intense as consumerist conditioning can cause, but they're still there) desire for more and more.

>> No.7323233
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Why does this not belong to /his/?

Oh wait, it's about niggers and marxists. I get it.

>> No.7323234

Are you illiterate? You have already accepted capitalism. You live in its comforts and its excess, you let it embrace you yet spit in its face.

You bitter, sick people are beyond pitiable. Perpetual contrarians and grand hypocrites.

>> No.7323235

I've read some of Capital

>> No.7323238

I enjoy a board being able to have a thread like this without it being shitposted into oblivion
even if i don't agree
dont you?

>> No.7323239

good job

>> No.7323244

It simply is. Nothing to accept about Capital.
There is really even no alternative thinkable

>> No.7323251

Not even a leftist, just trying to define the limits of the implications of those monkey studies. Maybe you're the illiterate.

Basically this. Capital is a very intuitive and manageable system that in the long run may benefit from the threat of revolution, but certainly not the kind proposed by the authors in this thread.

>> No.7323254

Considering your knowing of the Black Radical Tradition reader, you might already be aware of this, but Endnotes (contemporary "left"-Marxist journal) has a general body of thought regarding race that I find particularly informative. Very Marx heavy, but anyone interested in race should really understand concepts like surplus population and primitive accumulation anyways.


The new, yet to be released, issue also has a promising essay on BLM.

I wish a lot radical "minorities" would take up Marx en mass again. Nothing scares porky quite like angry and armed black communists.

>> No.7323255


Me too. That's why I want the same rules applied to New Right books threads as to Marxist threads.

>> No.7323264

Don't project, leftist.

>> No.7323277


>dat reified consciousness

Correction: your labor-power is "capital"--or rather variable capital, a particular moment/aspect of the total process that is capital.

Capital isn't a thing, it's a process wherein it valorizes itself through a system that extracts surplus value from labor. It doesn't even matter if you're a capitalist or consider yourself to be a "capitalist". Capital is a profoundly automatic, unconscious process.

>> No.7323280

this is the case as long as niggers don't flood it with /pol/ bullshit

>> No.7323324

19.7 milion white americans are poor whereas 10.8 milion black americans live in poverty (2014).

It is defnitely more likely to meet a poor white person than to meet a poor black person, statistically speaking.

Illusory ladder of capitalism or not, that you're focusing on one race over another when talking about class struggle seems hypocritical.

Poor people are poor regardless of skin color, white people don't have any more privilege than black people in regards to applying to universities, jobs etc. especially with affirmative action being a thing.

>> No.7323334

They treat black people like abused pets because they truly don't believe they can help themselves and need a benevolent master. In their eyes, a poor white person is lower than dirt and should do better, which is a hilarious parody of a right-wing position.

>> No.7323340

>There is really even no alternative thinkable

wew lad

this is why revolution will never be solved out of the capital/communist deadlock.

change will only come from some scientific breakthrough that makes some sort of equality tenable.

Of the ideological options the world has right now its either: communist socializing, through the combination of authoritarian Asian values with semi-capitalist economics; continuing liberal capitalist democracy's spread around the world, which will be most likely until some sort of major interrupt occurs like global warming or some other inability to propel the system; or some no-nationalistic resurrection that somehow gets around the boogeyman fascism has been concocted to be.

Of the three options nationalism is the least likely despite currently having killed the least people, it did do so in such a spectacular fashion that most people will resist such ideology wherever it is.

The political dialectic is headed in the direction of combining capitalist economy with communist authoritarian control in Asian countries

However there might not be enough time for this to resolve itself as it has always in history.

>> No.7323735
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You should check out the afro-pessimists

>> No.7323955

Is this correct?

How about
If it's inaccessible BY the poor.....
Can i say that?

>> No.7324008

Which one of these books is actually worth reading and actually tries to convince the reader through well-thought arguments? Because I don't feel like wasting my time with radicals that will distort history and desperately try to prove they are right by rhetoric and the like. And by this I don't mean to say radical leftists are bad but the majority of radicals usually.

>> No.7324143

lmao you're incredibly wrong on that so hard it hurts.

People with "black sounding" names get less application responses.

A white male with a conviction has a 5% higher chance to be hired than a black male with no conviction.

White females are the number one beneficiary of affirmative action.

Lmao you're just a person who believes whatever he wants about the world to continue benefiting from the status quo so he never has to face its costs.

>> No.7324151

>Huey P. Newton

Amazing this guy is still beloved considering he was a degenerate druggie and murdered a prostitute. I used to troll feminists on twitter who mentioned him and once someone told me it was all lies

>> No.7324162


>> No.7324171
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Sorry but Black "women" are obsolete now, even black gentlemen agree. Smack your lips somewhere else

>> No.7324178

The history of an oppressed people will never be accurately recorded by their oppressors. All of those books are fantastic.

>> No.7324188

They also said that he shot a police officer even though there are tons of holes in that story too. I guess if you believe everything you're told about people who buck the status quo by people who perpetrate it it makes having a lack of discernment easier. Even if those allegations were true that does not detract from his tangible contributions, thought or writings.

>> No.7324209

This is exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Despite the allegations he murdered a vunerable black woman, and then had Black Panter members try to assisinate her friend and witness who was going to testify against him, no one wants to know because it would denigrate his legacy.

Maybe you realise you would find his writings very suspect in consideration of his exploits

>> No.7324218
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Your argument goes both ways, though. Why would the history of oppressed people be accurately portrayed by themselves? What's the guarantee that they won't distort history to make themselves look like they got it worse than it actually happened, or that the consequences were much more drastic than they were? Both sides are likely to distort whatever happened. You may not be aware but there's dozens of japanese books crying about how americans dominated and humiliated their country. Do you really think they're concerned with the truth? I see no reason to not follow the same line of thought for radical leftists.
>All of those books are fantastic.
I'm sure many right wingers think the same about most books (politically, that is) in pic related, too.

>> No.7324221
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Maybe you are just too limited to separate the message from the messenger. And clearly ignorant of the climate of railroading and attempts to besmirch the leadership of the black panther party, or the kangaroo courts that were prevalent. But you've only heard one side of the story and you're afraid to read the other because you might realize the things you believe to keep living as you do are built on a lie. COINTELPRO alone worked constantly to undermine, frame members and cause fatal misunderstandings between the party members. Intercepted messages and forged letters. They even caused the expulsion of the Panther 21. Your view of the world is incredibly warped, and you get all of your information not from the people that lived it, but from the people who have a vested interest in suppressing the truth and disparaging the people involved in it.
Yes, well thats why you read both sides of the story and use your discernment to determine the truth. Especially when the oppressor group has a vested interest in not telling the truth. An oppressive society will not give you the tools to dismantle it. It is predicated on continued ignorance and mistrust.

>> No.7324224
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>his tangible contributions, thought or writings
>Wrote a 40 page book called "The Genius of Huey P Newton"


>> No.7324230
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>>>his tangible contributions, thought or
He also lived in a $650 apartment for a period of time for security reasons, called himself the "Supreme Commander" and then the even more obnoxious "Supreme Servant".

I am not saying that he was above hubris, or fallacy. I am saying to use some fucking discernment and know when you have very high likelihood of being fed dogshit because its in the interest of the people telling you to distort the truth.

If you don't care just say so, you have a vested interest in the status quo, it is no surprise to me that so many white people resist the imputation of a lack of completeness of their knowledge to keep their critical thought only at a certain level. But we're all in the same boat and its sinking, don't fall for the illusion of security because one end of the boat is submerging first.

>> No.7324238
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this dream you have will never come true

>> No.7324247

>Maybe you are just too limited to separate the message from the messenger.

Except that idiom is commonly attributed to those who are not responsible for forging the message itself. You think Newtons thoughts that you venerate are not influenced by his less tasteful exploits? Sounds like compartmentalizing to me, Stalin wrote some pretty utopian and egalitarian stuff aswell, yet his terror was responsible for the death of millions and the genocide of Chechens - should we accept his work uncritcally then aswell?

>but from the people who have a vested interest in suppressing the truth and disparaging the people involved in it.
Like the young black woman too afraid to testify against Newton because he tried to have her silenced? Obviously we know what you really mean when you say "oppressed"

>> No.7324254

All these "less tasteful" exploits are accusations, not facts. He was acquitted twice of the murder of Kathleen Smith. And after the frame job to get him convicting of murder Frey failed they wanted to get him on something else, and that didn't work either.

But you have no interest into reading the other side of the story, only to hold on to the worldview you have left. I won't waste any more time.

>> No.7324255

I think your cause is shit, and will tend to vote on anything that reduces my tax bracket (why cant black power be tax regressive ever?), but I have actually worked in firms (plural) in NYC where I was taken on business lunches and explicitly told to remove all black sounding resumes, or resumes from predominantly black areas with extremely anglo names (James Black). Ive also fired people for "bad attitude" when the real reason was "they sounded too ethnic", and been in business meetings where the response to customer engagement metrics in the negative was "fuckin' niggers"

the firms and bosses in question were all jewish

>> No.7324265

I think it's funny that the government went to a lot of effort to sabotage black movements
they do it themselves lol you don't need to waste money on it

>> No.7324269
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>tax regressive
Render Unto Caesar you capitalist shill. If the wealthy want to benefit off the labor of others then they can pay taxes so we can actually take care of shit that needs fixing, or I guess we're gonna continue to ignore our crumbling infrastructure, horrifically underfunded schools and libraries and try to take even a larger percentage from those who already are just trying to make ends meet.

Damn you got some serious cognitive dissonance if you've seen all that and still can't realize the implications of it.

>> No.7324272

And you've shown yourself to be more concerned with defending Newtons legacy than you are with who murdered Kathleen Smith. Why else would you ignore a black woman testifying against Newton, Crystal Gray, who was almost murdered by the Black Panters.

Where have you considered the plight of the very people Newton claimed to protect? Also considering you ignored the Stalin example, I'm guessing you think it's fine to read his utopian work too without a pinch of salt as to the Reality of Stalin's thoughts and actions

>> No.7324274

Im already paying 33% nigga(er?)

Enjoy stagnation without the elite and corporations demanding service and goods.

>> No.7324292

Luckily, I don't feel the need to validate my concern for the oppressed to white bourgeois.
Yep, because paying taxes means people that are already wealthy capitalist are gonna stop creating industry. I bet you think trickle down economics works too.

>> No.7324295
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Is Deray McKesson a radical or a shill for Shillary?

>> No.7324300

lol I think it's likely you are more bourgeois than me

>> No.7324306

>Luckily, I don't feel the need to validate my concern for the oppressed to white bourgeois.
Or to black women like Kathleen Smith or Crystal Grey neither

>> No.7324324

Deray is a good guy, c'mon.

>> No.7324336

>a good guy
>Teaches "in defesne of looting" at Yale

Don't be surprised when its revealed he contributed to the Shillary campaign

>> No.7324480


I agree with what you said.

>> No.7324530

The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism
The Liberal Virus

all by Samir Amin

>> No.7324625

This thread is yet further proof that whites suffer from oppression in the form of a retardation of conscience and a dearth of critical thought.

>> No.7324639

>>You benefit from the status quo, why would you want it to end?

for the same reason a poor person supports a status quo that leaves him and people like him in the shitter: ideology and a belief that said ideology is the best one for all parties involved

>> No.7324645

Which justifies all the violence :^)

Oppressing is a reasonable response to being taught to be an oppressor.

>> No.7324662

ideology is a political instrument, not an exercise in personal logic.
It explains, understanding that increases our understanding, but it justifies nothing, just prevents us from becoming arbitrarily sectarian.

>> No.7324706

I thought /his/ was suppose to get rid of /pol/ bait and christposting?

>> No.7324708

>We can only talk and share literature that won't upset right wing racists.


>> No.7324739

>not an exercise in personal logic

if you think ideology doesn't permeate most every decision a person in a developed society takes, idk what to tell you man

>> No.7324743

I am aware that it does, especially in our society. But that doesn't change what ideology is, you should watch The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, good shit. Racism without Racists talks a good bit about Ideology as well.

>> No.7324748

i will, but then if it's not ideology that motivates people to vote against their interests, what does?

>> No.7324755

No, I'm agreeing with you, you are correct.

Its ideology that makes people think voting in an Oligarchical Hegemony is an effective form of action anyway. But ideology is a political instrument and its important to understand who is wielding it.

>> No.7324757

Not upset, it's just that you are structuring your posts in a certain way that will ensure replies, aka baiting.

Bye friend

>> No.7324775

It's rather laughable that this is the best reason the left has as to why I should support their cause.

>> No.7324882

Oh wow, we lost the support of Anonymous! Whatever shall we do?

>> No.7324914

If the last three-hundred years have been any indication, you will continue to eat off capitalism while complaining the entire time and fantasizing about a revolution that will never come

>> No.7324919

Are you aware that you're a hypocrite? Just curious. I understand that you probably experience a lot of willful ignorance, so you genuinely might not realize you're a hypocrite

>> No.7324927

I don't know. Formulate an argument that consists of more than meaningless buzzwords?

>> No.7324931

You know being a hypocrite does not make you wrong right?

You say that like it means something on its own.

>> No.7324932

This thread is racist toward whites and off-topic.

>> No.7324941

Isn't racism a good thing and natural? Shouldn't we encourage it so that there's a nation for every race?

>> No.7324975
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It means that you're a poor thinker, a blatant liar, and pretentious. Basically, you're scum, and you shouldn't share your opinions with anybody because they're probably neither genuine nor accurate.

My solution for you to fix your problem is to lay off the sanctimonious agitprop and try reading some literature (the topic of this board). You might actually learn something

>> No.7325021

>I'm gonna ignore the fact southern slavery only ended 150 years ago after lasting for 250 years, northern slavery several years after that and then all of the institutional racism designed to suppress black people after that including but not limited to black codes, Jim crow, housing discrimination, medical apartheid, and the prison industrial complex.

>> No.7325023

I'm not here to say what's good, but something should not be encouraged just because it's natural.

Tribalism, especially that of this sort, could do a great deal of harm, so it may be better to discourage it.

>> No.7325093

>If the last three-hundred years have been any indication

But capitalism wasn't the reigning system back then silly.

>> No.7325114
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>start at a higher level than everyone else
>get mad when others try to level the playing field because they lose privilege

White tears are hilarious

Loss of privilege is not oppression, your human rights being denied however, are.

>> No.7325128

>human rights

Being this spooked.

>> No.7325188
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Our "higher level" is thanks to natural superiority. Theoretically the mud people should seek a meritocracy rather than hand outs, but since mud people usually do not have merit (which require hard work and inherent intellectual ability), hand outs are preferred

>> No.7325287

>Radical, Revolutionary, Anti-Colonialist
one of these does not belong

>> No.7325288

desu lad if the natural superiority angle were true, whites would be subjects to asians

>> No.7325475

>ignoring the fact that the IQ recorded difference is not influenced by societal factors, education quality and literacy rate, especially literacy rate.

Lmao such a trash basis for "superiority" You've probably never even takin an IQ test yourself.

>> No.7325521
File: 26 KB, 245x240, ss+(2015-06-12+at+09.01.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire phenotype is made of recessive genes
>population continues to recede to nothingness
>no melanin resulting in basically being allergic to the sun
>not even the best natural athletes

What is the basis for your perceived superiority lol, IQ tests despite the skew of them? There is a very good chance with increased globalization that white people won't even exist in a few centuries, putting yourself value in arbitrarily and erroneous superiority is an extremely bad idea. White people aren't even 100% homo sapien with all that homo erectus DNA...

>> No.7325563

The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual by Harold Cruse.
NYRB republished it, and that is certainly a quality stamp. Also has a great title.

>> No.7325571


Good falseflag desu

>> No.7325572

Por lo q lei en esto quiere de ir q no sabes ..... Bueno cada uno en la suya yo planto mariguana en .i casa y de eso vivió ...... A mis amigos se las regalo .... Mi hermana de 18 se la cone hasta el mas imbécil ... A mi me la chupa
Pero no anda diciendo todo por ahí ...

Jajajaja re lokito nada q ver xD

>> No.7325728
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>the water comes from an infinitely refillable pitcher
Come on now, you have to be trolling me. Have a kid

You don't even have to demonstrate the superiority is natural or innate. Right of conquest is how business has been done since time out of mind, and now that the conquering group doesn't keep its boot on the necks of the conquered quite so hard, people think they can just complain their way out of being poor.

>recessive genes must be bad
>being smart enough to plan for the future means you're going extinct
>needing to go out in the sun/not being able to afford a shirt and hat
>athletics mattering when your culture shits out magic-tier technology at an ever-increasing rate
Nice try.

>> No.7325736
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>>needing to go out in the sun/not being able to afford a shirt and hat

I fucking lost it here, omfg
9/10 post, bretty gud troll post /pol/

>> No.7325741

Please go back to /his/. :3

>> No.7325803

>Come on now, you have to be trolling me. Have a kid

money does come from an infinite source. the only limit is the hard productive capacity of the economy which is denominated in the money.

>> No.7325822

The water is less "money" than it is money, opportunity and egalitarian endeavors.

>> No.7325899

Try some Galeano's works.

The open veins of latin america is great.

>> No.7325912

Thanks, definitely going on my list

>> No.7325922

also you may like the black jacobines.

>> No.7325933


Great book.

>> No.7325944

Damn I'm def gonna cop, Louverture is already interesting as it is.

>> No.7325967

Just read CLR James' Toussaint Loverature for a college course, shit was pretty cash.

>> No.7326165

you're a walking stereotype
privilege is earned

>> No.7326181

we had a chance to send these threads to /his/ or /pol/ but you people ruined it.