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7320236 No.7320236 [Reply] [Original]

Why is all postmodern philosophy more social theory than anything else?

>> No.7320240

Because postmodern philosophy and continental philosophy as a whole isn't real philosophy anymore. That's what the analytics are for

>> No.7320241
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>> No.7320252

Because you don't exist by yourself. You only exist in relation to other people and to your environment. Hence, the social part of social theory.

>> No.7320260

>You only exist in relation to other people and to your environment

Fuck you my fear is mine and you can't have it

>> No.7320286

Because social theory allows more bullshit, it's very easy to create a social theory that fits your agenda and call it as the truth. It's rigorless.

Can you imagine physics with a postmodern mentality?

>Well, what if quark doesn't want to be a subatomic particle? I find this current hierarchy of matter too opressive for certain elements.

>> No.7320315

Because postmodernism is untenable and has nothing interesting to say. Therefore it is a predicate of its own presupposed validity and it don't give a fuck

>> No.7320329

Because metaphysics is dead thanks to science.

So we are left with ethics, aesthetics, politics and epistemology.
Which are essentially the foundation of social science.

Also social theory is a real world application of philosophy.

>> No.7320330

Confirmed for non understanding / not having read any post structuralists or critical theorists.

Everything is about historical evidence and there is plenty of both laboratory and library research.

>> No.7320338
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logic is not philosophy

>> No.7320339

You know nothing about postmodernism nor the state of philosophy in general then

>> No.7320340

This is the result of the detrimental divide between what is now philosophy [which splits into analytic supposedly close to science and continental/phenomenology which is posited to be far form science] and what is now physics [which splits into theoretical physics and experimental physics]
This is why the rationalism-realism is the default stance wherein the students leaving the university have faith. These students hardly question this faith until late in their careers, and, for the few who question their stances, generally, when they reconsider, it goes either into scepticism, or into pathetic chatting on fields such as philosophy and theology that they do not master at all, especially when they go in the entertainment industry in doing conferences, selling books and documentaries...
the same applies to biology thanks to the trendy mechanism [not theory] of the evolution. Many do not reflect on what they say and happily claim that, for instance, we are on earth to spread our genes.

the divide is about reason/imagination and practise. Since the antiquity, the philosophy is the activity of the philosophers, those who are not sage, but those who love the sophia in starting to wonder, in ontology, “why the things are such they are?”, and certainly more important, those who practise the sophia via the praxis. From the greek perspectives, the philosophy is the activity which is the ethos, to live the good life, as we go along our exploration of the truths, from the logic, of the knowledge, through the episteme, typically, throughout the reflexivity, once we have perceived our belonging to the world.

>> No.7320342
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>> No.7320344

I have my own definition of metaphysics.
Suck it nigguh.

>> No.7320350

uhh what would that be and what do you think the classic definition is?

>> No.7320358

Because everyone agrees on materialism and scientism so that's the only part left of philosophy's former territory.

>> No.7320360

What is your point? Science and empiricism in general are anathema to postmodern thought

>> No.7320521 [DELETED] 

Why are you speaking of philosophy in abstract msans and not about a book?

This is bannable

>> No.7321055

Except it is

>> No.7321057

Why did you post this here?


>> No.7321059

Because God is kill.
>Because metaphysics is dead thanks to science.
Not really, more like it was just arbitrarily decided in the 19th century that metaphysics were over.

>> No.7321428

point is that popular perception of the intellectual terrain has significant lag. postmodernism is something you read about all the time in surface-level publications, but hasn't been a significant or unified intellectual movement for quite a bit.

If you want some useless cutting-edge bullshit, look into object-oriented ontology

>> No.7321668

it's new materialism now bruh

>> No.7321692

Do Marxists or whatever they are called now really believe people can be divided up into these groups of proletariat / bourgeoisie etc?

>> No.7321746

There are no traditional marxists left in Academia. Frankfrut school admitted that the entire proletairat/bourgeoisie is a stupid concept. Post-structuralist philosophers also ruined Karl Marx worship forever by showing we can never know the true intention of an author. So even the left admits that Marx is dead.

Marxism as Karl Marx envisioned it is no more, save for a handful of college kids and teenagers who will never take his ideas beyond buying a t-shirt and complaining on twitter.

>> No.7321855

But they can, since bourgeoisie refers to the owners of the means and production and proletariat to the non-owners. You will always fit in one of these two categories.

>> No.7321862

because post-structuralists were obsessed with society

>> No.7321863

>axis not named
>just random fucking numbers
Is this guy trying to look like Matt Damon saying he's gonna "science the shit out of this"? Because it's failing.

>> No.7321879

>he doesn't have the patrician trait of ascended common sense

lmao bang your head on a moving train you wet wipe

>> No.7321887

What if you're part of some tech company where everyone is co-owners and cooperatively works together on whatever product they're making?

>> No.7321902

So if I buy a single share I suddenly change from proletariat to bourgeoisie? Even if the share is worth a nominal amount? Owning a single penny of stock changes everything?
You can't possibly think this. No intelligent person can.

>> No.7321909


>> No.7321918

Their workers and co ops are socialist concepts :^).

>> No.7321921


>> No.7321922

no, proles and bourgies and social categories, not individual ones. their ontology is social, not personal.

Also as social categories they were used to describe Europe in the mid 1800's, when they were relatively useful. Nowadays class is different, and you have a massive bureaucratic class that can't really fit easily into the old categories.

>> No.7321935

Have you forgotten about the concept of petit-bourgouis. And unless you can sustain yourself through stocks you are not bourgeoise.

>> No.7321959

If the company isn't dependent on outside investment or capital, then its members are capitalists or petty bourgeoise depending on their income level.

>> No.7321962

> Nowadays class is different
Sure thing, third class sociologists. Back that up with something first, though?

>> No.7321966

there is no such thing as postmodernism

>> No.7322077

Bertrand. An Englishman. Lol

>> No.7322119

Because continental philosophy is a 'festival of anti-realism.' From there you can only start from the self or Being, which exists firstly and primarily as a social relation to Others and Big Others.

t. braver

>> No.7322143

Stock owners don't actually own anything unless they own >50%

>> No.7322146

back to reading the greeks you go

>> No.7322149
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>> No.7322266
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That's distributism

>> No.7322292


>> No.7322302

is that jean luc godard?

>> No.7322309

that guy is a great lecturer but i feel like he just shits on pomos without really giving them a fair hearing

>> No.7322316

Of course. It clearly says so in the url

>> No.7322951

>the same applies to biology thanks to the trendy mechanism [not theory] of the evolution. Many do not reflect on what they say and happily claim that, for instance, we are on earth to spread our genes.


>> No.7322965

So if my name is William Gates III and I own 36.3% of Microsoft, I'm not bourgeois?

>> No.7323141


The hyper-rationalists are making a go at reviving accelerationism.

>OOO outlining ethical discourse with contextual environment

step it up

>> No.7323148

I wish those thinkers would learn to explain concepts more clearly. I'm fascinated by it, but I've been too spoiled by the computer science world to have the patience for all that muddy, associative speculation.

>> No.7323175

> The hyper-rationalists are making a go at reviving accelerationism



>> No.7323286

Because of the Theses on Feuerbach.

The time for speculation concerning the thing-in-itself is over. Man has become conscious of the fact that the world in which he thinks and acts, in which he is constituted is a product of social, sensuous human activity.

>> No.7324444


>> No.7324461

He looks a lot like Michel Fuckall though.

>> No.7325928
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>mfw the armchair marxists try to shit up a thread with pseudo-marxist claptrap

>> No.7326132

this. don't know how this thread is still up

>> No.7326145

Post reading recommendations to get aquainted with OOO, or other bleeding-edge bullshit

>> No.7326164
